190 research outputs found

    Longitudinal and transverse fermion-boson vertex in QED at finite temperature in the HTL approximation

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    We evaluate the fermion-photon vertex in QED at the one loop level in Hard Thermal Loop approximation and write it in covariant form. The complete vertex can be expanded in terms of 32 basis vectors. As is well known, the fermion-photon vertex and the fermion propagator are related through a Ward-Takahashi Identity (WTI). This relation splits the vertex into two parts: longitudinal (Gamma_L) and transverse (Gamma_T). Gamma_L is fixed by the WTI. The description of the longitudinal part consumes 8 of the basis vectors. The remaining piece Gamma_T is then written in terms of 24 spin amplitudes. Extending the work of Ball and Chiu and Kizilersu et. al., we propose a set of basis vectors T^mu_i(P_1,P_2) at finite temperature such that each of these is transverse to the photon four-momentum and also satisfies T^mu_i(P,P)=0, in accordance with the Ward Identity, with their corresponding coefficients being free of kinematic singularities. This basis reduces to the form proposed by Kizilersu et. al. at zero temperature. We also evaluate explicitly the coefficient of each of these vectors at the above-mentioned level of approximation.Comment: 13 pages, uses RevTe

    Preliminary results of high resolution paleoceanography and paleoclimatology during sapropel S1 deposition (South Limnos Basin, North Aegean Sea).

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    Οι παλαιοπεριβαλλοντικές συνθήκες κατά τη διάρκεια απόθεσης του σαπροπηλού S1 στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο (πυρήνας βαρύτητας Μ-4, μήκους 2,53 m, λεκάνης νότιας Λήμνου) προσδιορίζονται με βάση την ποσοτική ανάλυση μικροπαλαιοντολογικών (βενθονικά και πλαγκτονικά τρηματοφόρα) και γεωχημικών (OC, δ13Corg) δεικτών. Χαρακτηριστικό του πυρήνα Μ-4 είναι η μεγάλη εμφάνιση του S1 που φτάνει το πάχος των 96 cm. Η μελέτη κατέδειξε ότι, το κατώτερο σαπροπηλικό στρώμα S1a αποτέθηκε σε θερμότερες συνθήκες, εντονότερης δυσοξίας, σε σχέση με το ανώτερο σαπροπηλικό στρώμα S1b.. Αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας και καλύτερη διατήρηση του οργανικού υλικού πιστοποιήθηκαν στο κατώτερο τμήμα του S1. Η διακοπή των σαπροπηλικών συνθηκών στα 8,0 Ka BP που χαρακτηρίζεται κυρίως από την αύξηση της σχετικής συχνότητας των συμφυρματοπαγών μορφών των βενθονικών τρηματοφόρων υποστηρίζει συνθήκες υψηλής οξυγόνωσης του πυθμένα και εισροή γλυκών υδάτων.The paleoenviromental conditions during the depositional interval of sapropel S1 in the northeastern Aegean (gravity core M-4, length 2.53 m; south Limnos basin) are studied based on quantitative micropaleontological (benthic and planktonic foraminifera) and geochemical (OC, δ13Corg) analyses. Special feature of core M-4 is the thickness of S1 layer (96 cm). Our study points that sapropelic layer S1a has been deposited in more dysoxic and warmer conditions in respect to S1b. Both primary productivity and preservation of organic material are more intense during the lower part of S1. An interruption of the sapropelic conditions at 8.0 Ka BP which is mainly characterized by the increase of agglutinated foraminiferal forms confirms both higher oxygen bottom conditions and freshwater input

    Critical Behavior of a Four-Fermion Schwinger-Dyson Equation

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    We study the Schwinger-Dyson equation associated with a chirality- changing fermion 4-point function in a strongly-coupled U(1)U(1) gauge theory. After making appropriate simplifications, we solve the equation numerically via a relaxation method. Our analysis provides an estimate of the critical coupling and it gives some indication as to the general momentum dependence of the 4-point function.Comment: version to be published, postscript fil

    Mediterranean circulation perturbations over the last five centuries: Relevance to past Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events

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    The Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT) occurred in the Aegean Sea from 1988 to 1995 and is the most significant intermediate-to-deep Mediterranean overturning perturbation reported by instrumental records. The EMT was likely caused by accumulation of high salinity waters in the Levantine and enhanced heat loss in the Aegean Sea, coupled with surface water freshening in the Sicily Channel. It is still unknown whether similar transients occurred in the past and, if so, what their forcing processes were. In this study, sediments from the Sicily Channel document surface water freshening (SCFR) at 1910 ± 12, 1812 ± 18, 1725 ± 25 and 1580 ± 30 CE. A regional ocean hindcast links SCFR to enhanced deep-water production and in turn to strengthened Mediterranean thermohaline circulation. Independent evidence collected in the Aegean Sea supports this reconstruction, showing that enhanced bottom water ventilation in the Eastern Mediterranean was associated with each SCFR event. Comparison between the records and multi-decadal atmospheric circulation patterns and climatic external forcings indicates that Mediterranean circulation destabilisation occurs during positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and negative Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) phases, reduced solar activity and strong tropical volcanic eruptions. They may have recurrently produced favourable deep-water formation conditions, both increasing salinity and reducing temperature on multi-decadal time scales

    Prioritization of the launch of ICT products and services through linguistic multi-criteria decision-making

