9 research outputs found

    Pseudomodes and the corresponding transformation of the temperature-dependent bath correlation function

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    In open system approaches with non-Markovian environments, the process of inserting an individual mode (denoted as "pseudomode") into the bath or extracting it from the bath is widely employed. This procedure, however, is typically performed on basis of the spectral density (SD) and does not incorporate temperature. Here, we show how the - temperature-dependent - bath correlation function (BCF) transforms in such a process. We present analytic formulae for the transformed BCF and numerically study the differences between factorizing initial state and global thermal (correlated) initial state of mode and bath, respectively. We find that in the regime of strong coupling of the mode to both system and bath, the differences in the BCFs give rise to pronounced differences in the dynamics of the system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent versus incoherent excitation dynamics in dissipative many-body Rydberg systems

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    We study the impact of dephasing on the excitation dynamics of a cloud of ultracold two-level Rydberg atoms for both resonant and off-resonant laser excitation, using the wave function Monte Carlo (MCWF) technique. We find that while for resonant laser driving, dephasing mainly leads to an increase of the Rydberg population and a decrease of the Mandel Q parameter, at off-resonant driving strong dephasing toggles between direct excitation of pairs of atoms and subsequent excitation of single atoms, respectively. These two excitation mechanisms can be directly quantified via the pair correlation function, which shows strong suppression of the two-photon resonance peak for strong dephasing. Consequently, qualitatively different dynamics arise in the excitation statistics for weak and strong dephasing in off-resonant excitation. Our findings show that time-resolved excitation number measurements can serve as a powerful tool to identify the dominating process in the system's excitation dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Collective excitation of Rydberg-atom ensembles beyond the N\sqrt{N} enhancement

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    In an ensemble of laser-driven atoms involving strongly interacting Rydberg states, the excitation probability is usually strongly suppressed. In contrast, here we identify a regime in which the steady-state Rydberg excited fraction is enhanced by the interaction. This effect is associated with the build-up of many-body coherences, induced by coherent multi-photon excitations between collective states. The excitation enhancement should be observable under currently-existing experimental conditions, and may serve as a direct probe for the presence of coherent multi-photon dynamics involving collective quantum states.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure


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