28 research outputs found
Perkembangan Karakter Kebijakan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia Dari Masa Ke Masa
The history and development of Indonesia's foreign policy continues to change from time to time. Starting from the leadership of President Soekarno, where during Soekarno's leadership, Indonesia's foreign policy underwent a change, namely a policy that was originally not militant or tended to be diplomacy turned into a policy of struggle with a spirit of patriotism that was militant and confrontational in fighting imperialism and colonialism. The change of leadership from Soekarno to Soeharto marked a new chapter from the old order to the new order. Foreign policy during the Soeharto era had a low profile character, Indonesia's foreign policy was carried out with a softer approach and seemed friendly in its relations with foreign countries and tended to Western countries. Then the development of Indonesia's foreign policy after the reformation experienced development, the foreign policy of the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) era had a main target, which was more focused on increasing Indonesia's role and status in the international political arena. Furthermore, foreign policy in Jokowi's leadership can be seen with his goal of realizing diplomacy related to populist nature, which can be interpreted as a step towards realizing community diplomacy, so that Jokowi's foreign policy is more inward looking. Seeing that the character of foreign policy continues to undergo changes and developments, in principle the basis of a country's foreign policy is usually rooted in its history, ideology and constitution. However, in practice, foreign policy formulators are often influenced by various factors, namely interests, leadership and internal and international political dynamics at any given time
This study is aimed at describing the writing ability improvement using guided composition in SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta and describing whether teaching writing by using guided composition can improve the writing ability.
This is a descriptive qualitative research. The writer applies Classroom Action Research which requires four steps, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subject of the research is 8E class students of SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta which consists of 38 students. The methods of collecting data are test (pre and post test), observation, document, and interview. In
analyzing the quantitative data the writer applied descriptive comparative technique while in analyzing qualitative data she applied critical analysis technique.
The result of this research shows that teaching writing using guided composition can improve the students’ writing ability, which is proven by the improvement of the students’ mean score. The mean score of pre-test is 62, 1
while the mean score of post-test is 83, 4. In addition, the students also feel interested, enthusiastic, motivated and easy in writing class. They also feel easy to express their idea because the teacher gives some guidelines to build their idea
Analysis E-Modul Using Kondular Application on Poetry Writing Material at SDN Tasikmadu 1 Malang
This research aims to produce e-module using the kondular application, describe the feasibility of e-module using the kondular application, and describe the effectiveness of e-module using the kondular application in learning to write poetry in class IV SDN Tasikmadu 1. The product test design used is a product feasibility test and a test product effectiveness. The subjects of this research are divided into 2 categories, namely the feasibility test subjects consisting of validators, teachers, and class IV students at SDN Tasikmadu 1 Malang for the 2023/2024 academic year, while the effectiveness test subjects are teachers and class IV students at SDN Tasikmadu 1 Malang for the 2023/2024 academic year. This research uses the development of the ASSURE model. Data collection technique by distributing validation questionnaires to validadors. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire sheets, interview sheets and observation sheets. The data analysis technique is to calculate the average validator score during the feasibility test and effectiveness test. The result of this research is to produce teaching materials in the form of poetry e-modules based on the Kondular application, where the average feasibility score from the material validator is 87%, the language validator is 90%, and the media validator is 88%, where the teaching material shows a very feasible level. and the effectiveness of teaching materials in learning to write poetry has been proven to be effective for use by fourth grade elementary school students. The response from students and teachers to this e-module using the kondular application was very positive, because the teaching material was very interesting and interactive
Pengaruh Karakteristik Rasio Finansial dan Faktor Makroekonomi terhadap Return On Assets Bank Komersial
