7 research outputs found

    Time variability of Neptune's horizontal and vertical cloud structure revealed by VLT/SINFONI and Gemini/NIFS from 2009 to 2013

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    New observations of Neptune's clouds in the near infrared were acquired in October 2013 with SINFONI on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. SINFONI is an Integral Field Unit spectrometer returning a 64 × 64 pixel image with 2048 wavelengths. Image cubes in the J-band (1.09-1.41 μm) and H-band (1.43-1.87 μm) were obtained at spatial resolutions of 0.1″and 0.025″per pixel, while SINFONI's adaptive optics provided an effective resolution of approximately 0.1″. Image cubes were obtained at the start and end of three successive nights to monitor the temporal development of discrete clouds both at short timescales (i.e. during a single night) as well as over the longer period of the three-day observing run. These observations were compared with similar H-band observations obtained in September 2009 with the NIFS Integral Field Unit spectrometer on the Gemini-North telescope in Hawaii, previously reported by Irwin et al. (2011) [Icarus, 216, 141-158], and previously unreported Gemini/NIFS observations at lower spatial resolution made in 2011.We find both similarities and differences between these observations, spaced over four years. The same overall cloud structure is seen with high, bright clouds visible at mid-latitudes (30-40°N,S), with slightly lower clouds observed at lower latitudes, together with small discrete clouds seen circling the pole at a latitude of approximately 60°S. However, while discrete clouds were visible at this latitude at both the main cloud deck level (at 2-3 bar) and in the upper troposphere (100-500 mb) in 2009, no distinct deep (2-3 bar), discrete circumpolar clouds were visible in 2013, although some deep clouds were seen at the southern edge of the main cloud belt at 30-40°S, which have not been observed before. The nature of the deep sub-polar discrete clouds observed in 2009 is intriguing. While it is possible that in 2013 these deeper clouds were masked by faster moving, overlying features, we consider that it is unlikely that this should have happened in 2013, but not in 2009 when the upper-cloud activity was generally similar. Meanwhile, the deep clouds seen at the southern edge of the main cloud belt at 30-40°S in 2013, should also have been detectable in 2009, but were not seen. Hence, these observations may have detected a real temporal variation in the occurrence of Neptune's deep clouds, pointing to underlying variability in the convective activity at the pressure of the main cloud deck at 2-3 bar near Neptune's south pole and also in the main observable cloud belt at 30-40°S.</p

    Ground-based near-infrared remote sounding of ice giant clouds and methane

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    The ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, are the two outermost planets in our solar system. With only one satellite flyby each in the late 1980’s, the ice giants are arguably the least understood of the planets orbiting the Sun. A better understanding of these planets’ atmospheres will not only help satisfy the natural scientific curiosity we have about these distant spheres of gas, but also might provide insight into the dynamics and meteorology of our own planet’s atmosphere. Two new ground-based, near-infrared datasets of the ice giants are studied. Both datasets provide data in a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that provides good constraint on the size of small scattering particles in the atmospheres’ clouds and haze layers. The broad extent of both telescopes’ spectral coverage allows characterisation of these small particles for a wide range of wavelengths. Both datasets also provide coverage of the 825 nm collision-induced hydrogen-absorption feature, allowing us to disentangle the latitudinal variation of CH4 abundance from the height and vertical extent of clouds in the upper troposphere. A two-cloud model is successfully fitted to IRTF SpeX Uranus data, parameterising both clouds with base altitude, fractional scale height, and total opacity. An optically thick, vertically thin cloud with a base pressure of 1.6 bar, tallest in the midlatitudes, shows strong preference for scattering particles of 1.35 μm radii. Above this cloud lies an optically thin, vertically extended haze extending upward from 1.0 bar and consistent with particles of 0.10 μm radii. An equatorial enrichment of methane abundance and a lower cloud of constant vertical thickness was shown to exist using two independent methods of analysis. Data from Palomar SWIFT of three different latitude regions (3

    Ground-Based Near-Infrared Remote Sounding of Ice Giant Clouds and Methane

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    The ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, are the two outermost planets in our solar system. With only one satellite flyby each in the late 1980’s, the ice giants are arguably the least understood of the planets orbiting the Sun. A better understanding of these planets’ atmospheres will not only help satisfy the natural scientific curiosity we have about these distant spheres of gas, but also might provide insight into the dynamics and meteorology of our own planet’s atmosphere. Two new ground-based, near-infrared datasets of the ice giants are studied. Both datasets provide data in a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that provides good constraint on the size of small scattering particles in the atmospheres’ clouds and haze layers. The broad extent of both telescopes’ spectral coverage allows characterisation of these small particles for a wide range of wavelengths. Both datasets also provide coverage of the 825 nm collision-induced hydrogen-absorption feature, allowing us to disentangle the latitudinal variation of CH4 abundance from the height and vertical extent of clouds in the upper troposphere. A two-cloud model is successfully fitted to IRTF SpeX Uranus data, parameterising both clouds with base altitude, fractional scale height, and total opacity. An optically thick, vertically thin cloud with a base pressure of 1.6 bar, tallest in the midlatitudes, shows strong preference for scattering particles of 1.35 μm radii. Above this cloud lies an optically thin, vertically extended haze extending upward from 1.0 bar and consistent with particles of 0.10 μm radii. An equatorial enrichment of methane abundance and a lower cloud of constant vertical thickness was shown to exist using two independent methods of analysis. Data from Palomar SWIFT of three different latitude regions (30This thesis is not currently available in ORA