14 research outputs found

    A Zoomable Mapping of a Musical Parameter Space Using Hilbert Curves

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    The final publication is available at Computer Music Journal via http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/COMJ_a_0025

    A Four Strategy Model of Creative Parameter Space Interaction

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    Abstract This paper proposes a new theoretical model for the design of creativity-enhancing interfaces. The combination of user and content creation software is looked at as a creative system, and we tackle the question of how best to design the interface to utilise the abilities of both the computer and the brain. This model has been developed in the context of music technology, but may apply to any situation in which a large number of feature parameters must be adjusted to achieve a creative result. The model of creativity inspiring this approach is Wiggins' Creative Systems Framework. Two further theories from cognitive psychology motivate the model: the notion of creativity being composed of divergent and convergent thought processes, and the "dual process" theory of implicit vs. explicit thought. These two axes are combined to describe four different solution space traversal strategies. The majority of computer interfaces provide separate parameters, altered sequentially. This theory predicts that these oneto-one mappings encourage a particular navigation strategy ("Explicit-Convergent") and as such may inhibit certain aspects of creativity

    Island Schools : Ocean Plastics Teacher Pack

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    This teacher pack is designed to support Island School teachers who are embarking on the first year of the Island School Educational Programme together with their pupils. How the programme works as a whole is explained in more detail below. The teacher pack provides lesson or ‘session’ plans, which can be used as flexibly as you’d like. Feel free to make use of the materials in the ‘additional materials’ section of the pack or integrate your own materials. Take as long or short as you like to follow the programme in coordination with your partner school. And most importantly: have fun and follow the pupils’ curiosity