42 research outputs found

    When and how do hospital nurses cope with daily stressors? A multilevel study

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    During their workday, nurses face a variety of stressors that are dealt with using different coping strategies. One criticism of the contextual models of work stress is that they fail to focus on individual responses like coping with stress. Neverthless, little is know about the momentary determinants of coping in nurses. To identify the momentary predictors of problem-focused approaching coping and emotion-focused approaching coping, as well as those for seeking social support and refusal coping strategies, during the working day in nurses. This study uses descriptive, correlational, two-level design with repeated measures. Wards of two University hospitals. A random cohort of 113 nurses was studied. An ecological momentary assessment was made of demand, control, effort, reward, nursing task, coping, mood and fatigue, and of coping style by questionnaire. Multilevel two-level statistical analyses were performed in order to identify both within person and between person relationships. Different momentary types of coping were associated with different tasks. The problem-focused coping could be explained by the direct care and medication tasks, demand, planning coping style, mood, and negatively by acceptation coping style. Emotion-focused coping could be explained by documentation and medication tasks (negatively), mood, demand, distraction, and disengagement coping styles. Seeking social support coping could be explained by the task of communication, mood, fatigue (negatively), and seeking emotional support as a coping style. Refusal coping could be explained by mood, and the coping style of focusing and venting emotions. Refusal coping is not specific to any task. The choice of the coping strategy depends on the task, of their appraisal and on the different styles of coping

    Tensió laboral, síndrome d’esgotament professional (burn-out) i característiques sociodemogràfiques i laborals en treballadors de botigues de conveniència

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    Les tendències de mercat actuals i les noves necessitats dels consumidors han situat les botigues de conveniència com un format comercial sòlid al nostre país. Les característiques d’aquests establiments porten als seus treballadors a experimentar condicions laborals diferents, que poden desembocar en l’experimentació pels empleats de conseqüències negatives, tant físiques com psicosocials. El propòsit d’aquest estudi ha sigut analitzar les possibles relacions existents entre la síndrome d’esgotament professional i la tensió laboral amb diversos factors sociodemogràfics –sexe, edat, estat civil i nivell educatiu– i laborals –tipus de contracte, nombre d’hores i nivell del lloc– en els treballadors de botigues de conveniència. Van participar-hi un total de 110 empleats que pertanyen a 24 establiments, als quals es van administrar els qüestionaris pertinents per avaluar les variables seleccionades. S’han trobat correlacions negatives i significatives entre l’edat i la tensió laboral. Les proves T i els anova efectuats revelen diferències significatives en la síndrome d’esgotament professional i la tensió laboral, i en algunes de les seues dimensions, en funció de les variables sociodemogràfiques i sociolaborals estudiades. Els resultats obtinguts han permés comprovar l’existència de diferències significatives en el nivell de la síndrome d’esgotament professional en funció de variables sociodemogràfiques, com ara l’estat civil, i laborals, el nombre d’hores setmanals i tipus de contracte. Pel que fa a la tensió laboral, les diferències s’han trobat en funció del sexe, l’edat, l’estat civil, el nivell d’estudis i el nivell del lloc.Current market trends and new consumer needs have placed convenience stores as a solid commercial format in our country. The characteristics of these establishments lead their employees to experience different working conditions, which in many cases could lead them to experience negative consequences, both physical and psychosocial. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to analyze the possible relationships between burnout syndrome and work strain with divers socio-demographic factors –sex, age, marital status and educational level– and other labor factors –type of contract, number of hours and job position– in convenience store workers. A total of 110 employees from 24 establishments participated in the studio. For the data collect, it were administered several questionnaires for the evaluation of the selected variables. Negative and significant correlations have been found between age and job strain. The T tests and the anova carried out reveal significant differences in bur-nout and job strain, and in some of its dimensions, depending on the sociodemographic and socio-labor variables studied. The results obtained show the existence of significant differences in the level of bur-nout in terms of socio-demographic variables, such as marital status, and labor variables, such as the number of weekly hours and type of contract. Regarding job strain, differences have been found based on sex, age, marital status, educational level and job position

    How does emotional exhaustion influence work stress? Relationships between stressor appraisals, hedonic tone, and fatigue in nurses' daily tasks : a longitudinal cohort study

