67 research outputs found

    Diseño y Evaluación de un Proceso de Formación en Habilidades Comunicativas para la Docencia

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un proceso de investigación-acción centrado en el análisis y evaluación del diseño y los resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura “Habilidades comunicativas para profesores”, que se imparte en el Máster en Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, FP y Enseñanzas de Idiomas, Artísticas y Deportivas en la Universidad de Zaragoza. La asignatura pretende capacitar a los futuros profesores para identificar, observar críticamente y poner en práctica habilidades de comunicación oral relacionadas con las principales formas discursivas de la actividad docente (expositivas, argumentativas y dialógicas), partiendo del presupuesto inicial de que determinadas estrategias comunicativas contribuyen a facilitar los aprendizajes. La fundamentación teórica adopta el paradigma de educación como una situación de comunicación entre profesor y alumnos. A partir de ello, se hace especial hincapié en el dominio de los diversos géneros discursivos docentes y las estrategias retóricas a través de diversas prácticas, algunas en el contexto real de los centros de Secundaria. Los resultados de aprendizaje y el grado de satisfacción de los estudiantes han sido objeto de evaluación mediante instrumentos cuantitativos y cualitativos. En conjunto, los resultados permiten afirmar que esta asignatura resulta altamente eficaz y relevante para la formación del profesorado de Secundaria. This paper presents the results of a process of action research focused on analysing and evaluating both the curriculum and the results of "Communicattvle Skills for Future Teachers", an optional course offered within the Teacher''s Training Master of the University of Zaragoza. One of the aims of this course is to train the future teachers in older to identify, recognize and critically valorise oral skills and genres that are used in classrooms in Middle Education. Therefore at the end of the course it is expected for the Students to be able to master the principal genres for teaching (exposition, argumentation, dialogue), inso-far as these communicative strategies can increase the quality of teaching. The theoretical framework of this work is based upon the idea that learning is essentially a communicate situation where teachers and students are involved. So the training is basically focused on mastering oral skills and rhetorical strategies through practical activities, some of them made in real Middle Education classrooms. Considering all that, through different tools, we evaluated the learning results and the satisfaction degree of the students. And, in brief, the results allow us to conclude that this course is highly useful for the training of future teachers

    J-PLUS: analysis of the intracluster light in the Coma cluster

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    The intracluster light (ICL) is a luminous component of galaxy clusters composed of stars that are gravitationally bound to the cluster potential but do not belong to the individual galaxies. Previous studies of the ICL have shown that its formation and evolution are intimately linked to the evolutionary stage of the cluster. Thus, the analysis of the ICL in the Coma cluster will give insights into the main processes driving the dynamics in this highly complex system. Using a recently developed technique, we measure the ICL fraction in Coma at several wavelengths, using the J-PLUS unique filter system. The combination of narrow- and broadband filters provides valuable information on the dynamical state of the cluster, the ICL stellar types, and the morphology of the diffuse light. We use the Chebyshev-Fourier Intracluster Light Estimator (CICLE) to disentangle the ICL from the light of the galaxies, and to robustly measure the ICL fraction in seven J-PLUS filters. We obtain the ICL fraction distribution of the Coma cluster at different optical wavelengths, which varies from 7%21%\sim 7\%-21\%, showing the highest values in the narrowband filters J0395, J0410, and J0430. This ICL fraction excess is distinctive pattern recently observed in dynamically active clusters (mergers), indicating a higher amount of bluer stars in the ICL compared to the cluster galaxies. Both the high ICL fractions and the excess in the bluer filters are indicative of a merging state. The presence of younger/lower-metallicity stars the ICL suggests that the main mechanism of ICL formation for the Coma cluster is the stripping of the stars in the outskirts of infalling galaxies and, possibly, the disruption of dwarf galaxies during past/ongoing mergers.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&

