129 research outputs found

    Microultrasound characterisation of <i>ex vivo</i> porcine tissue for ultrasound capsule endoscopy

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) disease development and progression is often characterised by cellular and tissue architectural changes within the mucosa and sub-mucosa layers. Current clinical capsule endoscopy and other approaches are heavily reliant on optical techniques which cannot detect disease progression below the surface layer of the tissue. To enhance the ability of clinicians to detect cellular changes earlier and more confidently, both quantitative and qualitative microultrasound (μUS) techniques are investigated in healthy ex vivo porcine GI tissue. This work is based on the use of single-element, focussed μUS transducers made with micromoulded piezocomposite operating at around 48 MHz. To explore the possibility that μUS can detect Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases, ex vivo porcine small bowel tissue samples were cannulised and perfused with phosphate-buffered saline followed by various dilutions of polystyrene microspheres. Comparison with fluorescent imaging showed that the microspheres had infiltrated the microvasculature of the samples and that μUS was able to successfully detect this as a mimic of inflammation. Samples without microspheres were analysed using quantitative ultrasound to assess mechanical properties. Attenuation coefficients of 1.78 ± 0.66 dB/mm and 1.92 ± 0.77 dB/mm were obtained from reference samples which were surgically separated from the muscle layer. Six intact samples were segmented using a software algorithm and the acoustic impedance, Z, for varying tissue thicknesses, and backscattering coefficient, BSC, were calculated using the reference attenuation values and tabulated

    Conformational polymorphism of the antidiabetic drug chlorpropamide

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    In this paper, the main features of Raman spectroscopy, one of the first choice methods in the study of polymorphism in pharmaceuticals, are presented taking chlorpropamide as a case of study. The antidiabetic drug chlorpropamide (1-[4- chlorobenzenesulphonyl]-3-propyl urea),which belongs to the sulfonylurea class, is known to exhibit, at least, six polymorphic phases. These forms are characterized not onlyby variations in their molecular packingbut also intheir molecular conformation. In this study, the polymorphism of chlorpropamide is discussed on the basis of Raman scattering measurements and quantum mechanical calculations. The main spectroscopic features that fingerprint the crystalline forms are correlated with the corresponding crystalline structures. Using a theoretical approach on the energy dependence of the conformers, simulated molecular torsion angles are plotted versus the formation energy,which provides a satisfactory agreement between the torsion angles at the energy minima and the experimental values observed in the different solid forms of chlorpropamide angles at the energy minima and the experimental values observed in the different solid forms of chlorpropamide angles at the energy minima and the experimental values observed in the different solid forms of chlorpropamide versus the formation energy,which provides a satisfactory agreement between the torsion angles at the energy minima and the experimental values observed in the different solid forms of chlorpropamide.Fil: Ayala, A. P.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Universidade Estadual do Ceará; BrasilFil: Caetano, M. W. C.. Universidade Estadual do Ceará; BrasilFil: Honorato, S. B.. Universidade Estadual do Ceará; BrasilFil: Mendes Filho, J.. Universidade Estadual do Ceará; BrasilFil: Siesler, H. W.. Universitat Essen; AlemaniaFil: Faudone, Sonia Nerina. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Cuffini, Silvia Lucia. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Martins, F. T.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Da Silva, C. C. P.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Ellena, J.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Identification and quantification of microplastics in wastewater using focal plane array-based reflectance micro-FT-IR imaging

