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    9558 research outputs found

    Pelestarian Mangrove dalam Upaya Pencegahan Abrasi Pesisir Tanjung Palas Utara

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    Penyusutan garis pantai yang diakibatkan oleh abrasi pada wilayah pesisir Tanjung Palas Utara perlu mendapatkan perhatian serius dari semua pemangku kebijakan, masyarakat, serta akademisi. Kegiatan restorasi pesisir wilayah tersebut dilakukan dengan langkah konkret oleh tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Terbuka Tarakan dengan melakukan aksi penanaman mangrove sebagai cikal bakal barrier daratan dengan arus laut. Mangrove yang rapat akan menciptakan suatu ekosistem baru, serta sumber ekonomi baru untuk Masyarakat. Kegiatan restorasi pesisir ini diawali oleh sosialisasi bahaya abrasi dan pentingnya kelestarian mangrove bagi Masyarakat Tanjung Palas Utara, kemudian dieksekusi dengan gerakan penanaman bibit mangrove yang melibatkan seluruh lapisan Masyarakat Tanjung Palas Utara

    Pentad Analysis of Presidential Elections 2024 on Social Media

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    This article aims to analyze Ganjar Pranowo's posts on social media. Ganjar Pranowo is one of the presidential candidates who has great potential in the 2024 presidential election because he is one of the candidates from the winning party (incumbent) in the previous election. As a presidential candidate, Ganjar realizes the importance of social media in socializing himself and building a positive image as a presidential candidate. One social media platform that is well managed is Instagram. On his Instagram account, namely @ganjar_pranowo, Ganjar posts all his activities as part of political communication in an effort to attract the attention of the Indonesian people ahead of the election. The research method used is a qualitative method with pentad analysis consisting of 5 elements: act, scene, agent, agency and purpose). The research results found that Ganjar plays as the main actor and rhetorical communicator (act); applies election and social media (scene); roles as a political actor with a humanist and simple figure (agent); nationalist-religious (agency); and he attracts public attention, public sympathy and winning elections (purpose)

    The Role of Person-Organization Fit, Person-Job Fit, and Job Satisfaction in Enhancing the Performance of Universitas Terbuka’s lecturers.

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    Lecturers are professionals and scholars whose performance is evaluated based on their success in fulfilling the three pillars of higher education known as Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi: education, research, and community service. They bear the responsibility for these tasks, relying on their skills, experience, and dedication within specific time frames. The performance of lecturers significantly influences their academic career progression and the quality of the higher education institution. Several factors can affect lecturers' performance, including person-organization fit, person-job fit, and job satisfaction. This research employs descriptive and verificative analyses. The data were analysed using LISREL Version 8.72 software. This analysis aims to understand the roles of person-organization fit, person-job fit, and job satisfaction in enhancing the performance of lecturers at Universitas Terbuka. The total number of respondents in this study was 223. The conclusions drawn from this research are as follows: Person-Organization Fit has a significant impact on job satisfaction among lecturers at Universitas Terbuka; Person Job Fit significantly affects job satisfaction among lecturers at Universitas Terbuka; Person- Organization Fit significantly influences the performance of lecturers at Universitas Terbuka; Person Job Fit has a significant effect on the performance of lecturers at Universitas Terbuka; Job satisfaction significantly influences the performance of lecturers at Universitas Terbuka; Person-Organization Fit and Person Job Fit jointly have a significant impact on the performance of lecturers at Universitas Terbuka; and Person-Organization Fit, Person Job Fit, and Job Satisfaction together significantly influence the performance of lecturers at Universitas Terbuka

    The empowerment of indigenous peasants through agricultural extension in Indonesia, 1900–1940

