107 research outputs found

    Interrupting the Response of \u3ci\u3eDendroctonus Simplex\u3c/i\u3e Leconte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) to Compounds That Elicit Aggregation of Adults

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    The eastern larch beetle, Dendroctonus simplex LeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is a native bark beetle that has caused significant mortality to tamarack, Larix laricinia, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The effectiveness of potentially attractive chemicals for D. simplex was tested and the most attractive compound, seudenol, was used in subsequent studies to test interruptants against D. simplex. Verbenone, methylcyclohexenone (MCH), and 4-allylanisole were tested as potential interruptants in combination with seudenol. Catches of D. simplex in traps baited with seudenol and MCH were not significantly different from catches in unbaited control traps, indicating successful interruption of the response to seudenol by MCH. Verbenone released at commercially available doses significantly increased catches of D. simplex in traps baited with seudenol, however it did not catch significantly more D. simplex than the unbaited control traps when released alone. Traps baited with 4-allylanisole did not significantly reduce the number of D. simplex captured compared to traps baited solely with seudenol. The potential for MCH to be used to protect individual trees and in stand level management of D. simplex is discussed

    Simulations of Dense Atomic Hydrogen in the Wigner Crystal Phase

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    Path integral Monte Carlo simulations are applied to study dense atomic hydrogen in the regime where the protons form a Wigner crystal. The interaction of the protons with the degenerate electron gas is modeled by Thomas-Fermi screening, which leads to a Yukawa potential for the proton-proton interaction. A numerical technique for the derivation of the corresponding action of the paths is described. For a fixed density of rs=200, the melting is analyzed using the Lindemann ratio, the structure factor and free energy calculations. Anharmonic effects in the crystal vibrations are analyzed.Comment: Proceedings article of the Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC) conference in Miami, Florida; submitted to Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (2005

    Building a Better Future: Major Results from the ICCI Cluster Project

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    To support research in the building sector and in order to help it move towards a new digital economy, the European Commission under the 5th Framework initiative, especially the IST programme, funded various RTD projects. The opportunity to bring these IST projects together was acknowledged so that stronger links can be created under a clustering umbrella and that, moreover, links of those projects with their RTD environment could be facilitated. This has been the objective of work carried out within the ICCI (IST-2001-33022) Cluster project. This paper introduces the main aims and objectives of the project, and then presents its principal outcomes. In a second part, it synthesises the underlying concepts, technology and tools that will make ICT-based Construction a reality in a near future, and gives recommended actions for the industry, the EC and the Construction ICT R&D in Europe, giving some benefit of this project experience to the three communities

    Offending users: designing-in deterrence with mobile telephones

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    This paper describes research relating to the design semantics of desirable products and the crime of theft. The methods employed range from the review of existing designs of mobile phones and associated systems and technologies, the perception of crime from a student designer's viewpoint and, importantly, the opinions of young offenders about proposed design solutions. We developed conceptual designs in consultation with the Mobile Data Association and these were reviewed by a sample of groups of young offenders and 'non-offender' consumers of similar age, to reflect the different user perspectives. The conclusions reveal differences between offenders and non-offenders in their perceptions of the deterrent effect of different design solutions. It is suggested that the research offers insight into the use of empathic strategies in the design of frequently stolen 'hot products'

    Evaluation of SmartStax and SmartStax PRO Maize against Western Corn Rootworm and Northern Corn Rootworm: Efficacy and Resistance Management

