760 research outputs found

    The role of fungi in biodeterioration of sandstone with reference to Mahadev temple, Bastar, Chhatisgarh

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    Fungal ability in production of pigments and organic acids have crucial role in discoloration and degradation of different types of stone in cultural heritage objects. Additionally, stone objects may support novel communities of microorganisms that are active in biodeterioration process. This investigation focuses on mycological analysis of microbial biofilm from Mahadev temple, made of sandstone, and which was heavily colonized by fungi. The 22 fungal flora including filamentous micro fungi with specific distribution on sandstone substrate was isolated. During the investigation period it was observed that Aspergillus Scalrotium was found as dominant. The identified micro fungi cause discoloration, as well as mechanical exfoliation of building stone material that was analyzed through mechanical hyphae penetration and production of dark pigments and organic acids

    Isolation and Identification of Fungal Species and Scientific Preservation of World Heritage: Case of Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Fungi play a considerable role for the deterioration and widely recognized as major bio-deteriogens of cultural heritage depending on climatic conditions, humidity level and surface material for fungal colonization. The weathering of stone monuments is significantly increased by endolitic fungi. Fungi can deteriorate different substrates via various physical and chemical mechanisms. Hyphal growth and penetration into the substrate can cause symptoms like discoloration, bio-pitting, cricketing, exfoliation and patina formation. On the other hand, chemical mechanism includes acid secretion, release of extracellular enzymes, pigment production, oxidation/reduction reaction reactions and secondary mycogenic minerals formation. These process can lead to serious, both esthetic and structural alterations which may be irreversible and could permanently impair artwork. Proper isolation and identification of fungi by different microscopic technique and in vitro biodegradation tests are pivotal in understanding complex bio-deterioration mechanism caused by fungal deteriogens. Bio-deterioration and bio-degradation studies require multidisciplinary approach and close collaboration of microbiologists, chemists and different personnel responsible for safeguarding of cultural property and artifacts, especially restorers and conservators. This article provides information on fungi infesting historical monument of Fatehpur Sikri and their management by biocidal compounds. Present investigation was conducted to evaluate the status of fungal decay of stone monuments of Fatehpur Sikri. A total of 06 fungal species were isolated from colored stains, patinas and biofilms produced on the surfaces of monuments of Fatehpur Sikri due to mechanism of bio-deterioration. The fungal species Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium herbarum, and Rhizopus oryzae were prevalent.Acknowledgement Authors are gratitude to thanks Dr. Alok Tripathi, Director General, NRLC, Lucknow and Additional Director General, Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi & Dr. M.K. Bhatnager, Director (Scientific Preservation), Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi & Shri Mangey Ram Superintending Archaeological Chemist, Archaeological Survey of India, Science Branch, Agra for their encouragement and guidance

    Biodeterioramento e conservazione chimica del tempio Bhimkichak, Malhar, Chhatisgarh, India

