69 research outputs found


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    This Note argues that in peer harassment cases, school districts should face liability under a “known or should have known” standard where the school’s intent to discriminate may be determined by the circumstances of the case. Part I provides a brief historical overview of Title IX and the traditional forms of hostile environment harassment that it has been used to combat, demonstrating that courts use the statute to punish harassment where the school has reason to know of the harassment and fails to take appropriate action. Part II explores a subset of hostile environment cases where U.S. circuit courts are divided – peer sexual harassment cases, and analyzes the rationale supporting each position. Part III provides guidelines for when courts should extend Title IX protection to peer sexual harassment claims and articulates standards for school liability


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    This Note argues that in peer harassment cases, school districts should face liability under a “known or should have known” standard where the school’s intent to discriminate may be determined by the circumstances of the case. Part I provides a brief historical overview of Title IX and the traditional forms of hostile environment harassment that it has been used to combat, demonstrating that courts use the statute to punish harassment where the school has reason to know of the harassment and fails to take appropriate action. Part II explores a subset of hostile environment cases where U.S. circuit courts are divided – peer sexual harassment cases, and analyzes the rationale supporting each position. Part III provides guidelines for when courts should extend Title IX protection to peer sexual harassment claims and articulates standards for school liability

    Towards an improvement of the services and operations at the International Port of Port-au-Prince

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    The Dominican Republica and the arbitrary deprivation of the right to nationality of persons of haitian origin in the judgment TC/0168/13

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    En la República Dominicana, el derecho a la nacionalidad de las personas nacidas en el país y de origen haitiano es tratado con discriminación. Por medio de una reinterpretación amplia de la expresión extranjeros "en tránsito", la Sentencia TC/0168/13 del Tribunal Constitucional privó arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad a numerosas personas de origen haitiano, la cual había sido adquirida por el principio del ius soli. El pretexto utilizado para llevar a cabo esta privación de la nacionalidad fue que los padres de las víctimas de dicha decisión no poseían un estatus migratorio legal. Considerada incompatible con las normas del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, esta decisión hace prevalecer la soberanía estatal sobre el derecho a la nacionalidad, lo cual ha provocado una crisis que difícilmente puede resolverse.In the Dominican Republic, the right to nationality of individuals that are born in that country and that are of Haitian origin is treated with discrimination. By means of a large reinterpretation of the expression aliens "in transit", the Constitutional Court judgment in case TC/0168/13 deprived arbitrarily a great number of persons of Haitian origin from their nationality, that they acquired by the principle of ius soli. They did so just because their parents did not have a legal migratory status. Considered incompatible with the standards of the international human rights law, this decision makes prevail the state sovereignty over the right to nationality. As a result, it gave rise to a crisis that is very difficult to solve.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    A não adesão da República Dominicana ao novo Pacto Mundial para a Migração - uma estratégia anti-haitiana e racista

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino- Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Relações Internacionais e Integração.Este estudo se propõe a analisar a política externa da República Dominicana no contexto da migração haitiana, com foco nos governos de Danilo Medina (2012-2020) e Luis Abinader (2020 até o presente). Nesta pesquisa adotamos uma abordagem interdisciplinar, integrando migração, direitos humanos e política externa, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da decisão dominicana de não aderir ao Pacto Mundial para a Migração. que pode ser interpretada como uma estratégia potencialmente discriminatória ,anti-haitiana e racista com implicações sobre os direitos dos migrantes haitianos. Utilizamos métodos qualitativos, incluindo revisão de literatura e análise de documentos governamentais, o estudo explora a construção da narrativa "haitiano fobia" como uma ideologia nacional, contextualizada pelas relações históricas entre a República Dominicana e o Haiti. Além disso, examinamos a diáspora haitiana na República Dominicana de 2010 a 2023 para contribuir para uma compreensão mais profunda das implicações da não adesão ao Pacto Mundial para a Migração e promovemos um debate informado sobre a migração haitiana, destacando as dimensões das relações internacionais e dos direitos humanos no contexto caribenho

    Migración internacional, soberanía estatal y protección de los derechos humanos de los inmigrantes. Análisis del comportamiento del estado dominicano frente a la inmigración haitiana.

