18 research outputs found

    Periodically aperiodic pattern of SARS-CoV-2 mutations underpins the uncertainty of its origin and evolution

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    Various lineages of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have contributed to prolongation of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Several non-synonymous mutations in SARS-CoV-2 proteins have generated multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants. In our previous report, we have shown an evenly uneven distribution of unique protein variants of SARS-CoV-2 is geo-location or demography-specific. However, the correlation between the demographic transmutability of the SARS-CoV-2 infection and mutations in various proteins remains unknown due to hidden symmetry/asymmetry in the occurrence of mutations. This study tracked how these mutations are emerging in SARS-CoV-2 proteins in six model countries and globally. In a geo-location, considering the mutations having a frequency of detection of at least five hundred in each SARS-CoV-2 protein; we studied the country-wise percentage of invariant residues. Our data revealed that since October 2020, highly frequent mutations in SARS-CoV-2 have been observed mostly in the Open Reading Frames (ORF) 7b and ORF8, worldwide. No such highly frequent mutations in any of the SARS-CoV-2 proteins were found in the UK, India, and Brazil, which does not correlate with the degree of transmissibility of the virus in India and Brazil. However, we have found a signature that SARS-CoV-2 proteins were evolving at a higher rate, and considering global data, mutations are detected in the majority of the available amino acid locations. Fractal analysis of each protein's normalized factor time series showed a periodically aperiodic emergence of dominant variants for SARS-CoV-2 protein mutations across different countries. It was noticed that certain high-frequency variants have emerged in the last couple of months, and thus the emerging SARS-CoV-2 strains are expected to contain prevalent mutations in ORF3a, membrane, and ORF8 proteins. In contrast to other beta-coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 variants have rapidly emerged based on demographically dependent mutations. Characterization of the periodically aperiodic nature of the demographic spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants in various countries can contribute to the identification of the origin of SARS-CoV-2

    Behavioral immune landscapes of inflammation.

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    Transcriptional or proteomic profiling of individual cells have revolutionized interpretation of biological phenomena by providing cellular landscapes of healthy and diseased tissues. These approaches, however, fail to describe dynamic scenarios in which cells can change their biochemical properties and downstream “behavioral” outputs every few seconds or minutes. Here, we used 4D live imaging to record tens to hundreds of morpho-kinetic parameters describing the dynamism of individual leukocytes at sites of active inflammation. By analyzing over 100,000 reconstructions of cell shapes and tracks over time, we obtained behavioral descriptors of individual cells and used these high-dimensional datasets to build behavioral landscapes. These landscapes recognized leukocyte identities in the inflamed skin and trachea, and inside blood vessels uncovered a continuum of neutrophil states, including a large, sessile state that was embraced by the underlying endothelium and associated with pathogenic inflammation. Behavioral in vivo screening of thousands of cells from 24 different mouse mutants identified the kinase Fgr as a driver of this pathogenic state, and genetic or pharmacological interference of Fgr protected from inflammatory injury. Thus, behavioral landscapes report unique biological properties of dynamic environments at high cellular, spatial and temporal resolution.pre-print4302 K

    Protective Face Mask Filter Capable of Inactivating SARS-CoV-2, and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Face masks have globally been accepted to be an effective protective tool to prevent bacterial and viral transmission, especially against indoor aerosol transmission. However, commercial face masks contain filters that are made of materials that are not capable of inactivating either SARS-CoV-2 or multidrug-resistant bacteria. Therefore, symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals can infect other people even if they wear them because some viable viral or bacterial loads can escape from the masks. Furthermore, viral or bacterial contact transmission can occur after touching the mask, which constitutes an increasing source of contaminated biological waste. Additionally, bacterial pathogens contribute to the SARS-CoV-2-mediated pneumonia disease complex, and their resistance to antibiotics in pneumonia treatment is increasing at an alarming rate. In this regard, herein, we report the development of a non-woven face mask filter fabricated with a biofunctional coating of benzalkonium chloride that is capable of inactivating more than 99% of SARS-CoV-2 particles in one minute of contact, and the life-threatening methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis (normalized antibacterial halos of 0.52 ± 0.04 and 0.72 ± 0.04, respectively). Nonetheless, despite the results obtained, further studies are needed to ensure the safety and correct use of this technology for the mass production and commercialization of this broad-spectrum antimicrobial face mask filter. Our novel protective non-woven face mask filter would be useful for many healthcare workers and researchers working in this urgent and challenging field

