15 research outputs found

    Videobasierte Lehrmodule zur Förderung der professionellen Wahrnehmung von heterogenitÀtssensiblem Unterricht

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    Der Beitrag erlĂ€utert den gemeinsamen konzeptuellen Rahmen der fachspezifischen videobasierten Lehrmodule zur Förderung der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung von Lehramtsstudierenden, die im Rahmen der QualitĂ€tsoffensive Lehrerbildung MĂŒnster konzipiert und evaluiert wurden. Dazu gehört das Konstrukt der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung und des ĂŒbergreifenden Analyseschwerpunkts, des Umgangs mit einer heterogenen SchĂŒlerschaft im Unterricht, sowie das gemeinsame didaktische Konzept der videobasierten Seminare. Auf der Basis dieser fachlichen Grundlegung stellen die Autoren ein mediendidaktisches Konzept vor, das die kategoriengeleitete Analyse von Unterrichtsvideos als zentrales Aufgabenformat verwendet. Anhand evidenzbasierter mediendidaktischer Prinzipien wird der gemeinsame didaktische Rahmen der videobasierten Seminarkonzepte beschrieben. Dieser Rahmen soll Anregungen fĂŒr die Konzeption weiterer videobasierter Lehrmodule fĂŒr andere UnterrichtsfĂ€cher und zu weiteren Analyseschwerpunkten bieten. Zum ĂŒbergreifenden didaktischen Rahmen gehören (1) die Produktion und Auswahl geeigneter Unterrichtsvideos, (2) die Konstruktion von Aufgaben zur videobasierten Unterrichtsanalyse und (3) die Zusammenstellung dieser Aufgaben zu einem schlĂŒssigen und wirksamen Seminarkonzept. Abschließend wird das gemeinsame Evaluationskonzepts der videobasierten Seminare erlĂ€utert

    Case report: mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine-associated myopericarditis: Successful treatment and re-exposure with colchicine

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    IntroductionVaccine-induced myocarditis is a rare complication of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines.Case presentationWe report a case of acute myopericarditis in a recipient of allogeneic hematopoietic cells following the first dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine and the successful administration of a second and third dose while on prophylactic treatment with colchicine to successfully complete the vaccination.ConclusionTreatment and prevention of mRNA-vaccine-induced myopericarditis represent a clinical challenge. The use of colchicine is feasible and safe to potentially reduce the risk of this rare but severe complication and allows re-exposure to an mRNA vaccine

    Prevention and control of surgical site infections: review of the Basel Cohort Study

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    INTRODUCTION: Surgical site infections (SSI) are the most common hospital-acquired infections among surgical patients, with significant impact on patient morbidity and health care costs. The Basel SSI Cohort Study was performed to evaluate risk factors and validate current preventive measures for SSI. The objective of the present article was to review the main results of this study and its implications for clinical practice and future research. SUMMARY OF METHODS OF THE BASEL SSI COHORT STUDY: The prospective observational cohort study included 6,283 consecutive general surgery procedures closely monitored for evidence of SSI up to 1 year after surgery. The dataset was analysed for the influence of various potential SSI risk factors, including timing of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis (SAP), glove perforation, anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance, using multiple logistic regression analyses. In addition, post hoc analyses were performed to assess the economic burden of SSI, the efficiency of the clinical SSI surveillance system, and the spectrum of SSI-causing pathogens. REVIEW OF MAIN RESULTS OF THE BASEL SSI COHORT STUDY: The overall SSI rate was 4.7% (293/6,283). While SAP was administered in most patients between 44 and 0 minutes before surgical incision, the lowest risk of SSI was recorded when the antibiotics were administered between 74 and 30 minutes before surgery. Glove perforation in the absence of SAP increased the risk of SSI (OR 2.0; CI 1.4-2.8; p <0.001). No significant association was found for anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance with the risk of SSI. The mean additional hospital cost in the event of SSI was CHF 19,638 (95% CI, 8,492-30,784). The surgical staff documented only 49% of in-hospital SSI; the infection control team registered the remaining 51%. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common SSI-causing pathogen (29% of all SSI with documented microbiology). No case of an antimicrobial-resistant pathogen was identified in this series. CONCLUSIONS: The Basel SSI Cohort Study suggested that SAP should be administered between 74 and 30 minutes before surgery. Due to the observational nature of these data, corroboration is planned in a randomized controlled trial, which is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Routine change of gloves or double gloving is recommended in the absence of SAP. Anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance do not increase the risk of SSI. The substantial economic burden of in-hospital SSI has been confirmed. SSI surveillance by the surgical staff detected only half of all in-hospital SSI, which prompted the introduction of an electronic SSI surveillance system at the University Hospital of Basel and the Cantonal Hospital of Aarau. Due to the absence of multiresistant SSI-causing pathogens, the continuous use of single-shot single-drug SAP with cefuroxime (plus metronidazole in colorectal surgery) has been validated

