55 research outputs found

    Pollutants emission from the automotive transport exemplified in Poland since 1990

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    On the background of statistical data on the dynamic quantitative growth of automotive transport (ATM) that has more than doubled since 1991, temporal changes and a share of gaseous and particulate emissions from this source in total emission have been analyzed. Most of the emissions, of which major ones were NOx, CO, VOC and CHG, were found to decrease substantially due to the stringent environmental policy. Survey of 6 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (6PAHs) along a motorway and a local road displayed high accumulation of benzo[a]pyrene BaP and other PAHs in soil (0-20 cm) and their vertical migration to deeper layers. Concentrations of PAHs in soil, both along a motorway and a local road appeared to exceed MCL in soils of A class (protected areas) and B class (agricultural soils) for one-two orders of magnitude that disqualifies these lands for agricultural use

    Environmental impact of utilizing coal mining waste forroad construction

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    Польша и Украина являются крупнейшими мировыми производителями каменного угля. В среднем на каждую тонну добытого угля образуется приблизительно 0,35 т отходов. Хотя отходы каменноугольной промышленности не принадлежат к опасным отходам, они способны долгое время загрязнять окружающую среду вследствие высокого содержания сульфидов и хлоридов; в то же самое время, они — ценный строительный материал, широко используемый в гражданском строительстве. Из 35,8 Мт отходов, образующихся в Польше ежегодно, примерно 35 Мт, то есть 98 %, использовались как материал в строительных и дорожных работах. В то же время, широкое использование отходов каменноугольной промышленности приводит к загрязнению значительных территорий, а также воды и атмосферного воздуха. Статья посвящена рассмотрению взаимосвязи использования отходов каменноугольной промышленности в дорожном строительстве и качества природных вод, а также профилактическим мероприятиям, направленным на исправление складывающейся экологической ситуации.Польща і Україна є найбільшими світовими виробниками кам'яного вугілля. В середньому на кожну тонну здобутого вугілля утворюється приблизно 0,35 т відходів. Хоча відходи кам'яновугільної промисловості не належать до небезпечних відходів, вони здатні довгий час забруднювати оточуюче середовище внаслідок високого вмісту сульфідів і хлоридів; в той же самий час, вони — цінний будівельний матеріал, що широко використовується в громадському будівництві. З 35,8 Мт відходів, що утворюються в Польщіі щорічно, приблизно 35 Мт, тобто 98 %, використовувалися як матеріал в будівельних і дорожніх роботах. В той же час, широке використання відходів кам'яновугільної промисловості приводить до забруднення значних територій, а також води і атмосферного повітря. Стаття присвячена розгляду взаємозв'язку використовування відходів кам'яновугільної промисловості в дорожньому будівництві і якості природних вод, а також профілактичним заходам, спрямованим на виправлення екологічної ситуації

    Time separation as a hidden variable to the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics

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    The Bohr radius is a space-like separation between the proton and electron in the hydrogen atom. According to the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics, the proton is sitting in the absolute Lorentz frame. If this hydrogen atom is observed from a different Lorentz frame, there is a time-like separation linearly mixed with the Bohr radius. Indeed, the time-separation is one of the essential variables in high-energy hadronic physics where the hadron is a bound state of the quarks, while thoroughly hidden in the present form of quantum mechanics. It will be concluded that this variable is hidden in Feynman's rest of the universe. It is noted first that Feynman's Lorentz-invariant differential equation for the bound-state quarks has a set of solutions which describe all essential features of hadronic physics. These solutions explicitly depend on the time separation between the quarks. This set also forms the mathematical basis for two-mode squeezed states in quantum optics, where both photons are observable, but one of them can be treated a variable hidden in the rest of the universe. The physics of this two-mode state can then be translated into the time-separation variable in the quark model. As in the case of the un-observed photon, the hidden time-separation variable manifests itself as an increase in entropy and uncertainty.Comment: LaTex 10 pages with 5 figure. Invited paper presented at the Conference on Advances in Quantum Theory (Vaxjo, Sweden, June 2010), to be published in one of the AIP Conference Proceedings serie

    Association of respiratory symptoms and lung function with occupation in the multinational Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

