700 research outputs found

    Distinguishing Land Change from Natural Variability and Uncertainty in Central Mexico with MODIS EVI, TRMM Precipitation, and MODIS LST Data

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    Precipitation and temperature enact variable influences on vegetation, impacting the type and condition of land cover, as well as the assessment of change over broad landscapes. Separating the influence of vegetative variability independent and discrete land cover change remains a major challenge to landscape change assessments. The heterogeneous Lerma-Chapala-Santiago watershed of central Mexico exemplifies both natural and anthropogenic forces enacting variability and change on the landscape. This study employed a time series of Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) composites from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectoradiometer (MODIS) for 2001–2007 and per-pixel multiple linear regressions in order to model changes in EVI as a function of precipitation, temperature, and elevation. Over the seven-year period, 59.1% of the variability in EVI was explained by variability in the independent variables, with highest model performance among changing and heterogeneous land cover types, while intact forest cover demonstrated the greatest resistance to changes in temperature and precipitation. Model results were compared to an independent change uncertainty assessment, and selected regional samples of change confusion and natural variability give insight to common problems afflicting land change analyses

    Ecosystem services from converted land: the importance of tree cover in Amazonian pastures.

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    Deforestation is responsible for a substantial fraction of global carbon emissions and changes in surface energy budgets that affect climate. Deforestation losses include wildlife and human habitat, and myriad forest products on which rural and urban societies depend for food, fiber, fuel, fresh water, medicine, and recreation. Ecosystem services gained in the transition from forests to pasture and croplands, however, are often ignored in assessments of the impact of land cover change. The role of converted lands in tropical areas in terms of carbon uptake and storage is largely unknown. Pastures represent the fastest-growing form of converted land use in the tropics, even in some areas of rapid urban expansion. Tree biomass stored in these areas spans a broad range, depending on tree cover. Trees in pasture increase carbon storage, provide shade for cattle, and increase productivity of forage material. As a result, increasing fractional tree cover can provide benefits land managers as well as important ecosystem services such as reducing conversion pressure on forests adjacent to pastures. This study presents an estimation of fractional tree cover in pasture in a dynamic region on the verge of large-scale land use change. An appropriate sampling interval is established for similar studies, one that balances the need for independent samples of sufficient number to characterize a pasture in terms of fractional tree cover. This information represents a useful policy tool for government organizations and NGOs interested in encouraging ecosystem services on converted lands. Using high spatial resolution Rio Branco, Brazil. A semivariogram and devolving spatial resolution are employed to determine the coarsest sampling interval that may be used, minimizing effects of spatial autocorrelation. The coarsest sampling interval that minimizes spatial dependence was about 22 m. The area-weighted fractional tree cover for the study area was 1.85 %, corrected for a slight bias associated with the coarser sampling resolution. The pastures sampled for fractional tree cover were divided between ?high? and ?low? tree cover, which may be the result of intentional incorporation of arboreal species in pasture. Further research involving those ranchers that have a higher fractional tree cover may indicate ways to promote the practice on a broader scale in the region

    The emergence of land change science for global environmental change and sustainability

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    Land change science has emerged as a fundamental component of global environmental change and sustainability research. This interdisciplinary field seeks to understand the dynamics of land cover and land use as a coupled human-environment system to address theory, concepts, models, and applications relevant to environmental and societal problems, including the intersection of the two. The major components and advances in land change are addressed: observation and monitoring; understanding the coupled system-causes, impacts, and consequences; modeling; and synthesis issues. The six articles of the special feature are introduced and situated within these components of study. Land Change and Its Science H uman-driven changes in the terrestrial surface of the earth hold wide-ranging significance for the structure and function of ecosystems to the earth system, with equally far-reaching consequences for human well-being (1). The antiquity of the unintended impacts of these changes is well documented for locales and regions (2, 3), and those linked to megafauna losses obtained a global reach by 10,000 B.P. (4-6). Deforestation and irrigation were the largest sources of human-released greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere until the advent of industrial era fossil-fuel burning, and as much as 35% of the human-induced CO 2 equivalents in the atmosphere today can be traced to the totality of landuse/cover changes Today, as much as 50% of the earth's ice-free land surface has been transformed (9, 10), and virtually all land has been affected in some way by such processes as coadapted landscapes, climate change, and tropospheric pollution ʈ In the face of these global dimensions, local to regional land changes remain important. For example, the largescale replacement of natural land cover by urban and agricultural land uses in southern Florida has reduced precipitation there (19), consistent with land changeregional climate impacts found elsewhere (20). Even more dramatically, massive irrigated agricultural projects triggered the collapse of the Aral Sea and its fishing industry, with feedbacks that include wind-dispersed deposition of surface salts from the dry sea bed on adjacent agricultural lands and even on the glacial sources of rivers feeding the sea (21). Changes in land and ecosystems and their implications for global environmental change and sustainability are a major research challenge for the humanenvironmental sciences The daunting objectives of LCS The Dimensions of LCS: Advances, Implications, and Challenges Observation, Monitoring, and Land Characterization. The number of and improvements in air-and space-borne sensors over the past two decades have fundamentally altered the capacity to observe Author contributions: B.L.T., E.F.L., and A.R. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. † To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. ¶ ''Land transformation'' refers to radical changes in land use and cover, usually over the long term, such as forest to row crop cultivation, or wetlands to urban settlement. The various estimates of these changes differ owing to the use of different metrics and measures and the uncertainties involved. Regardless, transformations are sizable as proportion of the ice-free land surface. If lands altered by human activity-lands retaining their base land cover but configured differently than in the ''wildland'' state-are included, a much larger estimate would result. Examples include degraded arid lands, pasture and grasslands invaded by or planted to exotic flora, and coadapted forests and grassland. Coadapted land covers are shaped and maintained by prolonged and repeated human activity, such as burning, that enlarges land use or land production: for example, annual burning that expands savanna grasses relative to woody species and enlarges food stocks for livestock and native grazers. ʈ As with estimates of land transformations and alterations, there is little doubt that human activity usurps a large proportion of terrestrial net primary productivity, but the uncertainty in the estimates remains large (16)

