39 research outputs found

    Satisfacción de los profesores de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas con la introducción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    University teachers are one of the main figures in the European convergence process, but their attitude towards the reform of Spanish university studies is unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction of Social and Legal Sciences teachers towards the introduction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The sample was made up of 3,068 teachers from Spanish public universities, who teach in the said field. An online questionnaire was created for this purpose, with questions relating to the EHEA, teacher tasks and training, as well as aspects related to methodology and the teaching and learning process, amongst others. Cronbach´s alpha coefficient was .81. It is a population-based, descriptive study using a cross-sectional survey with a probability sample. In the results it can be observed that only 9.3% of teachers are satisfied with the adaptation of higher education to the EHEA. Finally, the limitations faced by teaching staff in consolidating this process will be discussed.El profesorado universitario conforma una de las figuras principales en el proceso de convergencia europea, pero se desconoce cuál es su actitud hacia la reforma de los estudios universitarios en España. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la satisfacción del profesorado de la rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas ante la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 3.068 profesores pertenecientes a universidades públicas españolas, que imparten docencia en titulaciones de dicha rama. Se aplicó un cuestionario online, elaborado ad hoc que consta de preguntas relacionadas con el EEES, tareas y formación del profesorado, así como aspectos relacionados con la metodología y el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, entre otros. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de, 81. Es un estudio descriptivo de poblaciones mediante encuesta con muestra probabilística, de tipo transversal. En los resultados se observa que sólo el 9,3% de los profesores está satisfecho con la forma en la que se está desarrollando la adaptación de la educación superior al EEES. Finalmente, se realiza una reflexión sobre las limitaciones que encuentra el profesorado para lograr la consolidación de este proceso.Open Access funded by Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de MadridThis project has been financed by the Directorate General of University Policy (EA2011-0048)

    Evaluación de la satisfacción del profesorado de ciencias con la adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior

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    La implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha supuesto una transformación de la educación superior en España. Sin embargo, se desconoce cuál es la actitud del profesorado universitario hacia el proceso y cómo ha afectado esta reforma a sus funciones docentes y como investigador. Por ello, se evalúa el grado de satisfacción hacia distintos aspectos relacionados con el EEES. Los participantes fueron 1.958 profesores que imparten docencia en titulaciones de la rama de Ciencias, pertenecientes a universidades públicas españolas. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de poblaciones mediante encuesta con muestra probabilística, de tipo transversal. En primer lugar, se realizó la selección de la muestra con un nivel de confianza del 97%. Posteriormente, se elaboró un cuestionario ad hoc, aplicado vía online y compuesto por preguntas relacionadas con: información personal y profesional; aspectos generales e institucionales del EEES; docencia, investigación y gestión; metodología y proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje; evaluación al alumnado; formación del profesorado; coordinación, organización y recursos del centro; comentarios adicionales y propuestas de mejora. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de ,80. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la insatisfacción de la mayor parte del profesorado con la forma en la que se ha realizado la adaptación de las titulaciones de Ciencias al EEES (46,4%), seguido del 44% que piensa que podría mejorar. También se proponen posibles soluciones que pueden tenerse en cuenta a la hora de establecer políticas educativas eficaces para mejorar la educación superior en España. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre la influencia del proceso de convergencia europea en el desarrollo profesional del profesorado de esta rama y las consecuencias producidas en el ámbito educativo y científico

    Effects of mental fatigue on reaction time in sportsmen

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    Mental fatigue (MF) has been defined as a psychobiological state commonly caused by prolonged periods of demanding cognitive activity. However, the differences between women and men in their reaction times (RTs) to visual stimuli due to mental fatigue remain largely unknown. We compare the differences in RT and heart rate after an acute intervention of mental fatigue between male and female athletes

    Patchy lakes and topographic origin for fast flow in the Recovery Glacier system, East Antarctica

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    The Recovery subglacial basin, with its largest glacier Recovery Glacier, has been identified as potentially the biggest contributor to future sea level rise from East Antarctica. Subglacial lakes along the main trunk have been detected from satellite data, with four giant lakes (Recovery Lakes A, B, C and D) located at the onset of the fast ice flow (≥15 m/yr) and multiple smaller lakes along the glacier. The presence of subglacial water potentially plays a key role in the control of fast ice flow of Recovery Glacier. We present new insights on the Recovery Lakes from airborne radar data collected in 2013 and 2015. Using an adjusted classification scheme we show that a single large area consisting of smaller lakes connected by likely saturated sediment, referred to as Lake AB, exists in the originally proposed area of the Recovery Lakes A and B. We estimate that the current size of Lake AB is ∼4320 km2. Water likely leaks from the western shore of Lake AB lubricating the bed initiating fast ice flow at this location. The difference in the outlines of Lake AB and the Lakes A and B previously derived from surface features suggested that a larger paleo lake existed here in the past. From our data, we find Recovery Lake C to be dry; we attribute fast ice flow originating from this area to be due to a topographic step, and thus an increase in ice thickness rather than enhanced lubrication at the bed

    Surface Melting Drives Fluctuations in Airborne Radar Penetration in West Central Greenland