    Injectable Gel Form of a Decellularized Bladder Induces Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Differentiation into Smooth Muscle Cells In Vitro

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    Biologic scaffolds composed of extracellular matrix components have been proposed to repair and reconstruct a variety of tissues in clinical and pre-clinical studies. Injectable gels can fill and conform any three-dimensional shape and can be delivered to sites of interest by minimally invasive techniques. In this study, a biological gel was produced from a decellularized porcine urinary bladder by enzymatic digestion with pepsin. The enzymatic digestion was confirmed by visual inspection after dissolution in phosphate-buffered saline solution and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The rheological and biological properties of the gel were characterized and compared to those of the MatrigelTM chosen as a reference material. The storage modulus G’ reached 19.4 ± 3.7 Pa for the 30 mg/mL digested decellularized bladder gels after ca. 3 h at 37 °C. The results show that the gel formed of the porcine urinary bladder favored the spontaneous differentiation of human and rabbit adipose-derived stem cells in vitro into smooth muscle cells to the detriment of cell proliferation. The results support the potential of the developed injectable gel for tissue engineering applications to reconstruct for instance the detrusor muscle part of the human urinary bladder

    Pro-Myogenic Environment Promoted by the Synergistic Effect of Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites Combined with Extracellular Zinc Ions

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    [EN] Musculoskeletal tissue can self-regenerate after injury, however, this self-renewal capacity is limited in degenerative diseases or volumetric muscle loss. Tissue engineering strategies involving biomaterials, cells, and bioactive agents have emerged as a tool to regenerate damaged skeletal muscle. The role of biomaterials is not only to provide structural support for tissue regeneration but also to include some biophysical and biochemical cues that enhance cell proliferation and differentiation into different tissues. In this context, electrochemical cues are essential for myofiber motility and myoblast differentiation. Here, we engineered electrically conductive nanocomposites, which will promote bioactivity in the form of intrinsic surface conductivity, close to that of human skeletal muscle tissue. In addition, extracellular zinc ions were incorporated in the cell microenvironment as a myogenic factor. We show that the combination of both approaches acts synergically generating enhanced cell microenvironments that promote myogenesis. Abstract A new strategy based on the combination of electrically conductive polymer nanocomposites and extracellular Zn2+ ions as a myogenic factor was developed to assess its ability to synergically stimulate myogenic cell response. The conductive nanocomposite was prepared with a polymeric matrix and a small amount of graphene (G) nanosheets (0.7% wt/wt) as conductive filler to produce an electrically conductive surface. The nanocomposites¿ surface electrical conductivity presented values in the range of human skeletal muscle tissue. The biological evaluation of the cell environment created by the combination of the conductive surface and extracellular Zn2+ ions showed no cytotoxicity and good cell adhesion (murine C2C12 myoblasts). Amazingly, the combined strategy, cell¿material interface with conductive properties and Zn bioactive ions, was found to have a pronounced synergistic effect on myoblast proliferation and the early stages of differentiation. The ratio of differentiated myoblasts cultured on the conductive nanocomposites with extracellular Zn2+ ions added in the differentiation medium (serum-deprived medium) was enhanced by more than 170% over that of non-conductive surfaces (only the polymeric matrix), and more than 120% over both conductive substrates (without extracellular Zn2+ ions) and non-conductive substrates with extracellular Zn2+. This synergistic effect was also found to increase myotube density, myotube area and diameter, and multinucleated myotube formation. MyoD-1 gene expression was also enhanced, indicating the positive effect in the early stages of myogenic differentiation. These results demonstrate the great potential of this combined strategy, which stands outs for its simplicity and robustness, for skeletal muscle tissue engineering applications.This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCINN, Agencia Estatal de Investigación/FEDER funds) through the RTI2018-097862-B-C21 (awarded to R.S.S. and J.M-M.) and PID2020-119333RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (awarded to Á.S-A.) projects,x]. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R & D & I Plan 2008¿2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions were financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Aparicio-Collado, JL.; Molina Mateo, J.; Torregrosa Cabanilles, C.; Vidaurre, A.; Salesa, B.; Serrano Aroca, A.; Sabater I Serra, R. (2022). Pro-Myogenic Environment Promoted by the Synergistic Effect of Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites Combined with Extracellular Zinc Ions. Biology. 11(12):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11121706119111