    J-PLUS DR3: Galaxy-Star-Quasar classification

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    The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) is a 12-band photometric survey using the 83-cm JAST telescope. Data Release 3 includes 47.4 million sources (29.8 million with r21r \le 21) on 3192 deg2^2 (2881 deg2^2 after masking). J-PLUS DR3 only provides star-galaxy classification so that quasars are not identified from the other sources. Given the size of the dataset, machine learning methods could provide a valid alternative classification and a solution to the classification of quasars. Our objective is to classify J-PLUS DR3 sources into galaxies, stars and quasars, outperforming the available classifiers in each class. We use an automated machine learning tool called {\tt TPOT} to find an optimized pipeline to perform the classification. The supervised machine learning algorithms are trained on the crossmatch with SDSS DR12, LAMOST DR7 and \textit{Gaia} DR3. We checked that the training set of about 570 thousand galaxies, one million stars and 220 thousand quasars is both representative and pure to a good degree. We considered 37 features: besides the twelve photometric bands with their errors, six colors, four morphological parameters, galactic extinction with its error and the PSF relative to the corresponding pointing. After exploring numerous pipeline possibilities through the TPOT genetic algorithm, we found that XGBoost provides the best performance: the AUC for galaxies, stars and quasars is above 0.99 and the average precision is above 0.99 for galaxies and stars and 0.94 for quasars. XGBoost outperforms the star-galaxy classifiers already provided in J-PLUS DR3 and also efficiently classifies quasars. We also found that photometry was very important in the classification of quasars, showing the relevance of narrow-band photometry.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure

    J-PLUS: Tools to identify compact planetary nebulae in the Javalambre and southern photometric local universe surveys

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    From the approximately \sim3,500 planetary nebulae (PNe) discovered in our Galaxy, only 14 are known to be members of the Galactic halo. Nevertheless, a systematic search for halo PNe has never been performed. In this study, we present new photometric diagnostic tools to identify compact PNe in the Galactic halo by making use of the novel 12-filter system projects, J-PLUS (Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey) and S-PLUS (Southern-Photometric Local Universe Survey). We reconstructed the IPHAS (Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) Photometric Hα{\alpha} Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane) diagnostic diagram and propose four new ones using i) the J-PLUS and S-PLUS synthetic photometry for a grid of photo-ionisation models of halo PNe, ii) several observed halo PNe, as well as iii) a number of other emission-line objects that resemble PNe. All colour-colour diagnostic diagrams are validated using two known halo PNe observed by J-PLUS during the scientific verification phase and the first data release (DR1) of S-PLUS and the DR1 of J-PLUS. By applying our criteria to the DR1s (\sim1,190 deg2^2), we identified one PN candidate. However, optical follow-up spectroscopy proved it to be a H II region belonging to the UGC 5272 galaxy. Here, we also discuss the PN and two H II galaxies recovered by these selection criteria. Finally, the cross-matching with the most updated PNe catalogue (HASH) helped us to highlight the potential of these surveys, since we recover all the known PNe in the observed area. The tools here proposed to identify PNe and separate them from their emission-line contaminants proved to be very efficient thanks to the combination of many colours, even when applied -like in the present work- to an automatic photometric search that is limited to compact PNe

    J-PLUS: A first glimpse at spectrophotometry of asteroids -- The MOOJa catalog

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    Context: The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) is an observational campaign that aims to obtain photometry in 12 ultraviolet-visible filters (0.3-1 {\mu}m) of approximately 8 500 deg{^2} of the sky observable from Javalambre (Teruel, Spain). Due to its characteristics and strategy of observation, this survey will let us analyze a great number of Solar System small bodies, with improved spectrophotometric resolution with respect to previous large-area photometric surveys in optical wavelengths. Aims: The main goal of this work is to present here the first catalog of magnitudes and colors of minor bodies of the Solar System compiled using the first data release (DR1) of the J-PLUS observational campaign: the Moving Objects Observed from Javalambre (MOOJa) catalog. Methods: Using the compiled photometric data we obtained very-low-resolution reflectance (photospectra) spectra of the asteroids. We first used a {\sigma}-clipping algorithm in order to remove outliers and clean the data. We then devised a method to select the optimal solar colors in the J-PLUS photometric system. These solar colors were computed using two different approaches: on one hand, we used different spectra of the Sun, convolved with the filter transmissions of the J-PLUS system, and on the other, we selected a group of solar-type stars in the J-PLUS DR1, according to their computed stellar parameters. Finally, we used the solar colors to obtain the reflectance spectra of the asteroids. Results: We present photometric data in the J-PLUS filters for a total of 3 122 minor bodies (3 666 before outlier removal), and we discuss the main issues of the data, as well as some guidelines to solve the

    Massively Parallel RNA Sequencing Identifies a Complex Immune Gene Repertoire in the lophotrochozoan Mytilus edulis

