16,344 research outputs found

    Agroforestería frente a la agricultura convencional: Evaluación de la sostenibilidad en dos agroecosistemas del Bajo Sur de Bahía

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    Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a sustentabilidade de dois agroecossistemas diferentes, um florestal (SAF) e outro convencional. Como objetivos específicos, visou resgatar a história do surgimento do sistema agroflorestal avaliado e realizar um diagnóstico socioeconômico e ambiental dos agroecossistemas estudados. Para tanto, foi conduzido um estudo de caso exploratório e descritivo, considerando um agrossistema SAF e outro convencional, ambos localizados no assentamento Dandara dos Palmares, na região do Baixo Sul da Bahia. A metodologia utilizada foi o MESMIS (Marco para a Avaliação de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturais incorporando Indicadores), que é um método que estimula a participação dos agricultores durante todo o processo avaliativo. Através da pesquisa, percebeu-se que existem lacunas importantes a serem consideradas em relação a políticas públicas agrícolas, como a oferta de crédito diferenciado e de assistência técnica; na criação de canais de comercialização mais favoráveis aos pequenos produtores, políticas de capacitação e de garantia de compra; em pesquisas de insumos e técnicas adaptadas ao agricultor familiar, como os bancos de sementes e o controle biológico de pragas; e em políticas sociais de educação, saúde e aposentadoria rural. Neste estudo de caso, o agroecossistema florestal estudado é mais sustentável do que o agroecossistema convencional. Estudos de campo ulteriores são importantes para reportar a eficiência do SAF em comparação com outros agroecossistemas.This research evaluated the sustainability of two different agroecosystems, one agroforestry (SAF) and the other conventional. As specific objectives, it aimed to rescue the history of the evaluated agroforestry system and carry out a socioeconomic and environmental diagnosis of the studied agroecosystems. To this purpose, an exploratory and descriptive case study was conducted, considering a SAF and a conventional agrosystem located in the Dandara dos Palmares settlement, in the Lower South region of Bahia. The methodology used was the MESMIS (Framework for the Assessment of Management Systems for Natural Resources Incorporating Indicators), which is a method that encourages the participation of farmers throughout the evaluation process. Through the research, it was noticed that there are important gaps to be remedied in relation to agricultural public policies, such as the offer of differentiated credit and technical assistance; in creating more favorable marketing channels for small producers, training policies and purchase guarantee; in research of inputs and techniques adapted to the family farmer, such as seed banks and biological pest control; and in social policies for education, health and rural retirement. In this case study, the forest agroecosystem studied is more sustainable than the conventional agroecosystem. Further field studies are important to report the efficiency of the SAF compared to other agroecosystems.El objetivo de esta investigación era evaluar la sostenibilidad de dos agroecosistemas diferentes, uno forestal (SAF) y otro convencional. Como objetivos específicos, se pretendió rescatar la historia del surgimiento del sistema agroforestal evaluado y realizar un diagnóstico socioeconómico y ambiental de los agroecosistemas estudiados. Para eso, se realizó un estudio de caso exploratorio y descriptivo, considerando un SAF y un agrosistema convencional, ambos localizados en el asentamiento Dandara dos Palmares, en la región de Bahía Sur. La metodología utilizada fue el MESMIS (Marco de Evaluación de Sistemas de Gestión de Recursos Naturales que incorpora Indicadores), que es un método que fomenta la participación de los agricultores en todo el proceso de evaluación. A través de la encuesta, se percibió que hay importantes lagunas a considerar en relación a las políticas públicas agrícolas, como la oferta de crédito diferenciado y asistencia técnica; en la creación de canales de comercialización más favorables a los pequeños productores, políticas de capacitación y garantías de compra; en la investigación de insumos y técnicas adaptadas a los agricultores familiares, como bancos de semillas y control biológico de plagas; y en las políticas sociales de educación, salud y jubilación rural. En este caso de estudio, el agroecosistema forestal estudiado es más sostenible que el agroecosistema convencional. Es importante realizar más estudios de campo para informar sobre la eficacia del SAE en comparación con otros agroecosistemas

    Professionalism and teacher professional development in technological education in Brazil

