14 research outputs found

    Efficiency of noninvasive sampling methods (swab) together with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for diagnosing American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis

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    Traditional diagnostic methods used to detect American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis, such as histopathology using biopsy samples, culture techniques, and direct search for parasites, have low sensitivity and require invasive collection procedures. This study evaluates the efficiency of noninvasive sampling methods (swab) along with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for diagnosing American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis using skin and mucous samples from 25 patients who had tested positive for leishmaniasis. The outcome of the tests performance on swab samples was compatible with PCR results on biopsy samples. The findings have also shown that PCR-kDNA test is more efficient than PCR-HSP70 and qPCR tests (sensitivity of 92.3%, 40.7%, and 41%, respectively). Given the high sensitivity of the tests and the fact that the sampling method using swabs affords greater patient comfort and safety, it could be said that this method is a promising alternative to conventional biopsy-based methods for the molecular diagnosis of leishmaniasis


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    Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência e perfil de susceptibilidade antimicrobiana das espécies bacterianas mais isoladas nas pontas de cateteres venosos centrais de pacientes atendidos em um hospital de médio porte do noroeste do Paraná. Método: Estudo retrospectivo, realizado no período de junho de 2015 a junho de 2016, mediante aprovação do Comitê de Ética. Foram avaliados 100 laudos de culturas e antibiogramas de pontas de cateteres venoso central. Resultados: Oitenta e seis amostras das amostras apresentaram-se positivas, houve maior prevalência de Acinetobacter baumannii (24,4%), Staphylococcus aureus (24,4%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (23,2%) e Staphylococcus coagulase negativa (17,4%). As cepas de Acinetobacter baumannii apresentaram alta sensibilidade a Tetraciclina, Ampicilina Subactam e Gentamicina. Encontrou-se elevada prevalência das cepas S. aureus resistentes a Meticilina/Oxacilina (MRSA) e Staphylococcus coagulase negativa resistentes a Meticilina/Oxacilina (MRSCN). Conclusão: O uso de cateter venoso central é um recurso terapêutico importante na assistência a pacientes internados em UTI, porém foi demonstrado prevalência elevada de microrganismos (86%) e microrganismos resistentes aos antimicrobianos, podendo favorecer a ocorrência de infecção relacionada à assistência em saúde nestes pacientes.&nbsp

    Brecciation at the grain scale within the lithologies of the Winchcombe Mighei‐like carbonaceous chondrite

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    The Mighei‐like carbonaceous (CM) chondrites have been altered to various extents by water–rock reactions on their parent asteroid(s). This aqueous processing has destroyed much of the primary mineralogy of these meteorites, and the degree of alteration is highly heterogeneous at both the macroscale and nanoscale. Many CM meteorites are also heavily brecciated juxtaposing clasts with different alteration histories. Here we present results from the fine‐grained team consortium study of the Winchcombe meteorite, a recent CM chondrite fall that is a breccia and contains eight discrete lithologies that span a range of petrologic subtypes (CM2.0–2.6) that are suspended in a cataclastic matrix. Coordinated multitechnique, multiscale analyses of this breccia reveal substantial heterogeneity in the extent of alteration, even in highly aqueously processed lithologies. Some lithologies exhibit the full range and can comprise nearly unaltered coarse‐grained primary components that are found directly alongside other coarse‐grained components that have experienced complete pseudomorphic replacement by secondary minerals. The preservation of the complete alteration sequence and pseudomorph textures showing tochilinite–cronstedtite intergrowths are replacing carbonates suggest that CMs may be initially more carbonate rich than previously thought. This heterogeneity in aqueous alteration extent is likely due to a combination of microscale variability in permeability and water/rock ratio generating local microenvironments as has been established previously. Nevertheless, some of the disequilibrium mineral assemblages observed, such as hydrous minerals juxtaposed with surviving phases that are typically more fluid susceptible, can only be reconciled by multiple generations of alteration, disruption, and reaccretion of the CM parent body at the grain scale

    Quantitative measurement of olivine composition in three dimensions using helical-scan X-ray micro-tomography