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    Background: Work-related stress is a prevalent condition in the nursing profession, and its influence may vary according to changeable individual and situational factors. It is, therefore, important to investigate the real-time momentary changes in these factors and their relationship to emotional exhaustion experienced by nurses. Objectives: We aim to analyse how their perceptions of demand, control, effort and reward change according to the task performed through real-time assessment and interact with the emotional exhaustion level of ward nurses. Design: The research design was longitudinal. Method: A three-level hierarchical model with a repeated measures design was used to assess the momentary self-reports of 96 hospital ward nurses, completed using a smartphone programmed with random alarms. Results: Findings show that demand, effort, and control appraisals depend on the task performed. The task appraised as most demanding, effortful, and controllable was direct care. Reward appraisal depends on the task performed and personal variables, i.e. emotional exhaustion. The situations perceived as more rewarding were rest and direct care. Momentary hedonic tone can be explained by the task performed, demand, reward, emotional exhaustion and by the interaction between emotional exhaustion and demand appraisal. Momentary fatigue can be explained by the task performed, demand, reward, and the emotional exhaustion. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of using momentary measures to understand complex and changeable inter-relationships. While also clarifying the targets of intervention programmes aimed at preventing burnout within the nursing profession

    Evaluation of machine learning algorithms and structural features for optimal MRI-based diagnostic prediction in psychosis

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    A relatively large number of studies have investigated the power of structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) data to discriminate patients with schizophrenia from healthy controls. However, very few of them have also included patients with bipolar disorder, allowing the clinically relevant discrimination between both psychotic diagnostics. To assess the efficacy of sMRI data for diagnostic prediction in psychosis we objectively evaluated the discriminative power of a wide range of commonly used machine learning algorithms (ridge, lasso, elastic net and L0 norm regularized logistic regressions, a support vector classifier, regularized discriminant analysis, random forests and a Gaussian process classifier) on main sMRI features including grey and white matter voxel-based morphometry (VBM), vertex-based cortical thickness and volume, region of interest volumetric measures and wavelet-based morphometry (WBM) maps. All possible combinations of algorithms and data features were considered in pairwise classifications of matched samples of healthy controls (N = 127), patients with schizophrenia (N = 128) and patients with bipolar disorder (N = 128). Results show that the selection of feature type is important, with grey matter VBM (without data reduction) delivering the best diagnostic prediction rates (averaging over classifiers: schizophrenia vs. healthy 75%, bipolar disorder vs. healthy 63% and schizophrenia vs. bipolar disorder 62%) whereas algorithms usually yielded very similar results. Indeed, those grey matter VBM accuracy rates were not even improved by combining all feature types in a single prediction model. Further multi-class classifications considering the three groups simultaneously made evident a lack of predictive power for the bipolar group, probably due to its intermediate anatomical features, located between those observed in healthy controls and those found in patients with schizophrenia. Finally, we provide MRIPredict (https://www.nitrc.org/projects/mripredict/), a free tool for SPM, FSL and R, to easily carry out voxelwise predictions based on VBM images

    Large scale multifactorial likelihood quantitative analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants: An ENIGMA resource to support clinical variant classification

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    The multifactorial likelihood analysis method has demonstrated utility for quantitative assessment of variant pathogenicity for multiple cancer syndrome genes. Independent data types currently incorporated in the model for assessing BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants include clinically calibrated prior probability of pathogenicity based on variant location and bioinformatic prediction of variant effect, co-segregation, family cancer history profile, co-occurrence with a pathogenic variant in the same gene, breast tumor pathology, and case-control information. Research and clinical data for multifactorial likelihood analysis were collated for 1,395 BRCA1/2 predominantly intronic and missense variants, enabling classification based on posterior probability of pathogenicity for 734 variants: 447 variants were classified as (likely) benign, and 94 as (likely) pathogenic; and 248 classifications were new or considerably altered relative to ClinVar submissions. Classifications were compared with information not yet included in the likelihood model, and evidence strengths aligned to those recommended for ACMG/AMP classification codes. Altered mRNA splicing or function relative to known nonpathogenic variant controls were moderately to strongly predictive of variant pathogenicity. Variant absence in population datasets provided supporting evidence for variant pathogenicity. These findings have direct relevance for BRCA1 and BRCA2 variant evaluation, and justify the need for gene-specific calibration of evidence types used for variant classification

