271 research outputs found

    La fusion des médiathèques de Thann et Cernay

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    Au 1er janvier 2013, les deux communautés de communes du Pays de Thann et de Cernay et Environs fusionnaient pour former la nouvelle communauté de communes de Thann-Cernay : 17 communes, 37 694 hab

    Cuando dialogan dos Antígonas : La tumba de Antígona de María Zambrano y Antígona furiosa de Griselda Gambaro

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    Antígona ha sido un tópico por más de 2.000 años, participando de una historia que siempre puede ser reconocida. Tanto la Guerra Civil española como la dictadura argentina vieron surgir Antígonas en busca de justicia. A partir de los trabajos de María Zambrano y Griselda Gambaro, este artículo busca rehabilitar discursivamente estas versiones. Por un lado, la filósofa española nunca regresó del exilio iniciado en 1939 y defendió hasta el final los valores republicanos. Cuando asumió que su expatriación era irreversible, ingresó en un exilio profundo del cual Antígona revela lo esencial, pasando de la “privación” a la “revelación” tanto en un modo filosófico como en el poético, tanto en sus ensayos como en su única pieza teatral, La Tumba de Antígona (1967), una significativa metáfora de la guerra fratricida y del exilio. Por otro, Antígona furiosa (1986) de Gambaro, reescribe la tragedia de Sófocles cuando denuncia el terrorismo de estado argentino en una furiosa Antígona. Gambaro, hermana y madre de desaparecidos de la guerra sucia eleva su grito por justicia en nombre de la fraternidad humana.Antigone has been a topical figure for more than 2,000 years. She plays a part in a story that one can always identify. Spanish Civil War and Argentine dictatorship saw the birth of many Antigones seeking justice. Starting from the M. Zambrano and G. Gambaro’s creations, this work rehabilitates the speech and the incarnations of the Iberian and Ibero-american Antigone. On the one hand, Spanish philosopher María Zambrano never came out of the exodus which began in 1939, and she defended the values of the Republic all the way. Once she acknowledged that expatriation was irreversible, she entered a profound exile of which Antigone reveals the essence, going from “deprivation” to “revelation” in a philosophical as well as a poetical manner, both in her essays and in her unique play, La Tumba de Antígona (1967), a striking metaphor of the fratricidal war and of exile. On the other hand, Griselda Gambaro’s Antígona furiosa (1986) rewrites Sophocles’ tragedy which denounces Argentine state terrorism in a vigorous revival of a furious Antigone. At a time sister and mother of the missing of the Dirty War, she claims her cry for justice in the name of human brotherhood.Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Écoute psychanalytique des adolescents en conflit avec la loi : quelle éthique peut soutenir cette intervention?

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    O presente estudo partiu de uma pesquisa-extensão com jovens que se encontram em regime de Internação Provisória (IP), suspeitos de terem cometido atos considerados infracionais. Através do dispositivo que temos chamado de Rodas de R.A.P., oferecemos um espaço de fala e de escuta a esse grupo de adolescentes que aguardava, em uma Instituição Socioeducativa, a deliberação de uma sentença – uma medida socioeducativa de meio aberto, de restrição ou de privação de liberdade – ou mesmo de seu desligamento. Escolhemos a denominada IP por esta ser a porta de entrada da Instituição e por considerarmos esse momento inicial como um tempo de muita angústia, quando se faz necessária uma escuta mais atenta aos meninos que se envolvem em situações de conflito com a lei. Nessa experiência, ao debruçarmo-nos sobre o tema da ética passível de sustentar a intervenção do pesquisador-psicanalista na socioeducação, pretendemos problematizar a discussão metodológica acerca da construção de dispositivos de escuta no âmbito das Políticas Públicas infanto-juvenis, especialmente no que se refere às políticas de socioeducação.The present study was based on a research-extension with adolescents who are in a Provisional Internment (IP) regime, suspected of having committed acts considered to be against the law. Trough the device we have named R.A.P. Circles, we offer a space for talking and listening to this group of adolescents who were waiting in a socioeducation institution for a sentence – socioeducational measure of open way, of restriction or deprivation of liberty – or even of its termination. We chose the so-called IP for this to be the institution’s kind of input door and because we consider this initial moment as a time of great distress, when it becomes necessary to listen more attentively to the adolescents who are involved in situations of conflict with the law. In this experience, as we look at the ethical issue that can sustain the intervention of the psychoanalyst-researcher in the socioeducation system, we intend to problematize a methodological discussion about the construction of listening devices within the framework of the Public Policies for children and youth, especially with regard to socio-educational policies.La présente étude a été basée sur un projet de recherche et extension avec des jeunes qui sont dans un régime d’internat provisoire (IP), soupçonnés d’avoir commis des actes considérés des infractions. À travers l’outil, que nous convenons d´appeler RAP, nous offrons un espace pour faire parler et faire écouter ce groupe d’adolescents qui attendent dans une institution socioéducative une décision juridique – une mesure socio-éducative de moyens ouverts, de restriction ou de privation de liberté – ou même de son retrait. Nous avons choisi la condition IP parce qu’elle est la porte d’entrée de l’institution et parce que nous considérons ce moment initial une période de grande angoisse, moment où il faut faire écouter très attentivement les enfants impliqués dans des situations de conflit avec la loi. Dans cette expérience, lorsque nous examinons le choix de l’éthique qui peut soutenir l’intervention du psychanalyste-chercheur dans la socio-éducation, nous avons l’intention de problématiser la discussion méthodologique axée sur la construction d’appareils d’écoute dans le cadre des politiques publiques d’enfance et de jeunesse, notamment en ce qui concerne aux politiques socio-éducatives

