29 research outputs found

    The landscape ecology of bees visiting squash in a heavily forested temperate region

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    There is increasing interest to understand how to conserve bees that pollinate crops. My research examined local and landscape-scale effects on the diversity and abundance of bees visiting yellow squash and zucchini flowers in the piedmont of North Carolina. Explanatory models were constructed using variables related to field-level floral resources, landscape composition, and landscape configuration. Bee diversity, measured as species richness, was positively correlated with the abundance of flowers in a field and the clumpiness of wooded land and was negatively correlated with proportion of developed area around a field. The abundance of bees visiting zucchini, measured as visitation rate, was negatively correlated with the proportion of wooded land around a field, but no models could explain variation in visitation rate for yellow squash. This research demonstrates that efforts to conserve bee diversity need to consider the importance of land-management decisions made within a field and across a landscape

    Major central nervous system complications after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: A large retrospective study on 888 consecutive adult patients.

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    AbstractObjectivesMajor complications affecting the central nervous system (CNS) present a challenge after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo‐SCT).MethodsIncidence, risk factors, and outcome were retrospectively analyzed in 888 patients in a monocentric study.ResultsCumulative incidence (CI) of major CNS complications at 1 year was 14.8% (95%CI 12.3%‐17.2%). Median follow‐up is 11 months. CNS complications were documented in 132 patients: in 36 cases, classified metabolic; 26, drug‐related neurotoxicity (14 attributed to cyclosporine A, 4 to antilymphocyte globulin); 11, cerebrovascular (ischemic n = 8, bleeding n = 3); 9, infections; 9, psychiatric; and 9, malignant. The cause of CNS symptoms remained unclear for 37 patients (28%). Multivariate analysis demonstrated an association of CNS complication with patient age (P < .001). The estimated OS of patients with any CNS complication was significantly lower than in patients without neurological complications (P < .001), and the CI of non‐relapse mortality (NRM) was higher for patients with CNS complication (P < .001). A significant negative impact on survival can only be demonstrated for metabolic CNS complications and CNS infections (NRM, P < .0001 and P = .0003, respectively), and relapse (P < .0001).ConclusionCNS complications after allo‐SCT are frequent events with a major contribution to morbidity and mortality. In particular, the situations of unclear neurological complications need to be clarified by intensive research

    Flower-visitor communities of an arcto-alpine plant-Global patterns in species richness, phylogenetic diversity and ecological functioning

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    Pollination is an ecosystem function of global importance. Yet, who visits the flower of specific plants, how the composition of these visitors varies in space and time and how such variation translates into pollination services are hard to establish. The use of DNA barcodes allows us to address ecological patterns involving thousands of taxa that are difficult to identify. To clarify the regional variation in the visitor community of a widespread flower resource, we compared the composition of the arthropod community visiting species in the genus Dryas (mountain avens, family Rosaceae), throughout Arctic and high-alpine areas. At each of 15 sites, we sampled Dryas visitors with 100 sticky flower mimics and identified specimens to Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) using a partial sequence of the mitochondrial COI gene. As a measure of ecosystem functioning, we quantified variation in the seed set of Dryas. To test for an association between phylogenetic and functional diversity, we characterized the structure of local visitor communities with both taxonomic and phylogenetic descriptors. In total, we detected 1,360 different BINs, dominated by Diptera and Hymenoptera. The richness of visitors at each site appeared to be driven by local temperature and precipitation. Phylogeographic structure seemed reflective of geological history and mirrored trans-Arctic patterns detected in plants. Seed set success varied widely among sites, with little variation attributable to pollinator species richness. This pattern suggests idiosyncratic associations, with function dominated by few and potentially different taxa at each site. Taken together, our findings illustrate the role of post-glacial history in the assembly of flower-visitor communities in the Arctic and offer insights for understanding how diversity translates into ecosystem functioning.Peer reviewe

    Genetic architecture of heart mitochondrial proteome influencing cardiac hypertrophy.

