184 research outputs found

    Klimatrisker på planerarnas agenda: Att hantera motstridiga krav och kunskapsosäkerhet

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    Under 2000-talet har frågan om klimatanpassning fått ökad uppmärksamhet. I Sverige har kommunerna fått ansvar för att ta hänsyn till klimatrelaterade risker i den fysiska planeringen. I denna studie belyses hur klimatanpassning och kunskapsosäkerheten avseende klimatförändringens lokala konsekven-ser hanteras i planeringen. Syftet är dels att diskutera vilka nya krav som klimatfrågan ställer på planerarna, dels att analysera hur planerare förhåller sig till och hanterar det utökade planeringsuppdraget. Tidigare forskning om planering som profession har visat på en förändring mot en ”modifierad expertroll”, där planerarna måste utveckla ny kompetens som samordnare och kommunikatörer. Denna studie visar att klimatanpassning lägger ytterligare en dimension till en förändrad roll där planeraren även fungerar som kunskapsmäklare mellan naturvetenskaplig expertis och andra aktörer. Studien visar också att frågan om klimatanpassning ramas in på olika sätt. Dels som en riskfråga vilket medför ett ökat beroende av extern naturvetenskapligt grundad expertis, dels som en planeringsfråga bland andra där planerarnas egen professionella kompetens betonas. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Ylva Uggla and Sofie Storbjörk: Climate Risks on the Planning Agenda: Conflicting Claims and Uncertainties During the 21st century, adaption to climate change has received increasing attention. In Sweden, the municipalities are responsible for climate related risk in their physical planning. This study analyses how the city planners deal with adaption to climate change and uncertainty and their local consequences. Its aim is to discuss the new demands posed by climate change and analyze how planners manage this new assignment. Previous research has pointed out that there is a change in the role of these planners, in that they take on a “modified expert role”, where they have to develop new competences as coordinators and communicators. This study shows that adaption to climate change adds yet another dimension to the new role of planners; the planners function also as “knowledge brokers” between scientific expertise and other actors. The study also shows that the issue of climate change is framed in different ways. When adaptation to climate change is framed as a risk issue, there is increased dependence on scientific expertise, whereas when it is framed as a planning matter, emphasis it placed on the planners’ professional competence. Key words: Climate change, climate change adaptation, planning, profession