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    Abordamos questões relativas à profissionalidade e desenvolvimento profissional docente, enquadradas numa investigação realizada no âmbito do doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, na Universidade do Minho. Um dos objetivos deste estudo centrou-se na análise das relações entre identidade e desenvolvimento profissional de professores, tendo como amostra os docentes de um Curso de Tecnologia em Construção de Edifícios (CSTCE), de um instituto superior tecnológico do Brasil. Os resultados mostram que a profissionalidade e o desenvolvimento profissional dos docentes no CSTCE, se relaciona com a docência do ensino superior, em âmbitos individuais e coletivos, considerando as dimensões pessoais, profissionais e organizacionais.We discuss issues related to professionalism and teacher professional development, framed in a research carried out within the PhD in Educational Sciences, at the University of Minho. One of the objectives of this study was centered in the analysis of the relationship between identity and professional development of teachers, having as a sample the teachers of a Technology Course in Construction of Buildings (CSTCE) of a higher technological institute in Brazil. The results show that the professionalism and professional development of teachers in the CSTCE are related to higher education teaching in individual and collective settings, considering the personal, professional and organizational dimensions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social quality and policies for Higher Education in Brazil

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    Este texto incide numa revisão teórica e numa reflexão acerca de referenciais de qualidade social para as políticas de educação superior brasileira. Discutir a educação superior no âmbito das políticas educacionais no Brasil requer a compreensão do fenómeno educativo em sua totalidade, considerando os mais diversos contextos da vida social e política. Nesse sentido, requer uma reflexão sobre a economia, a política, a cultura, a arte, as questões éticas, filosóficas, científicas, tecnológicas, curriculares, pedagógicas e demais dimensões da vida humana, o que será aqui fundamentado, enfatizando a importância de uma educação superior de qualidade.This text consists of both a theoretical review and a reflection on references about social quality for higher education policies in Brazil. Discussing higher education in the scenery of educational policies in Brazil requires a comprehension of educative phenomenon as a whole, considering the several contexts of social and political life. Accordingly, requires a reflection on economy, politics, culture, art, such as ethical, philosophical, scientific, technological, curricular and pedagogical issues, besides on further dimensions of human life; it will be emphasized the defence of a higher education that is asserted in the centrality of quality proposals with social sense and values

    Arterial pressure control for nursing military professionals

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    Objective: Determine which risks factors for hypertension that military nursing professionals identify in their lifestyle; classifying blood pressure levels of professionals. Method: Quantitative, based on descriptive research. Results: This study included 40 military professionals in nursing. The following risks factors were identified for hypertension in the study population: using of hormonal contraceptives (8.0%), smoking (7.0%), alcoholic beverages (2.0%), physical inactivity (21.0%), stress (25.0%), excessive salt intake (11.0%), obesity (8.0%) and high calorie and high protein diet (18.0%). The classification of blood pressure of the subjects revealed that 70.0% showed pressure values considered normal or optimal, values between 12.5% and 17.5 % were considered borderline hypertensions prove. Conclusion: This study indicates the needs for changes in professionals’ lifestyle, because the risks factors associated with blood pressure levels may contribute to the onset of hypertension into analyzed population

    Nonextensivity in Geological Faults?

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    Geological fault systems, as the San Andreas fault (SAF) in USA, constitute typical examples of self-organizing systems in nature. In this paper, we have considered some geophysical properties of the SAF system to test the viability of the nonextensive models for earthquakes developed in [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 73}, 026102, 2006]. To this end, we have used 6188 earthquakes events ranging in the magnitude interval 2<m<82 < m < 8 that were taken from the Network Earthquake International Center catalogs (NEIC, 2004-2006) and the Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre (ISC, 1964-2003). For values of the Tsallis nonextensive parameter q1.68q \simeq 1.68, it is shown that the energy distribution function deduced in above reference provides an excellent fit to the NEIC and ISC SAF data.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, standard LaTeX fil


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    The occurrence of a high number of fetal deaths is present throughout the world. It is estimated that more than 2 million fetal deaths occur each year on the globe, where 98% predominate in developing countries. This research aimed to carry out the survey of the fetal deaths number in Maranhão state, as a way to bring contributions to theprevention and health care actions. Data from DATASUS were used for the survey of fetal deaths occurring in the 217 municipalities in Maranhão state in the years 2000, 2010 and 2014, as well as the fetal mortality rate. The program SURFER® version 11.0 were usedfor descriptive statistics analysis and construction of the mean distribution map of cases. The fetal mortality rate in Maranhão has increased over the years, not following the national trend of reduction of intrauterine mortality rates, being required greater investment in public policies to analyze the main risk factors in the state.Key words: fetal death, public health, fetal mortality rate

