141 research outputs found


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    Land has a very close role in relation to human life, the existence of a land or land is inseparable from various activities ranging from economic, political, social and cultural activities both individuals and community groups. Problems arising in indigenous land disputes are very important to pay attention to because they trigger many prolonged conflicts. One of them is the problem of nationalization of concession land which is an asset of customary ownership. Decision No. 371/Pdt.G/2010/PN.Mdn states that customary land that is considered an asset of the Dutch company has become state land when it is nationalized, especially since there is no effort to register the land until the conversion period ends, starting from the enactment of the UUPA. While in Indonesia it is very clear that the existence of Indigenous Peoples is highly valued and recognized, so with the nationalization by the government, the object of dispute owned by the Deli Sultanate Community cannot be subject to nationalization, the customary land still exists and even though the conversion period has passed, it is still a lease right that must be returned after the lease expires and does not become state land just because of nationalization. As a result, legal uncertainty arises about the status of state land that was previously customary land nationalized by the Indonesian Government. This research uses a normative juridical approach method. The author's suggestion on this issue is the need to strengthen customary institutions that can facilitate indigenous peoples in participating in development. And encourage the enactment of bills and regional regulations for the protection and recognition of the rights of Indigenous Peoples including the rights owned by the Indigenous Peoples of the Sultanate of Deli the ratification of the indigenous peoples bill is very important, as a legal umbrella to protect indigenous peoples


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    Sistem Informasi Penjualan, Pembelian dan Stock Gudang pada PT. Mitra Setia Budi Sejahtera saat ini masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal tersebut menjadi permasalahan pokok sehingga sering terjadi kesalahan terutama dalam aktivitas kerja seperti pencatatan data, penghitungan, pengecekan data dan laporan-laporan. Sistem manual juga menyebabkan proses kerja menjadi tidak praktis dan tidak efisien. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem baru untuk dapat mengganti sistem yang dipakai saat ini yaitu mengubah sistem manual menjadi sistem komputerisasi. Perancangan dan pembuatan sistem informasi penjualan, pembelian dan stock gudang yang baru membuat suatu program aplikasi menggunakan PHP dan My SQL untuk databasenya. Hal lain yang juga perlu dilakukan dalam merancang sistem yang baru adalah merancang Data Flow Diagram dan Entity Relatioonship Diagram Hasil dari pembuatan program ini adalah mengotomatisasi pendataan dalam proses penjualan, pembelian dan stock gudang yang dalam sistem yang lama masih menggunakan pendataan manual. Program juga dapat menghasilkan laporan yang diantaranya laporan penjualan, laporan pembelian, laporan hutang, laporan piutang, laporan stock dan laporan laba rugi. Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi perusahaan

    T-matrix method for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering

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    How to analyze optical scattering properties of an object or an ensemble of objects? It is often a nontrivial task to answer this question. There exists analytical formulas to calculate the scattering response of a simple object for a given illumination, and several numerical methods for more complicated structure can be used for the same purpose. However, probing the response of an object for one particular illumination scenario does not give the full picture as, in principle, there can be an infinite number of possible illumination scenarios. It is therefore a tedious task to consider all possible illumination scenarios to analyze the scattering properties of an object. To complicate the problem further, for an ensemble of randomly located and randomly oriented particles, it is almost impossible to predict exactly the response of the entire ensemble, and statistical means to extract observables quantities are needed. To solve these problems, we rely in this thesis on a modal analysis of the T-matrix of the scatterer to analyze the optical scattering properties of a single object independent from a specific llumination. We also develop means to predict experimentally observables quantities of an ensemble of randomly oriented particles and analyze them in the context of modes sustained by its constituent scatterer. Furthermore, an analysis in the context of an effective medium theory will be used to analyze the sensitivity of a hybrid optical sensor made from a dielectric disk covered with nanoparticles. The entire work relies on a framework for the modal analysis to analyze scattering properties of an object. To extract the modes from the T-matrix of the considered object, wo spectral decompositions of a matrix will be presented. The first spectral decomposition, eigenvalue decomposition, is used to analyze the scattering properties of several objects. Using local and global coordinates formalisms, we show that complementary information can be obtained. To be able to discuss both approaches on the same level, a single, unified theory, to put both formalisms on the same ground will also be presented. This is done by a transformation formalism that converts eigenmodes in local coordinates into eigenmodes in global coordinates and vice versa. The second spectral decomposition, singularvalue decomposition, offers orthogonal modes, which in general cannot be provided by the modes obtained from eigenvalue decomposition. The orthogonality is beneficial to design an appropriate incident field for a desired optical response of a scatterer. After we are done with the scattering analysis of a single particles, we proceed to analyze the optical response of an ensemble of randomly located and randomly oriented scatterers. To simplify the problem, we assume a very diluted solution in our analysis. We show that the experimentally observables quantities can be derived directly from the scattering properties of the constituent scatterer. Starting from this insights, we show that Fano properties, which arise from the coupling between nonorthogonal modes, can be identified in a strightforward manner from the experimentally observable quantities of the ensemble. In the last part of this thesis, an analysis of an ensemble of nanoparticles around a microdisk is presented. Here, we focus our discussion on the sensitivity of such system, which shows a better performance compared to the traditional full coating approach, making it a promising structure to be used in optical sensing device. In summary, we presented a theoretical framework to analyze the optical response of an objector ensemble of objects and its possible applications


