57 research outputs found

    Making open data work for plant scientists

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    Despite the clear demand for open data sharing, its implementation within plant science is still limited. This is, at least in part, because open data-sharing raises several unanswered questions and challenges to current research practices. In this commentary, some of the challenges encountered by plant researchers at the bench when generating, interpreting, and attempting to disseminate their data have been highlighted. The difficulties involved in sharing sequencing, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data are reviewed. The benefits and drawbacks of three data-sharing venues currently available to plant scientists are identified and assessed: (i) journal publication; (ii) university repositories; and (iii) community and project-specific databases. It is concluded that community and project-specific databases are the most useful to researchers interested in effective data sharing, since these databases are explicitly created to meet the researchers’ needs, support extensive curation, and embody a heightened awareness of what it takes to make data reuseable by others. Such bottom-up and community-driven approaches need to be valued by the research community, supported by publishers, and provided with long-term sustainable support by funding bodies and government. At the same time, these databases need to be linked to generic databases where possible, in order to be discoverable to the majority of researchers and thus promote effective and efficient data sharing. As we look forward to a future that embraces open access to data and publications, it is essential that data policies, data curation, data integration, data infrastructure, and data funding are linked together so as to foster data access and research productivity

    Nitrogen deficiency in barley (<i>Hordeum vulgare)</i> seedlings induces molecular and metabolic adjustments that trigger aphid resistance

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    Agricultural N2O pollution resulting from the use of synthetic fertilisers represents a significant contribution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, providing a rationale for reduced use of nitrogen fertilisers. Nitrogen limitation results in extensive systems rebalancing that remodels metabolism and defence processes. To analyse the regulation underpinning these responses, barley (Horedeum vulgare) seedlings were grown for seven days under nitrogen-deficient conditions until net photosynthesis was 50% lower than in nitrogen-replete controls. Although shoot growth was decreased there was no evidence for the induction of oxidative stress despite lower total concentrations of nitrogen containing antioxidants. Nitrogen deficient barley leaves were rich in amino acids, sugars and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates. In contrast to N-replete leaves one day old nymphs of the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) failed to reach adulthood when transferred to N-deficient barley leaves. Transcripts encoding cell, sugar and nutrient signalling, protein degradation and secondary metabolism were over-represented in nitrogen-deficient leaves while those associated with hormone metabolism were similar under both nutrient regimes with the exception of mRNAs encoding proteins involved in auxin metabolism and responses. Significant similarities were observed between the N-limited barley leaf transcriptome and that of aphid infested Arabidopsis leaves. These findings not only highlight significant similarities between biotic and abiotic stress signalling cascades but also identify potential targets for increasing aphid resistance with implications for the development of sustainable agriculture

    RSAT variation-tools: An accessible and flexible framework to predict the impact of regulatory variants on transcription factor binding

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    International audienceGene regulatory regions contain short and degenerated DNA binding sites recognized by transcription factors (TFBS). When TFBS harbor SNPs, the DNA binding site may be affected, thereby altering the tran-scriptional regulation of the target genes. Such regulatory SNPs have been implicated as causal variants in Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) studies. In this study, we describe improved versions of the programs Variation-tools designed to predict regulatory variants, and present four case studies to illustrate their usage and applications. In brief, Variation-tools facilitate i) obtaining variation information, ii) interconversion of variation file formats, iii) retrieval of sequences surrounding variants, and iv) calculating the change on predicted transcription factor affinity scores between alleles, using motif scanning approaches. Notably, the tools support the analysis of haplotypes. The tools are included within the well-maintained suite Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT, http://rsat.eu), and accessible through a web interface that currently enables analysis of five metazoa and ten plant genomes. Variation-tools can also be used in command-line with any locally-installed Ensembl genome. Users can input personal collections of variants and motifs, providing flexibility in the analysis

    A whole-genome shotgun approach for assembling and anchoring the hexaploid bread wheat genome

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    Citation: Chapman, J. A., Mascher, M., Buluç, A., Barry, K., Georganas, E., Session, A., . . . Rokhsar, D. S. (2015). A whole-genome shotgun approach for assembling and anchoring the hexaploid bread wheat genome. Genome Biology, 16(1). doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0582-8Polyploid species have long been thought to be recalcitrant to whole-genome assembly. By combining high-throughput sequencing, recent developments in parallel computing, and genetic mapping, we derive, de novo, a sequence assembly representing 9.1 Gbp of the highly repetitive 16 Gbp genome of hexaploid wheat, Triticum aestivum, and assign 7.1 Gb of this assembly to chromosomal locations. The genome representation and accuracy of our assembly is comparable or even exceeds that of a chromosome-by-chromosome shotgun assembly. Our assembly and mapping strategy uses only short read sequencing technology and is applicable to any species where it is possible to construct a mapping population. © 2015 Chapman et al. licensee BioMed Central.Additional Authors: Muehlbauer, G. J.;Stein, N.;Rokhsar, D. S

    Analysis of Hopi

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    We investigated Hopi/Osr27 (gypsy) and Houba/Tos5/Osr13 (copy) retrotransposon movements in 10-day-old roots and leaves of Oryza sativa cvs. Ipsala, Beser and Osmancik-97. Seeds from these three cultivars were germinated between filter papers in Petri dishes for 10 days. Three biologically independent (nonrelated) seeds were germinated for each cultivar. Then, roots and leaves grown from the same rice plant were harvested and used for genomic DNA isolation. Inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism–polymerase chain reaction with suitable primers was performed with each DNA template to analyze the movements of Hopi/Osr27 and Houba/Tos5/Osr13 retrotransposons. Polymorphism ratios were evaluated both among cultivars and among roots and leaves from the same cultivar. The polymorphism ratios ranged from 0% to 17% for Hopi/Osr27 and from 10% to 87% for Houba/Tos5/Osr13. The obtained results at retrotransposon and varietal levels indicated that the retrotransposon type and genotype dependence are responsible for the occurrence of different variations. Transposable elements are very important for understanding the relationship between cultivars and evolution. Our findings are expected to contribute to the understanding of spontaneous genomic insertion events and their effects on the genetic and epigenetic changes during rice development
