1,024 research outputs found

    Epitaxial designs for maximizing efficiency in resonant tunnelling diode based terahertz emitters

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    We discuss the modelling of high current density InGaAs/AlAs/InP resonant tunneling diodes to maximize their efficiency as THz emitters. A figure of merit which contributes to the wall plug efficiency, the intrinsic resonator efficiency, is used for the development of epitaxial designs. With the contribution of key parameters identified, we analyze the limitations of accumulated stress to assess the manufacturability of such designs. Optimal epitaxial designs are revealed, utilizing thin barriers, with a wide and shallow quantum well that satisfies the strained layer epitaxy constraint. We then assess the advantages to epitaxial perfection and electrical characteristics provided by devices with a narrow InAs sub-well inside a lattice-matched InGaAs alloy. These new structures will assist in the realization of the next-generation submillimeter emitters

    Characterisation of High Current Density Resonant Tunneling Diodes for THz Emission Using Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

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    We discuss the numerical simulation of high current density InGaAs/AlAs/InP resonant tunneling diodes with a view to their optimization for application as THz emitters. We introduce a figure of merit based upon the ratio of maximum extractable THz power and the electrical power developed in the chip. The aim being to develop high efficiency emitters as output power is presently limited by catastrophic failure. A description of the interplay of key parameters follows, with constraints on strained layer epitaxy introduced. We propose an optimized structure utilizing thin barriers paired with a comparatively wide quantum well that satisfies strained layer epitaxy constraints

    KELT-12b: A P ~ 5 day, Highly Inflated Hot Jupiter Transiting a Mildly Evolved Hot Star

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    We announce the discovery of KELT-12b, a highly inflated Jupiter-mass planet transiting the mildly evolved, V = 10.64 host star TYC 2619-1057-1. We followed up the initial transit signal in the KELT-North survey data with precise ground-based photometry, high-resolution spectroscopy, precise radial velocity measurements, and high-resolution adaptive optics imaging. Our preferred best-fit model indicates that the host star has T_(eff) = 6279 ± 51 K, log g⋆ = 3.89 ± 0.05, [Fe/H] = 0.19^(+0.08)_(-0.09), M* = 1.59^(+0.07)_(-0.09)M⊙, and R* = 2.37 ± 0.17 R⊙. The planetary companion has M_P = 0.95 ± 0.14 M_J, R_P = 1.78^(+0.17)_(-0.16)R_J, log g_P = 2.87^(+0.09)_(-0.10), and density ρ_P = 0.21^(+0.07)_(-0.05) g cm^(−3), making it one of the most inflated giant planets known. Furthermore, for future follow-up, we report a high-precision time of inferior conjunction in BJD_(TDB) of 2,457,083.660459 ± 0.000894 and period of P = 5.0316216 ± 0.000032 days. Despite the relatively large separation of ~0.07 au implied by its ~5.03-day orbital period, KELT-12b receives significant flux of 2.38^(+0.32)_(-0.29) x 10^9 erg s^(−1) cm^(−2) from its host. We compare the radii and insolations of transiting gas giant planets around hot (T_(eff) ⩾ 6250 K) and cool stars, noting that the observed paucity of known transiting giants around hot stars with low insolation is likely due to selection effects. We underscore the significance of long-term ground-based monitoring of hot stars and space-based targeting of hot stars with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite to search for inflated gas giants in longer-period orbits

    Structural basis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus ADP-ribose-1''-phosphate dephosphorylation by a conserved domain of nsP3.

