3,301 research outputs found

    Inequality and sustainable consumption: Bridging the gaps

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    This article examines the potential for cross-fertilisation between the sustainable consumption (SC) scholarship and the environmental justice (EJ) scholarship. The article first maps the two areas of scholarship, discussing the cognitive, social marketing and social provisioning systems literatures of SC and the empirical and conceptual literature on EJ. The article then discusses the potential for cross-fertilisation between the two areas of scholarship. It indicates how SC scholarship can benefit from the social justice sensitivity of the EJ scholarship and how the latter area of scholarship can gain a whole new area of empirical research focusing on social justice aspects of consumption. The article seeks to demonstrate the social and policy significance of the cross-fertilisation by comparing the consumption and EJ implications of carbon taxation and personal carbon allowance trading as tools of carbon management. The article suggests that to be fair both strategies of carbon management require complementary (albeit different) measures that address background inequalities and capabilities to act in the setting created by the instruments

    Decoherence control in different environments

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    We investigate two techniques for controlling decoherence, focusing on the crucial role played by the environmental spectrum. We show how environments with different spectra lead to very different dynamical behaviours. Our study clearly proves that such differences must be taken into account when designing decoherence control schemes. The two techniques we consider are reservoir engineering and quantum-Zeno control. We focus on a quantum harmonic oscillator initially prepared in a nonclassical state and derive analytically its non-Markovian dynamics in presence of different bosonic thermal environments. On the one hand we show how, by modifying the spectrum of the environment, it is possible to prolong or reduce the life of a Schr\"odinger cat state. On the other hand we study the effect of nonselective energy measurements on the degradation of quantumness of initial Fock states. In this latter case we see that the crossover between Zeno (QZE) and anti-Zeno (AZE) effects, discussed by Maniscalco et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 130402 (2006)], is highly sensitive to the details of the spectrum. In particular, for certain types of spectra, even very small variations of the system frequency may cause a measurement-induced acceleration of decoherence rather than its inhibition.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, new figures added, text modified for clarit

    Non-Markovian reservoir-dependent squeezing

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    The squeezing dynamics of a damped harmonic oscillator are studied for different types of environment without making the Markovian approximation. The squeezing dynamics of a coherent state depend on the reservoir spectrum in a unique way that can, in the weak coupling approximation, be analyzed analytically. Comparison of squeezing dynamics for Ohmic, sub-Ohmic and super-Ohmic environments is done showing a clear connection between the squeezing--non-squeezing oscillations and reservoir structure. Understanding the effects occurring due to structured reservoirs is important both from a purely theoretical point of view and in connection with evolving experimental techniques and future quantum computing applications.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Proceedings of CEWQO200

    Health Impacts of Climate Change and Health and Social Inequalities in the UK

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    This article examines how social and health inequalities shape the health impacts of climate change in the UK, and what the implications are for climate change adaptation and health care provision. The evidence generated by the other articles of the special issue were interpreted using social justice reasoning in light of additional literature, to draw out the key implications of health and social inequalities for health outcomes of climate change. Exposure to heat and cold, air pollution, pollen, food safety risks, disruptions to access to and functioning of health services and facilities, emerging infections and flooding are examined as the key impacts of climate change influencing health outcomes. Age, pre-existing medical conditions and social deprivation are found to be the key (but not only) factors that make people vulnerable and to experience more adverse health outcomes related to climate change impacts. In the future, climate change, aging population and decreasing public spending on health and social care may aggravate inequality of health outcomes related to climate change. Health education and public preparedness measures that take into account differential exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of different groups help address health and social inequalities to do with climate change. Adaptation strategies based on individual preparedness, action and behaviour change may aggravate health and social inequalities due to their selective uptake, unless they are coupled with broad public information campaigns and financial support for undertaking adaptive measures

    Smoking from Adolescence to Adulthood : A 15-year Follow-up of the North Karelia Youth Project