    Kundernas inställning till teknologibaserade självbetjäningar

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    The objective of this thesis was to explore how customers relate to the increase of technology-based selfservices. The subject was first approached by figuring out how to determine self-service and service quality. After that it was examined how customers build their expectations towards services and what their roles in them are. Next objective was to investigate how customers form their attitudes towards self-services and what affects their intentions to use them. The empirical study was made as a web-based survey distributed with the help of the Facebook network. The original focus group was asked to answer the questionnaire and forward the questionnaire to their Facebook contacts. A total of 348 answers from Finns over the age of 18 years were this way obtained. The answers were then studied with the help of analysis of variances, principal component analysis and regression analysis. The findings of this research were that customers have positive attitudes towards self-services and the increase of them in services. A positive attitude doesn’t necessarily mean that customers feel that service quality has increased. Most of the customers feel that self-services can be added as a part of the service. But that selfservice can and should not replace traditional service channels or encounters entirely. According to this research customer attitudes towards self-service are affected by demographic factors, selfservice attributes, customer individual attributes and situational influences. Of customers individual attributes, the resistance towards self-services, beliefs of their own capability to use self-services and the need for interaction in service encounters affects customers intention to use self-service technologies the most. Customers intention to use technology-based self –services can be modified by situational factors. Especially price and time are factors that can change a customer’s intention to use self-services considerably. When introducing self-services it is essential to remember the most important factor, which is customer experience. This is why companies should develop self-service technologies so that they are suitable and attainable for all demographic groups. They should also focus on marketing the advantages of using selfservices to inspire customers to start using them in the future.Målet med denna avhandling var att forska hur kunder ställer sig till teknologi- baserad självbetjäning. Jag närmade mig ämnet med att definiera vad självbetjäning och tjänstekvalitet betyder. Utöver det redogjorde jag hur kunder bygger upp deras förväntningar gentemot tjänster och vad deras roll är i tjänsteprocessen. Följande mål var att undersöka hur kunden bygger upp sin attityd gentemot självbetjäning och vad som påverkar deras avsikt att använda dem. Den empiriska undersökningen gjordes med hjälp av nätverkstjänsten Facebook. Den ursprungliga fokusgruppen ombads att svara på förfrågan om självbetjäning samt att skicka den vidare till sina Facebookkontakter. På detta sätt uppnåddes en svarskvot på 348 myndiga finskspråkiga personer. Forskningsmaterialet analyserades sedan med hjälp av tabeller, variansanalys, huvudkomponentanalys samt regressionsanalys. Resultatet av denna forskning var att kunder förhåller sig positivt till självbetjäning och till en ökning av dem. En positiv attityd gentemot dem betyder dock inte att de anser att kvaliteten på tjänster förbättras. Största delen av respondenterna var ändå av den åsikten att självbetjäning kan vara en del av tjänsteprocessen, men kompenserar inte den traditionella kundbetjäningen. Enligt denna forskning påverkas kundernas attityder märkbart av demografiska faktorer, självbetjäningarnas egenskaper, kundernas personliga egenskaper samt tidigare erfarenheter av självbetjäning. De personliga kundegenskaperna som mest påverkar deras avsikt att använda nya självbetjäningstjänster är, att opponera sig mot självbetjäning, behov för växelverkan och tron på sin egen förmåga att använda självbetjäning. Utöver kundernas attityder påverkar situationsfaktorer i hur kunderna tror sig använda nya självbetjäningstjänster. Av situationsfaktorerna, påverkar speciellt tids- och pris faktorerna ifall kunderna tänker använda sig av de nya självbetjäningstjänsterna. Vid lanseringen av nya självbetjäningstjänster bör man komma ihåg tjänstens viktigaste del, dvs. kundens upplevelse i tjänsteprocessen. Företagen borde koncentrera sig på att utveckla självbetjäningstjänster så att de lämpar sig för olika målgrupper och kunder samt framhäva nyttan av dessa.Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten asiakkaat suhtautuvat teknologiavälitteisten itsepalveluiden lisääntymiseen. Aihetta lähestyttiin pohtimalla, miten määritellään itsepalvelu sekä palvelun laatu. Tämän lisäksi selvitettiin, miten asiakkaiden odotukset muodostuvat ja mikä heidän roolinsa on palvelussa. Näiden jälkeen pyrittiin vastaamaan tutkimuksen alakysymyksiin, eli miten asiakkaiden asenteet itsepalveluihin muodostuvat sekä mitkä tilannetekijät asenteiden lisäksi vaikuttavat heidän itsepalveluiden käyttöaikomukseensa. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin sähköisesti pääosallisesti verkostoitumispalvelu Facebookin avulla. Alkuperäistä tutkimusjoukkoa pyydettiin osallistumaan kyselyyn ja lähettämään kutsua eteenpäin oman verkostonsa jäsenille. Tällä tavalla saavutettiin vastaajajoukko, joka koostui 348 täysi-ikäisestä suomalaisesta henkilöstä. Tutkimusaineistoa analysointiin varianssianalyysia, pääkomponenttianalyysia sekä regressioanalyysia hyödyntäen sekä erilaisia taulukoita ja kuvioita käyttäen. Tutkimustulokseksi saatiin, että asiakkaat suhtautuvat positiivisesti itsepalveluihin sekä niiden lisääntymiseen. Positiivinen asenne ei kuitenkaan tarkoita, että he kokisivat palvelun laadun parantuvan itsepalveluiden myötä. Suurin osa vastaajista oli kuitenkin sitä mieltä, että itsepalvelut voidaan lisätä osaksi palvelua, mutta niillä ei voi korvata perinteistä asiakaspalvelua. Asiakkaiden asenteeseen vaikuttavat merkittävissä määrin demografiset tekijät, itsepalveluiden ominaisuudet, asiakkaiden henkilökohtaiset ominaisuudet sekä aikaisemmat kokemukset itsepalveluista. Asiakkaiden ominaisuuksista erityisesti heidän vastustuksensa itsepalveluita kohtaan, heidän vuorovaikutuksen tarve sekä uskomus omasta kyvykkyydestä käyttää itsepalveluita määrittävät aikomusta käyttää uusia itsepalveluita. Näiden lisäksi tilannetekijät, erityisesti hinta ja aika, ovat käyttöaikomusta muuttavia tekijöitä. Itsepalveluita kehittäessä tulee muistaa palvelun tärkein osa, asiakaskokemus. Tästä johtuen yrityksien tulee keskittyä kehittämään itsepalveluita niin, että ne soveltuvat erillisille väestöryhmille ja asiakkaille, sekä korostaa niiden tuomia hyötyjä