    CB‐103: A novel CSL‐NICD inhibitor for the treatment of NOTCH‐driven T‐cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A case report of complete clinical response in a patient with relapsed and refractory T‐ALL

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    Abstract Relapsed T cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T‐ALL) has a very poor prognosis. A 24‐year‐old patient with relapsed high‐risk T‐ALL (PTEN gene deletion; NOTCH1 mutation), was treated with the NOTCH inhibitor CB‐103. Within 1 week of starting CB‐103, the bone marrow was free of T‐ALL blast infiltration (MRD+) and successfully underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo‐HSCT). Sequential samples of ctDNA to monitor the disease after allo‐HSCT showed a decrease of circulating Notch1 and PTEN alterations. This is the first T‐ALL patient treated with CB‐103. The observed clinical response encourages further exploration of CB‐103 in ALL

    Image3_Case report: mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine-associated myopericarditis: Successful treatment and re-exposure with colchicine.jpeg

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    IntroductionVaccine-induced myocarditis is a rare complication of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines.Case presentationWe report a case of acute myopericarditis in a recipient of allogeneic hematopoietic cells following the first dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine and the successful administration of a second and third dose while on prophylactic treatment with colchicine to successfully complete the vaccination.ConclusionTreatment and prevention of mRNA-vaccine-induced myopericarditis represent a clinical challenge. The use of colchicine is feasible and safe to potentially reduce the risk of this rare but severe complication and allows re-exposure to an mRNA vaccine.</p

    Video1_Case report: mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine-associated myopericarditis: Successful treatment and re-exposure with colchicine.mp4

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    IntroductionVaccine-induced myocarditis is a rare complication of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines.Case presentationWe report a case of acute myopericarditis in a recipient of allogeneic hematopoietic cells following the first dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine and the successful administration of a second and third dose while on prophylactic treatment with colchicine to successfully complete the vaccination.ConclusionTreatment and prevention of mRNA-vaccine-induced myopericarditis represent a clinical challenge. The use of colchicine is feasible and safe to potentially reduce the risk of this rare but severe complication and allows re-exposure to an mRNA vaccine.</p

    Image1_Case report: mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine-associated myopericarditis: Successful treatment and re-exposure with colchicine.png

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    IntroductionVaccine-induced myocarditis is a rare complication of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines.Case presentationWe report a case of acute myopericarditis in a recipient of allogeneic hematopoietic cells following the first dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine and the successful administration of a second and third dose while on prophylactic treatment with colchicine to successfully complete the vaccination.ConclusionTreatment and prevention of mRNA-vaccine-induced myopericarditis represent a clinical challenge. The use of colchicine is feasible and safe to potentially reduce the risk of this rare but severe complication and allows re-exposure to an mRNA vaccine.</p

    Image2_Case report: mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine-associated myopericarditis: Successful treatment and re-exposure with colchicine.png

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    IntroductionVaccine-induced myocarditis is a rare complication of messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines.Case presentationWe report a case of acute myopericarditis in a recipient of allogeneic hematopoietic cells following the first dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine and the successful administration of a second and third dose while on prophylactic treatment with colchicine to successfully complete the vaccination.ConclusionTreatment and prevention of mRNA-vaccine-induced myopericarditis represent a clinical challenge. The use of colchicine is feasible and safe to potentially reduce the risk of this rare but severe complication and allows re-exposure to an mRNA vaccine.</p

    Celiac Disease: From Pathogenesis to Novel Therapies

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