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    The aim of the study was to examine the effects of a smoking prevention program and smoking from early adolescence to early adulthood by using longitudinal data. In addition, predictors of smoking, smoking cessation, and associations of smoking with socio-economic factors and other health behaviours were assessed. The data was gathered in connection with the North Karelia Youth Project follow-up study during 15 years. A two-year cardiovascular disease risk factor prevention program was carried out among students from grades seven to nine in four schools in North Karelia. Two schools were selected from Kuopio province for the control schools. The North Karelia Project, a community-based cardiovascular disease prevention program, was implemented in the same area. At the baseline in 1978 the subjects were 13-year-olds (n=903) and in the following surveys 15-, 16-, 17-, 21- and 28-year-olds. The parents of the subjects were studied twice, in 1978 and 1980. A two-year intervention based on social influence approach prevented the onset of smoking for several years. The continuity of smoking from adolescence to adulthood was strong: most adolescent smokers were still smoking in adulthood. Moreover, approximately half of the 28-year-old smokers had started smoking after the age of 15. Previous smoking status and smoking by friends were the most important predictors of smoking. One third of all adolescent smokers had stopped smoking before the age of 28, averaging at 2.3 % annual decline. The socioeconomic status of the subject and, especially, education were strongly related to smoking, the lower socioeconomic groups smoking the most. Parental socioeconomic status and intergenerational social mobility were not significantly related to the smoking of the subject in adolescence or adulthood. Smoking was associated positively with the use of alcohol and negatively with physical activity from adolescence to adulthood. The results support the feasibility of a school-based social influence program with a community-based program in smoking prevention among adolescents. Strong continuity of smoking from adolescence to adulthood supports the importance of preventing the onset of smoking in adolescence. It would be useful to continue prevention programs also after the comprehensive school, since so many young start smoking after that. It would likewise be important to develop cessation programs tailor-made for adolescents and young adults. Additionally, the results support the importance of using methods based on social influence in smoking prevention and cessation programs, targeting especially such risk groups as those with low socioeconomic status as well as those with other unhealthy behaviours.Tavoitteena oli tutkia tupakoinnin ehkäisyohjelman vaikutuksia nuorten tupakointiin sekä tupakoinnin muutoksia nuoruudesta aikuisuuteen. Lisäksi tutkittiin tupakointia ennustavia tekijöitä, tupakoinnin lopettamista sekä tupakoinnin yhteyttä sosio-ekonomisiin tekijöihin ja muihin terveystapoihin. Aineisto kerättiin Pohjois-Karjalan nuorisoprojektin seurantatutkimuksen yhteydessä 15 vuoden aikana. Kaksivuotinen sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien riskitekijöiden ehkäisyprojekti toteutettiin yläasteen 7−9 luokilla neljässä koulussa Pohjois-Karjalassa ja vertailukouluina oli kaksi koulua Kuopion läänistä. Samanaikaisesti oli käynnissä koko yhteisöön suunnattu Pohjois-Karjala projekti sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien ehkäisemiseksi. Alkumittauksessa vuonna 1978 tutkimukseen osallistuneet oppilaat olivat 13-vuotiaita (n=903) ja he täyttivät kyselylomakkeen myös 15-, 16-, 17-, 21- ja 28-vuotiaina. Oppilaiden vanhemmat osallistuivat tutkimukseen vuosina 1978 ja 1980. Sosiaalisten taitojen harjoittamiseen perustuva ohjelma ehkäisi tupakoinnin aloittamista useita vuosia. Tupakoinnin jatkuvuus nuoruudesta aikuisuuteen oli voimakasta: suurin osa nuorista tupakoijista tupakoi edelleen aikuisena. Kuitenkin noin puolet 28-vuotiaista tupakoijista oli aloittanut tupakoinnin vasta yli 15-vuotiaina. Aiempi tupakointi ja tupakoivat ystävät olivat tärkeimmät tupakointia ennustavat tekijät. Kolmasosa tupakoivista 15-vuotiaista oli lopettanut tupakoinnin 28 ikävuoteen mennessä, keskimäärin 2,3 prosenttia vuodessa. Oma sosio-ekonominen asema ja erityisesti koulutus olivat yhteydessä tupakointiin siten, että alimpaan sosiaaliryhmään kuuluvat tupakoivat eniten. Vanhempien sosio-ekonominen asema tai sukupolvien välinen sosiaalinen liikkuvuus eivät olleet merkitsevästi yhteydessä tutkittavien tupakointiin nuoruudessa tai aikuisuudessa. Tupakoimattomiin verrattuna tupakoivat käyttivät enemmän alkoholia ja harrastivat vähemmän liikuntaa nuoruudesta aikuisuuteen. Tutkimus osoitti, että koulu- ja yhteisöpohjaisella ohjelmalla voidaan ehkäistä nuorten tupakoinnin aloittamista pitkällä aikavälillä. Tupakoinnin ehkäisyohjelmia tulisi jatkaa myös peruskoulun jälkeen, mutta samalla kehittää nuorille ja nuorille aikuisille suunnattuja tupakoinnin lopettamisohjelmia. Tutkimustulokset tukevat sosiaaliseen vaikuttamiseen perustuvien menetelmien tärkeyttä tupakoinnin ehkäisy- ja lopettamisohjelmissa sekä niiden kohdistamista erityisesti niihin, jotka kuuluvat alimpiin sosio-ekonomisiin ryhmiin sekä niihin, joilla on tupakoinnin lisäksi muita epäterveellisiä tapoja