    Adolescence and flashes : the construction of "survival" policies

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    Este artigo parte da análise de algumas falas de adolescentes em situação de privação de liberdade, bem como de enunciados que recolhemos da cultura; na sequência, refletimos sobre a violência juvenil como uma maneira de recusar reduzir suas manifestações às lógicas criminalizantes, individualizantes e patologizantes. Compartilhamos também algumas problematizações que foram surgindo frente aos desafios e impasses que vivenciamos enquanto pesquisadores em psicanálise no campo socioeducativo: de que modo não sucumbir aos discursos que buscam fixar os jovens da socioeducação unicamente na posição de menores infratores? Como sustentar uma escuta baseada em uma política subversiva quando nos deparamos com uma sociedade fortemente atravessada por lógicas normatizantes? Essas e outras questões foram trabalhadas a partir do enlace entre a dimensão ético-política da psicanálise, a política das sobrevivências proposta por Didi-Huberman e o conceito de ralé proposto por Hannah Arendt.Este artículo parte del análisis de algunas declaraciones hechas por adolescentes en una situación de privación de libertad, así como declaraciones que recogemos de la cultura; A continuación, reflexionamos sobre la violencia juvenil como una forma de negarse a reducir sus manifestaciones a lógicas de criminalización, individualización y patología. También compartimos algunas discusiones que han surgido frente a los desafíos e impases que experimentamos como investigadores en psicoanálisis en el campo socioeducativo: ¿Cómo no podemos sucumbir a los discursos que buscan fijar a los jóvenes en la educación social únicamente en la posición de los delincuentes menores? ¿Cómo mantener una escucha basada en una política subversiva cuando nos enfrentamos a una sociedad fuertemente atravesada por lógicas normativas? Estas y otras preguntas se trabajaron desde el vínculo entre la dimensión ético-política del psicoanálisis, la política de supervivencia propuesta por Didi- Huberman y el concepto de chusma propuesto por Hannah Arendt.This article starts from the analysis of some statements made by adolescents in a situation of deprivation of liberty, as well as statements that we collect from culture; next, we reflected on youth violence as a way of refusing to reduce its manifestations to criminalizing, individualizing and pathologizing logics. We also share some discussions that have emerged in the face of the challenges and impasses that we experience as researchers in psychoanalysis in the socio-educational field: how can we not succumb to the discourses that seek to fix youth in socio-education solely in the position of minor offenders? How to sustain a listening based on a subversive policy when we are faced with a society strongly crossed by normative logics? These and other questions were worked from the link between the ethical-political dimension of psychoanalysis, the policy of survival proposed by Didi-Huberman and the concept of rabble proposed by Hannah Arendt

    The research in Psychoanalysis and the collector of remains : methodological bonds