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    The crystal structure of a conserved domain of nonstructural protein 3 (nsP3) from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has been solved by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion to 1.4 A resolution. The structure of this "X" domain, seen in many single-stranded RNA viruses, reveals a three-layered alpha/beta/alpha core with a macro-H2A-like fold. The putative active site is a solvent-exposed cleft that is conserved in its three structural homologs, yeast Ymx7, Archeoglobus fulgidus AF1521, and Er58 from E. coli. Its sequence is similar to yeast YBR022W (also known as Poa1P), a known phosphatase that acts on ADP-ribose-1''-phosphate (Appr-1''-p). The SARS nsP3 domain readily removes the 1'' phosphate group from Appr-1''-p in in vitro assays, confirming its phosphatase activity. Sequence and structure comparison of all known macro-H2A domains combined with available functional data suggests that proteins of this superfamily form an emerging group of nucleotide phosphatases that dephosphorylate Appr-1''-p

    Performance of point-of-care HbA1c test devices: implications for use in clinical practice – a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Regular monitoring of glycated hemoglobin subfraction A1c (HbA1c) in people with diabetes and treatment with glucose-lowering medications to improve glycaemic control can reduce the risk of developing complications [1]. In 2011, a World Health Organization consultation concluded that HbA1cat a threshold of 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) can be used as a diagnostic test for diabetes [2]. HbA1c monitoring often requires the patient to attend the health center twice: once to have blood taken and then returning to get test results and receive adjustments to medication. Point-of-care (POC) analysers are bench-top instruments that use a finger-prick blood sample and are designed for use in a treatment room or at the bed-side. They provide a test result within a few minutes allowing clinical decisions and medication changes to take place immediately. The suitability of many of these devices for the accurate measurement of HbA1c has been questioned, with some POC HbA1c test devices reported not to meet accepted accuracy and precision criteria [3]. Ideal imprecision goals for HbA1c should be coefficient of variation (CV) of <2% for HbA1c reported in % units (or <3% in SI units, mmol/mol) [4], [5], [6]. Most evaluations of POC HbA1c devices have taken place in laboratory settings [7], [8]; fewer studies have assessed device performance in a POC setting or with clinicians performing the tests [9], [10]. The only published review that has attempted to combine data from accuracy studies identified five studies covering three devices and compared correlation coefficients [11]. Systematically reporting and pooling data estimates of bias and precision between POC HbA1c devices and laboratory measurements would enable end users to assess which analysers best meet their analytical performance needs. This may be of particular importance for clinicians in primary care settings where much of the management of diabetes patients takes place. The comparison of accuracy between devices over the entire therapeutic range would need to be carried out by combining data on measurement error (bias) between POC and laboratory tests [12]. The aim of this study was to compare accuracy and precision of POC HbA1c devices with the local laboratory method based on data from published studies and discuss the clinical implications of the findings

    Fabrication, Characterisation, and Epitaxial Optimisation of MOVPE-Grown Resonant Tunnelling Diode THz Emitters

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    Resonant tunnelling diodes (RTDs) are a strong candidate for future wireless communications in the THz region, offering compact, room-temperature operation with Gb/s transfer rates. We employ the InGaAs/AlAs/InP material system, offering advantages due to high electron mobility, suitable band-offsets, and low resistance contacts. We describe an RTD emitter operating at 353GHz, radiating in this atmospheric transmittance window through a slot antenna. The fabrication scheme uses a dual-pass technique to achieve reproducible, very low resistivity, ohmic contacts, followed by accurate control of the etched device area. The top contact connects the device via the means of an air bridge. We then proceed to model ways to increase the resonator efficiency, in turn improving the radiative efficiency, by changing the epitaxial design. The optimization takes into account the accumulated stress limitations and realities of reactor growth. Due to the absence of useful in-situ monitoring in commercially-scalable metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE), we have developed a robust non-destructive epitaxial characterisation scheme to verify the quality of these mechanically shallow and atomically thin devices. A dummy copy of the active region element is grown to assist with low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy (LTPL) characterisation. The resulting linewidths limits the number of possible solutions of quantum well (QW) width and depth pairs. In addition, the doping levels can be estimated with a sufficient degree of accuracy by measuring the Moss-Burstein shift of the bulk material. This analysis can then be combined with high resolution X-ray diffractometry (HRXRD) to increase its accuracy