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    Background: Cases of western corn rootworm (WCR) field-evolved resistance to Cry3Bb1 and other corn rootworm (CRW) control traits have been reported. Pyramid products expressing multiple CRW traits can delay resistance compared to single trait products. We used field studies to assess the pyramid CRW corn products, SmartStax (expressing Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1) and SmartStax PRO (expressing Cry3Bb1, Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 and DvSnf7), at locations with high WCR densities and possible Cry3Bb1 resistance, and to assess the reduction in adult emergence attributable to DvSnf7 and other traits. Insect resistance models were used to assess durability of SmartStax and SmartStax PRO to WCR resistance. Results: SmartStax significantly reduced root injury compared to non-CRW-trait controls at all but one location with measurable WCR pressure, while SmartStax PRO significantly reduced root injury at all locations, despite evidence of Cry3Bb1 resistance at some locations. The advantage of SmartStax PRO over SmartStax in reducing root damage was positively correlated with root damage on non-CRW-trait controls. DvSnf7 was estimated to reduce WCR emergence by approximately 80–95%, which modeling indicated will improve durability of Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 compared to SmartStax. Conclusion: The addition of DvSnf7 in SmartStax PRO can reduce root damage under high WCR densities and prolong Cry3Bb1 and Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 durability

    Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccines: Lessons from Selected Populations Who Experience Discrimination in the Australian Healthcare System

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    COVID-19 vaccination is particularly challenging among populations who have experienced discrimination in healthcare settings. This paper presents qualitative findings from in-depth interviews about COVID-19 vaccination conducted in Australia between October 2020 and November 2021. Data from four different studies are presented; each population has unique experiences of discrimination within the healthcare system: Aboriginal people; people who inject drugs (PWID); people living with HIV (PLHIV); and gay and bisexual men (GBM). Analyses were guided by the behavioural and social determinants model that forms the basis of the World Health Organization’s “data for action: achieving high uptake of COVID-19 vaccines” interim guidance. All populations viewed vaccination as necessary for community protection, although narratives of community care were most common among Aboriginal people. Concerns about vaccine safety were expressed by all participant groups, although participants living with HIV and GBM were more trusting of vaccines possibly because of their ongoing and usually positive past experiences with biomedical technologies for HIV management and sexual health. Aboriginal participants reported distrust of mainstream government and participants who inject drugs expressed a more generalised suspicion about COVID-19 and its origins. Practical problems related to transport, booking appointments for vaccination and so forth, were more common among participants living with HIV and GBM, possibly because these specific interviews were conducted throughout 2021 when vaccines were more available, whereas data for the other populations were collected before the vaccine rollout. Findings show that vaccine willingness is shaped by past experiences of discrimination in healthcare setting, but different histories of discrimination can differently impact vaccine willingness. Promotional messaging and delivery must take account of these important differences so to not treat these populations homogenously

    Future Fitness of Female Insect Pests in Temporally Stable and Unstable Habitats and Its Impact on Habitat Utility as Refuges for Insect Resistance Management

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    The long-term fitness of individuals is examined in complex and temporally dynamic ecosystems. We call this multigeneration fitness measure “future fitness”. Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a polyphagous insect that feeds on many wild and cultivated hosts. While four generations of H. zea occur during the cropping season in the U.S. Mid Southern agroecosysem, the latter two generations were of most interest, as corn (which has been largely nontransgenic in the Mid-South) dominates the first two generations in the cropping system. In simulations of the evolution of resistance to Bt-transgenic crops, cotton refuge areas were found to be significantly more effective than similar soybean acreages at delaying the evolution of resistance. Cotton is a suitable host for H. zea during two late summer generations, while a soybean field is suitable for only one of these generations, therefore soybean fields of other maturity groups were simulated as being attractive during the alternative generation. A hypothetical soybean variety was tested in which a single field would be attractive over both generations and it was found to be significantly more effective at delaying resistance than simulated conventional soybean varieties. Finally, the placement of individuals emerging at the start of the 3rd (first without corn) generation was simulated in either refuge cotton, conventional soybean and the hypothetical long attractive soybean and the mean number of offspring produced was measured at the end of the season. Although females in conventional and long soybean crops had the same expected fecundity, because of differences in temporal stability of the two crops, the long soybean simulations had significantly more H. zea individuals at the end of the season than the conventional soybean simulations. These simulations demonstrate that the long-term fecundity associated with an individual is dependent not only on the fecundity of that individual in its current habitat, but also the temporal stability of habitats, the ecosystem at large and the likelihood that the individual's offspring will move into different habitats