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    Os atuais retratos encontrados no âmbito da saúde mental infanto-juvenil e da Educação convocam a Psicanálise a se (re)inventar a fim de estar em diferentes sítios. Nesse sentido, este artigo busca sustentar a noção do oficineiro/pesquisador-catador-de-restos, problematizando se é possível forjarmos um modo, nas bordas da Psicanálise, Educação e Cinema, que nos auxilie na reinvenção de dispositivos de escuta e intervenção com sujeitos que vivem as nuances da passagem adolescente.The current pictures found in the framework of Mental Health and Education summons Psychoanalysis to (re)think itself in order to be in different places. For that matter, this article aims to support the notion of the workshoppers/researcher collector-of-remains, questioning if it is possible to forge a way, in the borders of Psychoanalysis, Education and Cinema, that can assist us in the reinvention of listening and intervention devices to the subjects who live the shades of the adolescent passage

    A ética como método no encontro entre psicanálise e socioeducação

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    Neste escrito, partimos de uma experiência de pesquisa-extensão com adolescentes internados no sistema socioeducativo. Nele, sublinhamos algumas das particularidades metodológicas de uma pesquisa em psicanálise no âmbito da socioeducação. Essa prática na instituição, a um só tempo, amplia as bordas da intervenção clínica tradicional e nos coloca frente a narrativas pautadas por um excesso de real, sobretudo tributário de vivências dos jovens que vivem em situação de violência e vulnerabilidade. Com este estudo, pretendemos dar seguimento às produções que temos desenvolvido sustentadas na ideia de a ética psicanalítica configurar-se como método

    Secreted Amyloid Precursor Protein β and Secreted Amyloid Precursor Protein α Induce Axon Outgrowth In Vitro through Egr1 Signaling Pathway

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    BACKGROUND: sAPPα released after α secretase cleavage of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) has several functions including the stimulation of neurite outgrowth although detailed morphometric analysis has not been done. Two domains involved in this function have been described and are present in sAPPβ released at the first step of amyloid peptide cleavage, raising the possibility that sAPPβ could also stimulate neurite outgrowth. We investigated the morphological effects of sAPPα and sAPPβ on primary neurons and identified a key signaling event required for the changes observed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Final concentrations of 50 to 150 nM bacterial recombinant sAPPα or sAPPβ added to primary neuronal cultures after 1 day in vitro decreased cell adhesion 24 hours later and primary dendrite length 96 hours later. 150 nM sAPPα and sAPPβ induced a similar increase of axon outgrowth, although this increase was already significant at 100 nM sAPPα. These morphological changes induced by sAPPs were also observed when added to differentiated neurons at 5 days in vitro. Real time PCR and immunocytochemistry showed that sAPPα and sAPPβ stimulated Egr1 expression downstream of MAPK/ERK activation. Furthermore, in primary neurons from Egr1 -/- mice, sAPPs affected dendritic length but did not induce any increase of axon length. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: sAPPα and sAPPβ decrease cell adhesion and increase axon elongation. These morphological changes are similar to what has been observed in response to heparan sulfate. The sAPPα/sAPPβ stimulated increase in axon growth requires Egr1 signaling. These data suggest that sAPPβ is not deleterious per se. Since sAPPβ and sAPPα are present in the embryonic brain, these two APP metabolites might play a role in axon outgrowth during development and in response to brain damage

    Campylobacter coli in Organic and Conventional Pig Production in France and Sweden: Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance.

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate and compare the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter coli in conventional and organic pigs from France and Sweden. Fecal or colon samples were collected at farms or at slaughterhouses and cultured for Campylobacter. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, and gentamicin were determined by microdilution for a total of 263 French strains from 114 pigs from 50 different farms and 82 Swedish strains from 144 pigs from 54 different farms. Erythromycin resistant isolates were examined for presence of the emerging rRNA methylase erm(B) gene. The study showed that within the colon samples obtained in each country there was no significant difference in prevalence of Campylobacter between pigs in organic and conventional productions [France: conventional: 43/58 (74%); organic: 43/56 (77%) and Sweden: conventional: 24/36 (67%); organic: 20/36 (56%)]. In France, but not in Sweden, significant differences of percentages of resistant isolates were associated with production type (tetracycline, erythromycin) and the number of resistances was significantly higher for isolates from conventional pigs. In Sweden, the number of resistances of fecal isolates was significantly higher compared to colon isolates. The erm(B) gene was not detected in the 87 erythromycin resistant strains tested