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    Akhir-akhir ini, suatu tabrakan dengan tiang utilitas menjadi kejadian sangat berbahaya dalam suatu tabrakab yang mematikan. Paper ini mendiskusikan penangan yang representatif untuk menangani tiang utilitas pada daerah tabrakan tinggi. Lokasi penelitian di Persimpangan Mirota Universitas Gajahmada. Hasil Studi menginformasikan bahwa pada simpangan lengan utara, tiang utilitas berada pada manfaat jalan. Pada setiap lengan simpang, Seluruh tiang-tiang utilitas tidak mempunyai bandalan pelindung untuk melindungi tiang-tiang utilitas dari tabrakan. Analisis dari ketiga skenario bahwa tiang-tiang utilitas sangat berbahaya bagi banyak pengemudi. Perlu memindahkan tiang-tiang utilitas dari manfaat jalan ke sisi jalan dan melindungi tiang-ting utilitas dengan cluster crash cushion atau pole guardrail


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    Abstrak: Petani belimbing terkendala harga produknya yang fluktuatif atau cenderung rendah. Harga produk ditentukan oleh tengkulak, petani tidak mempunyai nilai tawar untuk menentukan harga jual belimbing. Rendahnya ketramiplan untuk membuat diversifikasi produk menjadi permasalahan petani. Pada era pasar global sekarang pemberdayaaan industri kecil sangat penting, karena industri kecil merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian. Tujuan kegiatan ini memberikan ketrampilan untuk membuat diversifikasi produk belimbing sehingga dapat menjadi produk unggulan desa dari produk lokal. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan mengembangkan alat penggoreng buah vakum, sosialisasi warga masyarakat, workshop pembuatan kripik buah dengan penggoreng vakum. Berdasarkan kegiatan dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1). Telah dikembangkan penggoreng vakum kapasitas 2 kg dengan demensi 50x60x130 cm3 bahan stainless steel, sebagai set alat untuk pembuatan kripik buah belimbing , 2). Masyarakat pedesaan memiliki motivasi kuat dalam pelatihan membuat diversifikasi produk lokal menjadi produk unggulan desa seperti kripik buah, dengan teknologi penggorengan vakum. Saran saran yang diberikan: 1) Perlu penyempurnaan vakum penggoreng belimbing sehingga pemvakuman lebih optimum, 2) Perlu dilakukan peningkatan kualitas dan viriasi kripik belimbing yang telah dibuat. Abstract: Starfruit farmers are constrained by the fluctuating or low price of their products. The price of the product is determined by the middlemen, the farmers do not have a bargaining value to determine the selling price of starfruit. Low ketramiplan to make product diversification a problem for farmers. In the current era of the global market, empowerment of small industries is very important, because small industries are the backbone of the economy. The purpose of this activity is to provide skills to diversify star fruit products so that they can become superior village products from local products. The stages of the activities carried out were developing a vacuum fruit fryer, socialization for the community, a workshop for making fruit chips using a vacuum fryer. Based on the activities and discussions that have been carried out, it can be concluded: 1). A vacuum fryer with a capacity of 2 kg with dimensions of 50x60x130 cm3 stainless steel has been developed, as a set of tools for making star fruit chips, 2). Rural communities have strong motivation in training to diversify local products into superior village products such as fruit chips, using vacuum frying technology. Suggestions given: 1) It is necessary to improve the vacuum of starfruit fryer so that the vacuum is more optimal, 2) It is necessary to improve the quality and viriation of starfruit chips that have been made