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    Greenland Ice Sheet surface melting has increased since the 1990s, affecting the rheology and scattering properties of the near‐surface firn. We combine firn cores and modeled firn densities with 7 years of CryoVEx airborne Ku‐band (13.5 GHz) radar profiles to quantify the impact of melting on microwave radar penetration in West Central Greenland. Although annual layers are present in the Ku‐band radar profiles to depths up to 15 m below the ice sheet surface, fluctuations in summer melting strongly affect the degree of radar penetration. The extreme melting in 2012, for example, caused an abrupt 6.2 ± 2.4 m decrease in Ku‐band radar penetration. Nevertheless, retracking the radar echoes mitigates this effect, producing surface heights that agree to within 13.9 cm of coincident airborne laser measurements. We also examine 2 years of Ka‐band (34.5 GHz) airborne radar data and show that the degree of penetration is half that of coincident Ku‐band

    Topographic steering of enhanced ice flow at the bottleneck between East and West Antarctica

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    Hypothesized drawdown of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) through the ‘bottleneck’ zone between East and West Antarctica would have significant impacts for a large proportion of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Earth observation satellite orbits and a sparseness of radio-echo sounding (RES) data have restricted investigations of basal boundary controls on ice flow in this region until now. New airborne RES surveys reveal complex topography of high relief beneath the southernmost Weddell/Ross ice divide, with three subglacial troughs connecting interior Antarctica to the Foundation and Patuxent Ice Streams and Siple Coast ice streams. These troughs route enhanced ice flow through the interior of Antarctica but limit potential drawdown of the EAIS through the bottleneck zone. In a thinning or retreating scenario, these topographically-controlled corridors of enhanced flow could however drive ice divide migration, and increase mass discharge from interior West Antarctica to the Southern Ocean

    A new airborne system for simultaneous high-resolution ocean vector current and wind mapping: first demonstration of the SeaSTAR mission concept in the macrotidal Iroise Sea

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    Coastal seas, shelf seas and marginal ice zones are dominated by small-scale ocean surface dynamic processes that play a vital role in the transport and exchange of climate-relevant properties such as carbon, heat, water and nutrients between land, ocean, ice and atmosphere. Mounting evidence indicates that ocean scales below 10 km have far-ranging impacts on air–sea interactions, lateral ocean dispersion, vertical stratification, ocean carbon cycling and marine productivity – governing exchanges across key interfaces of the Earth system, the global ocean, and atmosphere circulation and climate. Yet, these processes remain poorly observed at the fine spatial and temporal scales necessary to resolve them. The Ocean Surface Current Airborne Radar (OSCAR) is a new airborne instrument with the capacity to inform these questions by mapping vectorial fields of total ocean surface currents and winds at high resolution over a wide swath. Developed for the European Space Agency (ESA), OSCAR is the airborne demonstrator of the satellite mission concept SeaSTAR, which aims to map total surface current and ocean wind vectors with unprecedented accuracy, spatial resolution and temporal revisit across all coastal seas, shelf seas and marginal ice zones. Like SeaSTAR, OSCAR is an active microwave synthetic aperture radar along-track interferometer (SAR-ATI) with optimal three-azimuth sensing enabled by unique highly squinted beams. In May 2022, OSCAR was flown over the Iroise Sea, France, in its first scientific campaign as part of the ESA-funded SEASTARex project. The campaign successfully demonstrated the capabilities of OSCAR to produce high-resolution 2D images of total surface current vectors and near-surface ocean vector winds, simultaneously, in a highly dynamic, macrotidal coastal environment. OSCAR current and wind vectors show excellent agreement with ground-based X-band-radar-derived surface currents, numerical model outputs and NovaSAR-1 satellite SAR imagery, with root mean square differences from the X-band radar better than 0.2 m s−1 for currents at 200 m resolution. These results are the first demonstration of simultaneous retrieval of total current and wind vectors from a high-squint three-look SAR-ATI instrument and the first geophysical validation of the OSCAR and SeaSTAR observing principle. OSCAR presents a remarkable new ocean observing capability to support the study of small-scale ocean dynamics and air–sea interactions across the Earth's coastal, shelf and polar seas

    SKIM, a candidate satellite mission exploring global ocean currents and waves

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    The Sea surface KInematics Multiscale monitoring (SKIM) satellite mission is designed to explore ocean surface current and waves. This includes tropical currents, notably the poorly known patterns of divergence and their impact on the ocean heat budget, and monitoring of the emerging Arctic up to 82.5°N. SKIM will also make unprecedented direct measurements of strong currents, from boundary currents to the Antarctic circumpolar current, and their interaction with ocean waves with expected impacts on air-sea fluxes and extreme waves. For the first time, SKIM will directly measure the ocean surface current vector from space. The main instrument on SKIM is a Ka-band conically scanning, multi-beam Doppler radar altimeter/wave scatterometer that includes a state-of-the-art nadir beam comparable to the Poseidon-4 instrument on Sentinel 6. The well proven Doppler pulse-pair technique will give a surface drift velocity representative of the top meter of the ocean, after subtracting a large wave-induced contribution. Horizontal velocity components will be obtained with an accuracy better than 7 cm/s for horizontal wavelengths larger than 80 km and time resolutions larger than 15 days, with a mean revisit time of 4 days for of 99% of the global oceans. This will provide unique and innovative measurements that will further our understanding of the transports in the upper ocean layer, permanently distributing heat, carbon, plankton, and plastics. SKIM will also benefit from co-located measurements of water vapor, rain rate, sea ice concentration, and wind vectors provided by the European operational satellite MetOp-SG(B), allowing many joint analyses. SKIM is one of the two candidate satellite missions under development for ESA Earth Explorer 9. The other candidate is the Far infrared Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM). The final selection will be announced by September 2019, for a launch in the coming decade