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    Stone cultural heritage materials are at risk of bio-deterioration caused by diverse populations of microorganisms living in biofilms. The microbial metabolites of these biofilms are responsible for the deterioration of the underlying substratum and may lead to physical weakening and discoloration of stone [1,18]. Fungal ability in producing pigments and organic acids have a crucial role in the discoloration and degradation of different types of stone in cultural heritage objects. Additionally, stone objects may support the communities of microorganisms that are active in the biodeterioration process. This investigation focuses on the mycological analyses of microbial biofilm from the Bhimkichak temple, in Malhar of Bilaspur District of Chhattisgarh state which is made of sandstone, and is heavily colonized by fungi. Eight fungal species on the sandstone were isolated. Aspergillus sp. was observed, a common species in the stone structure of this monument . The identified micro fungi cause discoloration as well as mechanical exfoliation of the building stone material which was analyzed through mechanical hyphae penetration and production of dark pigments and organic acids.RiassuntoI materiali lapidei appartenenti ai beni culturali sono a rischio di biodeterioramento a causa della proliferazione dei microrganismi che entrano nella composizione dei biofilm. I metaboliti microbici di questi biofilm sono responsabili del degrado del substrato sottostante e possono portare a un indebolimento fisico e alterazione cromatica della superficie lapidea [1,18]. La capacità dei funghi di produrre pigmenti e acidi organici ha un ruolo fondamentale nel degrado di differenti tipi di pietra costituenti beni culturali. Inoltre, i materiali lapidei possono sostentare le comunità microbiche che sono attive nei processi di biodeterioramento fornendo dei composti che possono essere metabolizzati. Questo lavoro si focalizza sull’analisi micologica del biofilm microbico proveniente dal tempio Bhimkichak a Malhar, nel distretto Bilaspur dello stato di Chhattinsgarh, che è stato costruito in arenaria ed è estesamente colonizzato da funghi. Inquesto lavoro, sono state isolate otto specie fungine appartenenti ad Aspergillus sp. I micro-funghi identificati provocano decolorazione ed esfoliazione meccanica del materiale lapideo, a causa della penetrazione meccanica delle ife e della produzione di pigmenti scuri e acidi organici.Résumé Les matériaux pierreux appartenant aux biens culturels sont à risque de bio-détérioration à cause de la prolifération des micro-organismes qui entrent dans la composition des bio-films. Les métabolites microbiens de ces bio-films sont responsables de la dégradation du substrat sous-jacent et peuvent amener à un affaiblissement physique et à une altération chromatique de la surface pierreuse [1,18]. La capacité des champignons de produire des pigments et des acides organiques a un rôle fondamental dans la dégradation de différents types de pierre constituant les biens culturels. En outre, les matériaux pierreux peuvent sustenter les communautés microbiennes qui sont actives dans les processus de bio-détérioration fournissant des composés qui peuvent être métabolisés. Ce travail se focalise sur l’analyse mycologique du bio-film microbien provenant du temple Bhimkichak à Malhar, dans le district Bilaspur de l’état de Chhattinsgarh, qui a été construit en grès et est amplement colonisé par des champignons. Dans ce travail, ont été isolées huit espèces fongiques appartenant à Aspergillus sp. Les micro-champignons identifiés provoquent la décoloration et l’exfoliation mécanique du matériau pierreux, à cause de la pénétration mécanique des hyphes et de la production de pigments sombres et d’acides organiques.ZusammenfassungZu den Kulturgütern zählende Steinmaterialien unterliegen aufgrund der Proliferation der in die Zusammenstellung der Biofilme eintretenden Mikroorganismen einer Verwitterungsgefahr. Die mikrobischen Metabolite dieser Biofilme sind für den Verfall des darunter liegenden Substrats verantwortlich und können eine physische Schwächung sowie eine farbliche Änderung der Steinfläche bewirken. [1,18]. Die Fähigkeit von Pilzen, Pigmente und organische Säuren zu produzieren, spielt im Rahmen der Verwitterung der unterschiedlichen, das Denkmal bildenden Steinarten eine grundlegende Rolle. Darüber hinaus können Steinmaterialien in die Verwitterungsprozesse aktiv eingebundene Mikrobengemeinschaften erhalten, da sie umwandelbare Verbindungen liefern. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf eine im Tempel Bhimkichak in Malhar, im Bezirk Bilaspur des Staats Chhattinsgarh durchgeführte mykologische Analyse des mikrobischen Biofilms, im Rahmen derer die Sandsteinkonstruktion eine extreme Pilzbesiedelung aufwies. Im Verlauf dieser Tätigkeit wurden acht, dem Aspergillus sp. angehörige Pilzsorten isoliert. Die identifizierten Mikropilze verursachen durch die mechanische Penetration der Hyphen und die Produktion dunkler Pigmente sowie organischer Säuren einen Farb- verlust und die mechanische Abblätterung des Steinmaterials.ResumenLos materiales lapídeos que constituyen los bienes culturales están a riesgo de biodeterioro a causa de la proliferación de los microorganismos que entran en la composición de las biopelículas. Los metabolitos microbianos de estas biopelículas son responsables de la degradación del substrato subyacente y pueden causar una debilitación y alteración cromática de la superficie lapídea [1,18]. La capacidad de los hongos de producir pigmentos y ácidos orgánicos desempeña un papel fundamental en la degradación de diferentes tipos de piedra que constituyen los bienes culturales. Además, los materiales lapídeos pueden sustentar las comunidades microbianas activas en los procesos de biodeterioro proporcionando compuestos que se pueden metabolizar. Este artículo se centra en el análisis micológica de una biopelícula micróbica procedente del templo Bhimkichak en Malhar, en el distrito Bilaspur del Estado de Chhattinsgarh, construido en arenisca y ampliamente colonizado por hongos. En este trabajo, se han aislado ocho especies fungíneas que pertenecen a Aspergillus sp. Los micro-hongos identificados provocan la decoloración y exfoliación mecánica del material lapídeo, debido a la penetración mecánica de las hifas y a la producción de pigmentos oscuros y ácidos orgánicos.Резюме Каменный материал, являющий культурным достоянием, находится в состоянии биораспада по причине роста микроорганизмов, которые входят в составбиопленки. Микробные метаболиты этих биопленок виновны в ухудшении основного субстрата и могут привести к физическому ослаблению и изменению цвета каменной поверхности [1,18]. Способность грибов производить пигменты и органические кислоты играет очень важную роль в распаде различных видов камней, принадлежащих культурному наследию. Кроме этого, каменные материалы могут поддерживать микробные сообщества, активизирующиеся в процессах биоразложения, предоставляя компосты, которые могут быть метаболизированы. Данная работа сосредоточена на микологическом анализе микробной биопленки, взятой из храма Бхимкичак в Малхаре (район Биласпур, штат Чхаттинсгарх), который выстроен из песчаника и значительно покрыт грибами. В данной работе выделяются восемь видов грибов, относящихся к Aspergillus sp. Идентифицированные микрогрибы вызывают обесцвечивание и механическое отшелушивание каменного материала по причине механического проникновения гиф и выработке темных пигментов и органических кислот. Ամփոփում Մշակութային ժառանգության պատկանող քարե նյութերը բիոքայքայման ռիսկի են ենթարկվում շնորհիվ միկրոօրգանիզմների տարածմանը բիոֆիլմի կազմի մեջ: Այս բիոֆիլմերի մանրէաբանական նյութափոխանակիչները պատասխանատու են քարի մաշվելուն և կարող են հանգեցնել քարի մակերեսի ֆիզիկական թուլացման և գունաթափման [1,18]: Սնկերի ունակությունը արտադրել պիգմենտներ և օրգանական թթուներ մեծ ազդեցություն ունի տարբեր տիպի պատմական քարերի վրա: Ավելին, քարե նյութերը կարող են պահպանել մանրէաբանական խմբերը, որոնք ակտիվորեն նպաստում են քայքայմանը, տրամադրելով միացություններ, որ կարող են փոխակերպվել: Այս աշխատանքը նկարագրում է բիոֆիլմի միկոլոգիական մանրէաբանական վերլուծությանը Bhimkichak Malhar տաճարում, Chhattinsgarh պետության Bilaspur շրջանի, որը կառուցվել է ավազաքարով և լայնորեն բնակված է սունկերով: Այս աշխատանքում մեկուսացած են ութ տեսակի սունկեր որ պատկանում են Aspergillus Sp. տեսակին: Այս միկրո–սունկերը գունաթափում և մեխանիկական քայքայման են ենթարկում քարե նյութերը, որովհետև մեխանիկորեն մտնում էն քարի մեջ և արտադրում են մուգ գույնի պիգմենտներ և օրգանական թթուներ:


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    Chhattisgarh is a land of ancient culture, with many ancient monuments, temples and forts. Every nook and corner of Chhattisgarh has traditional heritage. There are numerous factors that affect the durability of stone. Stone surfaces are continuously exposed to physical, chemical and biological degradation. Physical, chemical, and biological agents act in co-association, ranging from synergistic to antagonistic and leading to deterioration. Among biological agents, micro-organisms are of critical importance in stone deterioration. They can cause various damages on the stone surface. Biodeterioration processes result from complex interactions of surface-invading microbes with each other, as well as with the surface material. The ability of fungi to produce pigments and organic acids is crucial for the discoloration and degradation of monuments. Air acts as a vehicle for the dispersion of microorganisms. They are introduced into air from different sources: soil, water, organic waste, plant leaves, sneezes and cough. This investigation focuses on the scientific conservation of The Sita Devi Temple of Deorbija DistricDurg, [Chhattisgarh]. The stone surface of the temple grew dark due to deposits of dust, dirt, dried vegetation and the growth of micro vegetation on the exterior as well as the interior portions

    Galvanostatic optimization of polyaniline coating on mild steel in tartrate medium for corrosion protection

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    82-87Optimization of polyaniline (PANI) coating on mild steel (MS) surface has been studied in 0.3 M aniline + 0.2 M sodium potassium tartrate (Na-K Tartrate) by galvanostatic polarization. The current densities of 0.5, 0.75. 1 and 2 mA cm-2 are used for the electrodeposition of PANI on MS. The obtained PANI coatings have been characterized for its morphology using an optical microscope and corrosion performance by using potentiodynamic polarization in 0.4 M Na2SO3 solution simulating an industrial environment. The results reveal a sequential process of dissolution of MS, passivation of MS by forming tartrate salt followed by oxidation of aniline monomer and subsequential nucleation and growth of PANI coating. It is found that the PANI coating obtained at 0.5 mA cm-2 results in better coating producing corrosion inhibition efficiency (IE) of approximately 90% compared to IE of about 75% for coating obtained at 2 mA cm-2

    Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) Plant–Endophyte Dynamics: Plant Growth, Nutrient Uptake, and Zinc Biofortification

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    Endophytic fungi and bacteria were isolated from finger millet and their effects on finger millet growth parameters and zinc and NPK contents in grains were studied. Out of 70 fungal and 112 bacterial endophytes, the two best fungal and bacterial isolates were selected on the basis of zinc solubilization and plant-growth-promoting attributes. The fungal isolates identified were Aspergillus terreus and Lecanicillium sp., and the bacterial isolates were Pseudomonas bijieensis and Priestia megaterium. The endophytic zinc, NPK mobilization, and plant-growth-promoting efficacy were determined in a pot experiment with zinc carbonate as the zinc source. Endophytic-primed plants showed enhanced shoot and root lengths compared to the unprimed control. Endophytes increased the zinc content in grains by between 12.12% and 18.80% compared to control plants. Endophytes also augmented the NPK concentrations in seeds compared to control plants and exhibited stability in a diverse range of pHs, temperatures, and NaCl concentrations, and exhibited growth on various carbohydrate and nitrogen sources. This is the first study reporting the interaction of Aspergillus terreus, Lecanicillium sp., Pseudomonas bijieensis, and Priestia megaterium with finger millet for grain Zn biofortification and NPK concentration enhancement. This study indicated that zinc-dissolving endophytes possess the potential for enhancing the zinc and NPK content in grains in addition to the plant-growth-promoting attributes

    Construire un système d’information participatif en appui au développement décentralisé dans le nouvel état « Andhra Pradesh » (Inde)

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    Le contexte : le défi d’un nouvel État dépossédé de son ancienne capitale et héritier d’une économie profondément déséquilibrée En 2014 l’ancien État d’Andhra Pradesh fut divisé en deux (figure 1), l’État du Telangana (TS), et le nouvel Andhra Pradesh (AP). Hyderabad, avec une population de près de 10 millions d’habitants et la majorité des infrastructures économiques de l’ancien État, devient la capitale du TS. L’AP fait face au défi de construire une nouvelle capitale et de réorganiser un rése..

    Bark Extract of Lantana camara in 1M HCl as Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel

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    Lantana camara, an invasive species that adversely affects habitant, bioregions and environment has been studied as corrosion inhibitor. Methanolic extract of barks of Lantana camara in 1 M hydrochloric acid was tested as corrosion inhibitor on mild steel using potentiodynamic polarization technique. The corrosion inhibition efficiency of extract varied with concentration of extract and immersion of time. The inhibition was found to increase with increase in concentration of the extract. The polarization behavior of mild steel revealed that maximum inhibition efficiency is 97.33 % and 89.93 % respectively in the 1000 and 200 ppm concentration of the inhibitor respectively. The results showed that the extract of the barks of Lantana camara served as a mixed type inhibitor

    Synthesis, structural, DFT calculations and biological studies of rhodium and iridium complexes containing azine Schiff-base ligands

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    The reaction of [Cp*MCl2]2 (M = Rh/Ir) with N-Nʹ azine Schiff-base ligands (L1-L4) leads to the formation of mononuclear cationic half-sandwich complexes having the general formula [Cp*M(L)Cl]+ (1–8), (M = Rh/Ir and L = (2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzylidene)2- pyridylamidrazone (L1), (2-hydroxybenzylidene)2-pyridylamidrazone (L2), (1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylidene)2-pyridylamidrazone (L3) and (1-phenylethylidene)2-pyridylamidrazone (L4). All these complexes were isolated as their hexafluorophosphate salts and fully characterized by spectroscopic and analytical techniques. The molecular structure of complexes (1), (3), (4), (7) and (8) have been determined by single crystal X-ray crystallographic studies which displayed the coordination of the ligand to the metal in a bidentate N∩N fashion through nitrogen atom of pyridine and one azine nitrogen. The chemo-sensitivity activities of the complexes were evaluated against HT-29 (human colorectal cancer) cell line and non-cancer cell line ARPE-19 (human retinal epithelial cells) which revealed that the complexes are moderately cytotoxic to cancer cells over human cells although complex 5 was the most potent among all the compounds. Theoretical studies carried out using DFT and TD-DFT at B3LYP level shows good agreement with the experimental results