    Design and Construction of Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea, L.) Storage Box Using Thermoelectric Technology

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    Fresh vegetables determine the selling price of the product, so traders must be careful in storing vegetables to keep them staying fresh. Therefore, we need a vegetable storage device that can maintain the specified temperature, can lower the temperature, and is effective. The solution used is to design a vegetable storage device using thermoelectric technology that can maintain temperature. This research was conducted in May-June 2021 and was carried out at the Laboratory of Agroindustrial Technology and Management, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember. The tools used for research are Laptop and Arduino IDE. Materials used in this research are Breadboard, Arduino Uno, Peltier TEC1-12706, DS18B20 Sensor, Jumper Cable, Heatsink, Fan, 1 channel Relay, Power supply, LCD, and Styrofoam Box. The tool that had been tested for performance was then tested by operating the cooler box. Testing the tool aimed to determine the ability of the cooler to reach the desired temperature. Based on the functionality validation test, it was found that X=1 which means the cooler in the broccoli vegetable storage box is declared to be functioning properly. The DS1820B sensor used in this study got a % error value of 1.19% which means the temperature sensor can work well. The cooler box has the fastest ability to reach a temperature of 15oC in 10 minutes 09 seconds with a power of 12 W. The cost required for a cooler for 1 (one) day is cheaper than a showcase, which only costs Rp. 2,336


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    Arus terganggu pada jalan raya dapat dijumpai pada persimpangan, pasar, sekolah, gerbang tol, dan polisi tidur. Di Yogyakarta biasanya polisi tidur dipasang di jalan lokal/lingkungan, tetapi akhir-akir ini dipasang di jalan arteri dan kolektor. Fenomena ini nampak jelas di jalan Babarsari dengan diberi polisi tidur sangat mengganggu aksesbilitas dan kenyamanan serta timbulnya antrian. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji ketidakefektifan dari dipasang polisi tidur di jalan Babarsari. Ketidakefektifan dapat dilihat dari hasil tingkat layan (LOS) sebelum dan adanya polisi tidur. Akar permasalahannya adalah akibat dipasangnya polisi tidur di jalan Babarsari menurunkan tingkat layan jalan di setiap saat. Perlu diindentifikasi tingkat layan di jalan yang belum terganggu dan yang terganggu adanya polisi tidur. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji ketidakefektifan dari dipasangnya polisi tidur di jalan Babarsari. Dari analisis hubungan parameter kondisi operasi yaitu kecepatan kendaraan lalu lintas dan ratio perbandingan volume/kapasitas jalan raya akan ada solusi untuk mengatasi ketidakefisiensi di masa yang akan datang. Hasil yang dapat disimpulkan: di daerah tidak ada dan ada polisi tidur tingkat pelayan (LOS) F. Pengaruh polisi tidur membuat pengemudi pada jarak mendekati sudah mengurangi kecepatan. Kecepatan aliran bebas di daerah tidak ada polisi tidur Vfree = 38,095 km/jam, sedangkan di daerah polisi tidur Vfree = 5,561 km/jam. Aliran maksimum di daerah tidak ada polisi tidur Fmak. = 11.163 kendaraan/jam, sedangkan di daerah polisi tidur Fmak. = 1.196 kendaraan/jam. Terjadi penuruan aliran maksimum di daerah polisi tidur. Tindakan yang tidak jelas dari suatu rekayasa lalu lintas di Jalan Babarsari dengan dipasang polisi tidur tentu saja menurunkan tingkat pelayanan jalan tersebut. dapat dikatakan LOS Jalan Babarsari sepanjang waktu pada tingkat LOS F. Perlu ada pemahaman yang mendasar bagi pihak yang menentukan kebijakan dan dikembalikan fungsi Jalan Babarsari seperti semula tanpa polisi tidur

    Ikatan Kimia

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