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    The marine mussel Mytilus edulis and its closely related sister species are distributed world-wide and play an important role in coastal ecology and economy. The diversification in different species and their hybrids, broad ecological distribution, as well as the filter feeding mode of life has made this genus an attractive model to investigate physiological and molecular adaptations and responses to various biotic and abiotic environmental factors. In the present study we investigated the immune system of Mytilus, which may contribute to the ecological plasticity of this species. We generated a large Mytilus transcriptome database from different tissues of immune challenged and stress treated individuals from the Baltic Sea using 454 pyrosequencing. Phylogenetic comparison of orthologous groups of 23 species demonstrated the basal position of lophotrochozoans within protostomes. The investigation of immune related transcripts revealed a complex repertoire of innate recognition receptors and downstream pathway members including transcripts for 27 toll-like receptors and 524 C1q domain containing transcripts. NOD-like receptors on the other hand were absent. We also found evidence for sophisticated TNF, autophagy and apoptosis systems as well as for cytokines. Gill tissue and hemocytes showed highest expression of putative immune related contigs and are promising tissues for further functional studies. Our results partly contrast with findings of a less complex immune repertoire in ecdysozoan and other lophotrochozoan protostomes. We show that bivalves are interesting candidates to investigate the evolution of the immune system from basal metazoans to deuterostomes and protostomes and provide a basis for future molecular work directed to immune system functioning in Mytilus

    Chromatin regulation by Histone H4 acetylation at Lysine 16 during cell death and differentiation in the myeloid compartment

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    Histone H4 acetylation at Lysine 16 (H4K16ac) is a key epigenetic mark involved in gene regulation, DNA repair and chromatin remodeling, and though it is known to be essential for embryonic development, its role during adult life is still poorly understood. Here we show that this lysine is massively hyperacetylated in peripheral neutrophils. Genome-wide mapping of H4K16ac in terminally differentiated blood cells, along with functional experiments, supported a role for this histone post-translational modification in the regulation of cell differentiation and apoptosis in the hematopoietic system. Furthermore, in neutrophils, H4K16ac was enriched at specific DNA repeats. These DNA regions presented an accessible chromatin conformation and were associated with the cleavage sites that generate the 50 kb DNA fragments during the first stages of programmed cell death. Our results thus suggest that H4K16ac plays a dual role in myeloid cells as it not only regulates differentiation and apoptosis, but it also exhibits a non-canonical structural role in poising chromatin for cleavage at an early stage of neutrophil cell death

    J-PLUS: The javalambre photometric local universe survey

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    ABSTRACT: TheJavalambrePhotometric Local UniverseSurvey (J-PLUS )isanongoing 12-band photometricopticalsurvey, observingthousands of squaredegrees of theNorthernHemispherefromthededicated JAST/T80 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ). The T80Cam is a camera with a field of view of 2 deg2 mountedon a telescopewith a diameter of 83 cm, and isequippedwith a uniquesystem of filtersspanningtheentireopticalrange (3500–10 000 Å). Thisfiltersystemis a combination of broad-, medium-, and narrow-band filters, optimallydesigned to extracttherest-framespectralfeatures (the 3700–4000 Å Balmer break region, Hδ, Ca H+K, the G band, and the Mg b and Ca triplets) that are key to characterizingstellartypes and delivering a low-resolutionphotospectrumforeach pixel of theobservedsky. With a typicaldepth of AB ∼21.25 mag per band, thisfilter set thusallowsforanunbiased and accuratecharacterization of thestellarpopulation in our Galaxy, itprovidesanunprecedented 2D photospectralinformationforall resolved galaxies in the local Universe, as well as accuratephoto-z estimates (at the δ z/(1 + z)∼0.005–0.03 precisionlevel) formoderatelybright (up to r ∼ 20 mag) extragalacticsources. Whilesomenarrow-band filters are designedforthestudy of particular emissionfeatures ([O II]/λ3727, Hα/λ6563) up to z < 0.017, theyalsoprovidewell-definedwindowsfortheanalysis of otheremissionlines at higherredshifts. As a result, J-PLUS has thepotential to contribute to a widerange of fields in Astrophysics, both in thenearbyUniverse (MilkyWaystructure, globular clusters, 2D IFU-likestudies, stellarpopulations of nearby and moderate-redshiftgalaxies, clusters of galaxies) and at highredshifts (emission-line galaxies at z ≈ 0.77, 2.2, and 4.4, quasi-stellarobjects, etc.). Withthispaper, wereleasethefirst∼1000 deg2 of J-PLUS data, containingabout 4.3 millionstars and 3.0 milliongalaxies at r <  21mag. With a goal of 8500 deg2 forthe total J-PLUS footprint, thesenumbers are expected to rise to about 35 millionstars and 24 milliongalaxiesbytheend of thesurvey.Funding for the J-PLUS Project has been provided by the Governments of Spain and Aragón through the Fondo de Inversiones de Teruel, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; under grants AYA2017-86274-P, AYA2016-77846-P, AYA2016-77237-C3-1-P, AYA2015-66211-C2-1-P, AYA2015-66211-C2-2, AYA2012-30789, AGAUR grant SGR-661/2017, and ICTS-2009-14), and European FEDER funding (FCDD10-4E-867, FCDD13-4E-2685

