46 research outputs found

    Survival of the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap through the Holocene thermal maximum: evidence from sulphur contents in Katla tephra layers (Iceland) from the last ∼8400 years

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    International audienceThe climate in Iceland was drier and warmer during the Holocene thermal maximum than it is today and it has been suggested that ice caps disappeared entirely. Katla, a volcano covered by the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap in southern Iceland, has erupted rather steadily throughout the Holocene. Preand post-eruption sulphur concentrations in its products have been determined in previous studies, through melt inclusions trapped in phenocrysts (pre-eruption mean values of 2155 ± 165 ppm) and fully degassed magmatic tephra (post-eruption mean values of 445 ± 130 ppm). The phreatomagmatic tephra has much more variable S contents (550-1775 ppm) and spans the compositional gap between magmatic tephra and melt inclusions. These variable sulphur values are attributed to arresting of degassing as the magma is quenched upon contact with external water in the shallow levels of the volcano conduit. Sulphur in Katla tephra can thus be used to evaluate whether Mýrdalsjökull survived the warm spells of the Holocene. In this study, sulphur concentrations in tephra layers representing the last ∼8400 years of the volcano's eruption history were measured, revealing concentrations in the phreatomagmatic range (600-1600 ppm). Hence, we conclude that over the last ∼8400 years, explosive activity at Katla has been dominated by phreatomagmatic eruptions, implying that the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap has been present throughout the Holocene

    Trace element composition in olivine from the 2022 Meradalir eruption of the Fagradalsfjall Fires, SW-Iceland (Short Communication)

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    This study focuses on determining the trace element composition in olivine from olivine tholeiitic basalts sampled in Iceland during the 2022 Meradalir eruption of the 2021-ongoing Fagradalsfjall Fires. The chemistry of Meradalir olivine is characteristic for a volcanic origin where olivine crystals represent the product of crystallisation. Olivine from the Meradalir basalt magma falls within the field characteristic for the melting of a dominantly peridotitic mantle source. However, the data show that the 2022 Meradalir olivine crystalized from a compositionally more evolved magma than olivine from the preceding 2021 Geldingadalir eruption of the Fagradalsfjall Fires

    Diffusive over-hydration of olivine-hosted melt inclusions

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    The pre-eruptive water content of magma is often estimated using crystal-hosted melt inclusions. However, olivine-hosted melt inclusions are prone to post-entrapment modification by H+ diffusion as they re-equilibrate with their external environment. This effect is well established for the case of H+ loss from olivine-hosted inclusions that have cooled slowly in degassed magma. Here we present evidence for the opposite effect: the addition of H+ into inclusions that are held in melts that are enriched in H2O with respect to the trapped melts. The compositional variability in a suite of 211 olivine-hosted inclusions from the Laki and Skuggafjöll eruptions in Iceland's Eastern Volcanic Zone indicates that diffusive H+ gain governs the H2O content of incompatible trace element depleted inclusions. Individual eruptive units contain olivine-hosted inclusions with widely varying incompatible element concentrations but near-constant H2O. Furthermore, over 40% of the inclusions have H2O/Ce>380H2O/Ce>380, significantly higher than the H2O/Ce expected in primary Icelandic melts or mid-ocean ridge basalts (150–280). The fact that the highest H2O/Ce ratios are found in the most incompatible element depleted inclusions indicates that hydration is a consequence of the concurrent mixing and crystallisation of compositionally diverse primary melts. Hydration occurs when olivines containing depleted inclusions with low H2O contents are juxtaposed against more hydrous melts during mixing. Melt inclusions from a single eruption may preserve evidence of both diffusive H+ loss and H+ gain. Trace element data are therefore vital for determining H2O contents of melt inclusions at the time of inclusion trapping and, ultimately, the H2O content of the mantle source regions

    Driving mechanisms of subaerial and subglacial explosive episodes during the 10th century Eldgjá fissure eruption, southern Iceland

