26 research outputs found

    Experimental Evolution of Phenotypic Plasticity for Stress Resistance in the Nematode Caenorhabditis remanei

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    Many organisms can acclimate to new environments through phenotypic plasticity, a complex trait that can be heritable, be subject to selection, and evolve. However, the rate and genetic basis of plasticity evolution remain largely unknown. Experimentally evolved populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis remanei were created by selecting for stress resistance under different environmental conditions. This resource was used to address key questions about how phenotypic plasticity evolves and what the genetic basis of plasticity is. Here, I highlight ways in which a fuller understanding of the environmental context influences our interpretation of the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. In a population selected to withstand heat stress, an apparent case of genetic assimilation did not show correlated changes in global gene regulation. However, further investigation revealed that the induced plasticity was not fixed across environments, but rather the threshold for the response was shifted over evolutionary time. Similarly, the past environment experienced by populations can play a role in directing the multivariate response to selection. Correlated responses to selection between traits and across environments were examined. The pattern of covariation in the evolutionary response among traits differed depending on the environment in which selection occurred, indicating that there exists variation in pleiotropy across the stress response network that is highly sensitive to the external environment. To understand how the patterns of pleiotropy are altered by environment and evolution, there is a pressing need to determine the structure of the molecular networks underlying plastic phenotypes. Using RNA-sequencing, the structure of the gene regulatory network is examined for a subset of evolved populations from one environment. Key modules within this network were identified that are strong candidates for the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in this system. Together, the data presented in this dissertation provide a comprehensive view of the myriad ways in which the environment shapes the genetic architecture of stress response phenotypes and directs the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. Additionally, the structure of transcriptional network provides valuable insight into the genetic basis of adaptation to environmental change and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. This dissertation includes both previously published and co-authored material

    Tolerance of Novel Toxins through Generalized Mechanisms: Simulating Gradual Host Shifts of ButterfliesKristin

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    Organisms encounter a wide range of toxic compounds in their environments, from chemicals that serve anticonsumption or anticompetition functions to pollutants and pesticides. Although we understand many detoxification mechanisms that allow organisms to consume toxins typical of their diet, we know little about why organisms vary in their ability to tolerate entirely novel toxins. We tested whether variation in generalized stress responses, such as antioxidant pathways, may underlie variation in reactions to novel toxins and, if so, their associated costs. We used an artificial diet to present cabbage white butterfly caterpillars (Pieris rapae) with plant material containing toxins not experienced in their evolutionary history. Families that maintained high performance (e.g., high survival, fast development time, large body size) on diets containing one novel toxic plant also performed well when exposed to two other novel toxic plants, consistent with a generalized response. Variation in constitutive (but not induced) expression of genes involved in oxidative stress responses was positively related to performance on the novel diets. While we did not detect reproductive trade-offs of this generalized response, there was a tendency to have less melanin investment in the wings, consistent with the role of melanin in oxidative stress responses. Taken together, our results support the hypothesis that variation in generalized stress responses, such as genes involved in oxidative stress responses, may explain the variation in tolerance to entirely novel toxins and may facilitate colonization of novel hosts and environments


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    Basic PELE-seq SNP-calling scripts. The basic commands used for PELE-Seq analysis are provided as a shell script. (TXT 11 kb

    Unprecedented reorganization of holocentric chromosomes provides insights into the enigma of lepidopteran chromosome evolution

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    Chromosome evolution presents an enigma in the mega-diverse Lepidoptera. Most species exhibit constrained chromosome evolution with nearly identical haploid chromosome counts and chromosome-level gene collinearity among species more than 140 million years divergent. However, a few species possess radically inflated chromosomal counts due to extensive fission and fusion events. To address this enigma of constraint in the face of an exceptional ability to change, we investigated an unprecedented reorganization of the standard lepidopteran chromosome structure in the green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi). We find that gene content in P. napi has been extensively rearranged in large collinear blocks, which until now have been masked by a haploid chromosome number close to the lepidopteran average. We observe that ancient chromosome ends have been maintained and collinear blocks are enriched for functionally related genes suggesting both a mechanism and a possible role for selection in determining the boundaries of these genome-wide rearrangements.Peer reviewe

