447 research outputs found

    Behavior of large-scale rectangular columns confined with FRP composites

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    This paper focuses on axially loaded, large-scale rectangular RC columns confined with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) wrapping. Experimental tests are conducted to obtain the stress-strain response and ultimate load for three field-size columns having different aspect ratios and/or corner radii. Effective transverse FRP failure strain and the effect of increasing confining action on the stress-strain behavior are examined. Existing strength models, the majority of which were developed for small-scale specimens, are applied to predict the structural response. Since some of them fail to adequately characterize the test data and others are complex and require significant calculation, a simple design-oriented model is developed. The new model is based on the confinement effectiveness coefficient, an aspect ratio coefficient, and a corner radius coefficient. It accurately predicts the axial ultimate strength of the large-scale columns at hand and, when applied to the small-scale columns studied by other investigators, produces reasonable results

    Performance of Waterless Concrete

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    The development of permanent lunar bases is constrained by performance of construction materials and availability of in-situ resources. Concrete seems a suitable construction material for the lunar environment, but water, one of its major components, is an extremely scarce resource on the Moon. This study explores an alternative to hydraulic concrete by replacing the binding mix of concrete (cement and water) with sulfur. Sulfur is a volatile element on the lunar surface that can be extracted from lunar soils by heating. Sulfur concrete mixes were prepared to investigate the effect of extreme environmental conditions on the properties of sulfur concrete. A hypervelocity impact test was conducted, having as its target a 5-cm cubic sample of sulfur concrete. This item consisted of JSC-1 lunar regolith simulant (65%) and sulfur (35%). The sample was placed in the MSFC Impact Test Facility s Micro Light Gas Gun target chamber, and was struck by a 1-mm diameter (~1.4e-03 g) aluminum projectile at 5.85 km/s. In addition, HZTERN code, provided by NASA was used to study the effectiveness of sulfur concrete when subjected to space radiation

    Effect of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on the Compressive Strength and Durability of Short-Term Cured Concrete

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    This research focuses on studying the effect different supplementary cementitious materials (silica fume, fly ash, slag, and their combinations) on strength and durability of concrete cured for a short period of time—14 days. This work primarily deals with the characteristics of these materials, including strength, durability, and resistance to wet and dry and freeze and thaw environments. Over 16 mixes were made and compared to the control mix. Each of these mixes was either differing in the percentages of the additives or was combinations of two or more additives. All specimens were moist cured for 14 days before testing or subjected to environmental exposure. The freeze–thaw and wet–dry specimens were also compared to the control mix. Results show that at 14 days of curing, the use of supplementary cementitious materials reduced both strength and freeze–thaw durability of concrete. The combination of 10% silica fume, 25% slag, and 15% fly ash produced high strength and high resistance to freeze–thaw and wet–dry exposures as compared to other mixes. This study showed that it is imperative to cure the concrete for an extended period of time, especially those with fly ash and slag, to obtain good strength and durability. Literature review on the use of different supplementary cementitious materials in concrete to enhance strength and durability was also reported

    Lunar In Situ Materials-Based Surface Structure Technology Development Efforts at NASA/MSFC

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    For long-duration missions on other planetary bodies, the use of in situ materials will become increasingly critical. As man's presence on these bodies expands, so must the structures to accommodate them, including habitats, laboratories, berms, radiation shielding for surface reactors, garages, solar storm shelters, greenhouses, etc. The use of in situ materials will significantly offset required launch upmass and volume issues. Under the auspices of the In Situ Fabrication & Repair (ISFR) Program at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), the Surface Structures project has been developing materials and construction technologies to support development of these in situ structures. This paper will report on the development of several of these technologies at MSFC's Prototype Development Laboratory (PDL). These technologies include, but are not limited to, development of extruded concrete and inflatable concrete dome technologies based on waterless and water-based concretes, development of regolith-based blocks with potential radiation shielding binders including polyurethane and polyethylene, pressure regulation systems for inflatable structures, production of glass fibers and rebar derived from molten lunar regolith simulant, development of regolithbag structures, and others, including automation design issues. Results to date and lessons learned will be presented, along with recommendations for future activities

    Assessing the efficiency of CFRP discrete confinement systems for concrete cylinders

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    Concrete columns requiring strengthening intervention always contain a certain percentage of steel hoops. Applying strips of wet lay-up carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets in-between the existent steel hoops might, therefore, be an appropriate confinement technique with both technical and economic advantages, when full wrapping of a concrete column is taken as a basis of comparison. To assess the effectiveness of this discrete confinement strategy, circular cross section concrete elements confined by distinct arrangements of strips of CFRP sheet are submitted to a direct compression load up to the failure point. The influence of the width of the strip, distance between strips, number of CFRP layers per strip, CFRP stiffness and concrete strength class on the increase of the load carrying capacity and ductility of concrete columns, is evaluated. An analytical model is developed to predict the compressive stress-strain relationship of concrete columns confined by discrete and continuous CFRP arrangements. The main results of the experimental program are presented and analyzed and used to assess the model performance

    Continuous Concrete Beams Reinforced With CFRP Bars.

