1,896 research outputs found

    The pseudo-effective cone of a non-K\"ahlerian surface and applications

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    We describe the positive cone and the pseudo-effective cone of a non-K\"ahlerian surface. We use these results for two types of applications: - Describe the set σ(X)\sigma(X) of possible total Ricci scalars associated with Gauduchon metrics of fixed volume 1 on a fixed non-K\"ahhlerian surface, and decide whether the assignment X↦σ(X)X\mapsto\sigma(X) is a deformation invariant. - Study the stability of the canonical extension 0→KX→A→OX→00\to {\cal K}_X\to {\cal A}\to{\cal O}_X\to 0 of a class VII surface XX with positive b2b_2. This extension plays an important role in our strategy to prove the GSS conjecture using gauge theoretical methods.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages; rv: minor correction in the proof of Remark 4.

    A variation formula for the determinant line bundle. Compact subspaces of moduli spaces of stable bundles over class VII surfaces

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    This article deals with two topics: the first, which has a general character, is a variation formula for the the determinant line bundle in non-K\"ahlerian geometry. This formula, which is a consequence of the non-K\"ahlerian version of the Grothendieck-Riemann Roch theorem proved recently by Bismut, gives the variation of the determinant line bundle corresponding to a perturbation of a Fourier-Mukai kernel E{\cal E} on a product B×XB\times X by a unitary flat line bundle on the fiber XX. When this fiber is a complex surface and E{\cal E} is a holomorphic 2-bundle, the result can be interpreted as a Donaldson invariant. The second topic concerns a geometric application of our variation formula, namely we will study compact complex subspaces of the moduli spaces of stable bundles considered in our program for proving existence of curves on minimal class VII surfaces. Such a moduli space comes with a distinguished point a=[A]a=[{\cal A}] corresponding to the canonical extension A{\cal A} of XX. The compact subspaces Y\subset {\cal M}^\st containing this distinguished point play an important role in our program. We will prove a non-existence result: there exists no compact complex subspace of positive dimension Y\subset {\cal M}^\st containing aa with an open neighborhood a∈Ya⊂Ya\in Y_a\subset Y such that Ya∖{a}Y_a\setminus\{a\} consists only of non-filtrable bundles. In other words, within any compact complex subspace of positive dimension Y\subset {\cal M}^\st containing aa, the point aa can be approached by filtrable bundles. Specializing to the case b2=2b_2=2 we obtain a new way to complete the proof of a theorem in a previous article: any minimal class VII surface with b2=2b_2=2 has a cycle of curves. Applications to class VII surfaces with higher b2b_2 will be be discussed in a forthcoming article.Comment: 25 pages. Comments, suggestions are most welcome Revised version: minor correction

    On the torsion of the first direct image of a locally free sheaf

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    Let π:M→B\pi:M\to B be a proper holomorphic submersion between complex manifolds and E{\cal E} a holomorphic bundle on MM. We study and describe explicitly the torsion subsheaf Tors(R1π∗(E))\mathrm{Tors}(R^1\pi_*({\cal E})) of the first direct image R1π∗(E)R^1\pi_*(\mathcal{E}) under the assumption R0π∗(E)=0R^0\pi_*(\mathcal{E})=0. We give two applications of our results. The first concerns the locus of points in the base of a generically versal family of complex surfaces where the family is non-versal. The second application is a vanishing result for H0(Tors(R1π∗(E)))H^0(\mathrm{Tors}(R^1\pi_*(\mathcal{E}))) in a concrete situation related to our program to prove the existence of curves on class VII surfaces.Comment: 27 pages. Comments, remarks, suggestions, bibliographic references are most welcome. Revised version: minor correction
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