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    The 10th century Eldgjá fissure eruption is the largest in Iceland in historical time. It erupted 21.0 km3 of magma, with 1.3 km3 as tephra in at least 16 explosive episodes from subaerial and subglacial vents, producing magmatic and phreatomagmatic deposits respectively. Grain-size distributions for these end-members show distinct differences at comparable distances from source: the former are coarser and unimodal; the latter are finer and bimodal. These distributions appear to record different primary fragmentation histories. In contrast, the vesicle-size distributions of pyroclasts from each type of deposit show the pyroclasts underwent similar vesicle nucleation and growth prior to fragmentation. This indicates that the role of glacial water was comparatively late-stage, re-fragmenting an already disrupting magma by quench granulation. The presence of microlite-rich domains within clasts reveals a history of complex conduit evolution, during the transition from a continuous dyke to focussed, discrete vents

    Quantifying the Water-to-Melt Mass Ratio and Its Impact on Eruption Plumes During Explosive Hydromagmatic Eruptions

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    The interaction of magma with external water commonly enhances magma fragmentation through the conversion of thermal to mechanical energy and results in an increased production of fine-grained volcanic tephra. Magma-water interaction is thus of importance for hazard mitigation on both a local and a regional scales. The relative proportion of water that interacts with magma, quantified as the water-to-melt mass ratio, is thought to determine the efficiency of thermal to mechanical energy conversion, termed the fragmentation efficiency. Here, we analyze the pyroclast size distributions from the 10th century Eldgjá fissure eruption in Iceland, where parts of the fissure erupted subglacially and other erupted subaerially. The subglacially erupted magma passed through a column of glacial meltwater, resulting in a larger proportion of finer pyroclast sizes relative to the subaerially erupted, purely magmatic tephra. This finer grain size distribution has been attributed to quench-granulation induced by enhanced cooling upon interaction with external water. We hypothesize that the additional fragmentation (surface) energy required to produce the finer grained hydromagmatic deposits is due to the conversion of thermal to mechanical energy associated with the entrainment of water into the volcanic jet, as it passed through a column of subglacial melt water. Based on field and granulometry data, we estimate that the interaction of the volcanic jet with the meltwater provided an additional fragmentation energy of approximately 3–14 kJ per kg of pyroclasts. We numerically model the hydrofragmentation energy within a jet that passes through a layer of meltwater. We find that the water-to-melt mass ratio of entrained water required to produce the additional fragmentation energy is in the range of 1–2, which requires a minimum ice melting rate of 104 m3 s−1. Our simulation results show that the water-to-melt ratio is an important parameter that controls the ascent of plume in the atmosphere

    Tracking timescales of short-term precursors to large basaltic fissure eruptions through Fe–Mg diffusion in olivine

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    Petrological constraints on the timescales of pre-eruptive crystal storage and magma degassing provide an important framework for the interpretation of seismic, geodetic and gas monitoring data in volcanically active regions. We have used Fe–Mg diffusion chronometry in 86 olivine macrocrysts from the AD 1783–1784 Laki eruption on Iceland's Eastern Volcanic Zone to characterise timescales of crystal storage and transport in the lead-up to this eruption. The majority of these olivines have core compositions of Fo 81 olivines record Fe–Mg diffusion timescales of ∼124 days; these crystals are likely to have formed in mid-crustal magma chambers, been transferred to storage at shallower levels and then entrained into the Laki melt prior to eruption. Typical Fe–Mg diffusion timescales of 6–10 days are shorter than the average time interval between discrete episodes of the Laki eruption, indicating variable or pulsed disaggregation of stored crystals into the carrier liquid prior to the onset of each episode. The diffusion timescales coincide with historical accounts of strong and frequent earthquakes in southeast Iceland, which we interpret as being associated with mush disaggregation related to melt withdrawal and the initiation of dyke propagation from a crustal magma reservoir at ∼6 ± 3 km depth to the surface. We calculate pre-eruptive CO2 fluxes of 2–6 Mt d−1, assuming a pre-eruptive CO2 outgassing budget of 189.6 Mt for the Laki eruption and a constant rate of CO2 release in the 6–10 days preceding each eruptive episode. Our dataset indicates that petrological constraints on the timescales of magmatic processes occurring in the days leading up to historic eruptions may enhance our ability to forecast the onset of future large eruptions, both in Iceland and further afield