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    During colonial government, large plantations in Indonesia used indigenous peasants as unskilled laborers. In 19th century, the government began to pay attention to empower indigenous peasants by the establishment of agricultural extension service. One important thing was how the success of agricultural extension program can sustain the Indonesian economy that occurred after the Second World War. However, very little writing in detail about the history of empowerment activities conducted in agricultural extension. Therefore, this paper is expected to fill the vacant historiography. It is intended to analyze the birth of agricultural extension and the efforts made by the agricultural extension services to empower indigenous peasants. By using the history method, the sources used in this study were colonial archives, journals, or magazines published in the period 1900–1945. The findings indicated that through the agricultural extension services, the government provided guidance to indigenous peasants in the form of providing superior seeds, as well as guidance in the use of technology and agricultural economics. In 1894 the export value of indigenous agricultural products was only 11%, however in 1937 it increased significantly to 45.8%, indicating that indigenous agriculture can support the economy of the colonial when facing the crisis. This means that indigenous peasants can be empowered through agricultural extension services. The success of extension model carried out in the colonial period whichempower peasants to became independent and had a better quality of life, was adopted continously until Indonesia became independent

    Potensi Air Kolam Lele Bioflok Sebagai Pengganti Larutan Hidroponik Komersial Pada Budidaya Tanaman Sawi

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    Sistem akuaponik bioflok nutrien merupakan simbiose mutualisme antara teknik budidaya ikan dengan budidaya tanaman hidroponik. Sistem ini merupakan implementasi dari semangat urban farming dan grow your own, yang memberikan jawaban atas keterbatasan lahan yang dimiliki masyarakat perkotaan serta sebagai salah satu upaya membangun ketahanan pangan bagi masyarakat perkotaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek pemanfaatan air kolam lele bioflok dan larutan AB mix serta kombinasi keduanya untuk budidaya akuaponik tanaman sawi (caisim, pakchoy, dan kailan). Penggunaan air kolam bioflok dan larutan AB mix pada perbandingan 1 : 1 mampu memberikan parameter pertumbuhan berupa tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan bobot segar tertinggi baik pada tanaman caisim, pakchoy, dan kailan. Air kolam lele bioflok dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti larutan AB mix untuk budidaya caisim, pakchoy, dan kailan secara sistem akuaponik bioflok nutrien

    Performance of Local Government Regulations During the Pandemic to Improve the Economic Value of City Image in South Sulawesi

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    This study aims to determine the performance of local governments in improving city image branding in South Sulawesi Province. This research uses a proportional sampling technique based on the area of the city so that the number of samples between one region and another will be different, using survey techniques in the form of questionnaires. For data analysis, this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a total data of 265 samples. The hypothesis proves that the exogenous variables of city image branding consisting of regiocentric policy, street vendor performance, iconic tourism culinary and revisit destination have a positive influence on city image branding variables. This research contributes to the development of marketing science, the implication is that it provides input to stakeholders to increase the role of government performance on image branding

    Prototipe Pengembangan UKM Melalui Kolaborasi Pemerintah, Perguruan Tinggi Dan Industri UKM (Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah)

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    Abstract SMEs or small and medium enterprises are a type of small scale business that does not have branches. SMEs are a type of business that is resilient in facing storms of economic downturn. The research entitled SME Development Through Collaboration between Government, Universities & Industry (small & medium) aims to obtain a development concept for small and medium enterprises that can encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to grow and become the economic resilience of society. The methodology used in this research is research and development (R&D). This methodology was chosen because the collaboration between the 3 elements of local government, universities and industry, known as the triple helix, has not yet worked properly. From the existing development concept, it was developed into a new concept that can be applied in the development of SMEs as a result of collaboration between regional governments and universities. Primary data was obtained from observations, interviews with local governments, universities and SMEs. Secondary data was obtained from various article sources contained in printed and electronic data sources. Data processing uses the triple helix model, which describes the triple helix concept in the development of collaboration between regional government, universities and industry. This research will analyze qualitative data related to the role of each actor involved. The results of data processing found that in collaboration between regional government, universities and small and medium business actors, there is a lack of suitability between collaboration between universities and SMEs. In contrast to local governments which intensively provide guidance to SMEs, universities are still weak in assisting these SMEs. For this reason, it is necessary to emerge a new concept regarding collaboration between regional governments, universities and SMEs so that community economic empowerment through SMEs can truly be realized. Key words: collaboration between government, SMEs, universities, community economic resilience, community empowermen

    Catatan Singkat: Potensi Kopi Robusta (Coffea Robusta Linden) sebagai Antioksidan dan Antibakterial

