51 research outputs found

    Konsep MafqĆ«d ‘Alaihi menurut Fatwa Mufti Kuala Lumpur: Studi Kasus terhadap Hilangnya Korban Kecelakaan Pesawat MH370

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    Tragedi kecelakaan pesawat boeing 777 MH370 milik Malaysia Airlines merupakan insiden paling misterius dalam dunia penerbangan. Pesawat nahas yang membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 kru tersebut menghilang dalam penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing pada 8 Maret 2014 silam. Sehubungan dengan insiden tragis itu, Fatwa Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan menyatakan bahwa seluruh penumpang pesawat yang berasal dari 15 negara itu telah meninggal dunia. Klaim tersebut didasari oleh pengumuman resmi dari otoritas penerbangan Malaysia, Departemen Penerbangan Awam yang menyatakan sangat kecil kemungkinan para penumpang selamat dari pesawat yang diyakini jatuh di perairan terpencil di bagian selatan Samudera Hindia. Fatwa Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan itu sangat krusial sifatnya mengingat berkaitan dengan beragam persoalan hukum yang akan timbul, seperti status perkawinan, perwarisan, dan pertimbangan hukum lainnya antara mafqĆ«d dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan. Dalam kaitan kasus di atas, penelitian ini berusaha menjawab dua pertanyaan pokok, yakni: pertama, bagaimana konsep dan pertimbangan/penentuan status hukum bagi mafqĆ«d ‘alaihi penumpang pesawat MH370 menurut fatwa Mufti Wilayah Kuala Lumpur. Kedua, bagaimana kedudukan dan pertimbangan/penentuan status hukum mafqĆ«d‘alaihi dalam Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Wilayah Persekutuan. Penelitian kepustakaan (library research) ini merupakan penelitian yuridis formatif, yaitu penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Melalui metode penelitian ini, akan dilihat norma-norma hukum yang bertentangan dengan hukum lainnya, yaitu antara Fatwa Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan dengan Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan). Berdasarkan hasil kajian penelitian yang penulis lakukan dapat disimpulkan dua hal penting, yaitu pertama, fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur tentang status mafqĆ«d‘alaihi yang menyatakan bahwa para penumpang pesawat MH370 dinyatakan telah meninggal dunia adalah benar dan tepat. Hal ini didasari bukti-bukti otentik yang kuat melalui penggunaan peralatan teknologi canggih yang dapat diyakini dan dibenarkan oleh syariat untuk sahnya suatu ketetapan hukum. Kedua, Akta Undang-Undang Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur seharusnya dilakukan perubahan untuk maslahah ke depan jika sekiranya kasus-kasus serupa terjadi di kemudian hari

    Ejection fraction improvement in left ventricular-only pacing vs. BiVentricular pacing in patients with heart failure

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    Objective: Left ventricular (LV) pacing with resynchronization therapy improves ventricular synchrony in patients with decreased LV function and Left Bundle Branch Bock (LBBB). Ventricular activation in these cases may be obtained by recruiting the intrinsic atrioventricular (AV) conduction, over the right bundle branch that causes a multisite activation and a synchronized activity of the right ventricle and part of the septum. Fusion pacing between intrinsic AV conduction and LV capture initiates right ventricular (RV) activation and compensates for LV electrical delay. The goal of this study is to show that LV-only pacing is superior to BiVentricular (BiV) pacing in patients with LV systolic dysfunction and LBBB. Methods: This is a retrospective study of 2 different hospitals' registries in Lebanon. 121 consecutive patients were identified between January 2014 and December 2019. Patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≀ 35%, a QRS interval ≄130 msec, and an LBBB pattern on full medical therapy were included in this study and divided in 2 groups: LV pacing and BiV pacing. All patients had echocardiograms before and 3 to 6 months post-device implantation. The primary endpoint was the change in ejection fraction, and the secondary endpoints were a decrease in systolic pulmonary artery pressure (SPAP), a decrease in LV end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD), and a decrease in LV end-systolic diameter (LVESD). Statistical analysis was done with SPSS software, and a p-value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The study population was mostly males (69.4%) (mean LVEF of 26.5%, mean age of 67 years old), with 74 (61.2%) ischemic cardiomyopathy patients and 47 (38.8%) non-ischemic cardiomyopathy patients. Fifty (41.3%) patients were programmed as LV-only pacing. A statistically significant difference in improvement in ejection fraction (EF) was seen between the LV-only pacing arm (9.2%) and the BiV pacing arm (5.5%) (p=0.043, 95% CI (0.12-7.11)). Similarly, we noticed a significant decrease in the LVEDD (p=0.007, 95% CI (0.15-1.4)) and LVESD (p=0.03, 95% CI (0.13-1.8)) in the LV pacing compared to the BiV pacing group. There was a trend in favor of more SPAP improvement in the LV pacing group that did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that LV-only pacing mode significantly improves EF and LV size compared to BiV pacing mode

