4,617 research outputs found


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    Among frogs, vocalizations play important roles in their social interactions. Herein we describefi ve new types of vocalizations for two foam-nesting species of the Leptodactylus pentadactylusgroup, L. syphax and L. labyrinthicus. Behavioral observations and recordings were done in fourlocalities within the Cerrado biome, at southeast and central Brazil. Before emitting advertisementcalls, males of L. syphax often started producing a sequence of notes, which gradually turned into theadvertisement call. These different notes may be an introductory call, which would serve to preparethe vocal structures for the emission of the high-frequency/amplitude advertisement calls. A male ofL. syphax was emitting advertisement calls when a female approached and started to emit brief andlow-amplitude calls; these vocalizations probably are reciprocation calls. Males of L. labyrinthicusinvolved in agonistic interactions can emit vocal cracks (encounter call) and deep rough sounds (territorialcalls). Five courting males of L. labyrinthicus released screams with their mouth slightly openedin response to the approach of human observers. We conclude that these screams do not representdistress or territorial calls

    Impact of radiation on teeth survival of head and neck cancer patients : a dosimetric-based retrospective study

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    Orientadores: Alan Roger dos Santos Silva, Mário Fernando de GoesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Objetivos: Caracterizar eventos dentários adversos (EDA) associados à extração pós-radioterapia (RT) e analisar o impacto da radiação na sobrevida dos dentes de pacientes com carcinomas espinocelulares (CEC) da cabeça e do pescoço. Métodos: Este é um estudo retrospectivo, baseado na distribuição dosimétrica dentária individual de pacientes com CEC da cabeça e do pescoço. O estudo caracterizou os EDA mais relevantes associados a extrações pós-RT, investigou o impacto de 3 gradientes de radiação dentária (60 Gy), assim como os grupos dentários anatômicos [anteriores (A), pré-molares (PM) e molares (M); ipsilaterais (i) ou contralaterais (c); maxilares (Max) ou mandibulares (Man)] na sobrevida de dentes pós-RT por meio da análise de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier e o teste de log-rank. Por fim, o risco de extração dentária pós-RT para cada gradiente de radiação foi calculado por meio do odds ratio (OR) com intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95%. Resultados: 1.071 dentes, de 66 pacientes que concluíram a RT para o tratamento de CEC da cabeça e do pescoço, foram incluídos neste estudo. A cárie-relacionada à radioterapia (CRR) foi o EDA mais frequentemente (67.8%) associado a extrações pós-RT. A prevalência de CRR e periodontite apical variou de modo estatisticamente significativo (p60 Gy) foram 44.4%, 37.1% e 18.8%, respectivamente, e a sobrevida média dentária específica por gradiente de radiação foi de 38,6 meses (IC: 36.1-41.2), 39,6 meses (IC: 37.7-41.5) e 30,5 meses (IC: 25.0-36.1), respectivamente (p=0.004). Considerando-se os grupos dentários anatômicos, os resultados revelaram a seguinte distribuição da sobrevida média dentária: MiMax 60 Gy (IC: 1.56-5.35; p60 Gy apresentaram menor sobrevida pós-RTAbstract: Purpose: To characterize the dental adverse events (DAE) associated with post-head and neck radiotherapy (HNRT) teeth extractions and to investigate the impact of radiation on teeth survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. Methods: A retrospective dosimetric-based analysis of individual post-HNRT tooth from HNSCC patients was conducted. The most prevalent DAE affecting post-HNRT extracted teeth were categorized and the impact of 3 different radiation dose tiers (60 Gy) as well as the anatomical teeth groups [anterior teeth (A), premolars (PM), and molars (M); ipsilateral (i) or contralateral (c); maxillary (Max) or mandibular (Man) teeth] on teeth survival was analyzed, using the Kaplan-Meier analysis and the log-rank test. The risk assessment, odds ratio (OR), for post-HNRT tooth extraction was further calculated for each studied radiation dose tier with a 95% coincidence level set to test the significance. Results: 1,071 teeth, from 66 patients with HNSCC who underwent HNRT, were included in this study. Radiation-related caries (RRC) was the most frequent (67.8%) DAE associated with post-HNRT teeth extractions. The prevalence of RRC and apical periodontitis significantly differed among teeth subjected to the different studied radiation dose tiers (p60 Gy) were 44.4%, 37.1% and 18.8%, respectively. Following the same radiation dose tiers distribution, mean teeth survival was 38.6 (CI: 36.1-41.2) months, 39.6 (CI: 37.7-41.5) months and 30.5 (CI: 25.0-36.1), respectively (p=0.004). In terms of anatomical teeth groups, the results showed that mean teeth survival was: MiMax 60 Gy (CI: 1.56-5.35; p60 Gy presented reduced survivalDoutoradoPatologiaDoutor em Estomatopatologi