The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that affect Return On Assets (ROA) of financial reports to the commercial banking industry listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2008-2012. ROA helps management to take into account the bank's overall profitability and aims to measure the ability of bank management in managing the assets under their cintrol to income. The examined factors of this research are depossit to assets ratio, capital adequacy ratio, net interest margin, nonperforming loans,inflation, gross domestic product and industry production growth as the independence variable and retun on assets as the dependent variable. The data that was used in this research was secondary data and selected by using purposive sampling method. Research sample are Indonesian commercial banks listed in 2008-2012 at Bursa Efek Indonesia. Based on analytical results shows that only variable net interest margin and nonperforming loans have significant influence toward return on assets, while fifth variable depossits to assets ratio, capital adequacy ratio, inflation, gross domestic product and industry production growth doesn't have significant influence toward return on assets
Need Analysis Course Design: ESP Textbook Evaluation in The Psychology Faculty
This study aims to describe the 'need analysis' of English for Psychology courses and evaluate the ESP textbook from the point of view of the textbook users at the Faculty of Psychology. A need analysis survey in learning ESP and ESP textbook evaluation was conducted and then analyzed quantitively. The data sources of this research were students of the Faculty of Psychology who were taken by purposive sampling, which amounted to 20 people already in the 4th, 6th, and 8th semesters, the head of the Psychology department, and three lecturers in the Psychology Faculty. The data collection used was a questionnaire and documentation. The data is in the form of questionnaire results and interviews. Documentation technique is used in collecting data, while analysis technique is used in analyzing data, namely reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions and verification. The study results show that language skill materials are crucial for future Psychology students.
Regarding speaking skills, students primarily require resources for conversing with current issues that are up-to-date. Regarding the students' need to access psychology journals and textbooks, writing and skills in composing scientific articles, reports, and lab documents are essential. However, the study reveals dissatisfaction among Psychology students with the current ESP textbook, particularly in appearance, visuals, design, layout, and writing materials. Despite some elements meeting their needs, such as layout, content, exercises, and speaking resources, improvements are needed in certain areas. Consequently, it is recommended that the ESP textbook be enhanced to better cater to these requirements, and future researchers undertaking similar studies should consider this focus on English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
This study aims to: 1) To test and analyze the influence of Non-Performance Loans (NPLs) and Operating Costs Operating Income (BOPO) on Return On Equity (ROE) at PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, 2) To test and analyze the influence of Non-Performance Loans ( NPL) and Operational Costs Operating Income (BOPO) on the Earning Per Share (EPS) of PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, 3) To test and analyze the effect of Return On Equity (ROE) on the Earning Per Share (EPS) of PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, 4) To test and analyze Non-Performance Loans (NPL) ), on the Earning Per Share (EPS) through PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna's Return On Equity (ROE) variable and 5) To test and analyze the Operating Cost of Operating Income (BOPO) on the Earning Per Share (EPS) through PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna's Return On Equity (ROE).
This study uses secondary data, namely data obtained from the annual report of Bank Sahabat Sampoerna from 2015 - 2018. PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna with a research sample of 48. The sampling technique uses random sampling techniques. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis and path analysis.
The results showed that: 1) there was the influence of Non-Performance Loans (NPL) and Operational Income Operating Costs (BOPO) on Return On Equity (ROE) at PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna, 2) there wasn't an influence of Non-Performance Loans (NPL) and Operating Costs Operational (BOPO) on PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna's Earning Per Share (EPS), 3) Return on Equity (ROE) not influence on PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna's Earning Per Share, 4) No Non-Performance Loan (NPL) effect, on the Earning Per Share through the Return On Equity variable (ROE) of PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna and 5) there is no effect of Operational Income Operating Costs (BOPO) on the Earning Per Share (EPS) through the Return on Equity (ROE) of PT Bank Sahabat Sampoerna
Pengaruh konsentrasi giberelin dan lama perendaman true shallot seed terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah (allium ascalonicuml.)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) terhadap konsentrasi giberelin dan lama perendaman True Shallot Seed. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan desa Loram Wetan kecamatan Jati kabupaten Kudus dengan ketinggian tempat ± 12 meter diatas permukaan laut (mdpl) dan jenis tanah grumosol dengan ph 6,8. Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak bulan April sampai dengan Agustus 2019.