    Severity of Maternal HIV-1 Disease Is Associated With Adverse Birth Outcomes in Malawian Women: A Cohort Study

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    Compared to HIV-negative women, HIV-infected women have increased risk of low birth weight (LBW) and preterm delivery (PTD). We assessed whether severity of maternal HIV-1 disease was associated with LBW or PTD

    Distribución de insumos para parrillas “Grill Home”

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    El proyecto “Grill Home” es una propuesta innovadora de negocio en una plataforma e-commerce, la cual se basa en ofrecer el servicio en ventas de productos premium en parrillas, donde los usuarios van a tener la viabilidad y facilidad; de encontrar todos los insumos y productos que necesitan para preparar parrillas con una calidad premium con una gran variedad de complementos como chorizos, hamburguesas, verduras, cortes de carnes, bebidas como vinos de alta calidad y cervezas. Por ello, busca satisfacer los requerimientos y necesidades de cada persona la cual tiene un estilo de vida moderno, los cuales cuidan su salud y que prefieren consumir productos con atributos de alta calidad. “Grill Home” tiene a su disposiciĂłn el sistema de GPS que permite darle seguimiento en tiempo real a sus pedidos y de este modo ofrecerle la mayor seguridad al consumidor. AdemĂĄs, tiene alianzas estratĂ©gicas con proveedores sobresalientes y lideres en el mercado parrillero; por lo cual, hace del proyecto una opciĂłn diferenciada y novedosa en el mercado ante sus otros. Asimismo, ofrece un servicio esencialmente personalizado y cuenta con un staff de colaboradores capacitados en cada ĂĄrea del negocio para desempeñarse exitosamente. Actualmente, “Grill Home” tiene una tasa de conversiĂłn del 15.69% que se obtiene mediante de la landing page, con ello se acredita su Ă©xito en el mercado. En el bloque financiero, muestra un comportamiento positivo evidenciado con un WACC de 12.32%. Por lo tanto, se sabe que para el primer año se asegura un ingreso total en ventas de S/ 1 410 306 y para la proyecciĂłn de los cinco años nos da un total de S/ 1 824 274.50 sin IGV.The "Grill Home" project is an innovative business proposal in an e-commerce platform, which is based on offering the service of selling premium grill products, where users will have the viability and simplicity of finding all the supplies and products, they need to prepare premium quality grills with a huge variety of complements such as sausages, hamburgers, vegetables, meat cuts, as well as drinks of high quality as wines and beers. Therefore, it aims to satisfy the requirements and needs of each person who has a modern lifestyle, who takes care of their health, and prefers to consume products with high-quality attributes. "Grill Home" has at its disposal a GPS system that allows real-time tracking of its orders, in this way offers greater security to the consumer. Furthermore, it has strategic alliances with outstanding suppliers and leaders in the grill market, which makes the project a differentiated and innovative option in the market compared to others. Likewise, it offers an essentially personalized service and has a staff of collaborators trained in each area of the business to perform successfully. Currently, "Grill Home" has a conversion rate of 15.69% which is obtained through the landing page, thus proving its success in the market. In the financial block, it shows a positive performance evidenced by a WACC of 12.32%. Therefore, it is known that for the first year a total sales income of S/ 1 410 306 is assured and for the five-year projection it gives us a total of S/ 1 824 274.50 without IGV.Trabajo de investigaciĂł

    Hepcidin, Serum Iron, and Transferrin Saturation in Full-Term and Premature Infants during the First Month of Life: A State-of-the-Art Review of Existing Evidence in Humans.

