53 research outputs found

    Transforming maternity care:obstetric partnerships as a policy instrument for integration

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    Increasing continuity in Dutch maternity care is considered pivotal to improve safety and client-centeredness. Closer collaboration between the historically relatively autonomous professionals and organizations in maternity care is deemed conditional to reach this goal, both by maternity care professionals and policy makers. Governmental policy therefore strives for organizational and financial integration. One of the policy measures has been to stimulate interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration through local obstetric partnerships. This study aimed to gain insight into whether this policy measure supported professionals in reaching the policy aim of increasing integration in the maternity care system. We therefore conducted 73 semistructured interviews with maternity care professionals in the region Northwest Netherlands, from 2014 to 2016. Respondents expressed much willingness to intensify interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration and experienced obstetric partnerships as contributing to this. As such, stimulating integration through obstetric partnerships can be considered a suitable policy measure. However, collaborating within the partnerships simultaneously highlighted deep-rooted dividing structures (organizational, educational, legal, financial) in the maternity care system, especially at the systemic level. These were experienced to hinder collaboration, but difficult for the professionals to influence, as they lacked knowledge, skills, resources and mandate. A lack of clear and timely guidance and support from policy, counterbalancing these barriers, limited partnerships' potential to unify professionals and integrate their services. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Effective treatment of liver metastases with photodynamic therapy, using the second-generation photosensitizer meta-tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC), in a rat model

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    The only curative treatment for patients with liver metastases to date is surgery, but few patients are suitable candidates for hepatic resection. The majority of patients will have to rely on other treatment modalities for palliation. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) could be a selective, minimally invasive treatment for patients with liver metastases. We studied PDT in an implanted colon carcinoma in the liver of Wag/Rij rats, using the photosensitizer meta-tetra(hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC). mTHPC tissue kinetics were studied using ex vivo extractions and in vivo fluorescence measurements. Both methods showed that mTHPC kinetics were different for liver and tumour tissue. After initial high levels at 4 h after administration (0.1 and 0.3 mg kg−1) mTHPC in liver tissue decreased rapidly in time. In tumour tissue no decrease in photosensitizer levels occurred, with mTHPC remaining high up to 48 h after administration. Both concentration data and fluorescence data showed an increase in tumour to liver ratios of up to 6.3 and 5.0 respectively. Illumination with 652 nm (15 J) resulted in extensive damage to tumour tissue, with necrosis of up to 13 mm in diameter. Damage to normal liver tissue was mild and transient as serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels normalized within a week after PDT treatment. Long-term effects of mTHPC-PDT were studied on day 28 after treatment. Regardless of drug dose and drug–light interval, PDT with mTHPC resulted in complete tumour remission in 27 out of 31 treated animals (87%), with only four animals in which tumour regrowth was observed. Non-responding tumours proved to be significantly larger (P < 0.001) in size before PDT treatment. This study demonstrates that mTHPC is retained in an intrahepatic tumour and that mTHPC-PDT is capable of inducing complete tumour remission of liver tumours. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Continuity of care is an important and distinct aspect of childbirth experience: findings of a survey evaluating experienced continuity of care, experienced quality of care and women’s perception of labor

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    Background: To compare experienced continuity of care among women who received midwife-led versus obstetrician-led care. Secondly, to compare experienced continuity of care with a. experienced quality of care during labor and b. perception of labor. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey in a region in the Netherlands in 2014 among 790 women after they gave birth. To measure experienced continuity of care, the Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire was used. Quality of care during labor was measured with the Pregnancy and Childbirth Questionnaire, and to measure perception of labor we used the Childbirth Perception Scale. Results: Three hundred twenty five women consented to participate (41%). Of these, 187 women completed the relevant questions in the online questionnaire. 136 (73%) women were in midwife-led care at the onset of labor, 15 (8%) were in obstetrician-led care throughout pregnancy and 36 (19%) were referred to obstetrician-led care during pregnancy. Experienced personal and team continuity of care during pregnancy were higher for women in midwife-led care compared to those in obstetrician-led care at the onset of labor. Experienced continuity of care was moderately correlated with experienced quality of care although not significantly so in all subgroups. A weak negative correlation was found between experienced personal continuity of care by the midwife and perception of labor. Conclusion: This study suggests that experienced continuity of care depends on the care context and is significantly higher for women who are in midwife-led compared to obstetrician-led care during labor. It will be a challenge to maintain the high level of experienced continuity of care in an integrated maternity care system. Experienced continuity of care seems to be a distinctive concept that should not be confused with experienced quality of care or perception of labor and should be considered as a complementary aspect of quality of care

