224 research outputs found

    Mapping Bolivia’s socio-political climate: Evaluation of multivariate design strategies

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    This study investigated the effectiveness of multivariate mapping in displaying functional relationships using a case example of social and political data from Bolivia. The effectiveness of four approaches to multivariate mapping (combined sequential schemes, separable graduated circles, choropleth/proportional symbols, and pair of sequential schemes) in communicating these relationships was evaluated. A paper map survey in English and Spanish was administered to thirty-four participants in the United States and thirty in Bolivia using four multivariate maps and one control (separate maps). Significant results showed that viewing the datasets displayed in separate maps best transmitted the map message. The pair of sequential schemes approach received the highest scores when considering the multivariate mapping methods only. This approach also yielded higher scores from the Bolivian sample, suggesting that readers lacking map experience can benefit from this form of multivariate mapping. Cultural differences revealed among the two sample groups shows that when creating a study using a map based evaluation, it is best to fully investigate cultural characteristics that surround map reading prior to creating the evaluation tool. While this study did reveal benefits of certain approaches to multivariate mapping, these approaches should be further investigated based on regional and characteristic differences among groups


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    Os Sistemas de Navegação e Guia de Rota em Automóvel (SINGRA), comerciaisou gratuitos, vêm adotando diferentes projetos gráficos para os mapas que apoiam atarefa de navegação. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a preferência de um grupode motoristas pela cor da rota e da seta de manobra para mapas destes sistemas. Umtotal de 54 motoristas (27 homens e 27 mulheres) participou de um experimento queocorreu em um automóvel estacionado. Duas representações cartográficas foramproduzidas para avaliar a preferência pela cor da rota, e outras duas representaçõespara avaliar a preferência pela cor da seta de manobra. Para a cor da rota, utilizou-seo preto e o matiz azul, e para a cor da seta, utilizou-se os matizes verde e vermelho.As representações foram exibidas em um monitor de navegação sete polegadas. Osresultados indicam que a maioria dos motoristas prefere a rota em preto. Porém, osmotoristas experientes com SINGRA apresentam tendência para a rota no matizazul. A seta em verde foi preferida pela grande maioria dos motoristas e nenhumarelação foi encontrada com as características individuais. Neste estudo, conclui-se que a preferência dos motoristas foi influenciada por diferentes fatores, tais comoagrupamento perceptivo por cor, forma e proximidade, associação subjetiva ouconvencional e pelo nível de contraste entre as feições do mapa. Recomenda-seavaliar o desempenho das representações cartográficas na tarefa de manutenção emrota para corroborar a influência do projeto gráfico dos mapas na usabilidade dossistemas de guia de rota

    Commencement Program [Spring 1952]

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    St. Cloud State University commencement program for 1951/52 academic yearhttps://repository.stcloudstate.edu/commpro/1081/thumbnail.jp

    Campus Crier

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    Student newspaper for Central Washington University for May 28, 1954https://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/1782/thumbnail.jp


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    The See Color is a color coding system based on Braille writing to communicate colors to people with visual impairments. This study assessed the perception of the theme Temperature by blind people, by using the See Color code on two isarithmic tactile maps and the perception of subjects with normal color vision. An average temperature map of Australia had 10 classes, but these intervals were regrouped into four classes on Corel Draw software. The new map was duplicated in the digital project in A4 size, both included the See Color code in two color schemes obtained from the Color Brewer website. Subsequently, they were laser-printed on swell paper to produce the tactile relief. The chromatic perception was observed, as well as the thermal sensations that the colors could represent for blind participants (06), normally sighted participants in basic education (23), and normally sighted participants in higher education (20). In this research, the See Color code showed the potential to provide spatial knowledge as a graphic language through colors in color maps for adventitiously blind and for normally sighted participants based on their perception of colors and tactile color codes

    The State of the Art in Cartograms

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    Cartograms combine statistical and geographical information in thematic maps, where areas of geographical regions (e.g., countries, states) are scaled in proportion to some statistic (e.g., population, income). Cartograms make it possible to gain insight into patterns and trends in the world around us and have been very popular visualizations for geo-referenced data for over a century. This work surveys cartogram research in visualization, cartography and geometry, covering a broad spectrum of different cartogram types: from the traditional rectangular and table cartograms, to Dorling and diffusion cartograms. A particular focus is the study of the major cartogram dimensions: statistical accuracy, geographical accuracy, and topological accuracy. We review the history of cartograms, describe the algorithms for generating them, and consider task taxonomies. We also review quantitative and qualitative evaluations, and we use these to arrive at design guidelines and research challenges


