250 research outputs found

    Actitudes y valoraciones de la virtualidad por docentes de ingeniería tras la pandemia

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    La pandemia por COVID-19 afectó al mundo en todas las áreas y la educación no fue la excepción. Tras el cierre de las actividades presenciales, la continuidad de los aprendizajes debió garantizarse a través de la virtualidad. En ese contexto, los propósitos del artículo se orientan a: 1) describir las rutinas educativas de un grupo de docentes de ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; 2) analizar comparativamente sus actitudes hacia las tecnologías en la enseñanza, antes de la pandemia y transitando la misma; 3) sondear sus valoraciones positivas y negativas de la enseñanza virtual en la emergencia. Se realizó una investigación no experimental, transeccional y descriptiva. Los datos fueron recabados a partir de una encuesta administrada a través de Google Forms a la que dieron respuesta 43 docentes universitarios. Se realizaron análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos. Los principales resultados muestran que los docentes pusieron en valor la importancia de los recursos virtuales para sostener las prácticas pedagógicas en el contexto de emergencia sanitaria (84%); especialmente destacan el uso de Google Meet para encuentros sincrónicos, Google Classroom como aula virtual, WhatsApp y correo electrónico como canales de comunicación. Las actitudes hacia las tecnologías desde el inicio de la pandemia experimentaron cambios positivos. Se identificaron valoraciones positivas de la enseñanza virtual, la cual fue considerada como posibilitadora de la continuidad y como favorecedora de mayor autogestión. Las valoraciones negativas estuvieron principalmente vinculadas con falta de interacción e imposibilidad de concertar trabajos prácticos y laboratorios.The COVID-19 pandemic affected the world in all areas and education was no exception. After the closure of the faceto-face activities, the continuity of the learning had to be guaranteed through virtuality. In this context, the purposes of the article are aimed at: 1) describing the educational routines of a group of engineering teachers; 2) analyze their attitudes towards technologies in education, before the pandemic and during it; 3) probe their positive and negative evaluations of virtual teaching in emergencies. A non-experimental, transectional and descriptive investigation was carried out. The data was collected from a survey administered through Google Forms to which 43 university professors responded. Quantitative and qualitative analyzes were carried out. The main results show that teachers valued the importance of virtual resources to sustain pedagogical practices in the context of health emergency (84%); Especially noteworthy is the use of Google Meet for synchronous meetings, Google Classroom as a virtual classroom, WhatsApp and email as communication channels. Attitudes towards technologies since the beginning of the pandemic underwent positive changes. Positive evaluations of virtual teaching were identified, which was considered as an enabler of continuity and as a facilitator of greater self-management. The negative evaluations were mainly related to a lack of interaction and the impossibility of arranging practical work and laboratories.Fil: Chiecher, Analía Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, Jacqueline Elizabet. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Schlegel, Daiana. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Clinical reasoning: What do nurses, physicians, and students reason about.

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    Clinical reasoning is a core ability in the health professions, but the term is conceptualised in multiple ways within and across professions. For interprofessional teamwork it is indispensable to recognise the differences in understanding between professions. Therefore, our aim was to investigate how nurses, physicians, and medical and nursing students define clinical reasoning. We conducted 43 semi-structured interviews with an interprofessional group from six countries and qualitatively analysed their definitions of clinical reasoning based on a coding guide. Our results showed similarities across professions, such as the emphasis on clinical skills as part of clinical reasoning. But we also revealed differences, such as a more patient-centered view and a broader understanding of the clinical reasoning concept in nurses and nursing students. The explicit sharing and discussion of differences in the understanding of clinical reasoning across health professions can provide valuable insights into the perspectives of different team members on clinical practice and education. This understanding may lead to improved interprofessional collaboration, and our study's categories and themes can serve as a basis for such discussions

    Conociendo algo más acerca de los ingresantes en carreras de ingeniería: Datos para las cohortes 2018 a 2021

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    El presente informe sistematiza datos correspondientes a cuatro cohortes de ingresantes en Carreras de ingeniería: 2018, 2019, 2020 y 2021.Para obtener datos sobre la población referida se administró un cuestionario de autoinforme diseñado en formato online. La información fue recolectada, en cada ciclo lectivo (2018, 2019, 2020 y 2021), al finalizar el cursado del primer cuatrimestre. Cabe precisar que para todas las ingenierías, se contemplan asignaturas de cursado cuatrimestral.Fil: Moreno, Jacqueline Elizabet. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Chiecher, Analía Claudia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Schlegel, Daiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Paoloni, Paola Veronica Rita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Conociendo algo más acerca de los ingresantes en carreras de ingeniería: Datos para las cohortes 2018 a 2021