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    Neonates regulate iron at birth and in early postnatal life. We reviewed literature from PubMed and Ovid Medline containing data on umbilical cord and venous blood concentrations of hepcidin and iron, and transferrin saturation (TSAT), in human neonates from 0 to 1 mo of age. Data from 59 studies were used to create reference ranges for hepcidin, iron, and TSAT for full-term-birth (FTB) neonates over the first month of life. In FTB neonates, venous hepcidin increases 100% over the first month of life (to reach 61.1 ng/mL; 95% CI: 20.1, 102.0 ng/mL) compared with umbilical cord blood (29.7 ng/mL; 95% CI: 21.1, 38.3 ng/mL). Cord blood has a high concentration of serum iron (28.4 Όmol/L; 95% CI: 26.0, 31.1 Όmol/L) and levels of TSAT (51.7%; 95% CI: 46.5%, 56.9%). After a short-lived immediate postnatal hypoferremia, iron and TSAT rebounded to approximately half the levels in the cord by the end of the first month. There were insufficient data to formulate reference ranges for preterm neonates

    Clinical standards for the diagnosis and management of asthma in low- and middle-income countries

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of these clinical standards is to aid the diagnosis and management of asthma in low-resource settings in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). METHODS: A panel of 52 experts in the field of asthma in LMICs participated in a two-stage Delphi process to establish and reach a consensus on the clinical standards. RESULTS: Eighteen clinical standards were defined: Standard 1, Every individual with symptoms and signs compatible with asthma should undergo a clinical assessment; Standard 2, In individuals (&gt;6 years) with a clinical assessment supportive of a diagnosis of asthma, a hand-held spirometry measurement should be used to confirm variable expiratory airflow limitation by demonstrating an acute response to a bronchodilator; Standard 3, Pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry should be performed in individuals (&gt;6 years) to support diagnosis before treatment is commenced if there is diagnostic uncertainty; Standard 4, Individuals with an acute exacerbation of asthma and clinical signs of hypoxaemia or increased work of breathing should be given supplementary oxygen to maintain saturation at 94–98%; Standard 5, Inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABAs) should be used as an emergency reliever in individuals with asthma via an appropriate spacer device for metered-dose inhalers; Standard 6, Short-course oral corticosteroids should be administered in appropriate doses to individuals having moderate to severe acute asthma exacerbations (minimum 3–5 days); Standard 7, Individuals having a severe asthma exacerbation should receive emergency care, including oxygen therapy, systemic corticosteroids, inhaled bronchodilators (e.g., salbutamol with or without ipratropium bromide) and a single dose of intravenous magnesium sulphate should be considered; Standard 8, All individuals with asthma should receive education about asthma and a personalised action plan; Standard 9, Inhaled medications (excluding dry-powder devices) should be administered via an appropriate spacer device in both adults and children. Children aged 0–3 years will require the spacer to be coupled to a face mask; Standard 10, Children aged &lt;5 years with asthma should receive a SABA as-needed at step 1 and an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) to cover periods of wheezing due to respiratory viral infections, and SABA as-needed and daily ICS from step 2 upwards; Standard 11, Children aged 6–11 years with asthma should receive an ICS taken whenever an inhaled SABA is used; Standard 12, All adolescents aged 12–18 years and adults with asthma should receive a combination inhaler (ICS and rapid onset of action long-acting beta-agonist [LABA] such as budesonide-formoterol), where available, to be used either as-needed (for mild asthma) or as both maintenance and reliever therapy, for moderate to severe asthma; Standard 13, Inhaled SABA alone for the management of patients aged &gt;12 years is not recommended as it is associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. It should only be used where there is no access to ICS. The following standards (14–18) are for settings where there is no access to inhaled medicines. Standard 14, Patients without access to corticosteroids should be provided with a single short course of emergency oral prednisolone; Standard 15, Oral SABA for symptomatic relief should be used only if no inhaled SABA is available. Adjust to the individual’s lowest beneficial dose to minimise adverse effects; Standard 16, Oral leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA) can be used as a preventive medication and is preferable to the use of long-term oral systemic corticosteroids; Standard 17, In exceptional circumstances, when there is a high risk of mortality from exacerbations, low-dose oral prednisolone daily or on alternate days may be considered on a case-by-case basis; Standard 18. Oral theophylline should be restricted for use in situations where it is the only bronchodilator treatment option available. CONCLUSION: These first consensus-based clinical standards for asthma management in LMICs are intended to help clinicians provide the most effective care for people in resource-limited settings

