87 research outputs found
Toplinsko naštrcavanje
U uvodnom dijelu rada dana je definicija postupka toplinskog naštrcavanja. Detaljno su opisani značaj u pojedinim granama industrije, načini provedbe toplinskih naštrcavanja i primjena materijala. Opisane su najčešće vrste toplinskog naštrcavanja, te su nakon toga i međusobno uspoređene prema potrebnoj opremi za toplinsko naštrcavanje, zatim prema vrstama dodatnog materijala, te korištenom izvoru topline.
U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada opisuje se plazma navarivanje kao nisko energetski postupak naštrcavanja, tj. brzina čestica je puno manja pa je sloj dodatnog materijala navaren. Analiziraju se načinjeni uzorci, ocjenjuje se prikladnost tehnologije i utvrđuju specifične greške prilikom postupka.
U završnom dijelu rada dani su prijedlozi za poboljšanje tehnologije plazma navarivanja ovisno o vrsti praška i zahtjevima navarenog sloja
Primjena MAG CBT postupka za aditivnu proizvodnju električnim lukom i žicom
U teorijskom dijelu je analiziran prijenos metala MAG CBT postupkom te uspoređen s konvencionalnim prijenosom kratkim spojevima. Opisana je tehnologija aditivne proizvodnje električnim lukom i žicom (WAAM) te prikladnost pojedinih postupaka zavarivanja za realne aplikacije.
U eksperimentalnom dijelu je razrađen plan pokusa za optimizaciju parametara MAG CBT postupka za aditivnu proizvodnju električnim lukom i žicom (WAAM). Određen je odgovarajući dodatni materijal i zaštitni plinovi te izračunati unosi topline. Napravljena su 2 uzorka istih parametara s različitim brzinama zavarivanja te je napravljena njihova usporedba. Ispitana su mehanička svojstva oba uzorka: statički vlačni pokus i mjerenje tvrdoće. Zatim je napravljena i makroanaliza. Na kraju je ocijenjena prikladnost definiranih parametara MAG CBT za aditivnu proizvodnju električnim lukom i žicom
U Specijalnoj kliničkoj ortopedskoj bolnici Lovran liječeno je u periodu od
kolovoza 1991. do veljače 1993. oko 600 ranjenika domovinskog rata. Izdvajamo grupu
od 78 ranjenika kod kojih je u svrhu stabilizacije prijeloma, postavljen vanjski fiksator.
Dio ranjenika je primljen u našu ustanovu sa već postavljenim vanjskim fiksatorom,
kod nekih je fiksator promijenjen, a kod nekih prvi puta postavljen.
Sa ranom rehabilitacijom počinje se kod svih ranjenika odmah po dolasku, a kod
onih koji su operirani u našoj ustanovi 24 sata n3.kon operacije.
Rehabilitaciloni postupak· počinje prvenstveno kineziterapijom i magnetnom
terapijom. Kasnije se primjenjuju ostale fizikalno terapeutske procedure: terapija
laserom, tens, interferentne struje, elektrostimulacija i ultrazvuk, te hidroterapijske
procedure. ·
Rezultate smo ocjenili prema stupnju pokretljivosti koju smo postigli tijekom
rehabilitacionog postupka. Dobar rezultat (pokretljivost zgloba od 70-100% od
fiziološkog pokreta) postigli smo u 21,8% slučajeva, zadovoljavajući (pokretljivost
između 40-70% fizioloških vrijednosti) u 48,7% i loši (pokretljivost od 0-40% od
vrijednosti fiziološkog pokreta) u 29,5% ranjenika.
Odvojeno smo promatrali grupu ranjenika kod kojih je u toku liječenja
primjenjena magnetska terapija i zapazili bolje preživljavanje transplantata kože po
Thiersch-u u usporedbi sa grupom gdje magnetska terapija nije provođena.
Primjenom vanjskog fiksatora omogućena je rana aktivna rehabilitacija i brže
izlječenje.In the Special orthopedic hospital Lovran in the period from August 1991 to
February 1993 were cured six hunderd wounded in the war against Croatia.
In the case of seventyeight of the wounded was applied a extemal fixator for the stabilisation of fractures.
Some of wounded were accepted in our Clinic by an already applied external
fixator, by some we have changed the apparatus. By some of them was it applied for the
first time.
By an early rehabilitation one begins by all of them immediately after their arrival,
and at those who have been operated in our Clinic twentyfour hours after the operation
the treatment begins by kinesiterapy and magnetotherapy. After that folows other
physical therapeutic procedures, TENS, interpherent currency, electrostimulation,
ultrasound and hydrotherapy.
We have evaluated the results by the degree of mobility of joints. We have
achieved good results (mobility 70-100% from psysio1ogycal mobility) in 21,8% of the
cases, satisfying (mobility 40-70% physiologycal mobility) in 48,7%, unsatisfying
(mobility 0-40% physiologycal mobility) 29,5%.