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    The market launch of new products and services is a basic pillar for large and medium-sized companies in the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) sector. Choosing the right moment for it is usually a differentiating factor in terms of competition, since it is a source of competitive advantage. There are several mechanisms and strategies to address this problem from the market perspective. However, the criteria of the different actors involved – managers, sales representatives, experts, etc. – coexist in the corporate sphere and they often differ, causing difficulties in priority setting processes in the launch of a product or service. The assessment of the prioritization of these criteria is usually expressed in natural language, thus adding a great deal of uncertainty. Fuzzy linguistic models have proved to be an efficient tool for managing the intrinsic uncertainty of this type of information. This paper presents a linguistic multi-criteria decision-making model, able to reconcile the different requirements and viewpoints existing in the corporate sector when planning the launch of new products and services. The proposed model is based on the fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic model, aimed at managing linguistic data expressing different corporate criteria, without compromising accuracy in the calculation of said data. In order to illustrate this, a practical case study is presented, in which the model is applied for scheduling the launch prioritization of several new products and services by a telecommunications company, within the deadlines set in its strategic planning.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support received from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the Research Projects TIN2016-75850-R, TIN2016-79484-R and TIN2013-40658-P

    The rank reversal problem in multi-criteria decision making : a literature review

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    Despite the importance of multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques for constructing effective decision models, there are many criticisms due to the occurrence of a problem called rank reversal. Nevertheless, there is a lack of a systematic literature review on this important subject which involves different methods. This study reviews the pertinent literature on rank reversal, based on 130 related articles published from 1980 to 2015 in international journals, which were gathered and analyzed according to the following perspectives: multicriteria technique, year and journal in which the papers were published, co-authorship network, rank reversal types, and research goal. Thus our survey provides recommendations for future research, besides useful information and knowledge regarding rank reversal in the MCDM field

    Tm1: A Mutator/Foldback Transposable Element Family in Root-Knot Nematodes

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    Three closely related parthenogenetic species of root-knot nematodes, collectively termed the Meloidogyne incognita-group, are economically significant pathogens of diverse crop species. Remarkably, these asexual root-knot nematodes are capable of acquiring heritable changes in virulence even though they lack sexual reproduction and meiotic recombination. Characterization of a near isogenic pair of M. javanica strains differing in response to tomato with the nematode resistance gene Mi-1 showed that the virulent strain carried a deletion spanning a gene called Cg-1. Herein, we present evidence that the Cg-1 gene lies within a member of a novel transposable element family (Tm1; Transposon in Meloidogyne-1). This element family is defined by composite terminal inverted repeats of variable lengths similar to those of Foldback (FB) transposable elements and by 9 bp target site duplications. In M. incognita, Tm1 elements can be classified into three general groups: 1) histone-hairpin motif elements; 2) MITE-like elements; 3) elements encoding a putative transposase. The predicted transposase shows highest similarity to gene products encoded by aphids and mosquitoes and resembles those of the Phantom subclass of the Mutator transposon superfamily. Interestingly, the meiotic, sexually-reproducing root-knot nematode species M. hapla has Tm1 elements with similar inverted repeat termini, but lacks elements with histone hairpin motifs and contains no elements encoding an intact transposase. These Tm1 elements may have impacts on root-knot nematode genomes and contribute to genetic diversity of the asexual species

    Early farmers from across Europe directly descended from Neolithic Aegeans

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    Farming and sedentism first appeared in southwestern Asia during the early Holocene and later spread to neighboring regions, including Europe, along multiple dispersal routes. Conspicuous uncertainties remain about the relative roles of migration, cultural diffusion, and admixture with local foragers in the early Neolithization of Europe. Here we present paleogenomic data for five Neolithic individuals from northern Greece and northwestern Turkey spanning the time and region of the earliest spread of farming into Europe. We use a novel approach to recalibrate raw reads and call genotypes from ancient DNA and observe striking genetic similarity both among Aegean early farmers and with those from across Europe. Our study demonstrates a direct genetic link between Mediterranean and Central European early farmers and those of Greece and Anatolia, extending the European Neolithic migratory chain all the way back to southwestern Asia

    A bottom-up view of food surplus: using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to investigate agricultural strategies and diet at Bronze Age Archontiko and Thessaloniki Toumba, northern Greece

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    We use stable isotope analysis of crop, faunal and human remains to investigate agricultural strategies and diet at EBA-LBA Archontiko and MBA-LBA Thessaloniki Toumba. Crop production strategies varied between settlements, phases and species; flexibility is also apparent within the crop stores of individual houses. Escalating manuring intensity at LBA Thessaloniki Toumba coincides with large co-residential ‘blocks’ geared towards hoarding of agricultural surpluses, spectacularly preserved by fire at nearby LBA Assiros Toumba. Faunal isotope values reflect a range of feeding strategies, including probable herding of cattle on C4-rich coastal salt marshes, evident at Archontiko through to the LBA alongside bulk cockle harvesting. Palaeodietary analysis of LBA humans at Thessaloniki Toumba indicates that C3 crops represent the only plausible staples. Millet was a minor food but may have played a particular role in the sub-adult diet. Meat probably featured in supra-household food sharing and hospitality, associated with Mycenaean-style tableware in the LBA

    A comparison of baseline methodologies for 'Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation'

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A mechanism for emission reductions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) is very likely to be included in a future climate agreement. The choice of REDD baseline methodologies will crucially influence the environmental and economic effectiveness of the climate regime. We compare three different historical baseline methods and one innovative dynamic model baseline approach to appraise their applicability under a future REDD policy framework using a weighted multi-criteria analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results show that each baseline method has its specific strengths and weaknesses. Although the dynamic model allows for the best environmental and for comparatively good economic performance, its high demand for data and technical capacity limit the current applicability in many developing countries.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The adoption of a multi-tier approach will allow countries to select the baseline method best suiting their specific capabilities and data availability while simultaneously ensuring scientific transparency, environmental effectiveness and broad political support.</p