100 research outputs found

    El modernismo en la Región de Murcia

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    Publicación que presenta una reelaboración, ampliación y sistematización de la información gráfica y documental más destacada contenida en los trabajos de prácticas entregados en la asignatura Historia de la Arquitectura y el Arte durante el curso académico 2013-2014 sobre el Modernismo en la Región de Murcia

    El Poder Local y la Modernización Autoritaria en Granada.: Contradicciones y Límites de la Reforma Urbana, 1928-1930

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    After five years of local administration under the presidency of the Marquis of Casablanca, none of the city's modernization projects had begun. The mayor-president refused to request loans from banks. After his resignation, a new City Council chaired by the lawyer Mariano Fernández Sánchez-Puerta, was co-opted by the Civil Directorate to execute the projects. The priorities were the sewage system and drinking water, the city's urban expansion and the construction of a ring road. The cost of the modernization was estimated at thirty-two and a half million pesetas, including the sixteen-and-a-half of the priority project for sewerage and drinking water. Both in the operation of the loan and in the award of the contract, the cheapest offer was accepted, which soon proved unfeasible. The authoritarian modernization promoted by the City Council did not achieve any of its initial objectives and was a complete failure; Después de cinco años de administración local bajo la presidencia del marqués de Casablanca ninguno de los proyectos de modernización de Granada había comenzado. El alcalde-presidente se negó a solicitar empréstitos a entidades bancarias. Tras su dimisión un nuevo Ayuntamiento presidido por el abogado Mariano Fernández Sánchez-Puerta fue cooptado por el Directorio Civil para ejecutar los proyectos. Las prioridades fueron el alcantarillado, el agua potable, el ensanche de la ciudad y la construcción de un Camino de Ronda. El coste de la modernización se estimó en treinta y dos millones y medio de pesetas, incluyendo los dieciséis y medio del proyecto prioritario del alcantarillado y aguas potables. Tanto en la operación del empréstito como en la adjudicación de la contrata se aceptó la oferta más barata que pronto se demostró inviable. La modernización autoritaria impulsada por el Ayuntamiento no alcanzó ninguno de sus objetivos iniciales y resultó un rotundo fracas

    Reajustes internos dentro de la élite económica de Granada durante la modernización autoritaria (1923-1930)

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    The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera during the final period of the reign of Alfonso XIII accelerated the internal rearrangements that the Granada economic elite had been experiencing since the end of the 19th century. The main taxpayers of the city went from being agrarian to merchants, industrialists and medical professionals. The fiscal policy applied by José Calvo Sotelo from the Ministry of Finance favored these changes. The industrial and commercial bourgeoisie, an emerging class since the end of the 19th century, saw its hegemonic role within the power block reinforced. The economic dynamics, however, were held back by the tribal organization of the economic elite.La dictadura de Primo de Rivera durante el período final del reinado de Alfonso XIII aceleró los reajustes internos que la élite económica granadina venía experimentando desde finales del siglo XIX. Los principales contribuyentes de la ciudad pasaron de ser agrarios a comerciantes, industriales y profesionales médicos. La política fiscal aplicada por José Calvo Sotelo desde el Ministerio de Hacienda favoreció esos cambios. La burguesía industrial y comercial, clase emergente desde finales del siglo XIX, vió reforzado su papel hegemónico dentro del bloque de poder. Las dinámicas económicas, sin embargo, se vieron frenadas por la organización tribal de la élite económica

    Más allá de la imagen; rompiendo con la hegemonía

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    Nos proponemos dar a conocer nuestra visión de la lectura de imágenes, para comprender así mejor nuestro tiempo, en el que lo más frecuente es meternos por los ojos lo que hay que pensar, lo que hay que decir y lo que hay que hacer, suscitando y dirigiendo las acciones hacia un fin, moldeando la personalidad de los individuos.We intend to give to know our vision of the reading of images, to understand this way better our time, in which the most frequent thing is to enter for the eyes what it is necessary to think, what it is necessary to say and what it is necessary to make, raising and directing the actions toward an end, modeling the personality of the individuals

    Selecting Suitable MODFLOW Packages to Model Pond–Groundwater Relations Using a Regional Model

