665 research outputs found

    La filosofía de Risieri Frondizi en El punto de partida del filosofar

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    En este trabajo se analiza el primer libro del filósofo argentino Risieri Frondizi: El punto de partida del filosofar (1945). Frondizi presenta las bases de su programa filosófico, al que denomina empirismo total (radicalmente diferente al empirismo sensualista). Aquí juega un rol central el concepto de intencionalidad, que toma de Brentano y Husserl, pero resignificado a partir de la metafísica de Whitehead. El empirismo de Frondizi sólo puede entenderse en el sentido de que se debe partir de la realidad efectiva y no de ningún dato absoluto. Dicha realidad es la experiencia: estructura conformada por el yo, sus actividades y los objetos. Así, la filosofía es concebida como una teoría de la totalidad de la experiencia, de los elementos constituyentes y sus interrelaciones, y pretende asumir la tarea de la ontología clásica de fundamentación y síntesis de las ciencias con el fin de orientar la praxis humana.The first book by Argentine philosopher Risieri Frondizi, El punto de partida del filosofar (The Starting Point of Doing Philosophy), (1945), is reviewed in this article. Frondizi lies the foundations of his philosophical programme, which he calls total empiricism (radically different from sensualist empiricism). Here, a central role is played by the concept of intentionality, which he takes from Brentano and Husserl, but re-signified from Whitehead’s metaphysics. Frondizi’s empiricism can only be understood in the sense that we must start off from effective reality and not from any absolute fact or data. Such reality is experience, a structure made up by the self, its activities, and the objects. Thus, philosophy is conceived as a theory of the totality of experience, of the constituent elements and their interrelationships, and it tends to take upon itself the task of the classical ontology of fundamenting and synthesis of the sciences with the aim of orienting human praxis.Fil: Scivoletto, Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Probation in Italy. Legal Culture and Justice Models

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    Mediación comunitaria del sentido: Aportes de Peirce y Royce a la hermenéutica a partir de Karl-Otto Apel

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    Un aporte fundamental que Karl-Otto Apel realiza a la hermenéutica filosófica consiste en la lectura cruzada con la tradición pragmatista,fundamentalmente Peirce y Royce. Apel encuentra allí los elementos normativos necesarios para rechazar el "relativismo" o historicismo al que conducirían Heidegger y Gadamer. El presente trabajo pretende mostrar cómo, en la perspectiva de Apel, el concepto de comunidad de interpretación proveniente de la teología y filosofía de la comunidad de Royce permite superar el matiz cientificista de la máxima pragmática para la aclaración del sentido de Peirce, a través de la mediación de la tradición.Fil: Scivoletto, Gonzalo Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    The overlooked outcome measure for spinal cord injury: use of assistive devices

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    Although several outcome measures are used to assess various areas of interest regarding spinal cord injuries (SCIs), little is known about the frequency of their use, and the ways in which they transform shared knowledge into implemented practices. Herein, 800 professionals from the International Spinal Cord Society, especially trained for caring in patients with SCI, were invited to respond to an Internet survey collecting information on the use of standardized measures in daily clinical practices. We asked both clinicians and researchers with different areas of interest about their use of functional outcome measures, and, in particular, which scales they habitually use to assess various aspects of clinical practice and rehabilitation. We selected a set of rating scales, which were validated for measuring SCIs (http://www.scireproject.com/outcome-measures). The results show that the areas of interest assessed by most of the participants were neurological status, upper limb, lower limb gait, pain, spasticity, self-care, and daily living. The most widely used rating scales were the spinal cord independence measure, the functional independence measure and the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury. Instead, the majority of respondents did not evaluate the use of assistive technology. Despite the availability of several outcome scales, the practice of evaluating SCIs with standardized measures for assistive technologies and wheelchair mobility is still not widespread, even though it is a high priority in the rehabilitation of SCI patients. The results emphasize the need for a more thorough knowledge and use of outcome scales, thus improving the quality of assistive device evaluation

    Raising self-consciousness: phonetic education as embodied language learning

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    Phonetic education is presented in this contribution as a pedagogical approach and didactic method for teaching and acquiring phonetic-phonological competence in the foreign language classroom at school. To develop such competence, we should overcome the school practice that still today does not seem to deviate from the listen-and-repeat method: the teaching of articulatory phonetics is proposed as a method and tool for learning based on self-consciousness. By discovering the sound dimension of language, and the bodily reality through which it is realised, the student undergoes an educational experience based on perception. The formative value of a phonetic education is framed in the perspective of body pedagogy, in line with an inclusive and democratic approach to language education.Phonetic education is presented in this contribution as a pedagogical approach and didactic method for teaching and acquiring phonetic-phonological competence in the foreign language classroom at school. To develop such competence, we should overcome the school practice that still today does not seem to deviate from the listen-and-repeat method: the teaching of articulatory phonetics is proposed as a method and tool for learning based on self-consciousness. By discovering the sound dimension of language, and the bodily reality through which it is realised, the student undergoes an educational experience based on perception. The formative value of a phonetic education is framed in the perspective of body pedagogy, in line with an inclusive and democratic approach to language education