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    El presente informe sistematiza datos correspondientes a cuatro cohortes de ingresantes en Carreras de ingeniería: 2018, 2019, 2020 y 2021.Para obtener datos sobre la población referida se administró un cuestionario de autoinforme diseñado en formato online. La información fue recolectada, en cada ciclo lectivo (2018, 2019, 2020 y 2021), al finalizar el cursado del primer cuatrimestre. Cabe precisar que para todas las ingenierías, se contemplan asignaturas de cursado cuatrimestral.Fil: Moreno, Jacqueline Elizabet. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Chiecher, Analía Claudia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Schlegel, Daiana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Paoloni, Paola Veronica Rita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Understanding the Astrophysics of Galaxy Evolution: the role of spectroscopic surveys in the next decade

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    Over the last decade optical spectroscopic surveys have characterized the low redshift galaxy population and uncovered populations of star-forming galaxies back to z ~ 7. This work has shown that the primary epoch of galaxy building and black hole growth occurs at redshifts of 2 to 3. The establishment of the concordance LCDM cosmology shifted the focus of galaxy population studies from constraining cosmological parameters to characterizing the processes which regulate the formation and evolution of galaxies.In the next decade, high redshift observers will attempt to formulate a coherent evolutionary picture connecting galaxies in the high redshift Universe to galaxies today. In order to link galaxy populations at different redshifts, we must not only characterize their evolution in a systematic way, we must establish which physical processes are responsible for it. Considerable progress has already been made in understanding how galaxies evolved from z ~ 1 to the present day. Large spectroscopic surveys in the near infrared are required to push these studies back towards the main epoch of galaxy building. Only then will we understand the full story of the formation of L* galaxies like our own Milky Way. A large near-IR spectroscopic survey will also provide the calibration needed to avoid systematics in the large photometric programs proposed to study the nature of dark matter and dark energy. We provide an outline design for a multi-object 0.4 to 1.8 micron spectrograph, which could be placed on an existing telescope, and which would allow a full characterization of the galaxy population out to z ~ 2. We strongly recommend a serious further study to design a real instrument, which will be required for galaxy formation studies to advance to the next frontier.Comment: White paper, primary author J.E. Gunn, submitted to Astro2010 Decadal Survey, see http://www7.nationalacademies.org/bpa/Astro2010_SWP_byTitle.htm

    Pulsating Variable Stars in the Coma Berenices dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present B, V, I time-series photometry of the Coma Berenices dwarf spheroidal galaxy, a faint Milky Way satellite, recently discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We have obtained V, B-V and V, V-I color-magnitude diagrams that reach V~23.0-23.2 mag showing the galaxy turnoff at V~21.7 mag, and have performed the first study of the variable star population of this new Milky Way companion. Two RR Lyrae stars (a fundamental-mode -RRab- and a first overtone -RRc- pulsator) and a short period variable with period P=0.12468 days were identified in the galaxy. The RRab star has a rather long period of P_ab=0.66971 days and is about 0.2 mag brighter than the RRc variable and other non-variable stars on the galaxy horizontal branch. In the period-amplitude diagram the RRab variable falls closer to the loci of Oosterhoff type-II systems and evolved fundamental-mode RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic globular cluster M3. The average apparent magnitude of the galaxy horizontal branch, =18.64+-0.04 mag, leads to a distance modulus for the Coma dSph mu_0=18.13+-0.08 mag, corresponding to a distance d=42^{+2}_{-1} kpc, by adopting a reddening E(B-V) = 0.045 +- 0.015 mag and a metallicity [Fe/H]=-2.53 +- 0.05 dex.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: single-probe measurements from CMASS anisotropic galaxy clustering

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    With the largest spectroscopic galaxy survey volume drawn from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), we can extract cosmological constraints from the measurements of redshift and geometric distortions at quasi-linear scales (e.g. above 50 h1h^{-1}Mpc). We analyze the broad-range shape of the monopole and quadrupole correlation functions of the BOSS Data Release 12 (DR12) CMASS galaxy sample, at the effective redshift z=0.59z=0.59, to obtain constraints on the Hubble expansion rate H(z)H(z), the angular-diameter distance DA(z)D_A(z), the normalized growth rate f(z)σ8(z)f(z)\sigma_8(z), and the physical matter density Ωmh2\Omega_mh^2. We obtain robust measurements by including a polynomial as the model for the systematic errors, and find it works very well against the systematic effects, e.g., ones induced by stars and seeing. We provide accurate measurements {DA(0.59)rs,fid/rs\{D_A(0.59)r_{s,fid}/r_s Mpc\rm Mpc, H(0.59)rs/rs,fidH(0.59)r_s/r_{s,fid} kms1Mpc1km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}, f(0.59)σ8(0.59)f(0.59)\sigma_8(0.59), Ωmh2}\Omega_m h^2\} = {1427±26\{1427\pm26, 97.3±3.397.3\pm3.3, 0.488±0.0600.488 \pm 0.060, 0.135±0.016}0.135\pm0.016\}, where rsr_s is the comoving sound horizon at the drag epoch and rs,fid=147.66r_{s,fid}=147.66 Mpc is the sound scale of the fiducial cosmology used in this study. The parameters which are not well constrained by our galaxy clustering analysis are marginalized over with wide flat priors. Since no priors from other data sets, e.g., cosmic microwave background (CMB), are adopted and no dark energy models are assumed, our results from BOSS CMASS galaxy clustering alone may be combined with other data sets, i.e., CMB, SNe, lensing or other galaxy clustering data to constrain the parameters of a given cosmological model. The uncertainty on the dark energy equation of state parameter, ww, from CMB+CMASS is about 8 per cent. The uncertainty on the curvature fraction, Ωk\Omega_k, is 0.3 per cent. We do not find deviation from flat Λ\LambdaCDM.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. The latest version matches and the accepted version by MNRAS. A bug in the first version has been identified and fixed in the new version. We have redone the analysis with newest data (BOSS DR12

