47 research outputs found

    Using an OBCD approach and Landsat TM data to detect harvesting on nonindustrial private property in Upper Michigan

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    Forest dynamics influence climate, biodiversity, and livelihoods at multiple scales, yet current resource policy addressing these dynamics is ineffective without reliable land use land cover change data. The collective impact of harvest decisions by many small forest owners can be substantial at the landscape scale, yet monitoring harvests and regrowth in these forests is challenging. Remote sensing is an obvious route to detect and monitor small-scale land use dynamics over large areas. Using an annual series of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images and a GIS shapefile of property boundaries, we identified units where harvests occurred from 2005 to 2011 using an Object-Based Change Detection (OBCD) approach. Percent of basal area harvested was verified using stand-level harvest data. Our method detected all harvests above 20% basal area removal in all forest types (northern hardwoods, mixed deciduous/coniferous, coniferous), on properties as small as 10 acres (0.4 ha; approximately four Landsat pixels). Our results had a resolution of about 10% basal area (that is, a selective harvest removal of 30% could be distinguished from one of 40%). Our method can be automated and used to measure annual harvest rates and intensities for large areas of the United States, providing critical information on land use transition

    Applications of Image-Based Computer Vision for Remote Surveillance of Slope Instability

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    Landslides and slope failures represent critical hazards for both the safety of local communities and the potential damage to economically relevant infrastructure such as roads, hydroelectric plants, pipelines, etc. Numerous surveillance methods, including ground-based radar, InSAR, Lidar, seismometers, and more recently computer vision, are available to monitor landslides and slope instability. However, the high cost, complexity, and intrinsic technical limitations of these methods frequently require the design of alternative and complementary techniques. Here, we provide an improved methodology for the application of image-based computer vision in landslide and rockfall monitoring. The newly developed open access Python-based software, Akh-Defo, uses optical flow velocity, image differencing and similarity index map techniques to calculate land deformation including landslides and rockfall. Akh-Defo is applied to two different datasets, notably ground- and satellite-based optical imagery for the Plinth Peak slope in British Columbia, Canada, and satellite optical imagery for the Mud Creek landslide in California, USA. Ground-based optical images were processed to evaluate the capability of Akh-Defo to identify rockfalls and measure land displacement in steep-slope terrains to complement LOS limitations of radar satellite images. Similarly, satellite optical images were processed to evaluate the capability of Akh-Defo to identify ground displacement in active landslide regions a few weeks to months prior to initiation of landslides. The Akh-Defo results were validated from two independent datasets including radar-imagery, processed using state of the art SqueeSAR algorithm for the Plinth Peak case study and very high-resolution temporal Lidar and photogrammetry digital surface elevation datasets for the Mud Creek case study. Our study shows that the Akh-Defo software complements InSAR by mitigating LOS limitations via processing ground-based optical imagery. Additionally, if applied to satellite optical imagery, it can be used as a first stage preliminary warning system (particularly when run on the cloud allowing near real-time processing) prior to processing more expensive but more accurate InSAR products such as SqueeSAR

    Evaluation of MODIS data for mapping oil slicks - the deepwater horizon oil spill case

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    Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) multispectral imagery is used for oil spills mapping as an integration to radar data. MODIS images of the northern Gulf of Mexico (USA) are analyzed to study the sea anomalies from visible to thermal infrared in order to detect a reported oil slick. A simple Fluorescence/Emissivity Index and RGB false color bands combination are applied to detect fluorescence and emissivity anomalies due to oil spills in particular sun glint conditions. A monitoring system of sea surface may be built using high temporal resolution imagery as MODIS data. Applying the proposed index and RGB bands combination, also suitable on night-time overpasses, it’s possible to further increase the availability of clouds free images using optical sensors

