84 research outputs found

    Między satyrą a panegirykiem, czyli o Herculesie słowieńskim Jana Szczęsnego Herburta

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00


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    This article focuses on the interpretation of the Menippean letters selected from the Polish literature of theAge of Enlightenment

    Władza rodzicielska a wolność religijna dziecka w prawie kanonicznym

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    It is the greatest responsibility of parents to bring up their children. Natural law and laws established by the Church are a source of this obligation. Since parents give life to their child, they are responsible for his physical, social, cultural, religious and moral upbringing. The Catholic Church obliges the faithful to pass on faith to their children. The Church does so already at the time of the marriage ceremony when the bride and the groom are asked whether they will accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church. To fulfill this obligation, i.e. of religious education, parents are granted with parental authority. Children should give them obedience. Yet, parents’ wishes not always agree with children’s will. Pursuant to can. 865§ 1 and can. 852 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 a child who has completed seven years of age and has not been baptized manifests himself the intention to be baptized. However, anyone who has completed 14 years of age may oppose the wishes of the parents under can. 111 § 2 and § 2 can.112 and choose to be baptized in the Latin Church or in any other ritual Church (of course, this applies to the Eastern Catholic Churches) to which he wants to belong, or to return to the Latin Church if parents chose another ritual Church.Na rodzicach ciąży obowiązek wychowania dziecka. Źródłem tego obowiązku jest prawo naturalne i stanowione Kościoła katolickiego. Rodzice, ponieważ dali dziecku życie, są zobowiązani do jego wychowania w zakresie fizycznym, społecznym, kulturalnym, religijnym i moralnym. Kościół katolicki zobowiązuje wiernych do przekazania swoim dzieciom wiary. Czyni to już podczas zawierania związku małżeńskiego przez nupturientów, zadając im pytanie, czy chcą po katolicku przyjąć i wychować potomstwo, którym ich Bóg obdarzy. By wypełnić (między innymi) obowiązek wychowania religijnego, rodzice dysponują władzą rodzicielską. Dzieci są im winne posłuszeństwo. Jednak nie zawsze życzenie rodziców pokrywa się z wolą dziecka. Dziecko, które ukończyło 7 rok życia i nie zostało jeszcze chrzczone, samo wyraża wolę przyjęcia chrztu na podstawie kan. 865§ 1 i kan. 852 § 1 Kodeksu prawa kanonicznego z 1983 roku. Natomiast po ukończonym 14 roku życia może sprzeciwić się woli rodziców na mocy kan. 111 § 2 oraz kan.112 § 2 i wybrać chrzest w Kościele łacińskim lub w Kościele innego samodzielnego obrządku (oczywiście, dotyczy to katolickich Kościołów wschodnich), do którego chce należeć, lub powrócić do Kościoła łacińskiego, gdy rodzice wybrali Kościół innego obrządku

    Satyra, rozmowa zmarłych czy dialog polityczny? O formie gatunkowej utworu Klemensa Janickiego „In Polonici vestitus varietatem et inconstantiam dialogus”

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    The articles focuses on the analysis of the genology of a literary piece by Klemens Janicki. Its form turns out to be of complex and syncretic nature, likewise the issues discussed therein and concerning the politics and social manners

    „Tecum per Romam ambulabamus”. Lekcje łaciny w esejach Micińskiego, Herberta, Krawczuka i Axera

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    The article has a complex structure. It begins with a brief overview of the teaching of Latin and its role in education. The main part of the article consists of analyses of essays containing descriptions of Latin lessons. The authors of the essays describe teachers and students, contrast past and present, talk about personal experiences, and show the role of Latin in contemporary culture. Latin not only described antiquity and the achievements of classical culture, but also formed the Polish language through its centuries–long presence in teaching systems. Krawczuk and Axer suggest that Latin improved morally, developed cognitively, and helped to better understand ancient literature and culture. Miciński and Herbert find in Latin lessons a moral signpost, humanism and a remedy forthe totalitarianisms of the 20th century.The article has a complex structure. It begins with a brief overview of the teaching of Latin and its role in education. The main part of the article consists of analyses of essays containing descriptions of Latin lessons. The authors of the essays describe teachers and students, contrast past and present, talk about personal experiences, and show the role of Latin in contemporary culture. Latin not only described antiquity and the achievements of classical culture, but also formed the Polish language through its centuries–long presence in teaching systems. Krawczuk and Axer suggest that Latin improved morally, developed cognitively, and helped to better understand ancient literature and culture. Miciński and Herbert find in Latin lessons a moral signpost, humanism and a remedy for the totalitarianisms of the 20th century

    Satirical banquet of Firmus. Igrzysko by Leopold Staff juxtaposed against the Ancient symposion

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    Igrzysko by Leopold Staff portrays the author as a great scholar in literature and Ancient culture. Locating the plot of the literary piece in the Egyptian Antinoia in the times of the Empire allowed the author to present a variety of problems related to culture, religion, politics and customs. The drama in fact is a successful imitation of The Dinner with Trimalchio by Petronius, yet it also gains some parabolic dimension through the reference to Evangelical ideals which propagate the right of every man to freedom and happiness.The article is the interpretation of the drama Igrzysko by Leopold Staff which had its premiere in Lwów in 1909. The analysis refers to the literary presentation of Ancient symposion mainly The Dinner with Trimalchio by Petronius, succesfully imitated by Staff.Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latina