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    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been associated with exposures in the workplace. We aimed to assess the association of respiratory symptoms and lung function with occupation in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease study. Methods We analysed cross-sectional data from 28 823 adults (≥40 years) in 34 countries. We considered 11 occupations and grouped them by likelihood of exposure to organic dusts, inorganic dusts and fumes. The association of chronic cough, chronic phlegm, wheeze, dyspnoea, forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)/FVC with occupation was assessed, per study site, using multivariable regression. These estimates were then meta-analysed. Sensitivity analyses explored differences between sexes and gross national income. Results Overall, working in settings with potentially high exposure to dusts or fumes was associated with respiratory symptoms but not lung function differences. The most common occupation was farming. Compared to people not working in any of the 11 considered occupations, those who were farmers for ≥20 years were more likely to have chronic cough (OR 1.52, 95% CI 1.19–1.94), wheeze (OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.16–1.63) and dyspnoea (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.53–2.20), but not lower FVC (β=0.02 L, 95% CI −0.02–0.06 L) or lower FEV1/FVC (β=0.04%, 95% CI −0.49–0.58%). Some findings differed by sex and gross national income. Conclusion At a population level, the occupational exposures considered in this study do not appear to be major determinants of differences in lung function, although they are associated with more respiratory symptoms. Because not all work settings were included in this study, respiratory surveillance should still be encouraged among high-risk dusty and fume job workers, especially in low- and middle-income countries.publishedVersio

    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    The enormous quantity of food wastes discarded annually force to look for alternatives for this interesting feedstock. Thus, food bio-waste valorisation is one of the imperatives of the nowadays society. This review is the most comprehensive overview of currently existing technologies and processes in this field. It tackles classical and innovative physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods of food waste pre-treatment and extraction for recovery of added value compounds and detection by modern technologies and are an outcome of the COST Action EUBIS, TD1203 Food Waste Valorisation for Sustainable Chemicals, Materials and Fuels

    Cohort Profile: Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

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    The Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study was established to assess the prevalence of chronic airflow obstruction, a key characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and its risk factors in adults (≥40 years) from general populations across the world. The baseline study was conducted between 2003 and 2016, in 41 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean and Oceania, and collected high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry from 28 828 participants. The follow-up study was conducted between 2019 and 2021, in 18 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. At baseline, there were in these sites 12 502 participants with high-quality spirometry. A total of 6452 were followed up, with 5936 completing the study core questionnaire. Of these, 4044 also provided high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry. On both occasions, the core questionnaire covered information on respiratory symptoms, doctor diagnoses, health care use, medication use and ealth status, as well as potential risk factors. Information on occupation, environmental exposures and diet was also collected

    Alteration of ground- and surface water quality resulted from the contact of infiltration and flood waters with the embankment made of re-disposed coal mining wastes

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    Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego artykułu jest wpływ obiektów wykonanych z odpadów górnictwa węgla kamiennego na wody podziemne i powierzchniowe w rejonie ich lokalizacji. Migrację zanieczyszczeń z konstrukcji wykonywanych z odpadów skał karbońskich rozpatrzono na przykładzie nasypu hydrotechnicznego w ramach budowy przeciwpowodziowego polderu Buków dla rzeki Odry. Badania w ramach sieci lokalnego monitoringu wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych pozwoliły zaobserwować zmiany jakości wód w obrębie rozpatrywanej budowli inżynieryjnej. Nasypy hydrotechniczne wykonane z materiału redeponowanego wykazały silnie ujemne oddziaływanie na wody podziemne i powierzchniowe, zasadniczo z uwagi na dwa główne składniki: siarczany i chlorki, oraz żelazo i mangan - produkty rozkładu siarczków, co jest charakterystyczną cechą odpadów skał karbońskich GZW, w szczególności słabo zbuforowanych i ulegających silnemu zakwaszeniu.An impact of civil engineering constructions made of coal mining wastes on ground- and surface waters in their vicinity was exemplified in the embankment of the Bukow flood polder at the Odra River. Observations of water status alterations in the area within the local ground- and surface water monitoring network proved that the embankments constructed of re-disposed material exerted s strong adverse impact on the ground and surface water quality, mostly due to release of two major constituents that are sulfates and to the lesser extent chlorides, as well as of iron and manganese ions being products of sulfide decomposition

    ICP-MS jako narzędzie do oceny oddziaływania na środowisko odpadów i wycieków

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    W artykule przedstawiono fragment wyników, dotyczących zawartości pierwiastków potencjalnie toksycznych PTP (Fe, Mn, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) w wyciekach z kolumn wypełnionych odpadami powęglowymi. Zastosowanie techniki spektrometrii mas ze wzbudzeniem w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej (ICP-MS) pozwoliło na przeprowadzanie analizy badanego materiału z wyeliminowaniem niedogodności i ograniczeń spowodowanych występowaniem złożonej matrycy