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    Noise from the information communication process produced by the interfaces of navigation systems has overloaded drivers' cognitive processing systems and increased the probability of traffic accidents. This work evaluates the usability of maps of different scales in a prototype route guidance and navigation system. The maps were designed on basic cartographic communication principles, such as perceptive grouping and figure-ground segregation, as well drivers’ requirements for performing a tactical task. Two different scales were adopted, 1:3,000 and 1:6,000, and the maps implemented in the prototype. A total of 52 subjects (26 males and 26 females) participated in an experiment performed in a driving simulator. The maps describe an urban route composed of 13 simple and complex maneuvers. The drivers’ mental workload was measured in terms of visual demand, navigational error and subjective preference. Results reveal that the usability of maps is influenced by map scale variation, and this is related to maneuver complexity. Also, an association between drivers’ visual demand and gender was found, and this was related to drivers’ spatial ability. More implications are presented and discussed

    O Mapeamento de Estudos Comparativos e o Uso das Geotecnologias: Aplicação Para a Cartografia da Vulnerabilidade em Áreas do Brasil e Portugal

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    A Ciência Geográfica, desde a sua concepção como área do conhecimento, desenvolve estudos sistemáticos comparativos na tentativa de encontrar e estabelecer padrões espaciais de diversos fenômenos naturais e humanos. No caso específico dos estudos em cartografia, há uma série de desafios que precisam ser contornados para estudos dessa natureza, sobretudo que utilizam áreas de estudo localizadas em contextos nacionais diferentes. Com base nessa questão o estudo proposto busca demonstrar como as geotecnologias podem ser utilizadas como apoio para o desenvolvimento de estudos cartográficos comparativos localizados em países diferentes. Para isso, propõe-se a realização do mapeamento da vulnerabilidade socioambiental de duas localidades, o município de Campos do Jordão – SP (Brasil) e o concelho da Guarda (Portugal) utilizando como metodologia de determinação da vulnerabilidade a Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) e para a representação as etapas de elaboração do projeto cartográfico. Os resultados mostram que as etapas de coleta e análise de dados são aquelas onde são encontradas as maiores dificuldades para esse tipo de mapeamento e ainda que as geotecnologias e sobretudo as ferramentas disponibilizadas pelos Sistemas de Informação Geográfico (SIG) e webmapeamento foram essenciais como suporte para que as representações pudessem ser elaboradas de forma satisfatória

    Nuisance Bleeding With Prolonged Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Acute Myocardial Infarction and its Impact on Health Status

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to examine the incidence of nuisance bleeding after AMI and its impact on QOL.BackgroundProlonged dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) is recommended after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) to reduce ischemic events, but it is associated with increased rates of major and minor bleeding. The incidence of even lesser degrees of post-discharge “nuisance” bleeding with DAPT and its impact on quality of life (QOL) are unknown.MethodsData from the 24-center TRIUMPH (Translational Research Investigating Underlying Disparities in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients' Health Status) study of 3,560 patients, who were interviewed at 1, 6, and 12 months after AMI, were used to investigate the incidence of nuisance bleeding (defined as Bleeding Academic Research Consortium type 1). Baseline characteristics associated with “nuisance” bleeding and its association with QOL, as measured by the EuroQol 5 Dimension visual analog scale, and subsequent re-hospitalization were examined.ResultsNuisance (Bleeding Academic Research Consortium type 1) bleeding occurred in 1,335 patients (37.5%) over the 12 months after AMI. After adjusting for baseline bleeding and mortality risk, ongoing DAPT was the strongest predictor of nuisance bleeding (rate ratio [RR]: 1.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.17 to 1.76 at 1 month; RR: 1.89, 95% CI: 1.35 to 2.65 at 6 months; and RR: 1.39, 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.79 at 12 months; p < 0.01 for all comparisons). Nuisance bleeding at 1 month was independently associated with a decrement in QOL at 1 month (−2.81 points on EuroQol 5 Dimension visual analog scale; 95% CI: 1.09 to 5.64) and nonsignificantly toward higher re-hospitalization (hazard ratio: 1.20; 95% CI: 0.95 to 1.52).ConclusionsNuisance bleeding is common in the year after AMI, associated with ongoing use of DAPT, and independently associated with worse QOL. Improved selection of patients for prolonged DAPT may help minimize the incidence and adverse consequences of nuisance bleeding

    Recapping the History of the Antipodes: Reappraising Absolute and Relative Connotations

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    Article originally published by Research in Geographic EducationDuring the first half of the 20th century teaching and learning about the antipodes were considered a fundamental element within the undergraduate geography curricula. However, in the 1970s the antipodes were absent from Bacon’s surveys of domain, core, and sphere concepts in human and physical geography. In fast forwarding to the 21st century, the term has virtually disappeared from introductory-level geography curricula. This exploration confirms that rather than being an obscure concept, the antipodes percolate across a diverse range of illustrations in mathematics, cartography, geology, astronomy, to cultural geography, literature and social theory. Our discourse supports reclaiming the antipodes for their geodetic value within the undergraduate introductory geography curriculum, but stresses sensitivities when using relative connotations in social, cultural, and political arenas