    Lebaon's accession to the WITO : an ex ante macro and micro-economic impact assessment

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    Bien que la littĂ©rature thĂ©orique et empirique Ă©tudiant les effets de l’OMC et d’une libĂ©ralisation commerciale sur les performances Ă©conomiques des pays et sur le bien-ĂȘtre soit riche, il existe une absence de consensus quant aux liens commerce-croissance-pauvretĂ©. Les liens ne sont ni simples, ni automatiques et requiĂšrent d’ĂȘtre traitĂ©s avec prĂ©caution, tout en prenant en compte les spĂ©cificitĂ©s nationales et le contexte particulier de chaque pays. D’oĂč l’attention particuliĂšre apportĂ©e Ă  l’économie libanaise, une Ă©conomie en reconstruction, caractĂ©risĂ©e entre autres par un dĂ©ficit commercial chronique et engagĂ©e depuis 1999 dans le deuxiĂšme plus long processus d’adhĂ©sion Ă  l’OMC, qui semble loin d’ĂȘtre achevĂ©. Pour examiner les impacts potentiels de l’adhĂ©sion du pays Ă  l’OMC sur les grandeurs macroĂ©conomiques, un modĂšle d’équilibre gĂ©nĂ©ral calculable dynamique est employĂ©, et diffĂ©rents scĂ©narios sont simulĂ©s. L’analyse en Ă©quilibre gĂ©nĂ©ral est combinĂ©e avec une analyse de micro-simulation comptable, Ă©valuant les impacts micro-Ă©conomiques sur les diffĂ©rentes catĂ©gories des mĂ©nages. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que l’adhĂ©sion du pays Ă  l’OMC entraĂźnerait une Ă©volution plus favorable des grandeurs macro-Ă©conomiques par rapport au scĂ©nario de base (surtout lorsqu’un mĂ©canisme d’augmentation de la productivitĂ© totale des facteurs entre en jeu). Une adhĂ©sion permettrait Ă©galement une baisse de la pauvretĂ© et des inĂ©galitĂ©s, en amĂ©liorant la situation des travailleurs non qualifiĂ©s.Although the theoretical and empirical literature studying the effects of the WTO and trade liberalization on the economic performance of countries and the well-being is rich, it remains that there is a lack of consensus on the links trade-growth-poverty. The links are neither simple nor automatic and require to be treated with caution, and to take into account national specificities and the particular context of each country. Hence the special attention given to the Lebanese economy, characterized among others by a chronic trade deficit, and by the second longest WTO accession process, which dates from 1999 and seems far from over. To examine the impacts of Lebanon’s accession to the WTO on macroeconomic variables, a dynamic CGE model is used, and different scenarios are simulated. Using a sequential approach, the general equilibrium analysis is combined with a microsimulation analysis, evaluating the micro-economic impacts on different categories of households, poverty and inequality. The results suggest that the country's accession to the WTO leads to a more favorable economic performances compared to the baseline scenario (especially when the mechanism of the increase in total factor productivity is put into play). It also allows a reduction in poverty and inequality, by improving the situation of unskilled workers