    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey : cosmological implications of the full shape of the clustering wedges in the data release 10 and 11 galaxy samples

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    We explore the cosmological implications of the angle-averaged correlation function, ξ(s), and the clustering wedges, ξ⊥(s) and ξ∥(s), of the LOWZ and CMASS galaxy samples from Data Releases 10 and 11 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. Our results show no significant evidence for a deviation from the standard Λ cold dark matter model. The combination of the information from our clustering measurements with recent data from the cosmic microwave background is sufficient to constrain the curvature of the Universe to Ωk = 0.0010 ± 0.0029, the total neutrino mass to ∑mν < 0.23 eV (95 per cent confidence level), the effective number of relativistic species to Neff = 3.31 ± 0.27 and the dark energy equation of state to wDE = −1.051 ± 0.076. These limits are further improved by adding information from Type Ia supernovae and baryon acoustic oscillations from other samples. In particular, this data set combination is completely consistent with a time-independent dark energy equation of state, in which case we find wDE = −1.024 ± 0.052. We explore the constraints on the growth rate of cosmic structures assuming f(z) = Ωm(z)γ and obtain γ = 0.69 ± 0.15, consistent with the predictions of general relativity of γ = 0.55.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey data release 12 : galaxy target selection and large-scale structure catalogues

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    The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) III project, has provided the largest survey of galaxy redshifts available to date, in terms of both the number of galaxy redshifts measured by a single survey, and the effective cosmological volume covered. Key to analysing the clustering of these data to provide cosmological measurements is understanding the detailed properties of this sample. Potential issues include variations in the target catalogue caused by changes either in the targeting algorithm or properties of the data used, the pattern of spectroscopic observations, the spatial distribution of targets for which redshifts were not obtained, and variations in the target sky density due to observational systematics. We document here the target selection algorithms used to create the galaxy samples that comprise BOSS. We also present the algorithms used to create large-scale structure catalogues for the final Data Release (DR12) samples and the associated random catalogues that quantify the survey mask. The algorithms are an evolution of those used by the BOSS team to construct catalogues from earlier data, and have been designed to accurately quantify the galaxy sample. The code used, designated mksample, is released with this paper.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Blinatumomab in pediatric relapsed/refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: RIALTO expanded access study final analysis

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    The safety and efficacy of blinatumomab, a CD3/CD19-directed bispecific molecule, were examined in an open-label, single-arm, expanded access study (RIALTO). Children (>28 days and <18 years) with CD19+ relapsed/refractory B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (R/R B-ALL) received up to 5 cycles of blinatumomab by continuous infusion (cycle: 4 weeks on/2 weeks off). The primary end point was incidence of adverse events. Secondary end points included complete response (CR) and measurable residual disease (MRD) response within the first 2 cycles and relapse-free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS), and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (alloHSCT) after treatment. At final data cutoff (10 January 2020), 110 patients were enrolled (median age, 8.5 years; 88% had ≥5% baseline blasts). A low incidence of grade 3 or 4 cytokine release syndrome (n = 2; 1.8%) and neurologic events (n = 4; 3.6%) was reported; no blinatumomab-related fatal adverse events were recorded. The probability of response was not affected by the presence of cytogenetic/molecular abnormalities. Median OS was 14.6 months (95% confidence interval [CI]: 11.0-not estimable) and was significantly better for MRD responders vs MRD nonresponders (not estimable vs 9.3; hazard ratio, 0.18; 95% CI: 0.08-0.39). Of patients achieving CR after 2 cycles, 73.5% (95% CI: 61.4%-83.5%) proceeded to alloHSCT. One-year OS probability was higher for patients who received alloHSCT vs without alloHSCT after blinatumomab (87% vs 29%). These findings support the use of blinatumomab as a safe and efficacious treatment of pediatric R/R B-ALL. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT02187354