716 research outputs found

    Scott Ames: a man giving up on himself

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    Journal ArticleThe tragic story of Scott Ames raises a fundamental question concerning involuntary commitment of patients when suicide seems likely. What right has a physician ever to interfere when apatient proposes to take his own life? Under ordinary cirucmstances one argues that because of depression, or some other mental illness, the patient's judgment is impaited, so that intervention to prevent suicide is reasonable and ethical, given the high probability that once the illness is treated, the patient will no longer want to kill himself, and will be glad he was prevented from it. Over some years of clinical experience I have observed that there is a greater reluctance among clinicians to stop a suicide attempt when the patient is already dying, and when the death the patient faces promises to be a harrowing one. There is a tendency in these circumstances no to interfere, for a variety of reasons, some reasonable and some hot

    Modeling the coupled dynamics of stream metabolism and microbial biomass

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    Estimating and interpreting ecosystem metabolism remains an important challenge in stream ecology. Here, we propose a novel approach to model, estimate, and predict multiseasonal patterns of stream metabolism (gross primary production [GPP] and ecosystem respiration [ER]) at the reach scale leveraging on increasingly available long-term, high-frequency measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO). The model uses DO measurements to estimate the parameters of a simple ecosystem model describing the underlying dynamics of stream autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial biomass. The model has been applied to four reaches within the Ybbs river network, Austria. Even if microbial biomasses are not observed, that is, they are treated as latent variables, results show that by accounting for the temporal dynamics of biomass, the model reproduces variability in metabolic fluxes that is not explained by fluctuations of light, temperature, and resources. The model is particularly data-demanding: to estimate the 11 parameters used in this formulation, it requires sufficiently long, for example, annual, time series, and significant scouring events. On the other hand, the approach has the potential to separate ER into its autotrophic and heterotrophic components, estimate a richer set of ecosystem carbon fluxes (i.e., carbon uptake, loss, and scouring), extrapolate metabolism estimates for periods when DO measurements are unavailable, and predict how ecosystem metabolism would respond to variations of the driving forces. The model is seen as a building block to develop tools to fully appreciate multiseasonal patterns of metabolic activity in river networks and to provide reliable estimations of carbon fluxes from land to ocean

    The Metabolic Regimes at the Scale of an Entire Stream Network Unveiled Through Sensor Data and Machine Learning

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    Streams and rivers form dense networks that drain the terrestrial landscape and are relevant for biodiversity dynamics, ecosystem functioning, and transport and transformation of carbon. Yet, resolving in both space and time gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER) and net ecosystem production (NEP) at the scale of entire stream networks has been elusive so far. Here, combining Random Forest (RF) with time series of sensor data in 12 reach sites, we predicted annual regimes of GPP, ER, and NEP in 292 individual stream reaches and disclosed properties emerging from the network they form. We further predicted available light and thermal regimes for the entire network and expanded the library of stream metabolism predictors. We found that the annual network-scale metabolism was heterotrophic yet with a clear peak of autotrophy in spring. In agreement with the River Continuum Concept, small headwaters and larger downstream reaches contributed 16% and 60%, respectively, to the annual network-scale GPP. Our results suggest that ER rather than GPP drives the metabolic stability at the network scale, which is likely attributable to the buffering function of the streambed for ER, while GPP is more susceptible to flow-induced disturbance and fluctuations in light availability. Furthermore, we found large terrestrial subsidies fueling ER, pointing to an unexpectedly high network-scale level of heterotrophy, otherwise masked by simply considering reach-scale NEP estimations. Our machine learning approach sheds new light on the spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem metabolism at the network scale, which is a prerequisite to integrate aquatic and terrestrial carbon cycling at relevant scales

    Regional hydrology controls stream microbial biofilms: evidence from a glacial catchment

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    International audienceGlaciers are highly responsive to global warming and important agents of landscape heterogeneity. While it is well established that glacial ablation and snowmelt regulate stream discharge, linkage among streams and streamwater hydrogeochemistry, the controls of these factors on stream microbial biofilms remain insufficiently understood. We investigated glacial (metakryal, hypokryal), groundwater-fed (krenal) and snow-fed (rhithral) streams ? all of them representative for alpine stream networks ? and present evidence that these hydrologic and hydrogeochemical factors differentially affect sediment microbial biofilms. Average microbial biomass and bacterial carbon production were low in the glacial streams, whereas bacterial cell size, biomass, and carbon production were higher in the tributaries, most notably in the krenal stream. Whole-cell in situ fluorescence hybridization revealed reduced detection rates of the Eubacteria and higher abundance of ?-Proteobacteria in the glacial stream, a pattern that most probably reflects the trophic status of this ecosystem. Our data suggest low flow during the onset of snowmelt and autumn as a short period (hot moment) of favorable environmental conditions with pulsed inputs of allochthonous nitrate and dissolved organic carbon, and with disproportional high microbial growth. Krenal and rhithral streams with more constant and favorable environments serve as possible sources of microbes and organic matter to the main glacial channel during periods (e.g. snowmelt) of elevated hydrologic linkage among streams. Ice and snow dynamics have a crucial impact on microbial biofilms, and we thus need better understanding of the microbial ecology and enhanced consideration of critical hydrological episodes in future models predicting alpine stream communities