    Structure calculation, refinement and validation using CcpNmr Analysis

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    CcpNmr Analysis provides a streamlined pipeline for both NMR chemical shift assignment and structure determination of biological macromolecules. In addition, it encompasses tools to analyse the many additional experiments that make NMR such a pivotal technique for research into complex biological questions. This report describes how CcpNmr Analysis can seamlessly link together all of the tasks in the NMR structure-determination process. It details each of the stages from generating NMR restraints [distance, dihedral,hydrogen bonds and residual dipolar couplings (RDCs)],exporting these to and subsequently re-importing them from structure-calculation software (such as the programs CYANA or ARIA) and analysing and validating the results obtained from the structure calculation to, ultimately, the streamlined deposition of the completed assignments and the refined ensemble of structures into the PDBe repository. Until recently, such solution-structure determination by NMR has been quite a laborious task, requiring multiple stages and programs. However, with the new enhancements to CcpNmr Analysis described here, this process is now much more intuitive and efficient and less error-prone

    Eruption and Interplanetary Evolution of a Stealthy Streamer-Blowout CME Observed by PSP at ∼0.5 AU

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    Streamer-blowout coronal mass ejections (SBO-CMEs) are the dominant CME population during solar minimum. Although they are typically slow and lack clear low-coronal signatures, they can cause geomagnetic storms. With the aid of extrapolated coronal fields and remote observations of the off-limb low corona, we study the initiation of an SBO-CME preceded by consecutive CME eruptions consistent with a multi-stage sympathetic breakout scenario. From inner-heliospheric Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observations, it is evident that the SBO-CME is interacting with the heliospheric magnetic field and plasma sheet structures draped about the CME flux rope. We estimate that 18 +/- 11% of the CME's azimuthal magnetic flux has been eroded through magnetic reconnection and that this erosion began after a heliospheric distance of similar to 0.35 AU from the Sun was reached. This observational study has important implications for understanding the initiation of SBO-CMEs and their interaction with the heliospheric surroundings.Peer reviewe

    The Architecture of the GW Ori Young Triple Star System and Its Disk: Dynamical Masses, Mutual Inclinations, and Recurrent Eclipses

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    We present spatially and spectrally resolved Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of gas and dust orbiting the pre-main sequence hierarchical triple star system GW Ori. A forward-modeling of the 13{}^{13}CO and C18{}^{18}O JJ=2-1 transitions permits a measurement of the total stellar mass in this system, 5.29±0.09M5.29 \pm 0.09\,M_\odot, and the circum-triple disk inclination, 137.6±2.0137.6 \pm 2.0^\circ. Optical spectra spanning a 35 year period were used to derive new radial velocities and, coupled with a spectroscopic disentangling technique, revealed that the A and B components of GW Ori form a double-lined spectroscopic binary with a 241.50±0.05241.50\pm0.05 day period; a tertiary companion orbits that inner pair with a 4218±504218\pm50 day period. Combining the results from the ALMA data and the optical spectra with three epochs of astrometry in the literature, we constrain the individual stellar masses in the system (MA2.7MM_\mathrm{A} \approx 2.7\,M_\odot, MB1.7MM_\mathrm{B} \approx 1.7\,M_\odot, MC0.9MM_\mathrm{C} \approx 0.9\,M_\odot) and find strong evidence that at least one (and likely both) stellar orbital planes are misaligned with the disk plane by as much as 4545^\circ. A VV-band light curve spanning 30 years reveals several new \sim30 day eclipse events 0.1-0.7~mag in depth and a 0.2 mag sinusoidal oscillation that is clearly phased with the AB-C orbital period. Taken together, these features suggest that the A-B pair may be partially obscured by material in the inner disk as the pair approaches apoastron in the hierarchical orbit. Lastly, we conclude that stellar evolutionary models are consistent with our measurements of the masses and basic photospheric properties if the GW Ori system is \sim1 Myr old.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, accepted to Ap