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    In large-scale regional models, used for the management of underground resources, it is quite common to find that relationships between the regional aquifer and small wetlands are not included. These models do not consider this connection because of the small amount of water involved, but they should consider the potential for significant ecological impacts if the groundwater resources in the ecosystems associated with these wetlands are mismanaged. The main objective of this work is to investigate the possibilities offered by MODFLOW LGR-V2 to represent (at small scale) the Santa Olalla pond, located in the Doñana Natural Park (South of Spain), and its relationship with the Almonte-Marismas regional aquifer. As a secondary objective, we propose to investigate the advantages and disadvantages that DRAIN, RIVER and LAKE MODFLOW packages offer within the MODFLOW LGR-V2 discretizations. The drain boundary condition with a coarse discretization implemented through ModelMuse allows the most adequate performance of the groundwater levels in the environment of the pond. However, when using lake boundary condition, the use of the MODFLOW LGR-V2 version is particularly useful. The present work also gives some guidelines to employ these packages with the MODFLOW graphical user’s interface, ModelMuse 4.2

    CD45 expression discriminates waves of embryonic megakaryocytes in the mouse

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    Embryonic megakaryopoiesis starts in the yolk sac on gestational day 7.5 as part of the primitive wave of hematopoiesis, and it continues in the fetal liver when this organ is colonized by hematopoietic progenitors between day 9.5 and 10.5, as the definitive hematopoiesis wave. We characterized the precise phenotype of embryo megakaryocytes in the liver at gestational day 11.5, identifying them as CD41++CD45-CD9++CD61+MPL+CD42c+ tetraploid cells that express megakaryocyte-specific transcripts and display differential traits when compared to those present in the yolk sac at the same age. In contrast to megakaryocytes from adult bone marrow, embryo megakaryocytes are CD45- until day 13.5 of gestation, as are both the megakaryocyte progenitors and megakaryocyte/erythroid-committed progenitors. At gestational day 11.5, liver and yolk sac also contain CD41+CD45+ and CD41+CD45- cells. These populations, and that of CD41++CD45-CD42c+ cells, isolated from liver, differentiate in culture into CD41++CD45-CD42c+ proplatelet-bearing megakaryocytes. Also present at this time are CD41-CD45++CD11b+ cells, which produce low numbers of CD41++CD45-CD42c+ megakaryocytes in vitro, as do fetal liver cells expressing the macrophage-specific Csf receptor-1 (Csf1r/CD115) from MaFIA transgenic mice, which give rise poorly to CD41++CD45-CD42c+ embryo megakaryocytes both in vivo and in vitro In contrast, around 30% of adult megakaryocytes (CD41++CD45++CD9++CD42c+) from C57BL/6 and MaFIA mice express CD115. We propose that differential pathways operating in the mouse embryo liver at gestational day 11.5 beget CD41++CD45-CD42c+ embryo megakaryocytes that can be produced from CD41+CD45- or from CD41+CD45+ cells, at difference from those from bone marrow.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN SAF2009-12596) and from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO SAF2012-33916 and SAF2015-70880-R MINECO/FEDER). NS was the recipient of a fellowship from the Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO) and IC received a fellowship from the MICINN. The CBMSO receives institutional funding from Fundacion Ramon Areces. The CNIC is supported by the MEIC and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MEIC award SEV-2015-0505).S

    Marcadores de selección en cerdos Pampa Rocha: comparación con razas autóctonas de España y Portugal