    J-PLUS: Tools to identify compact planetary nebulae in the Javalambre and southern photometric local Universe surveys

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    Context. From the approximately 3500 planetary nebulae (PNe) discovered in our Galaxy, only 14 are known to be members of the Galactic halo. Nevertheless, a systematic search for halo PNe has never been performed. Aims. In this study, we present new photometric diagnostic tools to identify compact PNe in the Galactic halo by making use of the novel 12-filter system projects, Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) and Southern-Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS). Methods. We reconstructed the Isaac Newton Telescope Photometric H alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane diagnostic diagram and propose four new ones using (i) the J-PLUS and S-PLUS synthetic photometry for a grid of photo-ionisation models of halo PNe, (ii) several observed halo PNe, as well as (iii) a number of other emission-line objects that resemble PNe. All colour-colour diagnostic diagrams are validated using two known halo PNe observed by J-PLUS during the scientific verification phase and the first data release (DR1) of S-PLUS and the DR1 of J-PLUS. Results. By applying our criteria to the DR1s (similar to 1190 deg(2)), we identified one PN candidate. However, optical follow-up spectroscopy proved it to be a HII region belonging to the UGC 5272 galaxy. Here, we also discuss the PN and two HII galaxies recovered by these selection criteria. Finally, the cross-matching with the most updated PNe catalogue (HASH) helped us to highlight the potential of these surveys, since we recover all the known PNe in the observed area. Conclusions. The tools here proposed to identify PNe and separate them from their emission-line contaminants proved to be very efficient thanks to the combination of many colours, even when applied - like in the present work - to an automatic photometric search that is limited to compact PNe. © ESO 2020The authors acknowledge anonymous referee for very insightful comments and for helping us to significantly improve our paper. We thank J.A. Caballero and R. Lopes de Oliveira for their useful comments and suggestions. L.A.G.S. acknowledges the support of CAPES-the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education within the Ministry of Education of Brazil. D.R.G. thanks the partial support of CNPq (grant 304184/2016-0) and S.A. acknowledges CAPES for a fellowship from the National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD). L.G. was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 839090. R.L.O. was partially supported by the Brazilian agency CNPq (PQ 302037/2015-2). This work is based on observations made with the JAST/T80 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre (OAJ), in Teruel, owned, managed and operated by the Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon. Funding for the J-PLUS Project has been provided by the Governments of Spain and Aragon throug the Fondo de Inversiones de Teruel, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO: under grants AYA2015-66211-C2-1-P, AYA2015-66211-C2-2, AYA2012-30789 and ICTS-2009-14), and European FEDER funding (FCDD10-4E-867, FCDD13-4E-2685). The Brazilian agencies FAPESP and the National Observatory of Brazil have also contributed to this project. We acknowledge the OAJ Data Processing and Archiving Unit (UPAD) for reducing and calibrating the OAJ data used in this work. This study used data collected at the T80-South, a new 0.826 m telescope carried out by S-PLUS project. The T80-South robotic telescope (Mendes de Oliveira et al. 2019) was founded as a partnership between the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), the Observatorio Nacional (ON), the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), with important financial and practical contributions from other collaborating institutes in Brazil, Chile (Universidad de La Serena) and Spain (CEFCA). We want to thank to the S-PLUS team for the reducing and calibrating of the data. This research has made use of the HASH PN database at hashpn.space. Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions. SDSS-IV acknowledges support and resources from the Center for High-Performance Computing at the University of Utah. The SDSS web site is www.sdss.org. SDSS-IV is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS Collaboration including the Brazilian Participation Group, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Mellon University, the Chilean Participation Group, the French Participation Group, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, The Johns Hopkins University, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)/University of Tokyo, the Korean Participation Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Leibniz Institut fur Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik (MPA Garching), Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), National Astronomical Observatories of China, New Mexico State University, New York University, University of Notre Dame, Observatario Nacional / MCTI, The Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, United Kingdom Participation Group, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, University of Arizona, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Oxford, University of Portsmouth, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University.Peer reviewe