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    Mitochondria play an important role in both normal heart function and disease etiology. We report analysis of common genetic variations contributing to mitochondrial and heart functions using an integrative proteomics approach in a panel of inbred mouse strains called the Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel (HMDP). We performed a whole heart proteome study in the HMDP (72 strains, n=2-3 mice) and retrieved 848 mitochondrial proteins (quantified in ≄50 strains). High- resolution association mapping on their relative abundance levels revealed three trans-acting genetic loci on chromosomes (chr) 7, 13 and 17 that regulate distinct classes of mitochondrial proteins as well as cardiac hypertrophy. DAVID enrichment analyses of genes regulated by each of the loci revealed that the chr13 locus was highly enriched for complex-I proteins (24 proteins, P=2.2E-61), the chr17 locus for mitochondrial ribonucleoprotein complex (17 proteins, P=3.1E-25) and the chr7 locus for ubiquinone biosynthesis (3 proteins, P=6.9E-05). Follow-up high resolution regional mapping identified NDUFS4, LRPPRC and COQ7 as the candidate genes for chr13, chr17 and chr7 loci, respectively, and both experimental and statistical analyses supported their causal roles. Furthermore, a large cohort of Diversity Outbred mice was used to corroborate Lrpprc gene as a driver of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-encoded gene regulation, and to show that the chr17 locus is specific to heart. Variations in all three loci were associated with heart mass in at least one of two independent heart stress models, namely, isoproterenol-induced heart failure and diet-induced obesity. These findings suggest that common variations in certain mitochondrial proteins can act in trans to influence tissue-specific mitochondrial functions and contribute to heart hypertrophy, eluci- dating mechanisms that may underlie genetic susceptibility to heart failure in human populations

    Downregulation of RWA genes in hybrid aspen affects xylan acetylation and wood saccharification

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    High acetylation of angiosperm wood hinders its conversion to sugars by glycoside hydrolases, subsequent ethanol fermentation and (hence) its use for biofuel production. We studied the REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION (RWA) gene family of the hardwood model Populus to evaluate its potential for improving saccharification. The family has two clades, AB and CD, containing two genes each. All four genes are expressed in developing wood but only RWA-A and -B are activated by master switches of the secondary cell wall PtNST1 and PtMYB21. Histochemical analysis of promoter:: GUS lines in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x tremuloides) showed activation of RWA-A and -B promoters in the secondary wall formation zone, while RWA-C and -D promoter activity was diffuse. Ectopic downregulation of either clade reduced wood xylan and xyloglucan acetylation. Suppressing both clades simultaneously using the wood-specific promoter reduced wood acetylation by 25% and decreased acetylation at position 2 of Xylp in the dimethyl sulfoxide-extracted xylan. This did not affect plant growth but decreased xylose and increased glucose contents in the noncellulosic monosaccharide fraction, and increased glucose and xylose yields of wood enzymatic hydrolysis without pretreatment. Both RWA clades regulate wood xylan acetylation in aspen and are promising targets to improve wood saccharification.Peer reviewe

    Circum-Arctic distribution of chemical anti-herbivore compounds suggests biome-wide trade-off in defence strategies in Arctic shrubs

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    Spatial variation in plant chemical defence towards herbivores can help us understand variation in herbivore top-down control of shrubs in the Arctic and possibly also shrub responses to global warming. Less defended, non-resinous shrubs could be more influenced by herbivores than more defended, resinous shrubs. However, sparse field measurements limit our current understanding of how much of the circum-Arctic variation in defence compounds is explained by taxa or defence functional groups (resinous/non-resinous). We measured circum-Arctic chemical defence and leaf digestibility in resinous (Betula glandulosa, B. nana ssp. exilis) and non-resinous (B. nana ssp. nana, B. pumila) shrub birches to see how they vary among and within taxa and functional groups. Using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) metabolomic analyses and in vitro leaf digestibility via incubation in cattle rumen fluid, we analysed defence composition and leaf digestibility in 128 samples from 44 tundra locations. We found biogeographical patterns in anti-herbivore defence where mean leaf triterpene concentrations and twig resin gland density were greater in resinous taxa and mean concentrations of condensing tannins were greater in non-resinous taxa. This indicates a biome-wide trade-off between triterpene- or tannin-dominated defences. However, we also found variations in chemical defence composition and resin gland density both within and among functional groups (resinous/non-resinous) and taxa, suggesting these categorisations only partly predict chemical herbivore defence. Complex tannins were the only defence compounds negatively related to in vitro digestibility, identifying this previously neglected tannin group as having a potential key role in birch anti-herbivore defence. We conclude that circum-Arctic variation in birch anti-herbivore defence can be partly derived from biogeographical distributions of birch taxa, although our detailed mapping of plant defence provides more information on this variation and can be used for better predictions of herbivore effects on Arctic vegetation

    Circum-Arctic distribution of chemical anti-herbivore compounds suggests biome-wide trade-off in defence strategies in Arctic shrubs