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    Objective. The analysis of selection markers allows to obtain information about the evolutive story of a particular breed or line and allows also to evaluate the usefulness of those markers for breeding programs. We have analyzed SNPs in four genes of the creole pig breed Pampa Rocha and we have compared their allelic frequencies with the allelic frequencies of diverse autochthonous breeds of Spain and Portugal and also with Piétrain pigs and wild boars. Materials and methods. The SNPs were analyzed using diverse RT-PCR methods. Results. The results of the analysis show that Pampa Rocha pigs have similar allelic frequencies with the autochthonous breeds of Spain and Portugal especially in the case of IGF2 and also, but not so coincident, in the case of PEPCK-C. However, they differ considerably for MC4R, and also, but in a lower extent, for PRKAG3. We discuss in this work the usefulness of our results for breeding of Pampa Rocha pigs. Conclusions. Our results demonstrate the peculiarity of the Pampa Rocha breed regarding the markers studied.Objetivo. El análisis de marcadores de selección permite obtener datos de la vida evolutiva de una raza o línea y permite también evaluar la conveniencia o no de su uso en programas de mejora genética. Hemos evaluado SNPs en cuatro genes (IGF2, MC4R, PRKAG3 y PEPCK-C), que tienen importantes efectos fenotípicos, en cerdos de la raza Pampa Rocha, una raza criolla, y hemos comparado sus frecuencias alélicas con cerdos de diversas razas autóctonas y líneas de España y Portugal no sometidas a selección así como con jabalíes y cerdos de la raza Piétrain. Materiales y métodos. Los SNPs fueron analizados mediante diversa técnicas de RT-PCR. Resultados. Los resultados de los análisis muestran una similitud de frecuencias alélicas entre los cerdos de la raza Pampa Rocha y los cerdos autóctonos de la península ibérica sobre todo en el gen IGF2 y, en menor medida en el gen PEPCK-C. Sin embargo difieren considerablemente en el caso del marcador MC4R y, también en menor medida, en PRKAG3. En el trabajo se discute el uso potencial de los resultados obtenidos para orientar la selección genética de cerdos de la raza Pampa Rocha. Conclusiones. Nuestros resultados demuestran la peculiaridad de la raza Pampa Rocha con respecto a los marcadores estudiados

    Exploiting the potential of autophagy in cisplatin therapy: a new strategy to overcome resistance

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    Resistance to cisplatin is a major challenge in the current cancer therapy. In order to explore new therapeutic strategies to cisplatin resistance, we evaluated, in a model of lung cancer (H1299 and H460 cell lines), the nature of the pathways leading to cell death. We observed that H1299 displayed a natural resistance to cisplatin due to an inability to trigger an apoptotic response that correlates with the induction of autophagy. However, pharmacological and genetic approaches showed how autophagy was a mechanism associated to cell death rather than to resistance. Indeed, pro-autophagic stimuli such as mTOR or Akt inhibition mediate cell death in both cell lines to a similar extent. We next evaluated the response to a novel platinum compound, monoplatin, able to promote cell death in an exclusive autophagy-dependent manner. In this case, no differences were observed between both cell lines. Furthermore, in response to monoplatin, two molecular hallmarks of cisplatin response (p53 and MAPKs) were not implicated, indicating the ability of this pro-autophagic compound to overcome cisplatin resistance. In summary, our data highlight how induction of autophagy could be used in cisplatin resistant tumours and an alternative treatment for p53 mutated patient in a synthetic lethally approach

    Exploiting the potential of autophagy in cisplatin therapy: A new strategy to overcome resistance

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    Resistance to cisplatin is a major challenge in the current cancer therapy. In order to explore new therapeutic strategies to cisplatin resistance, we evaluated, in a model of lung cancer (H1299 and H460 cell lines), the nature of the pathways leading to cell death. We observed that H1299 displayed a natural resistance to cisplatin due to an inability to trigger an apoptotic response that correlates with the induction of autophagy. However, pharmacological and genetic approaches showed how autophagy was a mechanism associated to cell death rather than to resistance. Indeed, pro-autophagic stimuli such as mTOR or Akt inhibition mediate cell death in both cell lines to a similar extent. We next evaluated the response to a novel platinum compound, monoplatin, able to promote cell death in an exclusive autophagy-dependent manner. In this case, no differences were observed between both cell lines. Furthermore, in response to monoplatin, two molecular hallmarks of cisplatin response (p53 and MAPKs) were not implicated, indicating the ability of this pro-autophagic compound to overcome cisplatin resistance. In summary, our data highlight how induction of autophagy could be used in cisplatin resistant tumours and an alternative treatment for p53 mutated patient in a synthetic lethally approach.This work was supported by grants from Fundación Leticia Castillejo Castillo and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grant SAF2012-30862 to RSP and grant CTQ2011-24434 to FAJ). RSP Research Institute, and the work carried out in his laboratory receive support from the European Community through the regional development funding program (FEDER). JGC received funding from the Regional Ministry of Education and Science of Castilla–La Mancha (FPI-JCCM) and from Fundación Leticia Castillejo Castillo. MCC and RSP have a contract from the INCRECYT progra