Penelitian faktorial berdasar pada rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) terdiri atas 2 faktor dengan 3 ulangan sebagai blok. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi giberelin yang dibagi menjadi 4 level yaitu K0(Kontrol), K1(90 ppm), K2(120 ppm), K3(150 ppm), sedangkan faktor kedua adalah lama perendaman yang dibagi menjadi 3 level yaitu L1(60 menit), L2(90 menit), L3(120 menit).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi giberelin berpengaruh terhadap perkecambahan dan tidak berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah. Perlakuan lama perendaman tidak berpengaruh terhadap perkecambahan, pertumbuhan, dan hasil tanaman bawang merah
PENGARUH KARAKTERISTIK RASIO FINANSIAL BANK DAN FAKTOR MAKROEKONOMI TERHADAP RETURN ON ASSETS BANK KOMERSIAL (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2008-2012)
The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that affect retun on assets of financial reports to the banking industry listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The examined factors of this research are depossit to assets ratio, capital adequacy ratio, net interest margin, nonperforming loans,inflation, gross domestic product and industry production growth as the independence variable and retun on assets as the dependent variable. The sample consists of 120 banking listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and submitted financial reports to Bapepam and Indonesian Bank in the period 2008-2012. The data that was used in this research was secondary data and selected by using purposive sampling method. Model analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. Using the F-test to determine the effect of simultaneous between company characteristics and capital structure. Using t-test to examine the partial correlation of each independent variable on capital structure Based on analytical results shows that only variable net interest margin and nonperforming loans have significant influence toward retunr on assets, while fifth variable depossits to assets ratio, capital adequacy ratio, inflation, gross domestic product and industry production growth doesn’t have significant influence toward audit report la
Terbatasnya beberapa daya dukung satuan pendidikan, pembelajaran lingkungan hidup pada jenjang dasar di Kota Kediri
masih dilaksanakan secara konvesional. Selain itu, kajian penggunaan kartu bridge dalam dunia pendidikan belum banyak dilakukan.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menransformasikan fungsi kartu bridge menjadi media edukasi penanaman nilai
lingkungan hidup untuk peserta didik sekolah dasar kelas 4 pada materi saling ketergantungan antar makhluk hidup dengan
lingkungannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif - kualitatif. Sintesis produk diawali dari studi kasus yang dilanjutkan
uji coba satu kali di SDN Mojoroto I, Kediri. Produk diujicobakan dan disempurnakan sebanyak tiga kali, pada tiga sekolah dasar
berbeda di Kota Kediri (SDN Mojoroto II, SDN Blabak III, SDN Rejomulyo). Efektifitas metode diketahui dengan menggunakan indikator
tes ranah kognitif dan afektif melalui pre dan post test, kemudian dianalisis dengan uji t berpasangan. Data ranah psikomotor diperoleh
dengan observasi non partisipan dan terstruktur, selanjutnya dianalisis dengan membandingkan skor perolehan dengan skor kriterium
kemudian dibandingkan dengan KKM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) nilai tes ranah kognitif (df=11, n=12) pada tahap
pengujian I tidak signifikan (thit 1,185< ttabel 1,796), sedangkan tahap II dan III ada perbedaan yang signikan (secara berurutan: thit 2,4391
> ttabel 1,796 dan thit 2,3592 > ttabel 1,796) dengan rata-rata N-Gain tahap I, II, III sebesar 0,02; 0,08; dan 0,15; (2) hasil tes ranah afektif
(df=11,n=12) pada tahap I, II, dan III menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan (pada ttabel 1,796) secara berurutan: 0,4939;
1,4776; 0,8013, sedangkan N-Gain nya berurutan 0; 0,08; 0,06; (3) ketuntasan ranah psikomotor tahap I, II, III sebesar 85%, 85%,
83%. Adapun rata-rata validasi metode yang dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali sebesar 97,53. Kompleksitas aspek -aspek pembentukan nilai
pada ranah afektif peserta didik menjadi salah satu faktor bahwa produk ini belum memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal pada ranah
Kata kunci: bridge card game, pembelajaran lingkungan hidup, siswa sekolah dasar