    Conflict or consensus: The Challenge of Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Regional Development Programming

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    Within the context of both national and EU policy, sustainable development (SD) emerges in the Nordic countries as a horizontal perspective to be systematically integrated into regional development programming. Research on this type of integration has, however, been somewhat scarce. This paper deals with the question of how the relation between environmental and economic sustainability – as part of the overall SD framework – is played out in the context of regional development programming at both the national and regional levels. Three issues are raised in the analysis, pointing to challenges of achieving environmental policy-integration. First, working with cross-sectoral interconnectedness or ending up in sectoral traps, where partnership learning processes are hampered by both a lack of responsibility for, and ownership of, the overall SD-perspective and interactions dominated by sectoral struggles where the different roles, mandates and perspectives of various keyactors are strong. Second, achieving ‘win-win’ or getting stuck in environment-economy conflicts, where the policy-rhetoric picturing the existence of possible ‘win-win’- opportunities in which environmental and economic sustainability benefit each other show some empirical support at the same time as troublesome conflicts and tough regional development priorities raise questions of where principled priority lies in practical decisionmaking. Third, rhetorical declarations, pockets of good practice or systematic policyintegration, where the paper highlights a focus on environmental sustainability in rhetorical declarations and through flagship win-win examples though the study does not provide evidence of any overall transformation of regional development practices taking place. Indeed, policy-integration in terms of rhetorical declarations is more common than evidence of systematic integration. Despite indications of changing patterns of interaction and learning in respect of partnerships between actors from different sectors, the conflict perspective remains more representative of the practical realities and day-to-day concerns expressed in the interviews with both national and regional representatives

    Conflict or consensus: The Challenge of Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Regional Development Programming

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    Within the context of both national and EU policy, sustainable development (SD) emerges in the Nordic countries as a horizontal perspective to be systematically integrated into regional development programming. Research on this type of integration has, however, been somewhat scarce. This paper deals with the question of how the relation between environmental and economic sustainability – as part of the overall SD framework – is played out in the context of regional development programming at both the national and regional levels. Three issues are raised in the analysis, pointing to challenges of achieving environmental policy-integration. First, working with cross-sectoral interconnectedness or ending up in sectoral traps, where partnership learning processes are hampered by both a lack of responsibility for, and ownership of, the overall SD-perspective and interactions dominated by sectoral struggles where the different roles, mandates and perspectives of various keyactors are strong. Second, achieving ‘win-win’ or getting stuck in environment-economy conflicts, where the policy-rhetoric picturing the existence of possible ‘win-win’- opportunities in which environmental and economic sustainability benefit each other show some empirical support at the same time as troublesome conflicts and tough regional development priorities raise questions of where principled priority lies in practical decisionmaking. Third, rhetorical declarations, pockets of good practice or systematic policyintegration, where the paper highlights a focus on environmental sustainability in rhetorical declarations and through flagship win-win examples though the study does not provide evidence of any overall transformation of regional development practices taking place. Indeed, policy-integration in terms of rhetorical declarations is more common than evidence of systematic integration. Despite indications of changing patterns of interaction and learning in respect of partnerships between actors from different sectors, the conflict perspective remains more representative of the practical realities and day-to-day concerns expressed in the interviews with both national and regional representatives