    Dose Escalation Methods in Phase I Cancer Clinical Trials

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    Phase I clinical trials are an essential step in the development of anticancer drugs. The main goal of these studies is to establish the recommended dose and/or schedule of new drugs or drug combinations for phase II trials. The guiding principle for dose escalation in phase I trials is to avoid exposing too many patients to subtherapeutic doses while preserving safety and maintaining rapid accrual. Here we review dose escalation methods for phase I trials, including the rule-based and model-based dose escalation methods that have been developed to evaluate new anticancer agents. Toxicity has traditionally been the primary endpoint for phase I trials involving cytotoxic agents. However, with the emergence of molecularly targeted anticancer agents, potential alternative endpoints to delineate optimal biological activity, such as plasma drug concentration and target inhibition in tumor or surrogate tissues, have been proposed along with new trial designs. We also describe specific methods for drug combinations as well as methods that use a time-to-event endpoint or both toxicity and efficacy as endpoints. Finally, we present the advantages and drawbacks of the various dose escalation methods and discuss specific applications of the methods in developmental oncotherapeutics

    Fitness Cost of Resistance to Bt Cotton Linked with Increased Gossypol Content in Pink Bollworm Larvae

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    Fitness costs of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops occur in the absence of Bt toxins, when individuals with resistance alleles are less fit than individuals without resistance alleles. As costs of Bt resistance are common, refuges of non-Bt host plants can delay resistance not only by providing susceptible individuals to mate with resistant individuals, but also by selecting against resistance. Because costs typically vary across host plants, refuges with host plants that magnify costs or make them less recessive could enhance resistance management. Limited understanding of the physiological mechanisms causing fitness costs, however, hampers attempts to increase costs. In several major cotton pests including pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella), resistance to Cry1Ac cotton is associated with mutations altering cadherin proteins that bind this toxin in susceptible larvae. Here we report that the concentration of gossypol, a cotton defensive chemical, was higher in pink bollworm larvae with cadherin resistance alleles than in larvae lacking such alleles. Adding gossypol to the larval diet decreased larval weight and survival, and increased the fitness cost affecting larval growth, but not survival. Across cadherin genotypes, the cost affecting larval growth increased as the gossypol concentration of larvae increased. These results suggest that increased accumulation of plant defensive chemicals may contribute to fitness costs associated with resistance to Bt toxins

    Oncology EDGE Task Force on Prostate Cancer Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Outcome Measures for Functional Mobility

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    Background: The medical treatment of prostate cancer results in multiple impairments in body structure and declines functional abilities, resulting in activity limitations and participation restrictions. Measurement of functional mobility is an essential outcome measure in survivorship care. Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review is to make recommendations of the best measurement tools to assess functional mobility in men treated for prostate cancer based on psychometric properties and clinical utility. Methods: Multiple electronic databases were searched from February to March 2014. Studies of tools used to assess functional mobility were included if they met the following criteria: reported psychometric properties, were clinically feasible methods, and were published in the English language. Each outcome measure was reviewed independently and rated by 2 reviewers separately. A single Cancer EDGE (Evaluation Database to Guide Effectiveness) Task Force Outcome Measure Rating Form was completed for each category of functional mobility assessment, and a recommendation was made using the 4-point Cancer EDGE Task Force Rating Scale. Results: Of the original 38,373 articles found, 87 were included in this review. Conclusion: Seven tests are highly recommended by the Oncology EDGE Task Force, based on good clinical utility and psychometric properties: 2-Minute Walk Test; 6-Minute Walk Test; 10-Meter Timed Walk; the Timed-Up and Go (TUG); 5 times sit to stand; the Short Performance Physical Battery; and the Physical Performance Battery for Patients with Cancer