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    yesThis paper reports the testing of three continuously and two simply supported concrete beams reinforced with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) bars. The amount of CFRP reinforcement in beams tested was the main parameter investigated. A continuous concrete beam reinforced with steel bars was also tested for comparison purposes. The ACI 440.1R-06 equations are validated against the beam test results. Test results show that increasing the CFRP reinforcement ratio of the bottom layer of simply and continuously supported concrete beams is a key factor in enhancing the load capacity and controlling deflection. Continuous concrete beams reinforced with CFRP bars exhibited a remarkable wide crack over the middle support that significantly influenced their behaviour. The load capacity and deflection of CFRP simply supported concrete beams are reasonably predicted using the ACI 440.1R-06 equations. However, the potential capabilities of these equations for predicting the load capacity and deflection of continuous CFRP reinforced concrete beams have been adversely affected by the de-bonding of top CFRP bars from concrete

    Assessing the effectiveness of embedding CFRP laminates in the near surface for structural strengthening

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    The authors of the present work wish to acknowledge the support provided by the S&P, Bettor MBT Portugal, Secil, Nordesfer, Ferseque, Casais, Solusel, VSL, Unibetão (Braga) and the colaboration of Cemacom.Near Surface Mounted (NSM) is a recent strengthening technique based on bonding Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) bars (rods or laminate strips) into pre-cut grooves on the concrete cover of the elements to strength. To assess the effectiveness of the NSM technique, an experimental program is carried out involving reinforced concrete (RC) columns, RC beams and masonry panels. In columns failing in bending the present work shows that the failure strain of the (CFRP) laminates can be attained using the NSM technique. Beams failing in bending are also strengthened with CFRP laminates in order to double their load carrying capacity. This goal was attained and maximum strain levels of about 90% of the CFRP failure strain were recorded in this composite material, revealing that the NSM technique is also very effective to increase the flexural resistance of RC beams. The effectiveness of externally bonded reinforcing (EBR) and NSM techniques to increase the flexural resistance of masonry panels is also assessed. In the EBR technique the CFRP laminates are externally bonded to the concrete joints of the panel, while in the NSM technique the CFRP laminates are fixed into precut slits on the panel concrete joints. The NSM technique provided a higher increase on the panel load carrying capacity, as well as, a larger deflection at the failure of the panel. The performance of EBR and NSM techniques for the strengthening of RC beams failing in shear is also analyzed. The NMS technique was much more effective in terms of increasing the beam load carrying capacity, as well as, the beam deformability at its failure. The NSM technique was easier and faster to apply than the EBR technique.The first author wishes to acknowledge the grant SFRH/BSAB/291/2002-POCTI, provided by FCT and FSE

    A design model for fibre reinforced concrete beams pre-stressed with steel and FRP bars

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    This paper presents a design oriented model to determine the moment-curvature relationship of elements of rectangular cross section failing in bending, made by strain softening or strain hardening fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) and reinforced with perfectly bonded pre-stressed steel and fibre reinforced polymeric (FRP) bars. Since FRP bars are not affected by corrosion, they have the minimum FRC cover thickness that guaranty proper bond conditions, while steel bars are positioned with a thicker FRC cover to increase their protection against corrosion. Using the moment-curvature relationship predicted by the model in an algorithm based on the virtual work method, a numerical strategy is adopted to evaluate the load-deflection response of statically determinate beams. The predictive performance of the proposed formulation is assessed by simulating the response of available experimental results. By using this model, a parametric study is carried out in order to evaluate the influence of the main parameters that characterize the post cracking behaviour of FRC, and the prestress level applied to FRP and steel bars, on the moment-curvature and load-deflection responses of this type of structural elements. Finally the shear resistance of this structural system is predictedThe study reported in this paper is part of the research program "DURCOST - Innovation in reinforcing systems for sustainable prefabricated structures of higher durability and enhanced structural performance" supported by FCT, PTDC/ECM/105700/2008. The second and forth authors acknowledge the research grant under the project QREN number 3456 "PONTALUMIS", while the third author acknowledges the support provided by FCT Grant SFRH/BD/71934/2010
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