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    Spatial variation in plant chemical defence towards herbivores can help us understand variation in herbivore top-down control of shrubs in the Arctic and possibly also shrub responses to global warming. Less defended, non-resinous shrubs could be more influenced by herbivores than more defended, resinous shrubs. However, sparse field measurements limit our current understanding of how much of the circum-Arctic variation in defence compounds is explained by taxa or defence functional groups (resinous/non-resinous). We measured circum-Arctic chemical defence and leaf digestibility in resinous (Betula glandulosa, B. nana ssp. exilis) and non-resinous (B. nana ssp. nana, B. pumila) shrub birches to see how they vary among and within taxa and functional groups. Using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) metabolomic analyses and in vitro leaf digestibility via incubation in cattle rumen fluid, we analysed defence composition and leaf digestibility in 128 samples from 44 tundra locations. We found biogeographical patterns in anti-herbivore defence where mean leaf triterpene concentrations and twig resin gland density were greater in resinous taxa and mean concentrations of condensing tannins were greater in non-resinous taxa. This indicates a biome-wide trade-off between triterpene- or tannin-dominated defences. However, we also found variations in chemical defence composition and resin gland density both within and among functional groups (resinous/non-resinous) and taxa, suggesting these categorisations only partly predict chemical herbivore defence. Complex tannins were the only defence compounds negatively related to in vitro digestibility, identifying this previously neglected tannin group as having a potential key role in birch anti-herbivore defence. We conclude that circum-Arctic variation in birch anti-herbivore defence can be partly derived from biogeographical distributions of birch taxa, although our detailed mapping of plant defence provides more information on this variation and can be used for better predictions of herbivore effects on Arctic vegetation.Peer reviewe

    Flower-visitor communities of an arcto-alpine plant — Global patterns in species richness, phylogenetic diversity and ecological functioning

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    Pollination is an ecosystem function of global importance. Yet, who visits the flower of specific plants, how the composition of these visitors varies in space and time and how such variation translates into pollination services are hard to establish. The use of DNA barcodes allows us to address ecological patterns involving thousands of taxa that are difficult to identify. To clarify the regional variation in the visitor community of a widespread flower resource, we compared the composition of the arthropod community visiting species in the genus Dryas (mountain avens, family Rosaceae), throughout Arctic and high‐alpine areas. At each of 15 sites, we sampled Dryas visitors with 100 sticky flower mimics and identified specimens to Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) using a partial sequence of the mitochondrial COI gene. As a measure of ecosystem functioning, we quantified variation in the seed set of Dryas. To test for an association between phylogenetic and functional diversity, we characterized the structure of local visitor communities with both taxonomic and phylogenetic descriptors. In total, we detected 1,360 different BINs, dominated by Diptera and Hymenoptera. The richness of visitors at each site appeared to be driven by local temperature and precipitation. Phylogeographic structure seemed reflective of geological history and mirrored trans‐Arctic patterns detected in plants. Seed set success varied widely among sites, with little variation attributable to pollinator species richness. This pattern suggests idiosyncratic associations, with function dominated by few and potentially different taxa at each site. Taken together, our findings illustrate the role of post‐glacial history in the assembly of flower‐visitor communities in the Arctic and offer insights for understanding how diversity translates into ecosystem functioning.</p

    Parasitoids indicate major climate-induced shifts in arctic communities

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    Climatic impacts are especially pronounced in the Arctic, which as a region is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe. Here, we investigate how mean climatic conditions and rates of climatic change impact parasitoid insect communities in 16 localities across the Arctic. We focus on parasitoids in a widespread habitat,Dryasheathlands, and describe parasitoid community composition in terms of larval host use (i.e., parasitoid use of herbivorous Lepidoptera vs. pollinating Diptera) and functional groups differing in their closeness of host associations (koinobionts vs. idiobionts). Of the latter, we expect idiobionts-as being less fine-tuned to host development-to be generally less tolerant to cold temperatures, since they are confined to attacking hosts pupating and overwintering in relatively exposed locations. To further test our findings, we assess whether similar climatic variables are associated with host abundances in a 22 year time series from Northeast Greenland. We find sites which have experienced a temperature rise in summer while retaining cold winters to be dominated by parasitoids of Lepidoptera, with the reverse being true for the parasitoids of Diptera. The rate of summer temperature rise is further associated with higher levels of herbivory, suggesting higher availability of lepidopteran hosts and changes in ecosystem functioning. We also detect a matching signal over time, as higher summer temperatures, coupled with cold early winter soils, are related to high herbivory by lepidopteran larvae, and to declines in the abundance of dipteran pollinators. Collectively, our results suggest that in parts of the warming Arctic,Dryasis being simultaneously exposed to increased herbivory and reduced pollination. Our findings point to potential drastic and rapid consequences of climate change on multitrophic-level community structure and on ecosystem functioning and highlight the value of collaborative, systematic sampling effort