    Large scale multifactorial likelihood quantitative analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants: An ENIGMA resource to support clinical variant classification

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    Abstract The multifactorial likelihood analysis method has demonstrated utility for quantitative assessment of variant pathogenicity for multiple cancer syndrome genes. Independent data types currently incorporated in the model for assessing BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants include clinically calibrated prior probability of pathogenicity based on variant location and bioinformatic prediction of variant effect, co-segregation, family cancer history profile, co-occurrence with a pathogenic variant in the same gene, breast tumor pathology, and case-control information. Research and clinical data for multifactorial likelihood analysis were collated for 1395 BRCA1/2 predominantly intronic and missense variants, enabling classification based on posterior probability of pathogenicity for 734 variants: 447 variants were classified as (likely) benign, and 94 as (likely) pathogenic; 248 classifications were new or considerably altered relative to ClinVar submissions. Classifications were compared to information not yet included in the likelihood model, and evidence strengths aligned to those recommended for ACMG/AMP classification codes. Altered mRNA splicing or function relative to known non-pathogenic variant controls were moderately to strongly predictive of variant pathogenicity. Variant absence in population datasets provided supporting evidence for variant pathogenicity. These findings have direct relevance for BRCA1 and BRCA2 variant evaluation, and justify the need for gene-specific calibration of evidence types used for variant classification. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Developmental and tissue-specific involvement of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha in the control of mouse uncoupling protein-3 gene expression.

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    Uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) is a member of the mitochondrial carrier family expressed preferentially in skeletal muscle and heart. It appears to be involved in metabolic handling of fatty acids in a way that minimizes excessive production of reactive oxygen species. Fatty acids are powerful regulators of UCP3 gene transcription. We have found that the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) on the control of UCP3 gene expression depends on the tissue and developmental stage. In adults, UCP3 mRNA expression is unaltered in skeletal muscle from PPARα-null mice both in basal conditions and under the stimulus of starvation. In contrast, UCP3 mRNA is down-regulated in adult heart both in fed and fasted PPARα-null mice. This occurs despite the increased levels of free fatty acids caused by fasting in PPARα-null mice. In neonates, PPARα-null mice show impaired UCP3 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle in response to milk intake, and this is not a result of reduced free fatty acid levels. The murine UCP3 promoter is activated by fatty acids through either PPARα or PPARδ but not by PPARγ or retinoid X receptor alone. PPARδ-dependent activation could be a potential compensatory mechanism to ensure appropriate expression of UCP3 gene in adult skeletal muscle in the absence of PPARα. However, among transcripts from other PPARα and PPARδ target genes, only those acutely induced by milk intake in wild-type neonates were altered in muscle or heart from PPARα-null neonates. Thus, PPARα-dependent regulation is required for appropriate gene regulation of UCP3 as part of the subset of fatty-acid-responsive genes in neonatal muscle and heart

    Differential regulation of expression of genes encoding uncoupling proteins 2 and 3 in brown adipose tissue during lactation in mice

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    Thermogenic activity in brown adipose tissue (BAT) decreases during lactation ; the down-regulation of the gene encoding uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is involved in this process. Our studies show that UCP2 mRNA expression does not change during the breeding cycle in mice. In contrast, UCP3 mRNA is down-regulated in lactation but it recovers after weaning, in parallel with UCP1 mRNA. This leads to a decrease in the content of UCP3 in BAT mitochondria during lactation. Lowering the energy-sparing necessities of lactating dams by decreasing litter size or feeding with a high-fat diet prevented the down-regulation of UCP1 mRNA and UCP3 mRNA. In most cases this resulted in a less marked decrease in UCP1 and UCP3 protein in BAT mitochondria owing to lactation. Fasting for 24 h caused a different response in UCP1 and UCP3 mRNA expression : it decreased UCP1 mRNA levels but had no effect on UCP3 mRNA abundance in virgin mice ; it even increased UCP