    Non-Markovian Dynamics and the Quantum-To-Classical Transition for Quantum Brownian Motion

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    In this Thesis I discuss the dynamics of the quantum Brownian motion model in harmonic potential. This paradigmatic model has an exact solution, making it possible to consider also analytically the non-Markovian dynamics. The issues covered in this Thesis are themed around decoherence. First, I consider decoherence as the mediator of quantum-to-classical transition. I examine five different definitions for nonclassicality of quantum states, and show how each definition gives qualitatively different times for the onset of classicality. In particular I have found that all characterizations of nonclassicality, apart from one based on the interference term in the Wigner function, result in a finite, rather than asymptotic, time for the emergence of classicality. Second, I examine the diverse effects which coupling to a non-Markovian, structured reservoir, has on our system. By comparing different types of Ohmic reservoirs, I derive some general conclusions on the role of the reservoir spectrum in both the short-time and the thermalization dynamics. Finally, I apply these results to two schemes for decoherence control. Both of the methods are based on the non-Markovian properties of the dynamics.Siirretty Doriast

    Future Demand of Label Papers in the Chinese Market

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    The thesis that was conducted in order to investigate future demand of label papers in the Chinese market. The thesis examined factors such as competitors and the environment that may affect the label paper demand in the Chinese market. Literature was reviewed critically on the topic using academic sources, and the main methodology used was secondary data analysis. The initial idea was to conduct a Delphi study however, due to lack of cooperation secondary data had to be relied upon. This can be seen as the main limitation of the thesis as it limits the perspective of the target company. The literature review included information on competitor analysis, future studies and forecasting, and international marketing. The research showed the importance of correctly evaluating the environment as well as conducting competitor analyses. From the research, a good understanding of the Chinese market environment was gained, and three distinct yet important competitors were analyzed. Also, from the research, the complex nature of the labelstock market structure was understood. The research highlighted that future growth of the label paper market segment remains strong, and the role of label papers in the business portfolio of UPM is increasing due to capacity investments in China. This information was supported through a conducting of an interview. The main limitation of the thesis is the overreliance of secondary data which limits the company perspective. In order to gain a better understanding of the label paper market, more in-depth interviews should be carried out in order to gain more perspective especially from the company point-of-view. The study combined academic research on international marketing, future studies and forecasting, and other literature with secondary data about competitors and the labelstock market. This results in the providing of useful insights about the labelstock market in China

    Cross-sectoral collaboration as a solution: The preventative work against social exclusion in the municipal well-being plans for children and youth

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    This study focuses on finding out about the wicked problems such as social exclusion and the prevention of it with the help of cross-sectoral collaboration. The aim of this study is to look into the measures the Finnish municipalities are planning to execute in order to promote inclusion and prevent exclusion for the children and youth and what kind of cross-sectoral collaboration is needed to do so. These measures are studied from the municipal well-being plans for children and youth in five different Finnish municipalities or regions. In the theoretical part the difficulty of wicked problems, in this case social exclusion, is cleared out and the development of the term and the mechanisms of the process of social exclusion are explained. Battling complex and multilevel problems such as social exclusion requires measures like cross-sectoral collaboration hence the authorities are unable to solve them just on their own. Shared knowledge, expertise and resources provide earlier and more extensive information of the overall situation of the individual in the risk of social exclusion and enable the earlier interference. Empirical part analyses the municipal well-being plans for children and youth in different parts of Finland: Espoo, Kainuu, Oulu, Pieksämäki and Salo. The framework of cross-sectoral collaboration is remodeled in order to categorize the challenges the municipalities face and the measures they execute and the future needs of the work for better well-being. The findings of the study state that the problems that the municipalities face are somewhat similar even the situation for the selected municipalities or regions is rather different. The measures municipalities offer to a solution are relevant but the need for better cross-sectoral collaboration and the emphasis on the earlier stage of support is clear.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format