Technical Note: A SAGE-corrected SBUV zonal-mean ozone data set


A stratospheric vertically resolved, monthly, zonal-mean ozone data set based on Satellite Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) and Solar Backscatter UltraViolet (SBUV) data spanning 1979–2005 is presented. Drifts in individual SBUV instruments and inter-SBUV biases are corrected using SAGE I and II by calculating differences between coincident SAGE-SBUV measurements. In this way the daily, near-global coverage of SBUV(/2) is combined with the stability and precision of SAGE to provide a homogeneous ozone record suitable for trend analysis. The resultant SAGE-corrected SBUV data set, shows, for example, a more realistic Quasi-Biennial Oscillation signal compared to the one derived from SBUV data alone. Furthermore, this methodology can be used to extend the present data set beyond the lifetime of SAGE II

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