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    Olivine is a key constituent in the silicate Earth; its composition and texture informs petrogenetic understanding of numerous rock types. Here we develop a quantitative and reproducible method to measure olivine composition in three dimensions without destructive analysis, meaning full textural context is maintained. The olivine solid solution between forsterite and fayalite was measured using a combination of three-dimensional (3D) X-ray imaging techniques, 2D backscattered electron imaging, and spot-analyses using wavelength-dispersive electron probe microanalysis. The linear attenuation coefficient of natural crystals across a range of forsterite content from ∼73–91 mol% were confirmed to scale linearly with composition using 53, 60, and 70 kV monochromatic beams at I12-JEEP beamline, Diamond Light Source utilizing the helical fly-scan acquisition. A polychromatic X-ray source was used to scan the same crystals, which yielded image contrast equivalent to measuring the mol% of forsterite with an accuracy of 3 mm domains within a large crystal of San Carlos forsterite that varies by ∼2 Fo mol%. This offers a solution to an outstanding question of inter-laboratory standardization, and also demonstrates the utility of 3D, non-destructive, chemical measurement. To our knowledge, this study is the first to describe the application of XMT to quantitative chemical measurement across a mineral solid solution. Our approach may be expanded to calculate the chemistry of other mineral systems in 3D, depending upon the number, chemistry, and density of end-members

    Brecciation at the grain scale within the lithologies of the Winchcombe Mighei-like carbonaceous chondrite

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    The Mighei‐like carbonaceous (CM) chondrites have been altered to various extents by water–rock reactions on their parent asteroid(s). This aqueous processing has destroyed much of the primary mineralogy of these meteorites, and the degree of alteration is highly heterogeneous at both the macroscale and nanoscale. Many CM meteorites are also heavily brecciated juxtaposing clasts with different alteration histories. Here we present results from the fine‐grained team consortium study of the Winchcombe meteorite, a recent CM chondrite fall that is a breccia and contains eight discrete lithologies that span a range of petrologic subtypes (CM2.0–2.6) that are suspended in a cataclastic matrix. Coordinated multitechnique, multiscale analyses of this breccia reveal substantial heterogeneity in the extent of alteration, even in highly aqueously processed lithologies. Some lithologies exhibit the full range and can comprise nearly unaltered coarse‐grained primary components that are found directly alongside other coarse‐grained components that have experienced complete pseudomorphic replacement by secondary minerals. The preservation of the complete alteration sequence and pseudomorph textures showing tochilinite–cronstedtite intergrowths are replacing carbonates suggest that CMs may be initially more carbonate rich than previously thought. This heterogeneity in aqueous alteration extent is likely due to a combination of microscale variability in permeability and water/rock ratio generating local microenvironments as has been established previously. Nevertheless, some of the disequilibrium mineral assemblages observed, such as hydrous minerals juxtaposed with surviving phases that are typically more fluid susceptible, can only be reconciled by multiple generations of alteration, disruption, and reaccretion of the CM parent body at the grain scale

    Non-invasive diagnostic method of evaluation for American tegumentar leishmaniasis by polymerase chain reaction