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    Microplastics (<5 mm) have been documented in environmental samples on a global scale. While these pollutants may enter aquatic environments via wastewater treatment facilities, the abundance of microplastics in these matrices has not been investigated. Although efficient methods for the analysis of microplastics in sediment samples and marine organisms have been published, no methods have been developed for detecting these pollutants within organic-rich wastewater samples. In addition, there is no standardized method for analyzing microplastics isolated from environmental samples. In many cases, part of the identification protocol relies on visual selection before analysis, which is open to bias. In order to address this, a new method for the analysis of microplastics in wastewater was developed. A pretreatment step using 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was employed to remove biogenic material, and focal plane array (FPA)-based reflectance micro-Fourier-transform (FT-IR) imaging was shown to successfully image and identify different microplastic types (polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon-6, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene). Microplastic-spiked wastewater samples were used to validate the methodology, resulting in a robust protocol which was nonselective and reproducible (the overall success identification rate was 98.33%). The use of FPA-based micro-FT-IR spectroscopy also provides a considerable reduction in analysis time compared with previous methods, since samples that could take several days to be mapped using a single-element detector can now be imaged in less than 9 h (circular filter with a diameter of 47 mm). This method for identifying and quantifying microplastics in wastewater is likely to provide an essential tool for further research into the pathways by which microplastics enter the environment.This work is funded by a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) CASE studentship (NE/K007521/1) with contribution from industrial partner Fera Science Ltd., United Kingdom. The authors would like to thank Peter Vale, from Severn Trent Water Ltd, for providing access to and additionally Ashley Howkins (Brunel University London) for providing travel and assistance with the sampling of the Severn Trent wastewater treatment plant in Derbyshire, UK. We are grateful to Emma Bradley and Chris Sinclair for providing helpful suggestions for our research

    A spectroscopy approach to the study of virus infection in the endophytic fungus Epichloë festucae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this work we propose a rapid method based on visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy to determine the occurrence of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses in <it>Epichloë festucae </it>strains isolated from <it>Festuca rubra </it>plants. In addition, we examined the incidence of infections by <it>E. festucae </it>in populations of <it>F. rubra </it>collected in natural grasslands of Western Spain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Vis-NIR spectra (400-2498 nm) from 124 virus-infected and virus-free <it>E. festucae </it>isolates were recorded directly from ground and freeze-dried mycelium. To estimate how well the spectra for uninfected and infected fungal samples could be differentiated, we used partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS1-DA) and several data pre-treatments to develop calibration models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Applying the best regression model, obtained with two sampling years and using standard normal variate (SNV) combined with first derivative transformation to a new validating data set (42 samples), we obtained a correct classification for 75% of the uninfected isolates and up to 86% of the infected isolates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results obtained suggest that Vis-NIR spectroscopy is a promising technology for detection of viral infections in fungal samples when an alternative faster approach is desirable. It provides a tool adequately exact and more time- and cost-saving than the conventional reference analysis.</p

    Alunos com paralisia cerebral na escola: linguagem, comunicação alternativa e processos comunicativos