Separately we have observed group of the wounded by whom we have applied
magnetotherapy. We have noticed better survival of the skin transp1antation (Thiersch).
External fixator makes possib1e active rehabilitation and a better curin
Immunohistochemical staining of radixin and moesin in prostatic adenocarcinoma
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Some members of the Protein 4.1 superfamily are believed to be involved in cell proliferation and growth, or in the regulation of these processes. While the expression levels of two members of this family, radixin and moesin, have been studied in many tumor types, to our knowledge they have not been investigated in prostate cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tissue microarrays were immunohistochemically stained for either radixin or moesin, with the staining intensities subsequently quantified and statistically analyzed using One-Way ANOVA or nonparametric equivalent with subsequent Student-Newman-Keuls tests for multiple comparisons. There were 11 cases of normal donor prostates (NDP), 14 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 23 cases of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), 88 cases of prostatic adenocarcinoma (PCa), and 25 cases of normal tissue adjacent to adenocarcinoma (NAC) analyzed in the microarrays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>NDP, BPH, and HGPIN had higher absolute staining scores for radixin than PCa and NAC, but with a significant difference observed between only HGPIN and PCa (p = < 0.001) and HGPIN and NAC (p = 0.001). In the moesin-stained specimens, PCa, NAC, HGPIN, and BPH all received absolute higher staining scores than NDP, but the differences were not significant. Stage 4 moesin-stained PCa had a significantly reduced staining intensity compared to Stage 2 (p = 0.003).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To our knowledge, these studies represent the first reports on the expression profiles of radixin and moesin in prostatic adenocarcinoma. The current study has shown that there were statistically significant differences observed between HGPIN and PCa and HGPIN and NAC in terms of radixin expression. The differences in the moesin profiles by tissue type were not statistically significant. Additional larger studies with these markers may further elucidate their potential roles in prostatic neoplasia progression.</p
Failure of available scoring systems to predict ongoing infection in patients with abdominal sepsis after their initial emergency laparotomy
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To examine commonly used scoring systems, designed to predict overall outcome in critically ill patients, for their ability to select patients with an abdominal sepsis that have ongoing infection needing relaparotomy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data from a RCT comparing two surgical strategies was used. The study population consisted of 221 patients at risk for ongoing abdominal infection. The following scoring systems were evaluated with logistic regression analysis for their ability to select patients requiring a relaparotomy: APACHE-II score, SAPS-II, Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI), MODS, SOFA score, and the acute part of the APACHE-II score (APS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proportion of patients requiring a relaparotomy was 32% (71/221). Only 2 scores had a discriminatory ability in identifying patients with ongoing infection needing relaparotomy above chance: the APS on day 1 (AUC 0.61; 95%CI 0.52-0.69) and the SOFA score on day 2 (AUC 0.60; 95%CI 0.52-0.69). However, to correctly identify 90% of all patients needing a relaparotomy would require such a low cut-off value that around 80% of all patients identified by these scoring systems would have negative findings at relaparotomy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>None of the widely-used scoring systems to predict overall outcome in critically ill patients are of clinical value for the identification of patients with ongoing infection needing relaparotomy. There is a need to develop more specific tools to assist physicians in their daily monitoring and selection of these patients after the initial emergency laparotomy.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN 51729393">ISRCTN 51729393</a></p
Knockdown of Moesin Expression Accelerates Cellular Senescence of Human Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells
PURPOSE: Endothelial cells maintain the homeostasis of blood, which consists of plasma and cellular components, and regulate the interaction between blood and the surrounding tissues. They also have essential roles in vascular permeability, the circulation, coagulation, inflammation, wound healing, and tissue growth. The senescence of endothelial cells is closely related to the aging of the adjacent tissues and to age-related vascular disease. Recently, the expression of moesin was found to be decreased in elderly human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMECs), and an association between moesin and senescence has been suggested. This study examined the functional role of moesin in cellular senescence.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: To study the effects of decreased moesin expression on cellular senescence and metabolism, HDMECs were transfected with short hairpin-RNA (shRNA) lentivirus to silence moesin gene expression. In addition, specimens from young and old human skin were stained with antimoesin and anti-p16 antibodies as an in vivo study.
RESULTS: Using shRNAlentivirus, moesin knock-down HDMECs developed characteristics associated with aging and expressed senescence associated-beta-galactosidase during early passages. They also showed increased p16 expression, decreased metabolic activity, and cell growth retardation. Human skin tissue from elderly persons showed decreased moesin expression and increased p16 expression.
CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that there is a functional association between moesin expression and cellular senescence. Further study of the functional mechanism of moesin in the cytoskeleton and cellular senescence is needed. In addition, this study provides a useful model for developing anti-aging treatments.ope
Association between trends in clinical variables and outcome in intensive care patients with faecal peritonitis: analysis of the GenOSept cohort
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Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,
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