206 research outputs found

    Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) Pneumonia in Beef Calf Herds Despite Vaccination

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    The present report describes the clinical, pathological, serological and virological findings in calves from 2 larger Danish beef herds experiencing outbreaks of pneumonia. The calves had been vaccinated with an inactivated bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) vaccine 2 months prior to the outbreak. The clinical signs comprised nasal discharge, pyrexia, cough and increased respiratory rates. A total of 28 calves died in the 2 herds. The laboratory investigations revealed that BRSV was involved and probably initiated both outbreaks. Furthermore, the serological results suggested that the vaccine induced only sparse levels of antibodies probably due to the presence of maternally derived antibodies at the time of vaccination. Necropsy findings in 5 calves revealed changes typical for infectious pneumonia with involvment of BRSV. In conclusion, vaccination of calves against BRSV in 2 Danish beef herds failed to protect the calves against severe or even fatal BRSV mediated respiratory disease 2 months later

    Solar limb darkening function and solar diameter with eclipses observations

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    We introduce a new method to perform high resolution astrometry of the solar diameter from the ground, through the observations of eclipses. A discussion of the solar diameter and its variations is linked to the Limb Darkening Function (LDF) using the luminosity evolution of a Baily's Bead and the profile of the lunar limb available from satellite data. The inflexion point of the LDF is defined as the solar limb. The method proposed is applied for the videos of the eclipse in January, 15, 2010 recorded by Richard Nugent in Uganda and Andreas Tegtmeier in India. An upper limit for the inflexion point position has been set for that eclipse.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the Fourth French-Chinese meeting on Solar Physics Understanding Solar Activity: Advances and Challenges, 15 - 18 November, 2011 Nice, Franc

    Technical Note: A SAGE-corrected SBUV zonal-mean ozone data set

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    A stratospheric vertically resolved, monthly, zonal-mean ozone data set based on Satellite Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) and Solar Backscatter UltraViolet (SBUV) data spanning 1979–2005 is presented. Drifts in individual SBUV instruments and inter-SBUV biases are corrected using SAGE I and II by calculating differences between coincident SAGE-SBUV measurements. In this way the daily, near-global coverage of SBUV(/2) is combined with the stability and precision of SAGE to provide a homogeneous ozone record suitable for trend analysis. The resultant SAGE-corrected SBUV data set, shows, for example, a more realistic Quasi-Biennial Oscillation signal compared to the one derived from SBUV data alone. Furthermore, this methodology can be used to extend the present data set beyond the lifetime of SAGE II

    Modelling marine emissions and atmospheric distributions of halocarbons and dimethyl sulfide: the influence of prescribed water concentration vs. prescribed emissions

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    Marine-produced short-lived trace gases such as dibromomethane (CH2Br2), bromoform (CHBr3), methyliodide (CH3I) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) significantly impact tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry. Describing their marine emissions in atmospheric chemistry models as accurately as possible is necessary to quantify their impact on ozone depletion and Earth's radiative budget. So far, marine emissions of trace gases have mainly been prescribed from emission climatologies, thus lacking the interaction between the actual state of the atmosphere and the ocean. Here we present simulations with the chemistry climate model EMAC (ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry) with online calculation of emissions based on surface water concentrations, in contrast to directly prescribed emissions. Considering the actual state of the model atmosphere results in a concentration gradient consistent with model real-time conditions at the ocean surface and in the atmosphere, which determine the direction and magnitude of the computed flux. This method has a number of conceptual and practical benefits, as the modelled emission can respond consistently to changes in sea surface temperature, surface wind speed, sea ice cover and especially atmospheric mixing ratio. This online calculation could enhance, dampen or even invert the fluxes (i.e. deposition instead of emissions) of very short-lived substances (VSLS). We show that differences between prescribing emissions and prescribing concentrations (−28 % for CH2Br2 to +11 % for CHBr3) result mainly from consideration of the actual, time-varying state of the atmosphere. The absolute magnitude of the differences depends mainly on the surface ocean saturation of each particular gas. Comparison to observations from aircraft, ships and ground stations reveals that computing the air–sea flux interactively leads in most of the cases to more accurate atmospheric mixing ratios in the model compared to the computation from prescribed emissions. Calculating emissions online also enables effective testing of different air–sea transfer velocity (k) parameterizations, which was performed here for eight different parameterizations. The testing of these different k values is of special interest for DMS, as recently published parameterizations derived by direct flux measurements using eddy covariance measurements suggest decreasing k values at high wind speeds or a linear relationship with wind speed. Implementing these parameterizations reduces discrepancies in modelled DMS atmospheric mixing ratios and observations by a factor of 1.5 compared to parameterizations with a quadratic or cubic relationship to wind spee

    Retrieving wind statistics from average spectrum of continuous-wave lidar

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    The aim of this study is to experimentally demonstrate that the time-average Doppler spectrum of a continuous-wave (cw) lidar is proportional to the probability density function of the line-of-sight velocities. This would open the possibility of using cw lidars for the determination of the second-order atmospheric turbulence statistics. An atmospheric field campaign and a wind tunnel experiment are carried out to show that the use of an average Doppler spectrum instead of a time series of velocities determined from individual Doppler spectra significantly reduces the differences with the standard deviation measured using ordinary anemometers, such as ultra-sonic anemometers or hotwires. The proposed method essentially removes the spatial averaging effect intrinsic to the cw lidar systems

    A missense mutation in Ehd1 associated with defective spermatogenesis and male infertility