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    O estudo assume como problema de investigação analisar as contribuições da Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada (CAA) aos processos comunicativos de alunos sem fala articulada no contexto da escola, destacando nesses processos o papel potencializador dos interlocutores. Fundamenta-se na abordagem de linguagem e na noção de enunciado discutidas por Bakhtin e nas contribuições de Vigotski sobre a relação entre desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, postulando que a aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem ocorrem no curso das aprendizagens, ao longo da vida. As análises e reflexões empreendidas evidenciam uma discussão acerca da linguagem que se desloca da dimensão orgânica para a dimensão da constituição do sujeito como humano. Sob essa visão, outros conceitos, como os de língua, fala, interação verbal, dialogia, enunciação, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento são problematizados e também considerados como elementos fundantes e presentes nas relações comunicativas entre os sujeitos sem fala articulada e seus interlocutores. Na primeira etapa, o estudo busca conhecer as formas organizativo-pedagógicas de cinco Secretarias Municipais de Educação da Região Metropolitana de Vitória e da Secretaria de Estado da Educação no que diz respeito à identificação dos alunos com Paralisia Cerebral, sem fala articulada, ao acompanhamento técnico-pedagógico e à formação de professores que atuam na Educação Especial. Na segunda etapa, objetiva conhecer a processualidade da organização do trabalho pedagógico instituída nos contextos escolares e investiga os processos comunicativos em/com dois alunos com severos comprometimentos motores e de fala em duas escolas de Ensino Fundamental, localizadas no município de Serra e de Vitória. Nesta etapa, opta pela pesquisa-ação colaborativo-crítica por contribuir, teórica e metodologicamente, para sustentar os fazeres individuais e coletivos nos lócus de investigação. Os resultados revelam que, institucionalmente, ainda não se conhece quem são e quantos são os alunos com Paralisia Cerebral sem fala articulada no contexto de suas reais necessidades. Esse desconhecimento é atribuído pelas gestoras das Secretarias Municipais de Educação investigadas ao considerarem que, via de regra, são tomadas apenas as informações do Educacenso-INEP. As identificações pontuais, quando ocorrem, são decorrentes de estratégias internas adotadas, sendo uma delas o assessoramento pedagógico das equipes às escolas. No que tange ao ensino, à aprendizagem e à avaliação, o estudo constata que são atravessados por concepções equivocadas sobre os sujeitos com Paralisia Cerebral sustentadas, sobretudo, pela baixa expectativa e pelo pouco esforço quanto à sua escolarização. Constata também que o uso dos recursos de CAA potencializa os processos comunicativos dos alunos investigados e, movimentados pela linguagem, possibilita-lhes enunciar e fixar posições, opiniões e decisões, assegurando-lhes mais autonomia e fluidez do processo comunicacional. As formas de mediação dos interlocutores assim como as dinâmicas dialógicas por eles utilizadas com os alunos se constituem como elementos importantes nos processos de comunicação e interação. A espera do outro, o apoio e o incentivo à reformulação daquilo que se quer expressar, as modificações e alterações no jogo dialógico são exemplos dessa mediação. Quanto às ações de reorganização do trabalho pedagógico, o estudo registra maior articulação e colaboração entre professores da classe, professora da Educação Especial e estagiária no planejamento das aulas, dos conteúdos, com a inserção no notebook para um dos alunos; o uso das pranchas de comunicação, por ambos os alunos e seus interlocutores, como ação inovadora nos contextos escolares; a realização de atividades pelos alunos, com gradativa autonomia, a partir da disponibilização de recursos de TA/CAA (pasta de conteúdos temáticos, figuras imantadas, quadro metálico, ponteira, plano inclinado, notebook); a proposição de ações intencionais de alfabetização, a partir da reorganização de espaços-tempos no cotidiano da escola. Conclui que as discussões teóricas e práticas das questões relacionadas com a linguagem, com os processos cognitivos e com o uso de recursos de TA/CAA alavancam mudanças na concepção dos profissionais das escolas pesquisadas que, ainda, sob uma visão reducionista quanto às formas de comunicação e de interação verbal, impõem limites à escolarização dos alunos com deficiência

    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    The enormous quantity of food wastes discarded annually force to look for alternatives for this interesting feedstock. Thus, food bio-waste valorisation is one of the imperatives of the nowadays society. This review is the most comprehensive overview of currently existing technologies and processes in this field. It tackles classical and innovative physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods of food waste pre-treatment and extraction for recovery of added value compounds and detection by modern technologies and are an outcome of the COST Action EUBIS, TD1203 Food Waste Valorisation for Sustainable Chemicals, Materials and Fuels

    Fourier-Transform Raman Spectroscopy of Polymers

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    The recent extension of the Fourier-Transform (FT) technique to the Raman effect has launched Raman spectroscopy into a new era of polymer chemical and physical applications. Thus, the increase in signal-to-noise ratio and the improvement in time resolution have largely enhanced the potential of FT-Raman spectroscopy for analytical applications, the characterization of time-dependent phenomena and the on-line combination with other techniques. Primarily the suppression of fluorescence by shifting the excitation line to the near-infrared (NIR) region has contributed to the fast acceptance as an industrial routine tool. Furthermore, the application of fiber optics has opened up the areas of process-control and remote sensing