29 research outputs found
The Relationship of Shopping-Related Decisions with Materialistic Values Endorsement, Compulsive Buying-Shopping Disorder Symptoms and Everyday Moral Decision Making
Background: Compulsive buying-shopping disorder (CBSD) is associated with high materialistic values endorsement and excessive purchasing of consumer goods. A subgroup of individuals with CBSD engage in socially unacceptable behaviors to continue shopping despite negative consequences. This investigation aimed at exploring possible links between ego-oriented shopping-related decisions, materialism, symptoms of CBSD and close-to-everyday moral decision making. Methods: In study 1, patients with CBSD were interviewed to develop a list of conflict situations, capturing typical shopping-related dilemmas. In study 2, the shopping-related dilemmas from study 1, standardized close-to-everyday moral dilemmas, the Material Values Scale and Pathological Buying Screener were administered to a web-based convenience sample (n = 274). Results: The main effects of a moderated hierarchical regression analysis revealed an association of more ego-oriented shopping-related decisions with both higher materialistic values endorsement and more CBSD symptoms, but not with everyday moral decision-making. However, a more egoistic everyday moral decision making style moderated the effect of CBSD symptoms on ego-oriented shopping related decisions. Conclusions: The findings indicate that a more egoistic everyday moral decision making style is not directly linked to domain-specific shopping-related decision making but strengthens the link between symptoms of CBSD and ego-oriented shopping-related decisions
Association of impulsivity with quality of life and wellâbeing after alcohol withdrawal treatment
Impulsivity is related to a higher risk of relapse in alcohol use disorders. However, besides drinking behavior, other recovery outcomes like physical and mental healthârelated quality of life are at least as important. The present study aimed to fill a research gap regarding the association of different impulsivity facets with healthârelated quality of life and wellâbeing in alcohol use disorder.
Individuals with a primary alcohol use disorder diagnosis (nâ=â167) were interviewed with standardized selfâreport measures at the progressed stage of their withdrawal treatment and 6 weeks thereafter. Multiple regression models were calculated to examine the association of impulsivity, craving, and drinking patterns with healthârelated quality of life and wellâbeing 6 weeks after withdrawal treatment, as well as the predictive role of impulsivity assessed during withdrawal for these two outcomes.
Craving was associated with healthârelated quality of life and wellâbeing 6 weeks after withdrawal. Likewise, nonâplanning and attentional impulsivity were associated with wellâbeing 6 weeks after withdrawal. Motor impulsivity during withdrawal treatment predicted healthârelated quality of life 6 weeks thereafter.
Impulsivity seems to be negatively related to healthârelated quality of life and wellâbeing in the first weeks after alcohol withdrawal treatment, probably to a higher extent than drinking patterns, but differentiating between its facets seems to be important. These findings emphasize the importance of treatment approaches aiming at reduced impulsivity in the early recovery process
Towards a cross-cultural assessment of binge-watching: Psychometric evaluation of the âwatching TV series motivesâ and âbinge-watching engagement and symptomsâ questionnaires across nine languages
In view of the growing interest regarding binge-watching (i.e., watching multiple episodes of television (TV) series in a single sitting) research, two measures were developed and validated to assess binge-watching involvement (âBinge-Watching Engagement and Symptoms Questionnaireâ, BWESQ) and related motivations (âWatching TV Series Motives Questionnaireâ, WTSMQ). To promote international and cross-cultural binge-watching research, the present article reports on the validation of these questionnaires in nine languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Hungarian, Persian, Arabic, Chinese). Both questionnaires were disseminated, together with additional self-report measures of happiness, psychopathological symptoms, impulsivity and problematic internet use among TV series viewers from a college/university student population (N = 12,616) in 17 countries. Confirmatory factor, measurement invariance and correlational analyses were conducted to establish structural and construct validity. The two questionnaires had good psychometric properties and fit in each language. Equivalence across languages and gender was supported, while construct validity was evidenced by similar patterns of associations with complementary measures of happiness, psychopathological symptoms, impulsivity and problematic internet use. The results support the psychometric validity and utility of the BWESQ and WTSMQ for conducting cross-cultural research on binge-watching