    Loop G in the GABA<sub>A</sub> receptor α1 subunit influences gating efficacy

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    KEY POINTS: The functional importance of residues in loop G of the GABA(A) receptor has not been investigated. D43 and T47 in the α1 subunit are of particular significance as their structural modification inhibits activation by GABA. While the T47C substitution had no significant effect, non‐conservative substitution of either residue (D43C or T47R) reduced the apparent potency of GABA. Propofol potentiated maximal GABA‐evoked currents mediated by α1(D43C)β2γ2 and α1(T47R)β2γ2 receptors. Non‐stationary variance analysis revealed a reduction in maximal GABA‐evoked P (open), suggesting impaired agonist efficacy. Further analysis of α1(T47R)β2γ2 receptors revealed that the efficacy of the partial agonist THIP (4,5,6,7‐tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4‐c]pyridine‐3‐ol) relative to GABA was impaired. GABA‐, THIP‐ and propofol‐evoked currents mediated by α1(T47R)β2γ2 receptors deactivated faster than those mediated by α1β2γ2 receptors, indicating that the mutation impairs agonist‐evoked gating. Spontaneous gating caused by the β2(L285R) mutation was also reduced in α1(T47R)β2(L285R)γ2 compared to α1β2(L285R)γ2 receptors, confirming that α1(T47R) impairs gating independently of agonist activation. ABSTRACT: The modification of cysteine residues (substituted for D43 and T47) by 2‐aminoethyl methanethiosulfonate in the GABA(A) α1 subunit loop G is known to impair activation of α1β2γ2 receptors by GABA and propofol. While the T47C substitution had no significant effect, non‐conservative substitution of either residue (D43C or T47R) reduced the apparent potency of GABA. Propofol (1 μm), which potentiates sub‐maximal but not maximal GABA‐evoked currents mediated by α1β2γ2 receptors, also potentiated maximal currents mediated by α1(D43C)β2γ2 and α1(T47R)β2γ2 receptors. Furthermore, the peak open probabilities of α1(D43C)β2γ2 and α1(T47R)β2γ2 receptors were reduced. The kinetics of macroscopic currents mediated by α1(D43C)β2γ2 and α1(T47R)β2γ2 receptors were characterised by slower desensitisation and faster deactivation. Similar changes in macroscopic current kinetics, together with a slower activation rate, were observed with the loop D α1(F64C) substitution, known to impair both efficacy and agonist binding, and when the partial agonist THIP (4,5,6,7‐tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4‐c]pyridine‐3‐ol) was used to activate WT or α1(T47R)β2γ2 receptors. Propofol‐evoked currents mediated by α1(T47R)β2γ2 and α1(F64C)β2γ2 receptors also exhibited faster deactivation than their WT counterparts, revealing that these substitutions impair gating through a mechanism independent of orthosteric binding. Spontaneous gating caused by the introduction of the β2(L285R) mutation was also reduced in α1(T47R)β2(L285R)γ2 compared to α1β2(L285R)γ2 receptors, confirming that α1(T47R) impairs gating independently of activation by any agonist. These findings implicate movement of the GABA(A) receptor α1 subunit's β1 strand during agonist‐dependent and spontaneous gating. Immobilisation of the β1 strand may provide a mechanism for the inhibition of gating by inverse agonists such as bicuculline

    Innocuous pressure sensation requires A-type afferents but not functional ΡΙΕΖΟ2 channels in humans.

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    The sensation of pressure allows us to feel sustained compression and body strain. While our understanding of cutaneous touch has grown significantly in recent years, how deep tissue sensations are detected remains less clear. Here, we use quantitative sensory evaluations of patients with rare sensory disorders, as well as nerve blocks in typical individuals, to probe the neural and genetic mechanisms for detecting non-painful pressure. We show that the ability to perceive innocuous pressures is lost when myelinated fiber function is experimentally blocked in healthy volunteers and that two patients lacking Aβ fibers are strikingly unable to feel innocuous pressures at all. We find that seven individuals with inherited mutations in the mechanoreceptor PIEZO2 gene, who have major deficits in touch and proprioception, are nearly as good at sensing pressure as healthy control subjects. Together, these data support a role for Aβ afferents in pressure sensation and suggest the existence of an unknown molecular pathway for its detection

    The signaling lipid sphingosine 1-phosphate regulates mechanical pain

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    Somatosensory neurons mediate responses to diverse mechanical stimuli, from innocuous touch to noxious pain. While recent studies have identified distinct populations of A mechanonociceptors (AMs) that are required for mechanical pain, the molecular underpinnings of mechanonociception remain unknown. Here, we show that the bioactive lipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) and S1P Receptor 3 (S1PR3) are critical regulators of acute mechanonociception. Genetic or pharmacological ablation of S1PR3, or blockade of S1P production, significantly impaired the behavioral response to noxious mechanical stimuli, with no effect on responses to innocuous touch or thermal stimuli. These effects are mediated by fast-conducting A mechanonociceptors, which displayed a significant decrease in mechanosensitivity in S1PR3 mutant mice. We show that S1PR3 signaling tunes mechanonociceptor excitability via modulation of KCNQ2/3 channels. Our findings define a new role for S1PR3 in regulating neuronal excitability and establish the importance of S1P/S1PR3 signaling in the setting of mechanical pain thresholds