171 research outputs found

    Analytic Model Of Electron Self-Injection In A Plasma Wakefield Accelerator In The Strongly Nonlinear Bubble Regime

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    Self-injection of background electrons in plasma wakefield accelerators in the highly nonlinear bubble regime is analyzed using particle-in-cell and semi-analytic modeling. It is shown that the return current in the bubble sheath layer is crucial for accurate determination of the trapped particle trajectories.Physic

    Monoenergetic Acceleration Of A Target Foil By Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse In Rpa Regime Without Thermal Heating

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    A kinetic model of the monoenergetic acceleration of a target foil irradiated by the circularly polarized laser pulse is developed. The target moves without thermal heating with constant acceleration which is provided by chirping the frequency of the laser pulse and correspondingly increasing its intensity. In the accelerated reference frame, bulk plasma in the target is neutral and its parameters are stationery: cold ions are immobile while nonrelativistic electrons bounce back and forth inside the potential well formed by ponderomotive and electrostatic potentials. It is shown that a positive charge left behind of the moving target in the ion tail and a negative charge in front of the target in the electron sheath form a capacitor whose constant electric field accelerates the ions of the target. The charge separation is maintained by the radiation pressure pushing electrons forward. The scalings of the target thickness and electromagnetic radiation with the electron temperature are found.Physic

    The role of symmetry in neural networks and their Laplacian spectra

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    Human and animal nervous systems constitute complexly wired networks that form the infrastructure for neural processing and integration of information. The organization of these neural networks can be analyzed using the so-called Laplacian spectrum, providing a mathematical tool to produce systems-level network fingerprints. In this article, we examine a characteristic central peak in the spectrum of neural networks, including anatomical brain network maps of the mouse, cat and macaque, as well as anatomical and functional network maps of human brain connectivity. We link the occurrence of this central peak to the level of symmetry in neural networks, an intriguing aspect of network organization resulting from network elements that exhibit similar wiring patterns. Specifically, we propose a measure to capture the global level of symmetry of a network and show that, for both empirical networks and network models, the height of the main peak in the Laplacian spectrum is strongly related to node symmetry in the underlying network. Moreover, examination of spectra of duplication-based model networks shows that neural spectra are best approximated using a trade-off between duplication and diversification. Taken together, our results facilitate a better understanding of neural network spectra and the importance of symmetry in neural networks

    Connectome-Based Patterns of First-Episode Medication-Naïve Patients With Schizophrenia

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    Emerging evidence indicates that a disruption in brain network organization may play an important role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. The neuroimaging fingerprint reflecting the pathophysiology of first-episode schizophrenia remains to be identified. Here, we aimed at characterizing the connectome organization of first-episode medication-naïve patients with schizophrenia. A cross-sectional structural and functional neuroimaging study using two independent samples (principal dataset including 42 medication-naïve, previously untreated patients and 48 healthy controls; replication dataset including 39 first-episode patients [10 untreated patients] and 66 healthy controls) was performed. Brain network architecture was assessed by means of white matter fiber integrity measures derived from diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and by means of structural-functional (SC-FC) coupling measured by combining DWI and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Connectome rich club organization was found to be significantly disrupted in medication-naïve patients as compared with healthy controls (P = .012, uncorrected), with rich club connection strength (P = .032, uncorrected) and SC-FC coupling (P < .001, corrected for false discovery rate) decreased in patients. Similar results were found in the replication dataset. Our findings suggest that a disruption of rich club organization and functional dynamics may reflect an early feature of schizophrenia pathophysiology. These findings add to our understanding of the neuropathological mechanisms of schizophrenia and provide new insights into the early stages of the disorder