    Sugarcane nutrition for food and environmental security/ Nutrição da cana-de-açúcar para segurança alimentar e ambiental

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    Sugarcane is an important cash crop cultivated globally from temperate to tropical regions. Improving cane yield and recovery sustainably is an important research area for improving livelihoods of the cane farmers. Among different approaches sill judicious and integrated use of nutrients as per plant needs holds the special place. Further, applying need based N management through optical gadgets viz. Leaf color chart (LCC), SPAD, Green seeker, integrated nutrient management, fertigation, special focus on for improving the efficiency of different fertilizers through different state of art technologies. For having higher fertilizer use efficiency in sugarcane, some aspects of fertilization especially How much? What type of? When to add? Is it worth? Number of splits? Mode of action? must be considered both for seed or ratoon. Further, soil textural class and climatic conditions on one side while on changing climatic conditions also affected it a lot. Further, inherent fertility status of the soils is also an important factor which affects the fate of applied fertilizers. There is a need to create awareness in between the farmers for not to applying huge quantity of different fertilizers as per their neighboring farmers, rather farmer should be smart enough to adopt different technologies in a smart way for having better benefits and thus livelihoods as the purpose is to fed the canes but not the soil. In the present review an attempt being made to compare the comparative performance of sugarcane with respect to fertilization for finally guiding the sugarcane cultivars. Idea is to enlighten them regarding need based sustainable fertilization with an aim to improve the fertilizer use efficiencies for having improved yield and quality parameters instead of loading the soil with much of fertilizers which further have environmental concerns.  

    Development of a prototype of a computerized system for the evaluation of the performance of the university teaching: presentation of partial results

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    O trabalho relata o desenvolvimento de um sistema informatizado para a avaliação da atuação do docente da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) em quatro dimensões: planejamento e gestão das atividades de ensino; didática empregada no desenvolvimento das atividades de ensino; comunicação e interação com os alunos; formas e uso dos resultados oriundos da avaliação do aprendizado discente. Com esse objetivo elaborou-se um questionário composto por 26 perguntas versando sobre as quatro dimensões já mencionadas, que foi, posteriormente, pré-testado (análise semântica e análise métrica). A estrutura fatorial revelou tratar-se de um instrumento de medida unifatorial (fator extraído explica cerca de 30% da variância total, com cargas mínimas de 0,35 dos 26 itens no referido fator), contando com elevada consistência interna (alpha de Cronbach = 0,91). Com essas características métricas o questionário passará, agora, a integrar um Sistema Informatizado para a Avaliação da Atuação do Docente da UFC nos cursos de graduação.El trabajo relata el desarrollo de un sistema informatizado para evaluar la actuación del docente universitario en cuatro dimensiones pedagógicas: planeamiento y gestión de las actividades de enseñanza; didáctica empleada en el desarrollo de las actividades de enseñanza; comunicación, actitud e interacción con los alumnos; formas y usos de los resultados oriundos de la evaluación del aprendizaje discente. Para ello, fueron elaboradas 26 cuestiones y sometidas a análisis cualitativa (validez semántica) y cuantitativa (pre-test con una muestra de 220 alumnos). Posteriormente, con una muestra dev732 alumnos fueron determinados la validez factorial del nuevo instrumento de 24 ítems (un factor explicando el 27,15% de la varianza total de los escores) y la consistencia interna (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,88). Ahora, con el cuestionario desarrollado se pasará al test de un sistema informatizado de evaluación del docente universitario.The work relates the development of a computerized system to evaluate the performance of the University teacher in four-dimensional teaching: planning and management of teaching activities; teaching methods used in the development of teaching activities; communication, attitude and interaction with the students; forms and uses of natives results from the evaluation of the learner learning. To do so, were developed 26 questions that also were subjected to qualitative (semantic validity) and quantitative (pre-test with a sample of 220 students)analysis. Later, with a sample dev732 students were determined the validity factor of the new instrument of 24 items (a factor explaining 27,15% of the total variance of scores them) and internal consistency (Alpha Cronbach = 0.88). Now, with the questionnaire developed it will be a test of a computerised system of evaluation of University teaching.Trabalho apresentado na V Reunião Anual da Associação Brasileira de Avaliação Educacional (ABAVE), realizada em junho de 2009, em Salvador (BA) - Financiado pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) - Observatório da Educação - (Projeto 106 - OBEDUC/2010)

    Stafne?s bone defect in a metastatic prostate cancer patient : a diagnostic conundrum

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    Stafne?s bone defect (SBD) is an uncommon bone alteration that affects the mandible and usually presents as an asymptomatic radiolucency located in the posterior region of body or angle of the mandible, below the alveolar canal. Although clinical and radiographic features are more often sufficient for the diagnosis, other lesions and bone alterations have been described in the differential diagnosis and may lead to a misinterpretation and an incorrect diagnosis. Herein, we report a case of an 89-yearold man with metastatic prostate cancer to multiple bones, presenting an asymptomatic solitary well-defined radiolucent image on the right side of the posterior body of the mandible, in close contact with its inferior border. A bone depression was confirmed by computed tomography scans of the mandible and a metastatic inclusion was ruled out by bone scintigraphy with a final diagnosis of SBD. The aim of this report was to highlight the importance of differentiating SBD from metastases in cancer patients and to reinforce the usefulness of multiple imaging modalities in the differential diagnosis of SBD

