18 research outputs found

    Pathogenicity factors in group C and G streptococci

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    Initially recognized zoonoses, streptococci belonging to Lancefield group C (GCS) and G (GGS) were subsequently recognised as human pathogens causing a diverse range of symptoms, from asymptomatic carriage to life threatening diseases. Their taxonomy has changed during the last decade. Asymptomatic carriage is <4% amongst the human population and invasive infections are often in association with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or chronic skin infections. Other clinical manifestations include acute pharyngitis, pneumonia, endocarditis, bacteraemia and toxic-shock syndrome. Post streptococcal sequalae such as rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis have also been described but mainly in developed countries and amongst specific populations. Putative virulence determinants for these organisms include adhesins, toxins, and other factors that are essential for dissemination in human tissues and for interference with the host immune responses. High nucleotide similarities among virulence genes and their association with mobile genetic elements supports the hypothesis of extensive horizontal gene transfer events between the various pyogenic streptococcal species belonging to Lancefield groups A, C and G. A better understanding of the mechanisms of pathogenesis should be apparent by whole-genome sequencing, and this would result in more effective clinical strategies for the pyogenic group in general

    Characterisation of SEQ0694 (PrsA/PrtM) of Streptococcus equi as a functional peptidyl-prolyl isomerase affecting multiple secreted protein substrates

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    YesPeptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) lipoproteins have been shown to influence the virulence of a number of Gram-positive bacterial human and animal pathogens, most likely through facilitating the folding of cell envelope and secreted virulence factors. Here, we used a proteomic approach to demonstrate that the Streptococcus equi PPIase SEQ0694 alters the production of multiple secreted proteins, including at least two putative virulence factors (FNE and IdeE2). We demonstrate also that, despite some unusual sequence features, recombinant SEQ0694 and its central parvulin domain are functional PPIases. These data add to our knowledge of the mechanisms by which lipoprotein PPIases contribute to the virulence of streptococcal pathogens

    Structural and fonctional study of interaction network of Gelatin Binding Domain

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    La matrice extracellulaire (MEC) intervient dans de nombreux processus biologiques tels que la migration, la diffĂ©rentiation ou l’adhĂ©sion cellulaire. Elle est Ă©galement associĂ©e Ă  plusieurs Ă©vĂšnements pathologiques. La cohĂ©sion de la MEC est assurĂ©e par un rĂ©seau organisĂ© et complexe de protĂ©ines prĂ©sent au voisinage immĂ©diat des cellules. Ce projet a pour objectif de contribuer Ă  la caractĂ©risation structurale et fonctionnelle de certaines de ces complexes protĂ©iques. Le Gelatin Binding Domain (GBD) (⁶FIÂčÂČFII ⁷⁞âčFI), localisĂ© dans la rĂ©gion N-terminale de la fibronectine est connu pour interagir avec la transglutaminase 2 (TG2), le collagĂšne de type I, ou encore des protĂ©ines d’adhĂ©sion bactĂ©riennes tel que la FNE (protĂ©ine de Streptococcus equi). Mes travaux de thĂšse portent donc sur la caractĂ©risation fonctionnelle et structurale de ces interactions par des approches biophysiques et biochimiques. Ce travail a permis de cartographier les rĂ©gions d’interactionentre la TG2 et le GBD d’une part et la FNE et le GBD d’autre part. Nous avons par la suite entrepris une Ă©tude par SAXS des complexes TG2/GBD et FNE/GBD et rĂ©ussi Ă  Ă©tablir des modĂšles structuraux d’interaction entre (1) le GBD et le domaine N-terminal de la TG2 et (2) entre la FNE et le sous fragment ⁷⁞âčFI du GBD. La structure tridimensionnelle de la protĂ©ine FNE a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©solue par cristallographie aux rayons X grĂące Ă  l’utilisation d’un outil original facilitant l’obtention de cristaux.The extracellular matrix (ECM) is involved in a number of biological pathways associated with the cell migration, differentiation, adhesion and is also implicated in several pathological events. The cohesion of the ECM is accomplished by a highly organized protein complex network on the cell surface. The Gelatin Binding Domain (GBD) (⁶FIÂčÂČFII ⁷⁞âčFI) of the N-terminal region of fibronectin is found to interact with the transglutaminase 2 (TG2), collagen type I and the bacterial adhesion protein FNE. In this study, we conducted the structural and functional characterization of the protein complexes involved in the cohesion of ECM. The interactions between either TG2 or FNE and GBD have been characterized and the regions responsible for the interactions have also been mapped. Furthermore, we studied TG2/GBD and FNE/GBD complex by SAXS and built two models underscoring the interactions between (1), the GBD and the Nterminus of TG2 and (2), FNE and the sub-fragment ⁷⁞âčFI of GBD providing insights on mechanistically elucidating the protein interactions during the cohehsion of ECM. The X-ray structure of the protein FNE of Streptococcus equi has been determined at 1.8 Å, by using an original tool that facilitates obtaining crystals

    Caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle du réseau d'interaction du Gelatin Binding Domain de la fibronectine humaine

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    La matrice extracellulaire (MEC) intervient dans de nombreux processus biologiques tels que la migration, la diffĂ©rentiation ou l adhĂ©sion cellulaire. Elle est Ă©galement associĂ©e Ă  plusieurs Ă©vĂšnements pathologiques. La cohĂ©sion de la MEC est assurĂ©e par un rĂ©seau organisĂ© et complexe de protĂ©ines prĂ©sent au voisinage immĂ©diat des cellules. Ce projet a pour objectif de contribuer Ă  la caractĂ©risation structurale et fonctionnelle de certaines de ces complexes protĂ©iques. Le Gelatin Binding Domain (GBD) ( FI FII FI), localisĂ© dans la rĂ©gion N-terminale de la fibronectine est connu pour interagir avec la transglutaminase 2 (TG2), le collagĂšne de type I, ou encore des protĂ©ines d adhĂ©sion bactĂ©riennes tel que la FNE (protĂ©ine de Streptococcus equi). Mes travaux de thĂšse portent donc sur la caractĂ©risation fonctionnelle et structurale de ces interactions par des approches biophysiques et biochimiques. Ce travail a permis de cartographier les rĂ©gions d interactionentre la TG2 et le GBD d une part et la FNE et le GBD d autre part. Nous avons par la suite entrepris une Ă©tude par SAXS des complexes TG2/GBD et FNE/GBD et rĂ©ussi Ă  Ă©tablir des modĂšles structuraux d interaction entre (1) le GBD et le domaine N-terminal de la TG2 et (2) entre la FNE et le sous fragment FI du GBD. La structure tridimensionnelle de la protĂ©ine FNE a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©solue par cristallographie aux rayons X grĂące Ă  l utilisation d un outil original facilitant l obtention de cristaux.The extracellular matrix (ECM) is involved in a number of biological pathways associated with the cell migration, differentiation, adhesion and is also implicated in several pathological events. The cohesion of the ECM is accomplished by a highly organized protein complex network on the cell surface. The Gelatin Binding Domain (GBD) ( FI FII FI) of the N-terminal region of fibronectin is found to interact with the transglutaminase 2 (TG2), collagen type I and the bacterial adhesion protein FNE. In this study, we conducted the structural and functional characterization of the protein complexes involved in the cohesion of ECM. The interactions between either TG2 or FNE and GBD have been characterized and the regions responsible for the interactions have also been mapped. Furthermore, we studied TG2/GBD and FNE/GBD complex by SAXS and built two models underscoring the interactions between (1), the GBD and the Nterminus of TG2 and (2), FNE and the sub-fragment FI of GBD providing insights on mechanistically elucidating the protein interactions during the cohehsion of ECM. The X-ray structure of the protein FNE of Streptococcus equi has been determined at 1.8 Å, by using an original tool that facilitates obtaining crystals.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. Ă©lectronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Elastoplastic model with loading memory surfaces (LMS) for monotonic and cyclic behaviour of geomaterials

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    A new elastoplastic model called loading memory surface based on the critical state concept and the multi-surface framework is proposed for geomaterials. The model uses a hypoelastic formulation and two plastic mechanisms. The formulations of the model are made in three-dimensional stress-strain space and work under both monotonic and cyclic loadings. A newly introduced formalism makes it possible to obtain the cyclic response directly from the monotonic loading one. This formalism gives a three-dimensional generalization of the well-known Masing rule. The model has been validated against test results of Hostun sand under several conditions: monotonic and cyclic, drained and undrained, tests in compression and in extension, and at different confining pressures and different densities

    Functional and Structural Characterization of PaeM, a Colicin M-like Bacteriocin Produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    International audienceColicin M (ColM) is the only enzymatic colicin reported to date that inhibits cell wall peptidoglycan biosynthesis. It catalyzes the specific degradation of the lipid intermediates involved in this pathway, thereby provoking lysis of susceptible Escherichia coli cells. A gene encoding a homologue of ColM was detected within the exoU-containing genomic island A carried by certain pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. This bacteriocin (pyocin) that we have named PaeM was crystallized, and its structure with and without an Mg2+ ion bound was solved. In parallel, site-directed mutagenesis of conserved PaeM residues from the C-terminal domain was performed, confirming their essentiality for the protein activity both in vitro (lipid II-degrading activity) and in vivo (cytotoxicity against a susceptible P. aeruginosa strain). Although PaeM is structurally similar to ColM, the conformation of their active sites differs radically; in PaeM, residues essential for enzymatic activity and cytotoxicity converge toward a same pocket, whereas in ColM they are spread along a particularly elongated active site. We have also isolated a minimal domain corresponding to the C-terminal half of the PaeM protein and exhibiting a 70-fold higher enzymatic activity as compared with the full-length protein. This isolated domain of the PaeM bacteriocin was further shown to kill E. coli cells when addressed to the periplasm of these bacteria