    COVID-19 Outbreak and Cancer Radiotherapy Disruption in Lombardy, Northern Italy

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    none37nononeJereczek-Fossa B.A.; Palazzi M.F.; Soatti C.P.; Cazzaniga L.F.; Ivaldi G.B.; Pepa M.; Amadori M.; Antognoni P.; Arcangeli S.; Buffoli A.; Beltramo G.; Berlinghieri S.; Bignardi M.; Bracelli S.; Bruschieri L.; Castiglioni S.; Catalano G.; Di Muzio N.; Fallai C.; Fariselli L.; Filippi A.R.; Gramaglia A.; Italia C.; Lombardi F.; Magrini S.M.; Nava S.; Orlandi E.; Pasinetti N.; Sbicego E.L.; Scandolaro L.; Scorsetti M.; Stiglich F.; Tonoli S.; Tortini R.; Valdagni R.; Vavassori V.; Marvaso G.Jereczek-Fossa, B. A.; Palazzi, M. F.; Soatti, C. P.; Cazzaniga, L. F.; Ivaldi, G. B.; Pepa, M.; Amadori, M.; Antognoni, P.; Arcangeli, S.; Buffoli, A.; Beltramo, G.; Berlinghieri, S.; Bignardi, M.; Bracelli, S.; Bruschieri, L.; Castiglioni, S.; Catalano, G.; Di Muzio, N.; Fallai, C.; Fariselli, L.; Filippi, A. R.; Gramaglia, A.; Italia, C.; Lombardi, F.; Magrini, S. M.; Nava, S.; Orlandi, E.; Pasinetti, N.; Sbicego, E. L.; Scandolaro, L.; Scorsetti, M.; Stiglich, F.; Tonoli, S.; Tortini, R.; Valdagni, R.; Vavassori, V.; Marvaso, G

    Interaction between transform faults and rift systems: A combined field and experimental approach

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    We present a detailed field structural survey of the area of interaction between the active NW-striking transform Husavik-Flatey Fault (HFF) and the N–S Theystareykir Fissure Swarm (TFS), in North Iceland, integrated by analog scaled models. Field data contribute to a better understanding of how transform faults work, at a much higher detail than classical marine geophysical studies. Analog experiments are conducted to analyse the fracture patterns resulting from different possible cases where transform faulting accompanies or postpones the rift motions. Different tectonic block configurations are also considered and results are compared with field data in order to study as thoroughly as possible the interaction between the HFF and the TFS as well as the possible prolongation of the HFF into the TFS. West of the intersection between the transform fault (HFF) and the rift zone (TFS), the former splays with a gradual bending giving rise to a leading extensional imbricate fan. The westernmost structure of the rift, the N–S Gudfinnugja Fault (GF), is divided into two segments: the southern segment makes a junction with the HFF and is part of the imbricate fan; north of the junction instead, the northern GF appears right-laterally offset by about 20 m. Southeast of the junction, along the possible prolongation of the HFF across the TFS, the strike of the rift faults rotates in an anticlockwise direction, attaining a NNW–SSE orientation. Moreover, the TFS faults north of the HFF prolongation are fewer and have smaller offsets than those located to the south. Through the comparison between the structural data collected in the field at the HFF–TFS connection zone and a set of scaled experiments, we confirm a prolongation of the HFF through the rift, although here the transform fault has a much lower slip-rate than west of the junction. Our data suggest that transform fault terminations may be more complex than previously known, and propagate across a rift through a modification of the rift pattern

    Criticisms in the Development of High-Protection and Broad-Spectrum “Natural/Organic” Certifiable Sunscreen

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    Attention to environmental issues has become increasingly important in recent years and also massively affects the cosmetics sector. In this context, sunscreens are questioned due to the proven or believed ecotoxicity of organic ultraviolet (UV) filters. This has pushed developers increasingly towards the use of inorganic filters, which can prove difficult to spread with low compliance. We faced the problem by proposing a rational approach based on the evaluation of the morphology of the inorganic material, as the real dimension does not often correspond to the characteristics declared by the producers because the material itself tends to aggregate. A combination of a specially selected inorganic filter is required to formulate Cosmetic Products with a Natural and Sustainable Connotation (CPCNS) standards