Food Addiction
Zielsetzung: Mit der Entwicklung der Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) wurden diagnostische Kriterien von Food Addiction (FA) postuliert, die sich zunĂ€chst an den sieben DSM-IV-TR-Kriterien fĂŒr SubstanzabhĂ€ngigkeit orientierten. Mit EinfĂŒhrung des DSM-5 erfolgte eine Revision der Skala (YFAS 2.0), die sich an den 11 Kriterien fĂŒr Substanzgebrauchsstörungen orientiert. Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der YFAS 2.0-basierten PrĂ€valenz von FA bei Personen mit Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN), Binge-Eating-Störung (BES) und Adipositas und der Anwendung experimenteller Paradigmen aus der Suchtforschung bei Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen. Methodik: Fokussierte narrative Ăberblicksarbeit. Ergebnisse: YFAS 2.0-FA-Diagnosen wurden besonders hĂ€ufig bei Personen mit BN, BES und/oder Adipositas berichtet. Aus der Suchtforschung bekannte experimentelle Paradigmen wurden fĂŒr Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen adaptiert und zeigen Parallelen zu AbhĂ€ngigkeitserkrankungen, oftmals wurde in diesen Studien FA jedoch nicht explizit erfasst. Schlussfolgerungen: Eine Subgruppe von Patient innen mit BN, BES und/oder Adipositas zeigt suchtartiges Essen im Sinne einer YFAS 2.0-FA-Diagnose. Experimentelle Studien legen nahe, dass hier die gleichen Mechanismen bedeutsam sein könnten wie bei Suchterkrankungen. Unklar ist, ob diese auf das Vorliegen von FA zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind. ZukĂŒnftige Studien sollten FA systematisch berĂŒcksichtigen und den klinischen Nutzen des Konzepts weiter untersuchen
SelbstmitgefĂŒhl mediiert den Zusammenhang zwischen dysfunktionalen Persönlichkeitsstilen und der mentalen Gesundheit depressiver Patient_innen
<jats:p> Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Ein selbstunsicherer und Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstil scheinen positiv mit Symptomschwere und negativ mit Lebenszufriedenheit bei depressiven Personen zusammenzuhĂ€ngen. SelbstmitgefĂŒhl könnte hierbei eine vermittelnde Rolle spielen. Fragestellung: Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte, ob ein geringeres SelbstmitgefĂŒhl den Zusammenhang eines selbstunsicheren bzw. Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstils mit geringerer Lebenszufriedenheit und höherer Symptomschwere vermittelt. Methode: In einer Querschnitts-Erhebung beantworteten 78 ambulante Patient_innen mit Majorer Depression Fragebögen zu SelbstmitgefĂŒhl, Lebenszufriedenheit, depressiver Symptomschwere und Persönlichkeitsstilen. AnschlieĂend wurden Mediationsanalysen berechnet. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse implizieren, dass ein geringeres SelbstmitgefĂŒhl den Zusammenhang zwischen einem selbstunsicheren Stil und depressiver Symptomschwere vermittelt. Insbesondere eine ausgeprĂ€gtere Selbstverurteilung vermittelte den Zusammenhang zwischen einem selbstunsicheren bzw. Borderline-Stil und geringerer Lebenszufriedenheit. Schlussfolgerungen: SelbstmitgefĂŒhl zu stĂ€rken und insbesondere Selbstverurteilung zu reduzieren könnte bei depressiven Patient_innen mit selbstunsicherem oder Borderline-Stil ein Ansatzpunkt zur Verbesserung der mentalen Gesundheit sein, was in Interventionsstudien untersucht werden sollte. Limitationen der Studie sind das querschnittliche Design und die geringe interne Konsistenz einzelner SelbstmitgefĂŒhls-Facetten. </jats:p>
Approach and avoidance: Relations with the thin body ideal in women with disordered eating behavior
Recent research suggests that automatic cognitive biases are linked to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behavior. However, little is known about automatic action tendencies in the field of body image research. The aim of the present study was to examine approach and avoidance biases toward the thin body ideal and normal weight bodies and whether these are pronounced in individuals showing disordered eating behavior. Participants were divided into a group with disordered eating behavior (nâŻ=âŻ55) and without disordered eating behavior (nâŻ=âŻ45). To assess approach and avoidance tendencies, the Approach-Avoidance Task was used during which the participants were instructed to approach or avoid thin and normal weight body pictures. Our results indicated faster push than pull movements towards thin and normal weight body pictures. However, participants with and without disordered eating behavior did not differ with regard to their reactions. Furthermore, we found positive associations between the avoidance of normal weight body pictures and perceived pressure to confirm to media ideals. Future research is warranted to replicate our findings and to extend our knowledge on approach and avoidance biases toward body pictures in patients suffering from eating disorders