    The state of the art in psychoanalysis and education in Rio Grande do Sul (2000-2016)

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    This study is part of a Brazilian research project made by the Working Group (WG) “Psychoanalysis and Education” of the Psychology Research and Graduate National Association (ANPEPP). In 2015, this WG produced and disseminated a big data survey of different Brazilian regions aiming to create a national portrait of the Psychoanalysis and Education field. This effort, which is a result of other similar movements in the area, provided us with a snapshot of the research investigations, as well as the methodologies used by the different Research Centers and Laboratories involved with the theme in the different regions of the country. Seeking to continue conducting the most expressive studies on this theme, our objectives are: trace an overview of the Psychoanalysis and Education academic production circumscribed in the period from January 2020 to August 2016; identify and question the main theoretical axis researched in the field; organize and potentialize articulations among the different researchers of the area. For this purpose, we use the bibliographic survey as a methodological strategy in order to present an overview of academic production. We understand that it is important to deepen the overview of the Psychoanalysis and Education field in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, since this region has been implicated in different production waves throughout the recent years. With these efforts done, our goal is to create a bigger working synergy among the field researchers, to understand future possibilities in the area, to facilitate exchanges between the subjects, to think over the enlargement of the field with more density, to trace possible methodological paths and achieve some improvement in the quality of the researches.Este estudo é parte de uma pesquisa de âmbito nacional realizada pelo Grupo de Trabalho (GT) “Psicanálise e Educação” da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Psicologia (ANPEPP). Em 2015 o GT produziu e divulgou um grande levantamento de dados de diferentes regiões do Brasil com o intuito de construir um retrato nacional do campo da psicanálise e educação. Tal esforço, que é fruto de outros movimentos semelhantes na área, propiciou uma fotografia das investigações, assim como das metodologias utilizadas pelos diferentes Núcleos e Laboratórios de pesquisas envolvidos com a temática nas diversas regiões do país. Buscando dar continuidade aos estudos mais expressivos acerca do tema supracitado, nossos objetivos são: traçar um panorama da produção acadêmica de psicanálise e educação no Rio Grande do Sul tomando como recorte o período de janeiro de 2000 a agosto de 2016; identificar e problematizar os principais eixos teóricos pesquisados no campo; organizar e potencializar articulações entre os diferentes pesquisadores da área. Para isso, utilizamo-nos do survey bibliográfico como estratégia metodológica no processo de elaboração do levantamento da produção acadêmica. Entendemos que seja relevante aprofundar a perfilação do campo da psicanálise e educação no Rio Grande do Sul, pois essa região esteve implicada em diferentes ondas de produção ao longo do tempo. Com os esforços realizados, almejamos propiciar uma maior sinergia de trabalho entre os pesquisadores do campo, compreender os rumos futuros da área, facilitar trocas entre as temáticas, pensar a ampliação do campo com mais densidade, retratar os caminhos metodológicos e alcançar uma melhoria da qualidade das pesquisas

    Enseigner en temps de pandémie au Québec : étude de cas d’un enseignant du secondaire

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    The pandemic has greatly affected the teaching profession in Quebec. The objective of this research project is to describe teachers’ experience during this pandemic linked to COVID-19. Twenty-five teachers participated to semi-structured individual interviews. This article specifically presents the case of one of the teachers in order to describe the complex analysis process by categorization, then, discuss the results based on the conceptual framework of competent action. The results present a sawtooth evolution of the teacher’s feelings, and the continuous adaptation modalities used in times of crisis. Also, results present professional learning in critical situations and their subsequent reinvestment.La pandémie de COVID-19 a grandement affecté la profession enseignante au Québec. L’objectif du projet de recherche est de décrire le vécu des enseignants durant cette période. Vingt-cinq enseignants ont participé à la recherche par le moyen d’une entrevue individuelle semi-dirigée. Cet article présente le cas spécifique d’un des enseignants rencontrés, décrit l’analyse complexe par catégories conceptualisantes, puis discute des résultats à partir du cadre conceptuel de l’agir compétent. Les résultats démontrent l’évolution en dents de scie du ressenti de l’enseignant et les modalités adaptatives utilisées en période de crise. L’article expose aussi les apprentissages professionnels réalisés en situation critique, ainsi que leur réinvestissement subséquent