    Handling adaptation governance choices in Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands

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    This document presents an overview of climate adaptation policies in four countries: Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands. The present report presents a collection of the papers that were discussed during a workshop with the international partner

    The Drinker’s Effect on the Social Environment: A Conceptual Framework for Studying Alcohol’s Harm to Others

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    The paper considers conceptual and methodological issues in studying the scope of alcohol’s harm to others. Reasons are suggested for the relative neglect of the topic. The approaches in two relevant research traditions are considered: population surveys on alcohol problems, and economic cost of alcohol studies. Ways of conceptualizing and measuring aspects of the drinker’s effects on others are considered, in terms of main types of relationship with the other, and in terms of major societal response institutions. The main types of data tend to measure different levels of severity, with population survey data dominated by less severe problems, and response institution data by more severe problems; so both are needed for a three-dimensional view. Research questions for the field and its policy significance are noted

    Reconceptualising adaptation to climate change as part of pathways of change and response

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    The need to adapt to climate change is now widely recognised as evidence of its impacts on social and natural systems grows and greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated. Yet efforts to adapt to climate change, as reported in the literature over the last decade and in selected case studies, have not led to substantial rates of implementation of adaptation actions despite substantial investments in adaptation science. Moreover, implemented actions have been mostly incremental and focused on proximate causes; there are far fewer reports of more systemic or transformative actions. We found that the nature and effectiveness of responses was strongly influenced by framing. Recent decision-oriented approaches that aim to overcome this situation are framed within a "pathways" metaphor to emphasise the need for robust decision making within adaptive processes in the face of uncertainty and inter-temporal complexity. However, to date, such "adaptation pathways" approaches have mostly focused on contexts with clearly identified decision-makers and unambiguous goals; as a result, they generally assume prevailing governance regimes are conducive for adaptation and hence constrain responses to proximate causes of vulnerability. In this paper, we explore a broader conceptualisation of "adaptation pathways" that draws on 'pathways thinking' in the sustainable development domain to consider the implications of path dependency, interactions between adaptation plans, vested interests and global change, and situations where values, interests, or institutions constrain societal responses to change. This re-conceptualisation of adaptation pathways aims to inform decision makers about integrating incremental actions on proximate causes with the transformative aspects of societal change. Case studies illustrate what this might entail. The paper ends with a call for further exploration of theory, methods and procedures to operationalise this broader conceptualisation of adaptation

    Recurring alcohol-related care between 1998 and 2007 among people treated for an alcohol-related disorder in 1997: A register study in Stockholm County

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inpatient care for alcohol intoxication is increasing in Sweden, especially among young women. Since it is well known that alcohol disorder is a chronic relapsing illness, this study examines the extent to which people return for more care.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>All inpatients with alcohol-related diagnoses in Stockholm County during 1997 were followed prospectively to 2007 through registers. The proportion reappearing for the same diagnosis, other alcohol-related inpatient, or outpatient care each year after baseline, as well as the number of years the inpatients reappeared were calculated (n = 2735). Three diagnoses were examined separately; alcohol dependence, harmful use of alcohol, and alcohol intoxication.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three out of five inpatients with an alcohol diagnoses reappeared for more alcohol-related inpatient care during the following decade. The proportion returning was largest the year after baseline and then decreased curvilinearly over time. The inclusion of outpatient care increased proportions, but did not change patterns. Of those with an alcohol dependence diagnosis at baseline 42 percent returned for more alcohol-related inpatient care the first, 28 percent the fifth, and 25 percent the tenth year. Corresponding proportions for harmful use and intoxication were smaller. One in five among those with an alcohol dependence returned for more than five of the ten years. Ordered logistic regressions confirmed that besides diagnosis, age and gender were independently related to the number of years returning to care.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While middle-aged males with alcohol dependence were in a revolving door, young female inpatients with intoxication diagnosis returned to a comparably lower degree.</p