11,813 research outputs found

    Transformasi fouries cepat dengan algoritma decimation-in-time dan algoritma decimation-in- frequency

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    Didalam mengeriakan Transformasi Fourier Diskret apabila terdapat data masukan yang sangat besar., misal N „maka akan terdapat operasi matematika sebesar N2 perkalian bilangan kompleks dan N(N-1) penjumlahan bilangan kompleks sehingga sangat tidak efisien Oleh karena itu dikembangkan suatu metbde cepat untuk menangani hal itu Metode tersebut adalah Transformasi Fourier Cepat dengan dua algoritma yaitu Algoritma decimation - in - Time dan Algoritma Decimation in Frequency . Dengan kedua Algoritma tersebut hanya akan terdapat operasi matematika sebesar N/2 2log. N perkalian • ix This document- is Undip Institutional Repository Collsectbon. I he , (s) or copyright owner(s) agree that UNDIP-IR may, withal:J. t chpnging the content, translate the submission to any medium or format for the purpose of preservatio

    Process of Teaching Vocabulary to the 5th Grade Students at SDN Nglorog 3 Sragen

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    Triana Sri Rejeki. 2008. The Process of Teaching Vocabulary to The 5th Grade Students at SDN Nglorog III, Sragen. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Fine Arts, UNS. This final project is written based on my job training as an English teacher in SDN Nglorog 3, Sragen. The objectives of this report are to describe the process of teaching vocabulary to the 5th grade students in SDN Nglorog 3, Sragen and to show problems and solutions in teaching vocabulary. The writer collected the data by observing the classroom and teaching directly in the class. Some conclusions could be drawn after analyzing the data. In introducing English vocabulary, the teacher used some different techniques, such as: using pictures, playing games, introducing simple sentence, and bringing real object. During the job training, the writer took some activities, for instance: observing the class, making lesson plan, and teaching English. In the process of teaching vocabulary, the writer did some activities, such as: greeting, explaining, giving assignments, and testing. The writer also showed some problems in the process of teaching vocabulary. The problems were student’s motivation, facilities, and course book. The writer also presented the solution to solve the problems

    Youth in livestock, the engine for change: strategic partnerships with a private company (CIAT/CCAFS-Alqueria): The beginnings, incentives, and objectives of the Herederos de Tradición (Heirs of Tradition) initiative carried out by Alquería’s farmer training programs.

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    In 2012, the private dairy company Alquería launched its first pilot training program for small-scale milk producers, MACA. The name MACA derives from the pilot’s initial test region in the municipalities near the Macarena mountain range in El Meta, Colombia. This particular area has been identified for the urgent need to tackle the low rates of schooling of its producers, and the need for a technification of the livestock farms to increase their productivity and, in turn, the quality of life of their managers. En el año 2012, la empresa privada de lácteos Alquería lanzó su primer programa piloto de capacitación a pequeños productores de leche: MACA. Así se le bautizó en ese momento pues la zona de prueba inicial del piloto fue en los municipios cercanos a la serranía de la Macarena en el Meta, Colombia; respondiendo a lo que se venía identificando como una necesidad urgente en esa zona en particular, el atajar los bajos índices de escolaridad de los productores e impulsar la tecnificación de los predios ganaderos con el ánimo de incrementar su productividad y, con esta, la calidad de vida de quienes los administran

    The coupling between inertial and rotational eigenmodes in planets with liquid cores

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    The Earth is a rapidly rotating body. The centrifugal pull makes its shape resemble a flattened ellipsoid and Coriolis forces support waves in its fluid core, known as inertial waves. These waves can lead to global oscillations, or modes, of the fluid. Periodic variations of the Earth's rotation axis (nutations) can lead to an exchange of angular momentum between the mantle and the fluid core and excite these inertial modes. In addition to viscous torques that exist regardless of the shape of the boundaries, the small flattening of the core-mantle boundary (CMB) allows inertial modes to exert pressure torques on the mantle. These torques effectively couple the rigid-body dynamics of the Earth with the fluid dynamics of the fluid core. Here we present the first high resolution numerical model that solves simultaneously the rigid body dynamics of the mantle and the Navier-Stokes equation for the liquid core. This method takes naturally into account dissipative processes in the fluid that are ignored in current nutation models. We find that the Free Core Nutation (FCN) mode, mostly a toroidal fluid flow if the mantle has a large moment of inertia, enters into resonance with nearby modes if the mantle's moment of inertia is reduced. These mode interactions seem to be completely analogous to the ones discovered by Schmitt (2006) in a uniformly rotating ellipsoid with varying flattening.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures. Published in the Geophysical Journal Internationa

    AgandCuloadedonTiO2/graphite as a catalyst for �Escherichia coli- contaminated water disinfection

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    TiO2 film was synthesized by means of the chemical bath deposition (CBD) method from TiCl4 as a precursor and surfactant cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) as a linking and assem- bling agent of the titanium hydroxide network on a graphite substrate. Ag and Cu were loaded on the TiO2 film by means of electrodeposition at various applied currents. Photoelectrochemical testing on the composite of Ag–TiO2/G and Cu–TiO2/G was used to define the composite for Escherichia coli-contaminated water disinfection. Disinfection efficiency and the rate of disinfection of E. coli-contaminated water with Ag–TiO2/G as a catalyst was higher than that observed for Cu–TiO2/G in all disinfection methods including photocatalysis (PC), electrocatalysis (EC), and photoelectrocatalysis (PEC). The highest rate constant was achieved by the PEC method using Ag–TiO2/G, k was 6.49 × 10−2 CFU mL−1 min−1 . Effective disinfection times of 24 h (EDT24) and 48 h (EDT48) were achieved in all methods except the EC method using Cu–TiO2/G. Keywords: Ag–TiO2/G, Cu–TiO2/G, Escherichia coli, disinfectio