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    The integration of remote monitoring techniques at different scales is of crucial importance for monitoring of volcanoes and assessment of the associated hazard. In this optic, technological advancement and collaboration between research groups also play a key role. Vhub is a community cyberinfrastructure platform designed for collaboration in volcanology research. Within the Vhub framework, this dissertation focuses on two research themes, both representing novel applications of remotely sensed data in volcanology: advancement in the acquisition of topographic data via active techniques and application of passive multi-spectral satellite data to monitoring of vegetated volcanoes. Measuring surface deformation is a critical issue in analogue modelling of Earth science phenomena. I present a novel application of the Microsoft Kinect sensor to measurement of vertical and horizontal displacements in analogue models. Specifically, I quantified vertical displacement in a scaled analogue model of Nisyros volcano, Greece, simulating magmatic deflation and inflation and related surface deformation, and included the horizontal component to reconstruct 3D models of pit crater formation. The detection of active faults around volcanoes is of importance for seismic and volcanic hazard assessment, but not a simple task to be achieved using analogue models. I present new evidence of neotectonic deformation along a north-south trending fault from the Mt Shasta debris avalanche deposit (DAD), northern California. The fault was identified on an airborne LiDAR campaign of part of the region interested by the DAD and then confirmed in the field. High resolution LiDAR can be utilized also for geomorphological assessment of DADs, and I describe a size-distance analysis to document geomorphological aspects of hummock in the Shasta DAD. Relating the remote observations of volcanic passive degassing to conditions and impacts on the ground provides an increased understanding of volcanic degassing and how satellite-based monitoring can be used to inform hazard management strategies in nearreal time. Combining a variety of satellite-based spectral time series I aim to perform the first space-based assessment of the impacts of sulfur dioxide emissions from Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica, on vegetation in the surrounding environment, and establish whether vegetation indices could be used more broadly to detect volcanic unrest