    Specific immunotherapy for perennial allergic rhinitis

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    The objectives of this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study (DBPC) were to assess the efficacy of SIT with standardised cat dander extract (Alutard-SQ, ALK-Abello), using objective endpoints and simulated 'natural' exposure to cats. 28 adult patients suffering form moderate to severe perennial allergic rhinoconjuctivitis and asthma induced by the cat allergy were randomised to active or placebo treatment. When assessed after reaching the maintenance dose, the actively-treated group showed marked reduction in symptom scores and peak flow rate and FEV1 falls during and after exposure to cats in a domestic living room occupied by three cats, together with parallel improvements in conjunctival provocation threshold and skin sensitivity (P&lt;0.001 each). Placebo values were unchanged. Interestingly, the active treatment group also showed a significant reduction (P&lt;0.05) in cutaneous sensitivity to D. pteronyssinus. No significant adverse reactions were encountered. Thus, SIT seems to be an effective treatment for cat allergy and may be considered as a valid option in selected cases. Furthermore, cat SIT may have additional benefits on sensitivity to unrelated allergens.In a parallel study, 28 adult patients with moderate to severe perennial rhinitis and mild asthma attributed to HDM sensitivity were enrolled for SIT in a randomised DBPC trial. The active group received immunotherapy using a standardised D. pteronyssinus extract (Alutard-SQ, ALK-Abello). When assessed after one year of treatment, the treatment group showed a 58% reduction in total diary card symptoms (P=0.002) and a 20% decrease in concomitant drug requirement. In particular, nasal symptom and drug scores reduced significantly (P&lt;0.05 each) by 70% and 60% respectively, but asthma symptom and drug scores were both unchanged (P=NS). The placebo group had a 32% waning in symptom score (P=NS) and no change in drug usage. Cutaneous LPR to cat allergen was reduced by 35% (P=0.043) in the HDM actively-treated group compared to placebo control.</p

    L'enseignement du droit et la coopération internationale

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    Tabbah B. L'enseignement du droit et la coopération internationale. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 3 N°2, Avril-juin 1951. pp. 238-248

    Evaluating digital twin data exchange between a virtual and physical environment regarding lighting quantity

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    Building Information Management and Digital Twin technology with help of Smart lights can optimizethe built environment impacting our health and well-being, by providing the right amount of light at theright time of day. Lighting simulation is challenging, due to the strict requirements to represent reality. Digitaltwin technology will provide a more dynamic two-way feed-back between the physical and the virtual environmentto optimize the lighting environment giving real-time sensor data. The main problem that currently occurswhile evaluating a lighting design made in photorealistic computer visualization is using the appropriate formof their model presentation. However, validation of light simulations has been done multiple times but not manystudies are based on DT-driven light environment evaluation in which not only the realistic representation butalso the exchange of information plays a crucial role. Therefore, the aim is to develop a strategy for demonstratingthe data exchange between a physical and real environment, for a scenario in which an optimal interactionbetween daylight and electric light derives an optimized realization of a given light demand curve. Basedon a quantitative experiment, validation of a Digital Twin was done between a virtual and a physical twin onan existing room using the light simulation tool DIALux evo. Data exchange was optimized for three levels ofgeometrical complexity. The light environment was optimized for interaction between the Digital and RealTwin. Counter to expectations, the results showed that the coarse model is more accurate representation of thephysical counterpart and generates faster data exchange. Defining DT usage purpose reduces time and effortdone on the process of creation. Knowing what data to exchange and how often avoid developers any limitationsor delaying in the process. Future studies can investigate how optimization of data exchange and light environmentcan be achieved with programming and parametric generative design