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    Introdução: O diagnóstico etiológico da leishmaniose tegumentar baseia-se na detecção do parasito em amostras de lesão colhida por método invasivo. A detecção de DNA do parasito, através da PCR, poderia ser uma alternativa mais sensível, porém não está disponível na rotina diagnóstica e foi padronizada em amostras clínicas colhidas por métodos invasivos, tais como raspado, aspirado ou biópsia da lesão. Uma proposta para o diagnóstico de leishmaniose tegumentar seria a obtenção de material de lesão (mucosa ou cutânea) através de métodos de coleta menos invasivos e que fosse possível detectar DNA do parasito a partir de pequenas quantidades de amostra clínica. Neste trabalho avaliamos a eficácia da PCR, em amostras colhidas por método não invasivo (swab de lesão) como ferramenta para ser utilizada no diagnóstico de leishmaniose (mucosa e cutânea localizada), bem como para detecção precoce de Leishmania em mucosa de pacientes com lesão cutânea ativa e como ferramenta de avaliação de resposta terapêutica na leishmaniose mucosa. Metodologia: Entre os meses de agosto de 2013 a julho de 2015 foram selecionados 57 pacientes no ambulatório de Leishmanioses do Instituto de Infectologia Emilio Ribas, dos quais foram coletadas amostras de lesão cutânea ou mucosa através de swab e de biópsia das lesões. Em paralelo, foi realizada rotina laboratorial para diagnóstico de leishmaniose nos pacientes que apresentavam lesão ativa (anatomopatológico, pesquisa e cultura de Leishmania, sorologia e teste de Montenegro). As amostras colhidas por biópsia ou swab foram avaliadas através da reação em cadeia da polimerase tendo como alvos o minicírculo do DNA do cinetoplasto (kDNA) de Leishmania para PCR convencional e o gene da proteína de choque térmico 70Kda (Hsp70) para PCR convencional e PCR em tempo real. Resultados: A detecção de DNA de Leishmania em amostras colhidas por swab de lesões ativas foi semelhante as das amostras colhidas por biópsia das mesmas lesões. Quando comparado aos métodos comumente empregados no diagnóstico da leishmaniose tegumentar, a PCR em material colhido por swab apresentou desempenho superior. Foi demostrado que utilizando os iniciadores para o alvo kDNA obtivemos maior eficácia quando comparado com o alvo Hsp70, seja pela PCR convencional como pela PCR em tempo real (sensibilidade de 94.1%, 42.4% e 39.4%, respectivamente). Ao analisarmos amostras de pacientes já tratados para leishmaniose mucosa observamos positividade de 86% para kDNA e de 22% para Hsp70. Nas amostras de mucosa nasal íntegra e com leishmaniose cutânea ativa, coletadas com swab para detecção precoce da doença, obteve-se 92.9% de positividade com kDNA e 28.6% com Hsp70. Conclusões: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o método de coleta de amostra biológica através do swab para o diagnóstico molecular da leishmaniose tegumentar apresenta eficácia comparada com o método de coleta por biópsia. A detecção de DNA em amostras colhidas por swab permite analisar a presença de DNA do parasito em tecido sem lesão, podendo detectar a presença de Leishmania mesmo antes de alterações clínicas estarem presentes. A monitorização da resposta terapêutica da leishmaniose mucosa pode ser feita através da detecção de DNA de Leishmania em amostras colhidas por swabIntroduction: Etiologic diagnosis of tegumentary leishmaniasis is based on the detection of the parasite in injury samples collected by invasive method. DNA detection of the parasite by PCR, could be a more sensible alternative, but is not available in routine practice and it was standardized in clinical samples by invasive methods such as scrapes, aspirate or biopsy of the lesion. A proposal for the diagnosis of tegumentary leishmaniasis lesions would obtaining material (cutaneous or mucosal) through less invasive collection methods, and it was possible to detect parasite DNA from small quantities of clinical specimen. In this study we evaluate the effectiveness of the PCR in samples collected by non-invasive method (swab injury) as a tool to be used in the diagnosis of leishmaniasis (mucosal and localized cutaneous), as well as for early detection of Leishmania in mucosa from patients with cutaneous lesions active and as an evaluation tool of therapeutic response in mucosal leishmaniasis. Methodology: Between August 2013 to July 2015 were selected 57 patients from the Leishmaniasis out clinic from the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emilio Ribas, which samples of cutaneous lesion or mucosa were collected by swab and biopsy of the lesions. In parallel, routine laboratory was carried out for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis in patients with active lesions (histopathology, search and Leishmania culture, serology and Montenegro skin test antigen). The samples taken by biopsy or swab were assessed by polymerase chain reaction having as targets the minicircle kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) of Leishmania for conventional PCR and gene heat shock protein 70kDa (Hsp70) for conventional PCR and real-time PCR. Results: Leishmania DNA detection in samples taken by swab of active lesions was similar to the samples taken by biopsy from the same lesion. When compared to the methods commonly used in the diagnosis of tegumentary leishmaniasis, PCR material collected by swab showed superior performance. It was shown that using the primers for the target kDNA obtained more effectively compared with the target Hsp70, or by conventional PCR and by real-time PCR (sensitivity 94.1%, 42.4% and 39.4%, respectively). When analyzing samples from patients already treated for mucosal leishmaniasis observed positivity of 86% to kDNA and 22% for Hsp70. Samples of nasal mucosa and active cutaneous leishmaniasis, collected by swab for early detection of disease, it obtained 92.9% positivity with kDNA and 28.6% with Hsp70. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the biological sample collection method using the swab for the molecular diagnosis of tegumentary leishmaniasis had compared efficacy with biopsy collection method. The DNA detection collected by swab samples allows to analyze the presence of DNA of the parasite in tissue without damage and can detect the presence of Leishmania even before clinical changes are present. The monitoring of therapeutic response mucosal leishmaniasis can be made by Leishmania DNA detection in samples per swa


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    The beef consumption by Brazilian population has increased in recent years. However, the processing of this product can facilitate its contamination by microorganisms and trigger outbreaks of food infections. Based on the previous information, the present study aimed to evaluate the hygienic sanitary quality of ground beef marketed in 20 butcheries in the city of Sarandi, PR. Samples of 50 grams of the product were collected in each establishment. Then, the presence of total and thermotolerant coliforms was evaluated by Most Probable Number technique and Salmonella spp. by the growth in a specific medium. The presence of thermotolerant coliform was observed in all sample analyzed, but in none of them had growth of Salmonella spp. The presence of Escherichia coli in foods indicate a failure in the hygienic sanitary procedures, emphasizing the importance of implementing tools that promote improvement in the good hygiene practices, to reduce the contamination index of these products and to increase the quality of customer’s life