    Il distacco del lavoratore nel Diritto dell'Unione Europea e Italiano

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    L'elaborato considera anzitutto la genesi dell'istituto, e con chiarezza analizza il percorso di affioramento della figura del distacco nell'impiego pubblico rimarcando affinità e differenze con ipotesi similari di temporanea dissociazione tra datore di lavoro e fruitore della prestazione. Nell'operare gli opportuni distinguo, il dott. Tortini si confronta con la fattispecie tipica del lavoro subordinato e con il divieto di dissociazione che ad essa sarebbe sotteso, anche alla luce della legge 1369 del 1960 sul divieto di interposizione. Gli elementi caratterizzanti il distacco sono poi esposti analizzando con acutezza i più rilevanti orientamenti emersi nella giurisprudenza di merito e di legittimità , in specie con riguardo alla prassi invalsa nei gruppi di società  di dirigere la prestazione di lavoro a favore di società  collegate o controllate dalla società  datrice di lavoro. In tal senso l'elaborato prende posizione in ordine alla necessaria temporaneità  dell'interesse del distaccante, nonchè all'inclusione del distacco nell'ambito del potere direttivo-organizzativo del datore di lavoro, ciò che esclude la necessità  del consenso del lavoratore distaccato. Nel secondo capitolo il dott. Tortini si confronta con il quadro delle libertà  fondamentali del diritto comunitario, ed in particolare con la libera prestazione di servizi, analizzando profili essenziali quali la natura autonoma, la transnazionalità  e la temporaneità  del servizio prestato. Con ampi riferimenti alla dottrina, anche comparata, in argomento, il capitolo delinea le possibili forme di interazione tra gli ordinamenti nazionali all'interno dell'Unione europea ed individua, in alternativa, tre modelli di coordinamento tra le esigenze liberalizzanti tipiche del mercato unico e le prerogative nazionali di tipo protezionistico che si manifestano qualora un servizio venga prestato in uno Stato membro diverso da quello in cui ha sede il prestatore: host state control, home state control e controllo sovranazionale. L'analisi si rivela essenziale al fine di delineare le ragioni della più recente giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia in tema di appalti cross-border e libera circolazione dei lavoratori, e dimostra un sostanziale "slittamento" della base giuridica mediante la quale il diritto comunitario regola il fenomeno della prestazione di lavoro transnazionale, dall'art. 39 all'art. 49 TCE. Il terzo capitolo confronta l'impianto teorico ricavabile dai principi del Trattato con la Direttiva 96/71 sul distacco ed i relativi provvedimenti attuativi (d.lgs. n. 72/2000 e art. 30, d.lgs. n. 276/2003). In particolare, vengono analizzate le ipotesi limitrofe alla nozione di distacco ricavabile dal diritto comunitario, accomunate dalla dissociazione tra datore di lavoro ed utilizzatore della prestazione, ma distinguibili in base alla natura del rapporto contrattuale tra impresa distaccante ed impresa distaccataria. La funzione principale della Direttiva comunitaria in argomento viene individuata dal dott. Tortini nella predisposizione di una base inderogabile di diritti che devono essere, in ogni caso, assicurati al lavoratore oggetto del distacco. Questa base, denominata hard core della tutela, deve essere garantita, all'interno del singolo Stato membro, dalla contrattazione collettiva. Nell'ordinamento italiano, la disciplina del distacco contenuta nella Direttiva viene attuata con il d.lgs. n. 72/2000 che, come opportunamente segnalato dal dott. Tortini, contiene una serie di incongruenze e di lacune. Fra tutte, si rimarca come la stessa Commissione abbia rilevato uno scostamento tra le due discipline, dato che la legge italiana estende surrettiziamente ai lavoratori distaccati tutte le disposizioni legislative e/o i contratti collettivi che disciplinano le condizioni di lavoro, operazione non consentita dal la Direttiva 76/91. E' in specie il riferimento al contratto collettivo stipulato dalle organizzazioni comparativamente più rappresentative ad essere criticato dall'elaborato, in quanto finisce con il trasformare l'art. 3.1 del D. Lgs. 72/2000 in una discriminazione fondata sulla nazionalità  e rischia di creare maggiori difficoltà  e più oneri per gli imprenditori stranieri che intendano erogare servizi sul territorio nazionale. A conclusione della tesi, il dott. Tortini esamina la nozione di distacco introdotta ad opera dell'art. 30, d.lgs. n. 276/2003, ed enuclea gli elementi caratterizzanti dell'istituto, individuati nell'interesse del distaccante e nella temporaneità  dell'assegnazione, definita «l'in sè» dell'interesse stesso

    Apical crown technique to model canal roots : A review of the literature

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    The goals of endodontic therapy are to shape and clean the root canal system in order to receive a three-dimensional and hermetic filling of the entire endodontic space. The aim of this review is to analyze the development of the different canal shaping techniques from the manual stainless-steel instruments to the recently developed rotary Ni-Ti systems. The need to provide instruments of a suitable size to reach the apex of curved root canals drove the development of preparation techniques with a greater focus on the apical part. The Crown-Down technique involves the widening of the canal orifices with Gates-Glidden drills followed by the incremental removal of organic canal contents proceeding from the canal orifice to the apical portion using manual files. Files are used from larger to smaller with no apical pressure. Nevertheless, the term ''Crown-Down'' does not define the technique in the strictest sense, nor does it provide a specific sequence for the use of instruments, but rather defines a way to use the instruments. The preparation of root canals has been revolutionised by the development of Ni-Ti alloys. The features of this alloy give instruments profound flexibility and allow the manufacture of more tapered instruments compared with traditional stainless-steel instruments. In the second part of this review, numerous examples are provided concerning the comparison between different Ni-Ti systems and their techniques for use. A Crown-Down approach provides certain advantages including early organic debris removal, the creation of a large reservoir for irrigating solutions, a straighter access to the apical region of curved canals, and greater precision with regard to the exact working length and apical size