    Additional file 2: of Genomic adaptation to agricultural environments: cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) as a case study

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    Gene ontology annotation summary. The number of annotated unigenes assigned to generic GOSlim categories from the Pieris rapae transcriptome are shown. (PDF 253 kb

    Immunogenetic and tolerance strategies against a novel parasitoid of wild field crickets

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    Among the parasites of insects, endoparasitoids impose a costly challenge to host defenses because they use their host?s body for the development and maturation of their eggs or larvae, and ultimately kill the host. Tachinid flies are highly specialized acoustically orienting parasitoids, with first instar mobile larvae that burrow into the host's body to feed. We investigated the possibility that Teleogryllus oceanicus field crickets employ postinfestation strategies to maximize survival when infested with the larvae of the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Using crickets from the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, where the parasitoid is present, and crickets from the Cook Islands (Mangaia), where the parasitoid is absent, we evaluated fitness consequences of infestation by comparing feeding behavior, reproductive capacity, and survival of males experimentally infested with O. ochracea larvae. We also evaluated mechanisms underlying host responses by comparing gene expression in crickets infested with fly larvae for different lengths of time with that of uninfested control crickets. We observed weak population differences in fitness (spermatophore production) and survival (total survival time postinfestation). These responses generally did not show an interaction between population and the number of larva hosts carried or by host body condition. Gene expression patterns also revealed population differences in response to infestation, but we did not find evidence for consistent differences in genes associated with immunity or stress response. One possibility is that any postinfestation evolved resistance does not involve genes associated with these particular functional categories. More likely, these results suggest that coevolution with the fly does not strongly select for either postinfestation resistance or tolerance of parasitoid larvae in male crickets

    Immunogenetic and tolerance strategies against a novel parasitoid of wild field crickets

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    © 2020 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Among the parasites of insects, endoparasitoids impose a costly challenge to host defenses because they use their host’s body for the development and maturation of their eggs or larvae, and ultimately kill the host. Tachinid flies are highly specialized acoustically orienting parasitoids, with first instar mobile larvae that burrow into the host’s body to feed. We investigated the possibility that Teleogryllus oceanicus field crickets employ postinfestation strategies to maximize survival when infested with the larvae of the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Using crickets from the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, where the parasitoid is present, and crickets from the Cook Islands (Mangaia), where the parasitoid is absent, we evaluated fitness consequences of infestation by comparing feeding behavior, reproductive capacity, and survival of males experimentally infested with O. ochracea larvae. We also evaluated mechanisms underlying host responses by comparing gene expression in crickets infested with fly larvae for different lengths of time with that of uninfested control crickets. We observed weak population differences in fitness (spermatophore production) and survival (total survival time postinfestation). These responses generally did not show an interaction between population and the number of larva hosts carried or by host body condition. Gene expression patterns also revealed population differences in response to infestation, but we did not find evidence for consistent differences in genes associated with immunity or stress response. One possibility is that any postinfestation evolved resistance does not involve genes associated with these particular functional categories. More likely, these results suggest that coevolution with the fly does not strongly select for either postinfestation resistance or tolerance of parasitoid larvae in male crickets

    Additional file 1: of Genomic adaptation to agricultural environments: cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) as a case study

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    Phenotyping data for MN and ND individuals. Table containing the wing and development time measurements for all phenotyped individuals. (XLSX 18 kb

    Additional file 4: of Genomic adaptation to agricultural environments: cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) as a case study

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    Summary table of significant SNPs. Annotation and summary statistics for all SNPs significantly differentiated between MN and ND populations. (XLSX 93 kb