    Síndrome mielodisplásica: um relato de experiência a partir da enfermagem

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    It was aimed to report the therapeutic approach and nursing care provided during the hospitalization of a patient with the myelodisplastic syndrome. This is an experience report held in a southwest Goian hospital during February 2022. The choice of the subject was randomly and the experience occurred through four steps aimed at systematizing nursing care provided. In the first stage, the previous data, the physical and clinical picture of the patient, the observation of multiprofessional treatment and the elaboration of the nursing process were collected. Steps data were described in a pre-draft checklist containing the patient's sociodemographic variables and specific to the syndrome, their treatment and nursing care. The patient remained hospitalized for 20 days, in a semi -critical state, with multifaceted signs and symptoms, with severe infection and anemia. He had to use symptomatological pharmacological polytherapy, performed various laboratory and image tests and was supported by a multidisciplinary team. Nursing care occurred full-time in a systematized way. It was noticed that the syndrome is severe and complex, little known to health professionals and should be treated by specialized professionals.Objetivou-se relatar a abordagem terapêutica e os cuidados de enfermagem prestados durante a internação de um paciente acometido pela Síndrome Mielodisplásica. Trata-se de um relato de experiência realizada em um hospital do sudoeste goiano durante o mês de fevereiro de 2022. A escolha do sujeito foi de forma aleatória e a experiência ocorreu com por meio de quatro etapas visando a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem prestada. Na primeira etapa foram a coletadas os dados pregressos, a avaliação física e do quadro clínico do paciente, a observação do tratamento multiprofissional e a elaboração do processo de enfermagem. Os dados das etapas foram descritos em um checklist pré-elaborado contendo a variáveis sociodemográficas do paciente e específicas quanto a síndrome, seu tratamento e a assistência de enfermagem. O paciente permaneceu internado durante 20 dias, em estado semicrítico, com sinais e sintomas multifacetados, com quadro de infecção grave e anemia. Precisou utilizar politerapia farmacológica sintomatológica, realizou diversos exames laboratoriais e de imagem e contou com suporte de uma equipe multidisciplinar. A assistência de enfermagem ocorreu em tempo integral de forma sistematizada. Percebeu-se que a síndrome é grave e complexa, pouco conhecida pelos profissionais de saúde e que deveria ser tratada por profissionais especializados

    Síndrome mielodisplásica: um relato de experiência a partir da enfermagem

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    It was aimed to report the therapeutic approach and nursing care provided during the hospitalization of a patient with the myelodisplastic syndrome. This is an experience report held in a southwest Goian hospital during February 2022. The choice of the subject was randomly and the experience occurred through four steps aimed at systematizing nursing care provided. In the first stage, the previous data, the physical and clinical picture of the patient, the observation of multiprofessional treatment and the elaboration of the nursing process were collected. Steps data were described in a pre-draft checklist containing the patient's sociodemographic variables and specific to the syndrome, their treatment and nursing care. The patient remained hospitalized for 20 days, in a semi -critical state, with multifaceted signs and symptoms, with severe infection and anemia. He had to use symptomatological pharmacological polytherapy, performed various laboratory and image tests and was supported by a multidisciplinary team. Nursing care occurred full-time in a systematized way. It was noticed that the syndrome is severe and complex, little known to health professionals and should be treated by specialized professionals.Objetivou-se relatar a abordagem terapêutica e os cuidados de enfermagem prestados durante a internação de um paciente acometido pela Síndrome Mielodisplásica. Trata-se de um relato de experiência realizada em um hospital do sudoeste goiano durante o mês de fevereiro de 2022. A escolha do sujeito foi de forma aleatória e a experiência ocorreu com por meio de quatro etapas visando a Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem prestada. Na primeira etapa foram a coletadas os dados pregressos, a avaliação física e do quadro clínico do paciente, a observação do tratamento multiprofissional e a elaboração do processo de enfermagem. Os dados das etapas foram descritos em um checklist pré-elaborado contendo a variáveis sociodemográficas do paciente e específicas quanto a síndrome, seu tratamento e a assistência de enfermagem. O paciente permaneceu internado durante 20 dias, em estado semicrítico, com sinais e sintomas multifacetados, com quadro de infecção grave e anemia. Precisou utilizar politerapia farmacológica sintomatológica, realizou diversos exames laboratoriais e de imagem e contou com suporte de uma equipe multidisciplinar. A assistência de enfermagem ocorreu em tempo integral de forma sistematizada. Percebeu-se que a síndrome é grave e complexa, pouco conhecida pelos profissionais de saúde e que deveria ser tratada por profissionais especializados

    Exploring the whole value of corporate volunteering

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    Volunteering through the workplace is growing, with companies investing millions of dollars into it but possessing little knowledge of its value. This paper explores the value that a corporate volunteering programme (EDP Group) generated. The analysis was based on a new model, the “whole value model”, which resulted from the adaptation of a model that Andrew Haldane advocated in 2014. It showed that a corporate volunteering programme could generate an estimated average of at least €3.55 for every €1 invested and the potential return on a volunteer hour was guaranteed to be 5.75 times higher than its costs. This case study showed that the economic value was a small part of the whole value generated (estimated to be at least 22 times larger than just the economic value). The study facilitated the setting and testing of a new model for the value analysis of corporate volunteering.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio