41 research outputs found

    Tim29 is a novel subunit of the human TIM22 translocase and is involved in complex assembly and stability

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    The TIM22 complex mediates the import of hydrophobic carrier proteins into the mitochondrial inner membrane. While the TIM22 machinery has been well characterised in yeast, the human complex remains poorly characterised. Here, we identify Tim29 (C19orf52) as a novel, metazoan-specific subunit of the human TIM22 complex. The protein is integrated into the mitochondrial inner membrane with it’s C-terminus exposed to the intermembrane space. Tim29 is required for the stability of the TIM22 complex and functions in the assembly of hTim22. Furthermore, Tim29 contacts the Translocase of the Outer Mitochondrial Membrane, TOM complex, enabling a mechanism for transport of hydrophobic carrier substrates across the aqueous intermembrane space. Identification of Tim29 highlights the significance of analysing mitochondrial import systems across phylogenetic boundaries, which can reveal novel components and mechanisms in higher organisms

    Mast Cell‐Derived SAMD14 is a Novel Regulator of the Human Prostate Tumor Microenvironment

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    Mast cells (MCs) are important cellular components of the tumor microenvironment and are significantly associated with poor patient outcomes in prostate cancer and other solid cancers. The promotion of tumor progression partly involves heterotypic interactions between MCs and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), which combine to potentiate a pro-tumor extracellular matrix and promote epithelial cell invasion and migration. Thus far, the interactions between MCs and CAFs remain poorly understood. To identify molecular changes that may alter resident MC function in the prostate tumor microenvironment, we profiled the transcriptome of human prostate MCs isolated from patient-matched non-tumor and tumor-associated regions of fresh radical prostatectomy tissue. Transcriptomic profiling revealed a distinct gene expression profile of MCs isolated from prostate tumor regions, including the downregulation of SAMD14, a putative tumor suppressor gene. Proteomic profiling revealed that overexpression of SAMD14 in HMC-1 altered the secretion of proteins associated with immune regulation and extracellular matrix processes. To assess MC biological function within a model of the prostate tumor microenvironment, HMC-1-SAMD14+ conditioned media was added to co-cultures of primary prostatic CAFs and prostate epithelium. HMC-1-SAMD14+ secretions were shown to reduce the deposition and alignment of matrix produced by CAFs and suppress pro-tumorigenic prostate epithelial morphology. Overall, our data present the first profile of human MCs derived from prostate cancer patient specimens and identifies MC-derived SAMD14 as an important mediator of MC phenotype and function within the prostate tumor microenvironment

    Oral administration of bovine milk-derived extracellular vesicles induces senescence in the primary tumor but accelerates cancer metastasis

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    The concept that extracellular vesicles (EVs) from the diet can be absorbed by the intestinal tract of the consuming organism, be bioavailable in various organs, and in-turn exert phenotypic changes is highly debatable. Here, we isolate EVs from both raw and commercial bovine milk and characterize them by electron microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis, western blotting, quantitative proteomics and small RNA sequencing analysis. Orally administered bovine milk-derived EVs survive the harsh degrading conditions of the gut, in mice, and is subsequently detected in multiple organs. Milk-derived EVs orally administered to mice implanted with colorectal and breast cancer cells reduce the primary tumor burden. Intriguingly, despite the reduction in primary tumor growth, milk-derived EVs accelerate metastasis in breast and pancreatic cancer mouse models. Proteomic and biochemical analysis reveal the induction of senescence and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cancer cells upon treatment with milk-derived EVs. Timing of EV administration is critical as oral administration after resection of the primary tumor reverses the pro-metastatic effects of milk-derived EVs in breast cancer models. Taken together, our study provides context-based and opposing roles of milk-derived EVs as metastasis inducers and suppressors

    A novel community driven software for functional enrichment analysis of extracellular vesicles data.

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    Bioinformatics tools are imperative for the in depth analysis of heterogeneous high-throughput data. Most of the software tools are developed by specific laboratories or groups or companies wherein they are designed to perform the required analysis for the group. However, such software tools may fail to capture "what the community needs in a tool". Here, we describe a novel community-driven approach to build a comprehensive functional enrichment analysis tool. Using the existing FunRich tool as a template, we invited researchers to request additional features and/or changes. Remarkably, with the enthusiastic participation of the community, we were able to implement 90% of the requested features. FunRich enables plugin for extracellular vesicles wherein users can download and analyse data from Vesiclepedia database. By involving researchers early through community needs software development, we believe that comprehensive analysis tools can be developed in various scientific disciplines

    A catalogue of human secreted proteins and its implications

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    Under both normal and pathological conditions, cells secrete variety of proteins through classical and non-classical secretory pathways into the extracellular space. Majority of these proteins represent pathophysiology of the cell from which it is secreted. Recently, though more than 92% of the protein coding genes has been mapped by human proteome map project, but number of those proteins that constitutes secretome of the cell still remains elusive. Secreted proteins or the secretome can be accessible in bodily fluids and hence are considered as potential biomarkers to discriminate between healthy and diseased individuals. In order to facilitate the biomarker discovery and to further aid clinicians and scientists working in these arenas, we have compiled and catalogued secreted proteins from the human proteome using integrated bioinformatics approach. In this study, nearly 14% of the human proteome is likely to be secreted through classical and non-classical secretory pathways. Out of which, ~38% of these secreted proteins were found in extracellular vesicles including exosomes and shedding microvesicles. Among these secreted proteins, 94% were detected in human bodily fluids including blood, plasma, serum, saliva, semen, tear and urine. We anticipate that this high confidence list of secreted proteins could serve as a compendium of candidate biomarkers. In addition, the catalogue may provide functional insights in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in various physiological and pathophysiological conditions of the cell

    ExoCarta: A Web-Based Compendium of Exosomal Cargo

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    Estate subdivision of 165 acres laid out to accommodate topography and discourage through traffic.general view, view of hedge-lined property, from street, 198