    Uma recusa ao servir: processos de libertação na Ética de Spinoza

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    This article aims to emphasize the processes of liberation in Spinoza’s ethics by problematizing how it is possible that man, who is not born free, becomes free, even in the face of his conditions more prone to servitude and the strength of affects, as well as as being a finite mode of the Substance (God), as the Dutch seventeenth-century ontology is based on.Este artigo tem o objetivo de enfatizar os processos de libertação na ética de Spinoza ao problematizar como é possível que o homem, que não nasce livre, torna-se livre, mesmo diante de suas condições mais propensas à servidão e à força dos afetos, bem como por ser um modo finito da Substância (Deus), conforme fundamenta a ontologia do seiscentista holandês

    Nutritional status, nutrient accumulation and yield of corn grown in Yellow-Red Oxisol

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    Corn extracts and accumulates high amounts of soil nutrients due to its high forage yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate nutritional status, nutrient accumulation, and forage yield of corn hybrid BM 3066 PRO2, as well as primary macronutrient balance in the soil-plant system. Thus, a systematic sampling was carried out in seven crop areas of corn grown in a Yellow-Red Oxisol. Plants did not show nutrient deficiency. Leaf contents had the following decreasing order of concentration N> K> Ca> P> S> Mg> Fe = Mn> Zn> B> Cu. Biometric evaluations were carried out and we found average plant height and first ear insertion height of 2.42m and 1.52m, respectively. Fresh and dry biomass yields were 57.17 and 18.36 t ha-1, respectively. The accumulation of primary macronutrients in plant shoot biomass was 235.95 kg ha-1 N, 36.99 kg ha-1 P and 225.53 kg ha-1 K. Nutrient balance was positive for nitrogen (9.1 kg) and phosphorus (22 kg), but negative for potassium (-15 kg)


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      The occurrence of Lycopodiella cernnua (L.) Pichi-Sermolli (Pteridophyte: Lycopodiopsida: Lycopodiaceae) on mangrove bordering areas, São Luís – MA - Brazil.   The Pteridophyte division is represented by vascular criptogams of very varied habits, which may range from arborescent forms, of erect stems and large leaves up to small size, almost microscopic forms.  Lycopodiella cernnua specimens were collected, on the margins of Parna Açu’s mangrove, located in the southwest of the São Luís Island. Pteridophytes specimens were observed with great frequency on a hillside located on the bordering area of this mangrove where high humidity rates were recorded. Regarding the habitat, they are terrestrial, of open and humid sites, such as ravines; they are virtually cosmopolitan and very variable.   Key words: Pteridophyte, Lycopodiella cernnua, mangrove.

    In situ analysis of gelatinolytic activity in human dentin

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) such as gelatinases are differentially expressed in human tissues. These enzymes cleave specific substrates involved in cell signaling, tissue development and remodeling and tissue breakdown. Recent evidences show that gelatinases are crucial for normal dentin development and their activity is maintained throughout the entire tooth function in the oral cavity. Due to the lack of information about the exact location and activity of gelatinases in mature human dentin, the present study was designed to examine gelatinolytic levels In sound dentin. In situ zymography using confocal microscopy was performed on both mineralized and demineralized dentin samples. Sites presenting gelatinase activity were identified throughout the entire biological tissue pursuing different gelatinolytic levels for distinct areas: predentin and dentinal tubule regions presented higher gelatinolytic activity compared to intertubular dentin. Dentin regions with higher gelatinolytic activity immunohistochemically were partially correlated with MMP-2 expression. The maintenance of gelatinolytic activity in mature dentin may have biological implications related to biomineralization of predentin and tubular/peritubular dentinal regions, as well as regulation of defensive mechanisms of the dentin-pulp complex.Peer reviewe

    Radiation-related superficial oral mucoceles : an under-recognized acute toxicity in head and neck cancer patients

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    Acute toxicity is usually defined as adverse changes occurring immediately or a short time after the start of oncological treatment. Cross-sectional retrospective study performed with head and neck cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy from 2013 to 2016. Ten (1.2%) patients developed SOMs during radiotherapy, most (80%) of which were men with a mean age of 59.5 years at diagnosis. SOMs mainly affected the floor of the mouth (60%) between the fourth and the sixth weeks of radiation therapy. All lesions were asymptomatic and spontaneously ruptured approximately 9 days after diagnosis. Although rare, SOMs may be regarded as an acute oral toxicity of head and neck radiotherapy