178 research outputs found

    Technology and the North?South division of labour

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    SUMMARY Historically, too little attention has been paid to the impact of radical technical change on development strategies. In the current context of slow rates of economic growth, electronics based innovations are having a major impact on these strategies, particularly with respect to the international division of labour. The importance of considering dynamic technical change is illustrated by reference to the semiconductor industry where there appears to be a strong trend towards reducing the industry's dependence upon off?shore assembly in developing countries. RESUME La technologie et la division du travail Nord?Sud Jusqu'ici, peu se sont penchés sur l'incidence du progrès technique sur les stratégies du développement. Dans le cadre actuel d'une croissance économique ralentie, les innovations d'ordre électronique ont un fort impact sur ces stratégies, notamment sur la division du travail internationale. L'importance de l'étude de l'évolution technique est exemplifiée par le cas du secteur des semi?conducteurs, dans lequel les PVD souhaitent réduire leur dépendance á l'égard du montage extérieur. RESUMEN La tecnología y la división del trabajo entre el norte y el sur Desde el punto de vista histórico, apenas se ha prestado atención a las repercusiones de los cambios técnicos radicales en las estrategias del desarrollo. En el contexto actual de bajos índices de crecimiento económico, las innovaciones basadas en la electrónica están teniendo importantes consecuencias sobre estas estrategias, especialmente en relación con la división internacional del trabajo. Se ilustra la importancia de considerar el cambio técnico dinámico con referencia a la industria de semiconductores donde parece observarse una fuerte tendencia hacia la reducción de la dependencia de la industria en el montaje exterior en los países en vías de desarrollo

    Racial Categories in Medical Practice: How Useful Are They?

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    Is it good medical practice for physicians to "eyeball" a patient's race when assessing their medical status or even to ask them to identify their race

    Loss of signalling via Gα13 in germinal center B-cell-derived lymphoma

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    Germinal centre B-cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (GCB-DLBCL) is a common malignancy, yet the signalling pathways that are deregulated and the factors leading to its systemic dissemination are poorly defined1,2. Work in mice showed that sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-2 (S1PR2), a Gα12 and Gα13 coupled receptor, promotes growth regulation and local confinement of germinal centre B cells3,4. Recent deep sequencing studies of GCB-DLBCL have revealed mutations in many genes in this cancer, including in GNA13 (encoding Gα13) and S1PR2 (refs 5,6, 7). Here we show, using in vitro and in vivo assays, that GCB-DLBCL-associated mutations occurring in S1PR2 frequently disrupt the receptor's Akt and migration inhibitory functions. Gα13-deficient mouse germinal centre B cells and human GCB-DLBCL cells were unable to suppress pAkt and migration in response to S1P, and Gα13-deficient mice developed germinal centre B-cell-derived lymphoma. Germinal centre B cells, unlike most lymphocytes, are tightly confined in lymphoid organs and do not recirculate. Remarkably, deficiency in Gα13, but not S1PR2, led to germinal centre B-cell dissemination into lymph and blood. GCB-DLBCL cell lines frequently carried mutations in the Gα13 effector ARHGEF1, and Arhgef1 deficiency also led to germinal centre B-cell dissemination. The incomplete phenocopy of Gα13- and S1PR2 deficiency led us to discover that P2RY8, an orphan receptor that is mutated in GCB-DLBCL and another germinal centre B-cell-derived malignancy, Burkitt's lymphoma, also represses germinal centre B-cell growth and promotes confinement via Gα13. These findings identify a Gα13-dependent pathway that exerts dual actions in suppressing growth and blocking dissemination of germinal centre B cells that is frequently disrupted in germinal centre B-cell-derived lymphoma

    Increased expression of carbonic anhydrase I in the synovium of patients with ankylosing spondylitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the most distinctive features of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is new bone formation and bone resorption at sites of chronic inflammation. Previous studies have indicated that the hyperplasia and inflammation of synovial tissues are significantly related to the pathogenic process of AS. The present study used a proteomic approach to identify novel AS-specific proteins by simultaneously comparing the expression profiles of synovial membranes from patients with AS, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Synovial tissues were collected from the hip joints of patients with AS and knee joints of patients with RA or OA (n = 10 for each disease) during joint replacement surgery. Proteins extracted from the synovial tissues were separated by 2-D electrophoresis (2-DE), and the proteins with significantly increased expression in the AS samples were subjected to MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS analysis. The results were verified using western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Levels of the candidate proteins in synovial fluids from knee joints (n = 40 for each disease) were measured using ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proteomic approach revealed significantly increased expression of carbonic anhydrase I (CA1) in the synovial membrane of patients with AS as compared with the RA and OA tissue samples. Immunohistochemistry and western blotting analysis confirmed the findings described above. The ELISA detected a higher level of CA1 in synovial fluids from patients with AS than those with OA. The mean value of the CA1 level was also higher in AS patients as compared with RA patients. This study also detected increased expression of alpha-1-antitrypsin in the synovial tissues from AS patients, which is in agreement with other reports.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>In vitro </it>experiments by other groups indicated that CA1 catalyzes the generation of HCO<sub>3</sub><sup>- </sup>through the hydration of CO<sub>2</sub>, which then combines with Ca<sup>2+ </sup>to form a CaCO3 precipitate. Calcification is an essential step of bone formation. Substantial evidence indicates that carbonic anhydrase also stimulates bone resorption. Hence, overexpression of CA1 in the synovial tissues of AS patients may promote improper calcification and bone resorption in AS.</p