    Aprendizaje colaborativo multidisciplinar en entornos virtuales con estudiantes de diferentes grados universitarios

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    El aprendizaje colaborativo mediante las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), así como la clase inversa (Flipped Classroom) es una metodología eficaz en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La inclusión de la gamificación, como recurso docente, puede favorecer la motivación e implicación de los estudiantes en dicho proceso. Para llevar a cabo esta actividad voluntaria, enviamos un formulario de inscripción online a estudiantes de tres universidades valencianas matriculados en cinco asignaturas de tres grados diferentes pero con un tema de interés para las tres titulaciones. Los objetivos de este estudio se centraron, por una parte, en implementar la metodología docente de la clase inversa para potenciar el aprendizaje autónomo, y en una segunda fase utilizar las herramientas asociadas a la Web 2.0, en concreto una herramienta de gamificación (Kahoot!), para resolver en equipos multidisciplinares de trabajo un caso práctico, obteniendo de manera inmediata información sobre el aprendizaje colaborativo. En general, los estudiantes se mostraron satisfechos con la actividad, indicando que la gamificación les había resultado útil para la compresión de la materia tratada. En este proyecto hemos desarrollado una propuesta metodológica que integra el aprendizaje colaborativo, el empleo de plataformas virtuales y el trabajo en equipos multidisciplinares para favorecer tanto el aprendizaje cognitivo individual como el grupal.Este trabajo ha sido financiado con un proyecto de innovación educativa 2016-2017 (UV-SFPIE_GER16-417540) del Vicerectorat de Polítiques de Formació i Qualitat Educativa de la Universitat de València

    COVID-19 signalome: Potential therapeutic interventions

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered intensive research and development of drugs and vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 during the last two years. The major success was especially observed with development of vaccines based on viral vectors, nucleic acids and whole viral particles, which have received emergent authorization leading to global mass vaccinations. Although the vaccine programs have made a big impact on COVID-19 spread and severity, emerging novel variants have raised serious concerns about vaccine efficacy. Due to the urgent demand, drug development had originally to rely on repurposing of antiviral drugs developed against other infectious diseases. For both drug and vaccine development the focus has been mainly on SARS-CoV-2 surface proteins and host cell receptors involved in viral attachment and entry. In this review, we expand the spectrum of SARS-CoV-2 targets by investigating the COVID-19 signalome. In addition to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein, the envelope, membrane, and nucleoprotein targets have been subjected to research. Moreover, viral proteases have presented the possibility to develop different strategies for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 replication and spread. Several signaling pathways involving the renin-angiotensin system, angiotensin-converting enzymes, immune pathways, hypoxia, and calcium signaling have provided attractive alternative targets for more efficient drug development

    Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoids on Tumor Microenvironment: A Molecular Switch in Neoplasia Transformation

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    The efficacy of chemotherapy depends on the tumor microenvironment. This microenvironment consists of a complex cellular network that can exert both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on tumor genesis. Given the increasing interest in the effectiveness of cannabis, cannabinoids have gained much attention as a potential chemotherapy drug. Cannabinoids are a group of marker compounds found in Cannabis sativa L., more commonly known as marijuana, a psychoactive drug used since ancient times for pain management. Although the anticancer potential of C. sativa, has been recognized previously, increased attention was generated after discovering the endocannabinoid system and the successful production of cannabinoid receptors. In vitro and in vivo studies on various tumor models have shown therapeutic efficiency by modifying the tumor microenvironment. However, despite extensive attention regarding potential therapeutic implications of cannabinoids, considerable clinical and preclinical analysis is needed to adequately define the physiological, pharmacological, and medicinal aspects of this range of compounds in various disorders covered in this review. This review summarizes the key literature surrounding the role of cannabinoids in the tumor microenvironment and their future promise in cancer treatment

    A Survey of Empirical Results on Program Slicing

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:Patients with peripheral artery disease have an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Antiplatelet agents are widely used to reduce these complications.METHODS:This was a multicentre, double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial for which patients were recruited at 602 hospitals, clinics, or community practices from 33 countries across six continents. Eligible patients had a history of peripheral artery disease of the lower extremities (previous peripheral bypass surgery or angioplasty, limb or foot amputation, intermittent claudication with objective evidence of peripheral artery disease), of the carotid arteries (previous carotid artery revascularisation or asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis of at least 50%), or coronary artery disease with an ankle-brachial index of less than 0·90. After a 30-day run-in period, patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive oral rivaroxaban (2·5 mg twice a day) plus aspirin (100 mg once a day), rivaroxaban twice a day (5 mg with aspirin placebo once a day), or to aspirin once a day (100 mg and rivaroxaban placebo twice a day). Randomisation was computer generated. Each treatment group was double dummy, and the patient, investigators, and central study staff were masked to treatment allocation. The primary outcome was cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction or stroke; the primary peripheral artery disease outcome was major adverse limb events including major amputation. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01776424, and is closed to new participants.FINDINGS:Between March 12, 2013, and May 10, 2016, we enrolled 7470 patients with peripheral artery disease from 558 centres. The combination of rivaroxaban plus aspirin compared with aspirin alone reduced the composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke (126 [5%] of 2492 vs 174 [7%] of 2504; hazard ratio [HR] 0·72, 95% CI 0·57-0·90, p=0·0047), and major adverse limb events including major amputation (32 [1%] vs 60 [2%]; HR 0·54 95% CI 0·35-0·82, p=0·0037). Rivaroxaban 5 mg twice a day compared with aspirin alone did not significantly reduce the composite endpoint (149 [6%] of 2474 vs 174 [7%] of 2504; HR 0·86, 95% CI 0·69-1·08, p=0·19), but reduced major adverse limb events including major amputation (40 [2%] vs 60 [2%]; HR 0·67, 95% CI 0·45-1·00, p=0·05). The median duration of treatment was 21 months. The use of the rivaroxaban plus aspirin combination increased major bleeding compared with the aspirin alone group (77 [3%] of 2492 vs 48 [2%] of 2504; HR 1·61, 95% CI 1·12-2·31, p=0·0089), which was mainly gastrointestinal. Similarly, major bleeding occurred in 79 (3%) of 2474 patients with rivaroxaban 5 mg, and in 48 (2%) of 2504 in the aspirin alone group (HR 1·68, 95% CI 1·17-2·40; p=0·0043).INTERPRETATION:Low-dose rivaroxaban taken twice a day plus aspirin once a day reduced major adverse cardiovascular and limb events when compared with aspirin alone. Although major bleeding was increased, fatal or critical organ bleeding was not. This combination therapy represents an important advance in the management of patients with peripheral artery disease. Rivaroxaban alone did not significantly reduce major adverse cardiovascular events compared with asprin alone, but reduced major adverse limb events and increased major bleeding