    Photodynamic therapy: A promising new modality for the treatment of cancer

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    The first reports on photodynamic therapy (PDT) date back to the 1970s. Since then, several thousands of patients, both with early stage and advanced stage solid tumours, have been treated with PDT and many claims have been made regarding its efficacy. Nevertheless, the therapy has not yet found general acceptance by oncologists. Therefore it seems legitimate to ask whether PDT can still be described as "a promising new therapy in the treatment of cancer". Clinically, PDT has been mainly used for bladder cancer, lung cancer and in malignant diseases of the skin and upper aerodigestive tract. The sensitizer used in the photodynamic treatment of most patients is Photofrin, (Photofrin, the commercial name of dihematoporphyrin ether/ester, containing > 80% of the active porphyrin dimers/oligomers (A.M.R. Fisher, A.L. Murphee and C.J. Gomer, Clinical and preclinical photodynamictherapy, Review Series Article, Lasers Surg. Med., 17 (1995) 2-31). It is a complex mixture of porphyrins derived from hematoporphyrin. Although this sensitizer is effective, it is not the most suitable photosensitizer for PDT. Prolonged skin photosensitivity and the relatively low absorbance at 630 nm, a wavelength where tissue penetration of light is not optimal, have been frequently cited as negative aspects hindering general acceptance. A multitude of new sensitizers is currently under evaluation. Most of these "second generation photosensitizers" are chemically pure, absorb light at around 650 nm or greater and induce no or less general skin photosensitivity. Another novel approach is the photosensitization of neoplasms by the induction of endogenous photosensitizers through the application of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). This article addresses the use of PDT in the disciplines mentioned above and attempts to indicate developments of PDT which could be necessary for this therapy to gain a wider acceptance in the various field

    Homologous recombination deficiency scar: mutations and beyond—implications for precision oncology

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    Homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) is a prevalent in approximately 17% of tumors and is associated with enhanced sensitivity to anticancer therapies inducing double-strand DNA breaks. Accurate detection of HRD would therefore allow improved patient selection and outcome of conventional and targeted anticancer therapies. However, current clinical assessment of HRD mainly relies on determining germline BRCA1/2 mutational status and is insufficient for adequate patient stratification as mechanisms of HRD occurrence extend beyond functional BRCA1/2 loss. HRD, regardless of BRCA1/2 status, is associated with specific forms of genomic and mutational signatures termed HRD scar. Detection of this HRD scar might therefore be a more reliable biomarker for HRD. This review discusses and compares different methods of assessing HRD and HRD scar, their advances into the clinic, and their potential implications for precision oncology

    Photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT) : the potential of excited-state d-block metals in medicine

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    The fields of phototherapy and of inorganic chemotherapy both have long histories. Inorganic photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT) offers both temporal and spatial control over drug activation and has remarkable potential for the treatment of cancer. Following photoexcitation, a number of different decay pathways (both photophysical and photochemical) are available to a metal complex. These pathways can result in radiative energy release, loss of ligands or transfer of energy to another species, such as triplet oxygen. We discuss the features which need to be considered when developing a metal-based anticancer drug, and the common mechanisms by which the current complexes are believed to operate. We then provide a comprehensive overview of PACT developments for complexes of the different d-block metals for the treatment of cancer, detailing the more established areas concerning Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Re, Fe, Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Pt, and Cu and also highlighting areas where there is potential for greater exploration. Nanoparticles (Ag, Au) and quantum dots (Cd) are also discussed for their photothermal destructive potential. We also discuss the potential held in particular by mixed-metal systems and Ru complexes

    Fluorescence, Absorption and Electron Spin Resonance Study of Bacteriochlorin a Incorporation into Membrane Models

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    Analysis of the bacteriochlorin a absorption spectra suggests the existence of a monomer-dimer equilibrium, particularly intense in phosphate buffer and favored by a decrease of the pH. The dye in methanolic solution is predominantly in monomeric form. Fluorescence and electron spin resonance nitroxide spin labeling measurements indicate that incorporation into the lipid phase of dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine liposomes induces dye monomerization. Moreover, the molecules are bound in the external surface of the vesicles and a complete incorporation is ensured by a lipid-to-dye ratio greater than 125