    Early human brain development:insights into macroscale connectome wiring

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    BACKGROUND: Early brain development is closely dictated by distinct neurobiological principles. Here, we aimed to map early trajectories of structural brain wiring in the neonatal brain. METHODS: We investigated structural connectome development in 44 newborns, including 23 preterm infants and 21 full-term neonates scanned between 29 and 45 postmenstrual weeks. Diffusion-weighted imaging data were combined with cortical segmentations derived from T2 data to construct neonatal connectome maps. RESULTS: Projection fibers interconnecting primary cortices and deep gray matter structures were noted to mature faster than connections between higher-order association cortices (fractional anisotropy (FA) F = 58.9, p < 0.001, radial diffusivity (RD) F = 28.8, p < 0.001). Neonatal FA-values resembled adult FA-values more than RD, while RD approximated the adult brain faster (F = 358.4, p < 0.001). Maturational trajectories of RD in neonatal white matter pathways revealed substantial overlap with what is known about the sequence of subcortical white matter myelination from histopathological mappings as recorded by early neuroanatomists (mean RD 68 regions r = 0.45, p = 0.008). CONCLUSION: Employing postnatal neuroimaging we reveal that early maturational trajectories of white matter pathways display discriminative developmental features of the neonatal brain network. These findings provide valuable insight into the early stages of structural connectome development

    The effect of artificial diffusivity on the flute instability

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    Severity of current depression and remission status are associated with structural connectome alterations in major depressive disorder

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated to affected brain wiring. Little is known whether these changes are stable over time and hence might represent a biological predisposition, or whether these are state markers of current disease severity and recovery after a depressive episode. Human white matter network ("connectome") analysis via network science is a suitable tool to investigate the association between affected brain connectivity and MDD. This study examines structural connectome topology in 464 MDD patients (mean age: 36.6 years) and 432 healthy controls (35.6 years). MDD patients were stratified categorially by current disease status (acute vs. partial remission vs. full remission) based on DSM-IV criteria. Current symptom severity was assessed continuously via the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD). Connectome matrices were created via a combination of T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and tractography methods based on diffusion-weighted imaging. Global tract-based metrics were not found to show significant differences between disease status groups, suggesting conserved global brain connectivity in MDD. In contrast, reduced global fractional anisotropy (FA) was observed specifically in acute depressed patients compared to fully remitted patients and healthy controls. Within the MDD patients, FA in a subnetwork including frontal, temporal, insular, and parietal nodes was negatively associated with HAMD, an effect remaining when correcting for lifetime disease severity. Therefore, our findings provide new evidence of MDD to be associated with structural, yet dynamic, state-dependent connectome alterations, which covary with current disease severity and remission status after a depressive episode

    Towards Oxide Electronics:a Roadmap

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    At the end of a rush lasting over half a century, in which CMOS technology has been experiencing a constant and breathtaking increase of device speed and density, Moore's law is approaching the insurmountable barrier given by the ultimate atomic nature of matter. A major challenge for 21st century scientists is finding novel strategies, concepts and materials for replacing silicon-based CMOS semiconductor technologies and guaranteeing a continued and steady technological progress in next decades. Among the materials classes candidate to contribute to this momentous challenge, oxide films and heterostructures are a particularly appealing hunting ground. The vastity, intended in pure chemical terms, of this class of compounds, the complexity of their correlated behaviour, and the wealth of functional properties they display, has already made these systems the subject of choice, worldwide, of a strongly networked, dynamic and interdisciplinary research community. Oxide science and technology has been the target of a wide four-year project, named Towards Oxide-Based Electronics (TO-BE), that has been recently running in Europe and has involved as participants several hundred scientists from 29 EU countries. In this review and perspective paper, published as a final deliverable of the TO-BE Action, the opportunities of oxides as future electronic materials for Information and Communication Technologies ICT and Energy are discussed. The paper is organized as a set of contributions, all selected and ordered as individual building blocks of a wider general scheme. After a brief preface by the editors and an introductory contribution, two sections follow. The first is mainly devoted to providing a perspective on the latest theoretical and experimental methods that are employed to investigate oxides and to produce oxide-based films, heterostructures and devices. In the second, all contributions are dedicated to different specific fields of applications of oxide thin films and heterostructures, in sectors as data storage and computing, optics and plasmonics, magnonics, energy conversion and harvesting, and power electronics