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    Normal function of the C-terminal Eps15 homology domain-containing protein 1 (EHD1) has previously been associated with endocytic vesicle trafficking, shaping of intracellular membranes, and ciliogenesis. We recently identified an autosomal recessive missense mutation c.1192C>T (p.R398W) of EHD1 in patients who had low molecular weight proteinuria (0.7–2.1 g/d) and high-frequency hearing loss. It was already known from Ehd1 knockout mice that inactivation of Ehd1 can lead to male infertility. However, the exact role of the EHD1 protein and its p.R398W mutant during spermatogenesis remained still unclear. Here, we report the testicular phenotype of a knockin mouse model carrying the p.R398W mutation in the EHD1 protein. Male homozygous knockin mice were infertile, whereas the mutation had no effect on female fertility. Testes and epididymes were significantly reduced in size and weight. The testicular epithelium appeared profoundly damaged and had a disorganized architecture. The composition of developing cell types was altered. Malformed acrosomes covered underdeveloped and misshaped sperm heads. In the sperm tail, midpieces were largely missing indicating disturbed assembly of the sperm tail. Defective structures, i.e., nuclei, acrosomes, and sperm tail midpieces, were observed in large vacuoles scattered throughout the epithelium. Interestingly, cilia formation itself did not appear to be affected, as the axoneme and other parts of the sperm tails except the midpieces appeared to be intact. In wildtype mice, EHD1 co-localized with acrosomal granules on round spermatids, suggesting a role of the EHD1 protein during acrosomal development. Wildtype EHD1 also co-localized with the VPS35 component of the retromer complex, whereas the p.R398W mutant did not. The testicular pathologies appeared very early during the first spermatogenic wave in young mice (starting at 14 dpp) and tubular destruction worsened with age. Taken together, EHD1 plays an important and probably multifaceted role in spermatogenesis in mice. Therefore, EHD1 may also be a hitherto underestimated infertility gene in humans

    The representation of solar cycle signals in stratospheric ozone – Part 1: A comparison of satellite observations

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    Changes in incoming solar ultraviolet radiation over the 11-year solar cycle affect stratospheric ozone abundances. It is important to quantify the magnitude, structure, and seasonality of the associated solar-ozone response (SOR) to understand the impact of the 11-year solar cycle on climate. Part 1 of this two-part study uses multiple linear regression analysis to extract the SOR in a number of recently updated satellite ozone datasets covering different periods within the epoch 1970 to 2013. The annual mean SOR in the updated version 7.0 (v7.0) Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II number density dataset (1984–2004) is very consistent with that found in the previous v6.2. In contrast, we find a substantial decrease in the magnitude of the SOR in the tropical upper stratosphere in the SAGE II v7.0 mixing ratio dataset (∼ 1 %) compared to the v6.2 (∼ 4 %). This difference is shown to be largely attributable to the change in the independent stratospheric temperature dataset used to convert SAGE II ozone number densities to mixing ratios. Since these temperature records contain substantial uncertainties, we suggest that datasets based on SAGE II number densities are currently most reliable for evaluating the SOR. We further analyse three extended ozone datasets that combine SAGE II v7.0 number densities with more recent GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars) or OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System) measurements. The extended SAGE–OSIRIS dataset (1984–2013) shows a smaller and less statistically significant SOR across much of the tropical upper stratosphere compared to the SAGE II data alone. In contrast, the two SAGE–GOMOS datasets (1984–2011) show SORs that are in closer agreement with the original SAGE II data and therefore appear to provide a more reliable estimate of the SOR. We also analyse the SOR in the recent Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Instrument (SBUV) Merged Ozone Dataset (SBUVMOD) version 8.6 (VN8.6) (1970–2012) and SBUV Merged Cohesive VN8.6 (1978–2012) datasets and compare them to the previous SBUVMOD VN8.0 (1970–2009). Over their full lengths, the three records generally agree in terms of the broad magnitude and structure of the annual mean SOR. The main difference is that SBUVMOD VN8.6 shows a smaller and less significant SOR in the tropical upper stratosphere and therefore more closely resembles the SAGE II v7.0 mixing ratio data than does the SBUV Merged Cohesive VN8.6, which has a more continuous SOR of ∼ 2 % in this region. The sparse spatial and temporal sampling of limb satellite instruments prohibits the extraction of sub-annual variations in the SOR from SAGE-based datasets. However, the SBUVMOD VN8.6 dataset suggests substantial month-to-month variations in the SOR, particularly in the winter extratropics, which may be important for the proposed high-latitude dynamical response to the solar cycle. Overall, the results highlight substantial uncertainties in the magnitude and structure of the observed SOR from different satellite records. The implications of these uncertainties for understanding and modelling the effects of solar variability on climate should be explored

    Assessment of upper tropospheric and stratospheric water vapor and ozone in reanalyses as part of S-RIP

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    Reanalysis data sets are widely used to understand atmospheric processes and past variability, and are often used to stand in as “observations” for comparisons with climate model output. Because of the central role of water vapor (WV) and ozone (O3) in climate change, it is important to understand how accurately and consistently these species are represented in existing global reanalyses. In this paper, we present the results of WV and O3 intercomparisons that have been performed as part of the SPARC (Stratosphere–troposphere Processes and their Role in Climate) Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP). The comparisons cover a range of timescales and evaluate both inter-reanalysis and observation-reanalysis differences. We also provide a systematic documentation of the treatment of WV and O3 in current reanalyses to aid future research and guide the interpretation of differences amongst reanalysis fields. The assimilation of total column ozone (TCO) observations in newer reanalyses results in realistic representations of TCO in reanalyses except when data coverage is lacking, such as during polar night. The vertical distribution of ozone is also relatively well represented in the stratosphere in reanalyses, particularly given the relatively weak constraints on ozone vertical structure provided by most assimilated observations and the simplistic representations of ozone photochemical processes in most of the reanalysis forecast models. However, significant biases in the vertical distribution of ozone are found in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in all reanalyses