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    Secara tidak langsung, kegemaran dan nikmatnya menyeduh kopi di kalangan masyarakat berakibat pada terciptanya kesehatan badan yang cukup prima. Hasil kajian di laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa kopi robusta mengandung berbagai senyawa bioaktif seperti polifenol, asam klorogenat, dan trigonelline, serta terbukti juga mengandung antioksidan dan antibakterial yang bermanfaat baik bagi kesehatan masyarakat. Secara alami tubuh manusia mampu menghasilkan antioksidan dalam bentuk enzim dan vitamin. Contoh antioksidan yang berbentuk enzim adalah katalase, glutation peroxidase, dan superoxide dismutase, sedangkan yang berbentuk vitamin berupa asam askorbat (vitamin C), alfatokoferol (vitamin E), dan beta karoten (vitamin A). Antioksidan alami tersebut mampu menangkal radikal bebas, namun karena pola makan yang kurang sehat dan tidak benar, usia yang semakin bertambah, juga karena pengaruh luar seperti polusi, asap rokok, radiasi ultraviolet di lingkungan, maka produksi antioksidan dalam tubuh menjadi berkurang sehingga diperlukan tambahan antioksidan dari luar. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menyampaikan kepada publik informasi tentang kopi robusta sebagai antioksidan dan antibakterial yang bermanfaat positif bagi kesehatan tubuh. Metode yang digunakan pada artikel ini adalah literature review. Hasil kajian menyatakan bahwa kopi robusta (Coffea robusta) memiliki antioksidan tinggi, yang bermanfaat untuk melindungi tubuh dari kerusakan oksidatif, dengan cara menghambat reaksi oksidasi yakni mengikat radikal bebas dan molekul reaktif yang dapat mengganggu sel. Selain itu, juga mengandung antibakterial yang memiliki sifat dapat menghentikan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mikroorganisme patogen, seperti Porphyromonas gingivalis, Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis, dan Staphylococcus epidermidis

    Keanekaragaman Spesies dan Analisis Ekologi di Hutan Kota Universitas Indonesia (HKUI) Depok Jawa Barat

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    Hutan kota memberikan berbagai manfaat bukan hanya bagi masyarakat perkotaan di sekitarnya, tetapi juga menyediakan habitat untuk berbagai organisme termasuk berbagai jenis burung. Informasi tentang keanekaragaman spesies burung sangat penting untuk pengelolaan hutan kota. Keberadaan berbagai burung di hutan kota dapat memberikan gambaran preferensi burung untuk singgah bahkan menjadi rumah tempat tinggal mereka. Artikel ini mengidentifikasi spesies burung di Hutan Kota Universitas Indonesia (HKUI), Depok, Jawa Barat. Analisis ekologi burung di HKUI dilakukan melalui tinjauan keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan kemerataan. Penghitungan estimasi jumlah burung menggunakan metode point count dengan pengamatan pada tiga wilayah utama, yaitu Wales Barat, Vegetasi Alami, dan Wales Timur. Terdapat 34 jenis burung dari 27 famili yang ditemukan di HKUI, dengan total individu keseluruhan berjumlah 2512. Berdasarkan jumlah tersebut sebanyak 1029 individu teramati di Wales Barat, 818 di Vegetasi Alami, dan 665 di Wales Timur. Hasil analisis terhadap parameter ekologi memberikan gambaran bahwa indeks keanekaragaman pada ketiga wilayah pengamatan termasuk kategori sedang, yaitu 2,825 di Wales Barat, 2,787 di Vegetasi Alami, dan 2,796 di Wales Timur. Sedangkan indeks kemerataan termasuk kategori tinggi, artinya tidak terdapat spesies yang mendominasi pada ketiga wilayah tersebut. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan indeks dominansi yang rendah, mendekati nol, pada ketiga wilayah pengamatan. Gambaran tersebut memberikan indikasi bahwa tidak ada tekanan pada komunitas burung di HKUI sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa HKUI memiliki komunitas yang stabil

    Menggunakan Microsoft 365 sebagai Daya Dukung Kerja Remote (Work From Home)

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