    Procedures and methodology in the diagnostic evaluation of the manipulatory skills test

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    Procedures and methodology in the diagnostic evaluation of the manipulatory skills tes

    Low- and intermediate-temperature ammonia/hydrogen oxidation in a flow reactor: Experiments and a wide-range kinetic modeling

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    Understanding the chemistry behind the oxidation of ammonia/hydrogen mixtures is crucial for ensuring the flexible use of such mixtures in several applications, related to propulsion systems and power generation. In this work, the oxidation of ammonia/hydrogen blends was investigated through an experimental and kinetic-modeling study, where the low- and intermediate-temperature conditions were considered. An experimental campaign was performed in a flow reactor, at stoichiometric conditions and near-atmospheric pressure (126.7 kPa). The mole fraction of fuels, oxidizer and final products was measured. At the same time, a comprehensive kinetic model was set up, following a modular and hierarchical approach, and implementing the recently-available elementary rates. Such a model was used to interpret the experimental results, and to extend the analysis to literature data, covering several oxidation features. The reactivity boost provided by H2 addition was found to be approximately linear with its mole fraction in both flow- and jet-stirred-reactor conditions (except for the smallest H2 amounts in the flow reactor), in contrast with the more-than-linear increase in the laminar flame speed. The key role of HO2 in regulating fuel conversion and autoignition at low temperature was confirmed for binary mixtures, with H2NO being the bottleneck to the low-temperature oxidation of NH3-rich blends. On the other hand, the nitrogen fate was found to be mostly regulated by NHx + NO propagation and termination channels

    The Puzzle of the Flyby Anomaly

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    Close planetary flybys are frequently employed as a technique to place spacecraft on extreme solar system trajectories that would otherwise require much larger booster vehicles or may not even be feasible when relying solely on chemical propulsion. The theoretical description of the flybys, referred to as gravity assists, is well established. However, there seems to be a lack of understanding of the physical processes occurring during these dynamical events. Radio-metric tracking data received from a number of spacecraft that experienced an Earth gravity assist indicate the presence of an unexpected energy change that happened during the flyby and cannot be explained by the standard methods of modern astrodynamics. This puzzling behavior of several spacecraft has become known as the flyby anomaly. We present the summary of the recent anomalous observations and discuss possible ways to resolve this puzzle.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication by Space Science Review

    Benthic Biofilm Controls on Fine Particle Dynamics in Streams

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    Este artículo contiene 15 páginas, 7 figuras, 3 tablas.Benthic (streambed) biofilms metabolize a substantial fraction of particulate organic matter and nutrient inputs to streams. These microbial communities comprise a significant proportion of overall biomass in headwater streams, and they present a primary control on the transformation and export of labile organic carbon. Biofilm growth has been linked to enhanced fine particle deposition and retention, a feedback that confers a distinct advantage for the acquisition and utilization of energy sources. We quantified the influence of biofilm structure on fine particle deposition and resuspension in experimental stream mesocosms. Biofilms were grown in identical 3 m recirculating flumes over periods of 18–47 days to obtain a range of biofilm characteristics. Fluorescent, 8 mm particles were introduced to each flume, and their concentrations in the water column were monitored over a 30 min period. We measured particle concentrations using a flow cytometer and mesoscale (10 mm to 1 cm) biofilm structure using optical coherence tomography. Particle deposition-resuspension dynamics were determined by fitting results to a stochastic mobile-immobile model, which showed that retention timescales for particles within the biofilm-covered streambeds followed a power-law residence time distribution. Particle retention times increased with biofilm areal coverage, biofilm roughness, and mean biofilm height. Our findings suggest that biofilm structural parameters are key predictors of particle retention in streams and rivers.This study was funded by a Marie Curie Intra- European Fellowship to WRH (FP7- PEOPLE-2011-IEF-302297) and an Austrian Science Fund grant to T.J.B. (START Y420-B17). K.R.R. was supported by a CUAHSI Pathfinder fellowship and U.S. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. J.D.D. was supported by a Fulbright-Spain fellowship. The modeling effort was supported by U.S. NSF grants EAR- 1215898 and EAR-1344280 to AIP. Supporting data are provided at doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.4252193.Peer reviewe

    Spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control requirements for an intelligent plug-n-play avionics (PAPA) architecture

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    The objective of this research is to design an intelligent plug-n-play avionics system that provides a reconfigurable platform for supporting the guidance, navigation and control (GN&C) requirements for different elements of the space exploration mission. The focus of this study is to look at the specific requirements for a spacecraft that needs to go from earth to moon and back. In this regard we will identify the different GN&C problems in various phases of flight that need to be addressed for designing such a plug-n-play avionics system. The Apollo and the Space Shuttle programs provide rich literature in terms of understanding some of the general GN&C requirements for a space vehicle. The relevant literature is reviewed which helps in narrowing down the different GN&C algorithms that need to be supported along with their individual requirements
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