    Observations of chemical differentiation in clumpy molecular clouds

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    We have extensively mapped a sample of dense molecular clouds (L1512, TMC-1C, L1262, Per 7, L1389, L1251E) in lines of HC3N, CH3OH, SO and C^{18}O. We demonstrate that a high degree of chemical differentiation is present in all of the observed clouds. We analyse the molecular maps for each cloud, demonstrating a systematic chemical differentiation across the sample, which we relate to the evolutionary state of the cloud. We relate our observations to the cloud physical, kinematical and evolutionary properties, and also compare them to the predictions of simple chemical models. The implications of this work for understanding the origin of the clumpy structures and chemical differentiation observed in dense clouds are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Higher quality figures appear in the published journal articl

    DNA methylation across the genome in aged human skeletal muscle tissue and muscle-derived cells: the role of HOX genes and physical activity.

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    Skeletal muscle tissue demonstrates global hypermethylation with age. However, methylome changes across the time-course of differentiation in aged human muscle derived cells, and larger coverage arrays in aged muscle tissue have not been undertaken. Using 850K DNA methylation arrays we compared the methylomes of young (27 ± 4.4 years) and aged (83 ± 4 years) human skeletal muscle and that of young/aged heterogenous muscle-derived human primary cells (HDMCs) over several time points of differentiation (0, 72 h, 7, 10 days). Aged muscle tissue was hypermethylated compared with young tissue, enriched for; pathways-in-cancer (including; focal adhesion, MAPK signaling, PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling, p53 signaling, Jak-STAT signaling, TGF-beta and notch signaling), rap1-signaling, axon-guidance and hippo-signalling. Aged cells also demonstrated a hypermethylated profile in pathways; axon-guidance, adherens-junction and calcium-signaling, particularly at later timepoints of myotube formation, corresponding with reduced morphological differentiation and reductions in MyoD/Myogenin gene expression compared with young cells. While young cells showed little alterations in DNA methylation during differentiation, aged cells demonstrated extensive and significantly altered DNA methylation, particularly at 7 days of differentiation and most notably in focal adhesion and PI3K-AKT signalling pathways. While the methylomes were vastly different between muscle tissue and HDMCs, we identified a small number of CpG sites showing a hypermethylated state with age, in both muscle tissue and cells on genes KIF15, DYRK2, FHL2, MRPS33, ABCA17P. Most notably, differential methylation analysis of chromosomal regions identified three locations containing enrichment of 6-8 CpGs in the HOX family of genes altered with age. With HOXD10, HOXD9, HOXD8, HOXA3, HOXC9, HOXB1, HOXB3, HOXC-AS2 and HOXC10 all hypermethylated in aged tissue. In aged cells the same HOX genes (and additionally HOXC-AS3) displayed the most variable methylation at 7 days of differentiation versus young cells, with HOXD8, HOXC9, HOXB1 and HOXC-AS3 hypermethylated and HOXC10 and HOXC-AS2 hypomethylated. We also determined that there was an inverse relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression for HOXB1, HOXA3 and HOXC-AS3. Finally, increased physical activity in young adults was associated with oppositely regulating HOXB1 and HOXA3 methylation compared with age. Overall, we demonstrate that a considerable number of HOX genes are differentially epigenetically regulated in aged human skeletal muscle and HDMCs and increased physical activity may help prevent age-related epigenetic changes in these HOX genes