    Dyslexia, authorial identity, and approaches to learning and writing: a mixed methods study

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    A mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) study of authorial identitiy and acedemic writing among dyslexic and non-dyslexic students.Background. Dyslexia may lead to difficulties with academic writing as well as reading. The authorial identity approach aims to help students improve their academic writing and avoid unintentional plagiarism, and could help to understand dyslexic students’ approaches to writing. Aims. (1) To compare dyslexic and non-dyslexic students’ authorial identity and approaches to learning and writing; (2) to compare correlations between approaches to writing and approaches to learning among dyslexic and non-dyslexic students; (3) to explore dyslexic students’ understandings of authorship and beliefs about dyslexia, writing and plagiarism. Sample. Dyslexic (n = 31) and non-dyslexic (n = 31) university students. Method. Questionnaire measures of self-rated confidence in writing, understanding of authorship, knowledge to avoid plagiarism, and top-down, bottom-up and pragmatic approaches to writing (Student Authorship Questionnaire; SAQ), and deep, surface and strategic approaches to learning (Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students; ASSIST), plus qualitative interviews with dyslexic students with high and low SAQscores. Results. Dyslexic students scored lower for confidence in writing, understanding authorship, and strategic approaches to learning, and higher for surface approaches to learning. Correlations among SAQ and ASSIST scores were larger and more frequently significant among non-dyslexic students. Self-rated knowledge to avoid plagiarism was associated with a top-down approach to writing among dyslexic students and with a bottom-up approach to writing among non-dyslexic students. All the dyslexic students interviewed described how dyslexia made writing more difficult and reduced their confidence in academic writing, but they had varying views about whether dyslexia increased the risk of plagiarism. Conclusions. Dyslexic students have less strong authorial identities, and less congruent approaches to learning and writing. Knowledge to avoid plagiarism may be more salient for dyslexic students, who may benefit from specific interventions to increase confidence in writing and understanding of authorship. Further research could investigate how dyslexic students develop approaches to academic writing, and how that could be affected by perceived knowledge to avoid plagiarism

    Characterization of a Human Cell Line Stably Over-Expressing the Candidate Oncogene, Dual Specificity Phosphatase 12

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    Analysis of chromosomal rearrangements within primary tumors has been influential in the identification of novel oncogenes. Identification of the "driver" gene(s) within cancer-derived amplicons is, however, hampered by the fact that most amplicons contain many gene products. Amplification of 1q21-1q23 is strongly associated with liposarcomas and microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization narrowed down the likely candidate oncogenes to two: the activating transcription factor 6 (atf6) and the dual specificity phosphatase 12 (dusp12). While atf6 is an established transcriptional regulator of the unfolded protein response, the potential role of dusp12 in cancer remains uncharacterized.To evaluate the oncogenic potential of dusp12, we established stable cell lines that ectopically over-express dusp12 in isolation and determined whether this cell line acquired properties frequently associated with transformed cells. Here, we demonstrate that cells over-expressing dusp12 display increased cell motility and resistance to apoptosis. Additionally, over-expression of dusp12 promoted increased expression of the c-met proto-oncogene and the collagen and laminin receptor intergrin alpha 1 (itga1) which is implicated in metastasis.Collectively, these results suggest that dusp12 is oncologically relevant and exposes a potential association between dusp12 and established oncogenes that could be therapeutically targeted

    HIV-1 Viral loas assays for resource-limited settings

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    Tremendous strides have been made in treating HIV-1 infection in industrialized countries. Combination therapy with antiretroviral (ARV) drugs suppresses virus replication, delays disease progression, and reduces mortality. In industrialized settings, plasma viral load assays are used in combination with CD4 cell counts to determine when to initiate therapy and when a regimen is failing. In addition, unlike serologic assays, these assays may be used to diagnose perinatal or acute HIV-1 infection. Unfortunately, the full benefits of antiretroviral drugs and monitoring tests have not yet reached the majority of HIV-1-infected patients who live in countries with limited resources. In this article we discuss existing data on the performance of alternative viral load assays that might be useful in resource-limited settings
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