    The impact of Heidegger and Gadamer on Apel’s transcendental hermeneutics

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo reconstruir sistemáticamente la hermenéutica trascendental de Karl-Otto Apel. En primer lugar, se describe el desarrollo de la interpretación apeliana de Heidegger, la cual consideramos que puede ser dividida en cuatro momentos. En segundo lugar, se explican los principales puntos de disenso de Apel con la hermenéutica filosófica de Gadamer. A lo largo del trabajo sugerimos, además, posibles caminos teóricos abiertos para la hermenéutica trascendental en tanto programa filosófico de investigación.This paper aims to systematically reconstruct "transcendental hermeneutics" of Karl-Otto Apel. Firstly, we describe the development of Heidegger's apelian interpretation, which we consider can be divided into four stages. Secondly, we explain the main points of disagreement of Apel with Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Throughout the work we suggest further possible theoretical opened paths to transcendental hermeneutics as philosophical research program.Fil: Scivoletto, Gonzalo Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Body image distortions following spinal cord injury

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    Background: Following spinal cord injury (SCI) or anaesthesia, people may continue to experience feelings of the size, shape, and posture of their body, suggesting that the conscious body image is not fully determined by immediate sensory signals. How this body image is affected by changes in sensory inputs from, and motor outputs to the body remains unclear. Methods: We tested paraplegic and tetraplegic SCI patients on a task that yields quantitative measures of body image. Participants were presented with an anchoring stimulus on a computer screen and told to imagine that the displayed body part was part of a standing mirror image of themselves. They then identified the position on the screen, relative to the anchor, where each of several parts of their body would be located. Veridical body dimensions were identified based on measurements and photographs of participants. Results: Compared to age-matched controls, paraplegic and tetraplegic patients alike perceived their torso and limbs as elongated relative to their body width. No effects of lesion level were found. Conclusions: The common distortions in body image across patient groups, despite differing SCI levels, imply that a body image may be maintained despite chronic sensory and motor loss. Systematic alterations in body image follow SCI, though our results suggest these may reflect prolonged changes in body posture and wheelchair use, rather than loss of specific sensorimotor pathways. These findings provide new insight into how the body image is maintained, and may prove useful in treatments that intervene to manipulate the body image

    Embodying functionally relevant action sounds in patients with spinal cord injury

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    Growing evidence indicates that perceptual-motor codes may be associated with and influenced by actual bodily states. Following a spinal cord injury (SCI), for example, individuals exhibit reduced visual sensitivity to biological motion. However, a dearth of direct evidence exists about whether profound alterations in sensorimotor traffic between the body and brain influence audio-motor representations. We tested 20 wheelchair-bound individuals with lower skeletal-level SCI who were unable to feel and move their lower limbs, but have retained upper limb function. In a two-choice, matching-to-sample auditory discrimination task, the participants were asked to determine which of two action sounds matched a sample action sound presented previously. We tested aural discrimination ability using sounds that arose from wheelchair, upper limb, lower limb, and animal actions. Our results indicate that an inability to move the lower limbs did not lead to impairment in the discrimination of lower limb-related action sounds in SCI patients. Importantly, patients with SCI discriminated wheelchair sounds more quickly than individuals with comparable auditory experience (i.e. physical therapists) and inexperienced, able-bodied subjects. Audio-motor associations appear to be modified and enhanced to incorporate external salient tools that now represent extensions of their body schema

    La fundación práctica de la teoría desde un punto de vista hermenéutico-trascendental

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    This work aims to reconstruct the critical reception of the philosophical hermeneutics in Karl-Otto Apel. First, it presents, according to Ricoeur, a historical-philosophical reconstruction of hermeneutics since Schleiermacher to Gadamer. Then, it explains the reception of the “hermeneutical issue” in Apel and his program about transcendental hermeneutics. Next, from a transcendental-hermeneutics point of view it shows the relationship between hermeneutics and social sciences. Finally, a brief introduction to discourse ethics allows us to observe the normative dimension of the communicative understanding (Verständigung) presents in every process of cognition.El siguiente trabajo intenta reconstruir la recepción crítica de la hermenéutica filosófica por parte de Karl-Otto Apel. En primer lugar, siguiendo a Ricoeur, se presenta una reconstrucción histórico-filosófica de la hermenéutica desde Schleiermacher a Gadamer. Luego, se explica la asunción del “problema hermenéutico” por parte de Apel y su propuesta de una hermenéutica trascendental. A continuación, desde esta perspectiva, se muestra la relación que existe entre la hermenéutica y las ciencias sociales. Por último, una breve introducción al planteo de la ética del discurso de Apel permite visualizar (esquemáticamente) la dimensión normativa del entendimiento comunicativo (Verständigung) que se encuentra a la base de todo proceso de conocimiento

    El impacto de Heidegger y Gadamer en la hermenéutica trascendental de Apel

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    This paper aims to systematically reconstruct «transcendental hermeneutics» of Karl-Otto Apel. Firstly, we describe the development of Heidegger’s Apelian interpretation, which we consider can be divided into four stages. Secondly, we explain Apel’s main points of disagreement with Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Throughout the work we suggest further possible theoretical paths opened to transcendental hermeneutics as a philosophical research programme.RESUMENEl presente trabajo tiene por objetivo reconstruir sistemáticamente la “hermenéutica trascendental” de Karl-Otto Apel. En primer lugar, se describe el desarrollo de la interpretación apeliana de Heidegger, la cual consideramos que puede ser dividida en cuatro momentos. En segundo lugar, se explican los principales puntos de disenso de Apel con la hermenéutica filosófica de Gadamer. A lo largo del trabajo sugerimos, además, posibles caminos teóricos abiertos para la hermenéutica trascendental en tanto programa filosófico de investigación. ABSTRACTThis paper aims to systematically reconstruct "transcendental hermeneutics" of Karl-Otto Apel. Firstly, we describe the development of Heidegger's apelian interpretation, which we consider can be divided into four stages. Secondly, we explain the main points of disagreement of Apel with Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Throughout the work we suggest further possible theoretical opened paths to transcendental hermeneutics as philosophical research program