    Perspective from a Younger Generation -- The Astro-Spectroscopy of Gisbert Winnewisser

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    Gisbert Winnewisser's astronomical career was practically coextensive with the whole development of molecular radio astronomy. Here I would like to pick out a few of his many contributions, which I, personally, find particularly interesting and put them in the context of newer results.Comment: 14 pages. (Co)authored by members of the MPIfR (Sub)millimeter Astronomy Group. To appear in the Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium "The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies" eds. S. Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Straubmeier, & A. Heithausen (Springer: Berlin

    Biodiversity and ecosystem services science for a sustainable planet: the DIVERSITAS vision for 2012–20

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    DIVERSITAS, the international programme on biodiversity science, is releasing a strategic vision presenting scientific challenges for the next decade of research on biodiversity and ecosystem services: “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Science for a Sustainable Planet”. This new vision is a response of the biodiversity and ecosystem services scientific community to the accelerating loss of the components of biodiversity, as well as to changes in the biodiversity science-policy landscape (establishment of a Biodiversity Observing Network — GEO BON, of an Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services — IPBES, of the new Future Earth initiative; and release of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020). This article presents the vision and its core scientific challenges.Fil: Larigauderie, Anne. DIVERSITAS. MusĂ©um National d’Histoire Naturelle; FranciaFil: Prieur Richard, Anne Helene. DIVERSITAS. MusĂ©um National d’Histoire Naturelle; FranciaFil: Mace, Georgina. Imperial College London. Center for Population Biology; Reino UnidoFil: Londsdale, Mark. CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences; AustraliaFil: Mooney, Harold A.. Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Brussaard, Lijbert. Wageningen University, Soil Quality Department; PaĂ­ses BajosFil: Cooper, David. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity; CanadĂĄFil: Wolfgang, Cramer. Institut MĂ©diterranĂ©en de BiodiversitĂ© et d’Ecologie marine et continentale; FranciaFil: Daszak, Peter. EcoHealth Alliance. Wildlife Trust; Estados UnidosFil: Diaz, Sandra Myrna. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de BiologĂ­a Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas FĂ­sicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de BiologĂ­a Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Duraiappah, Anantha. International Human Dimensions Programme; AlemaniaFil: Elmqvist, Thomas. University of Stockholm. Department of Systems Ecology and Stockholm Resilience Center; SueciaFil: Faith, Daniel. The Australian Museum; AustraliaFil: Jackson, Louise. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Krug, Cornelia. DIVERSITAS. MusĂ©um National d’Histoire Naturelle; FranciaFil: Leadley, Paul. UniversitĂ© Paris. Laboratoire Ecologie SystĂ©matique Evolution, Ecologie des Populations et CommunautĂ©s; FranciaFil: Le Prestre, Philippe. Laval University; CanadĂĄFil: Matsuda, Hiroyuki. Yokohama National University; JapĂłnFil: Palmer, Margaret. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Perrings, Charles. Arizona State University; Estados UnidosFil: Pulleman, Mirjam. Wageningen University; PaĂ­ses BajosFil: Reyers, Belinda. Natural Resources and Environment; SudĂĄfricaFil: Rosa, Eugene A.. Washington State University; Estados UnidosFil: Scholes, Robert J.. Natural Resources and Environment; SudĂĄfricaFil: Spehn, Eva. Universidad de Basilea; SuizaFil: Turner II, B. L.. Arizona State University; Estados UnidosFil: Yahara, Tetsukazu. Kyushu University; JapĂł

    Why dig looted tombs? Two examples and some answers from Keushu (Ancash highlands, Peru)

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    Looted tombs at Andean archaeological sites are largely the result of a long tradition of trade in archaeological artefacts coupled with the 17th century policy of eradicating ancestor veneration and destroying mortuary evidence in a bid to “extirpate idolatry”. On the surface, looted funerary contexts often present abundant disarticulated and displaced human remains as well as an apparent absence of mortuary accoutrements. What kind of information can archaeologists and biological anthropologists hope to gather from such contexts? In order to gauge the methodological possibilities and interpretative limitations of targeting looted tombs, we fully excavated two collective funerary contexts at the archaeological site of Keushu (district and province of Yungay, Ancash, Peru; c. 2000 B.C.-A.D. 1600), which includes several dozen tombs, many built under large boulders or rock shelters, all of which appear disturbed by looting. The first is located in the ceremonial sector and excavation yielded information on four individuals; the second, in the funerary and residential sector, held the remains of seventy individuals - adults and juveniles. Here, we present and discuss the recovered data and suggest that careful, joint excavations by archaeologists and biological anthropologists can retrieve evidence of past mortuary practices, aid the biological characterisation of mortuary populations and help distinguish between a broad range of looting practices and post-depositional processes