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    Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas y PolíticasLínea de Investigación: Derecho Internacional y Derecho de la Unión EuropeaClave Programa: DJPCódigo Línea: 45Ce travail examine le concept de la migration internationale sous l'angle du droit international et des droits de l'homme en le confrontant avec la souveraineté étatique. Il cherche à vérifier si les étrangers ont des droits dans les États de destination, à les identifier et à savoir si ces droits sont protégés et garantis. Cette réflexion se concrétise spécifiquement dans le cas des migrants haïtiens en République Dominicaine où l'on se propose d'analyser la protection de leurs droits fondamentaux et de ceux de leurs descendants qui se trouvent sur le territoire dominicain, à la lumière des standards juridiques internationaux. Une spéciale attention est portée sur l'analyse de la souveraineté de l'État dominicain en lien avec les défis que lui posent les droits de l'homme dans le cas des immigrants haïtiens qui séjournent sur son territoire. Ce travail sélectionne comme lieu de mesure de la protection juridique internationale en République Dominicaine : le droit à la non-discrimination, le droit au respect des garanties procédurales et judiciaires contre l'expulsion, le droit à l'identité et à la nationalité, entre autres. Il accorde une réflexion particulière à la décision de dénationalisation des Dominicains d'origine haïtienne, prise à travers le fameux arrêt TC/0168-13, en invoquant, à titre justificatif, la compétence souveraine de l'État, et s¿attache à examiner la légitimité d'une telle mesure. Et, enfin, il interroge la souveraineté dominicaine et sa compatibilité avec l'application effective des droits des immigrants haïtiens et de leurs descendants.Este trabajo examina el concepto de la migración internacional en una perspectiva de derecho internacional y de derechos humanos, confrontándolo con el de la soberanía estatal. Intenta averiguar si los extranjeros tienen derechos en el Estado de destinación, identificar dichos derechos y determinar si aquéllos están protegidos y garantizados. Esta reflexión se concretiza específicamente en el caso de los migrantes haitianos en República Dominicana, donde se propone analizar la protección de sus derechos fundamentales y los de sus descendientes que se encuentran en el territorio dominicano, a la luz de los estándares jurídicos internacionales. Una especial atención está puesta en el análisis de la soberanía estatal dominicana en relación con los retos que le han sido planteados por los derechos humanos en el caso de los inmigrantes haitianos que radican en su territorio. Esta tesis elige como lugar para medir la protección jurídica internacional en República Dominicana: la interdicción de discriminación, el derecho al debido proceso y a las garantías judiciales contra la expulsión, el derecho a la identidad, a la nacionalidad, entre otros. Además, presenta una reflexión particular sobre la decisión de desnacionalización de los Dominicanos de origen haitiano, la cual fue tomada mediante la famosa sentencia TC/0168-13, invocando como justificación la competencia soberana del Estado; la tesis intenta también examinar la legitimidad de dicha medida. Por fin, cuestiona la soberanía dominicana y su compatibilidad con la aplicación efectiva de los derechos de los inmigrantes haitianos y sus descendientes.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Derecho Públic

    Pharmacological and Physiological Characterization of the Tremulous Jaw Movement Model of Parkinsonian Tremor: Potential Insights into the Pathophysiology of Tremor

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    Tremor is a cardinal symptom of parkinsonism, occurring early on in the disease course and affecting more than 70% of patients. Parkinsonian resting tremor occurs in a frequency range of 3–7 Hz and can be resistant to available pharmacotherapy. Despite its prevalence, and the significant decrease in quality of life associated with it, the pathophysiology of parkinsonian tremor is poorly understood. The tremulous jaw movement (TJM) model is an extensively validated rodent model of tremor. TJMs are induced by conditions that also lead to parkinsonism in humans (i.e., striatal DA depletion, DA antagonism, and cholinomimetic activity) and reversed by several antiparkinsonian drugs (i.e., DA precursors, DA agonists, anticholinergics, and adenosine A2A antagonists). TJMs occur in the same 3–7 Hz frequency range seen in parkinsonian resting tremor, a range distinct from that of dyskinesia (1–2 Hz), and postural tremor (8–14 Hz). Overall, these drug-induced TJMs share many characteristics with human parkinsonian tremor, but do not closely resemble tardive dyskinesia. The current review discusses recent advances in the validation of the TJM model, and illustrates how this model is being used to develop novel therapeutic strategies, both surgical and pharmacological, for the treatment of parkinsonian resting tremor

    Understanding the role of the perivascular space in cerebral small vessel disease

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    Small vessel diseases are a group of disorders that result from pathological alteration of the small blood vessels in the brain, including the small arteries, capillaries and veins. Of the 35-36 million people that are estimated to suffer from dementia worldwide, up to 65% have an SVD component. Furthermore, SVD causes 20-25% of strokes, worsens outcome after stroke and is a leading cause of disability, cognitive impairment and poor mobility. Yet the underlying cause(s) of SVD are not fully understood.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has confirmed enlarged perivascular spaces (PVS) as a hallmark feature of SVD. In healthy tissue, these spaces are proposed to form part of a complex brain fluid drainage system which supports interstitial fluid exchange and may also facilitate clearance of waste products from the brain. The pathophysiological signature of PVS, and what this infers about their function and interaction with cerebral microcirculation, plus subsequent downstream effects on lesion development in the brain has not been established. Here we discuss the potential of enlarged PVS to be a unique biomarker for SVD and related brain disorders with a vascular component. We propose that widening of PVS suggests presence of peri-vascular cell debris and other waste products that forms part of a vicious cycle involving impaired cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction, perivascular inflammation and ultimately impaired clearance of waste proteins from the interstitial fluid (ISF) space, leading to accumulation of toxins, hypoxia and tissue damage.Here, we outline current knowledge, questions and hypotheses regarding understanding the brain fluid dynamics underpinning dementia and stroke through the common denominator of SVD

    The Application of Analytics in Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    As society ventures deeper into a technologically dependent realm, the need for cybersecurity continues to increase. The rapid increase in cyber threats calls for a streamlined efficient process that put potential targets one step ahead of threat actors. While cybersecurity continues to evolve, there is still room for improvement within the methods executed throughout the threat detection process. The evolution of cybersecurity has inspired the creation of security operation centers (SOCs) that are primarily put in place to monitor, prevent, and investigate active threats within an organization. Due to the significant amount of information collected and generated by the SOC it is often difficult to thoroughly examine all the data without any human error. In addition to this, it often slows the process of turning information into intelligence necessary to make important discoveries. Certain patterns, trends, and common methods can be difficult to spot and digest on a surface level. To combat this weakness and capitalize on information available, the application of analytics within cyber threat intelligence provides promising results with the right techniques. This thesis explores the application of analytics in cyber threat intelligence through a comprehensive case study of a security operations center and the data collected. This thesis will also seek to identify opportunities where data analytics can be implemented, determine how data analytics can be applied, and conclude on the comparative advantage if enforced