47 research outputs found

    Sedimentology and depositional architecture of tufas deposited in stepped fluvial systems of changing slope: Lessons from the quaternary añamaza valley (Iberian Range, Spain)

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    The Pleistocene and Holocene tufas of the Añamaza valley (stepped build-ups, up to 70 m thick, along the valley) consist of several depositional stages separated by erosional surfaces. Eight associations of tufa and related carbonate facies, plus minor polygenic detrital facies, represent the processes that occurred in different fluvial and related environments. The bedrock lithology and structure controlled the location of the knickpoints along the valley and allowed separation of two stepped stretches with distinct conceptual facies models. The moderate-slope model includes extensive standing-water areas dammed by barrage-cascades. In the lakes, bioclastic silts, sands and limestones along with phytoclastic and marly, at places peaty, sediments formed. Abundant stem phytoherms account for extensive palustrine areas. The high-slope model consists of smaller dammed areas between close-up cascades and barrage-cascades, which were composed primarily of moss phytoherms and phytoclastic tufas. An outstanding feature is the extensive steep reach with phytoclastic and polygenic detrital sediments, and stepped cascades consisting of stromatolitic and moss phytoherms. There, the steep slope limited the preservation of stem phytoherms and favoured erosion. The geometry and thickness of the sedimentary fill (wedge-shaped units composed of cascade and barrage-cascade deposits downstream, and dammed and gentle-sloped channel deposits upstream) are therefore different for each model. Multi-storey wedges are a distinctive feature of the high-slope model. The initial knickpoint geometry and the tufa aggradation/progradation ratio on such steep surfaces (for example, related to changes in discharge) controlled the growth style of the cascades or barrage-cascades and, hence, the extent, thickness and vertical evolution of the upstream deposits. The sedimentological attributes and stable-isotope composition of the carbonate facies suggest a higher and more variable precipitation/evaporation ratio during the Pleistocene than during the Holocene, consistent with an overall decrease in the river discharge. This evolution was coupled with warm conditions, which prevailed during the stages of tufa formation. These results may help to assess architectural patterns in interpreting other basins, and underscore the significance of tufas as records of past hydrology and climate

    Tufa sedimentation in changing hydrological conditions: the River Mesa (Spain)

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    The processes controlling tufa deposition along the River Mesa (NE Spain) were studied from April 2003 to September 2009, based on six-monthly monitoring of physical and chemical parameters of the river water and sedimentological characteristics, including deposition rates on tablets. With a mean annual discharge around 1.5m3/s, the sedimentation rate (mean 2mm/yr) recorded important spatial, seasonal and interannual variations. The river waters are of the calcium bicarbonate type. In this study, three distinct river stretches were distinguished based on the steady groundwater inputs, some of low-thermal nature. Groundwater discharges controlled the water chemical composition, and some sedimentation features too. At each stretch, an increase in pCO2 and conductivity was measured around the spring sites. Decreasing trends in conductivity or alkalinity with high enough saturation values with respect to calcite were only clearly observed in the intermediate stretch, which had higher tufa deposition rates than the other two. Tufa deposition rates were higher in cool (autumn+winter) than in warm (spring+summer) periods. In some low-rainfall warm periods, tufa deposition was inhibited or limited due to the low flow –mainly from groundwater inputs– and to the dryness of some river sites, which indeed favoured erosion during flooding. A decrease in yearly deposition rates from April 2006 onwards paralleled an important reduction in the river discharge. Groundwater inputs, drought periods and flood events should therefore be considered to understand fluvial tufa sedimentation in semi-arid conditions

    Intrinsic and extrinsic controls of spatial and temporal variations in modern fluvial tufa sedimentation: A thirteen-year record from a semi-arid environment

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    Sedimentological and hydrochemical parameters of the River Piedra (north-east Spain) were monitored every six months (from 1999 to 2012) at 24 sites, at which tablets were installed all along the river. The river water is of HCO3–SO4–Ca type and is notably influenced by inputs from upstream karstic springs. Tufa deposition was first detected 8 km downstream of these springs and greatly increased from there, primarily along the steeper stretch (i.e. within the Monasterio de Piedra Natural Park); then, deposition decreased through the most downstream stretch, with smaller ground water inputs. The spatial evolution of the tufa thickness, with parallel variations of PWP (Plummer, Wigley, Parkhurst) rates, was thus determined by the river water pCO2 which was controlled by ground water inputs and by the river bed slope. Five fluvial subenvironments and seven sedimentary facies were characterized. The water flow conditions are the primary factor responsible for the distinct deposition rates of facies, mainly through CO2-outgassing. Stromatolites and moss-tufa and alga-tufa had the highest rates, whereas loose tufa formed in slow-flowing water and tufa of spray areas had thinner deposition. A six-month pattern in the deposition rate was detected through thickness measurements. That pattern was parallel to the seasonal PWP rates. The increased deposition during warm periods (spring and summer; mean: 5·08 mm) compared with cool periods (autumn and winter; mean: 2·77 mm) is linked chiefly to temperature, which controlled the seasonal changes in the physico-chemical and biological processes; this finding is supported by a principal components analysis. Seasonal variations of insolation and day duration also contributed to such a deposition pattern. Large discharge events, which provoked erosion of tufa deposits and dilution of water, caused the reversal of the seasonal deposition rate pattern. Stromatolites are likely to preserve the most complete sedimentary record. Although tufas are a potentially sensitive record of climate-related parameters, erosion is an intrinsic process that may overwhelm the effects of such parameters. This issue should be considered in palaeoclimatic studies based on the tufa record, particularly in semi-arid conditions

    Tufa sedimentation in changing hydrological conditions: the River Mesa (Spain)

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    The processes controlling tufa deposition along the River Mesa (NE Spain) were studied from April 2003 to September 2009, based on six-monthly monitoring of physical and chemical parameters of the river water and sedimentological characteristics, including deposition rates on tablets. With a mean annual discharge around 1.5m3 /s, the sedimentation rate (mean 2mm/yr) recorded important spatial, seasonal and interannual variations. The river waters are of the calcium bicarbonate type. In this study, three distinct river stretches were distinguished based on the steady groundwater inputs, some of low-thermal nature. Groundwater discharges controlled the water chemical composition, and some sedimentation features too. At each stretch, an increase in pCO2 and conductivity was measured around the spring sites. Decreasing trends in conductivity or alkalinity with high enough saturation values with respect to calcite were only clearly observed in the intermediate stretch, which had higher tufa deposition rates than the other two. Tufa deposition rates were higher in cool (autumn+winter) than in warm (spring+summer) periods. In some low-rainfall warm periods, tufa deposition was inhibited or limited due to the low flow –mainly from groundwater inputs– and to the dryness of some river sites, which indeed favoured erosion during flooding. A decrease in yearly deposition rates from April 2006 onwards paralleled an important reduction in the river discharge. Groundwater inputs, drought periods and flood events should therefore be considered to understand fluvial tufa sedimentation in semi-arid conditions

    Stable-isotope changes in tufa stromatolites of the Quaternary Añamaza fluvial system (Iberian Ranges, Spain)

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    The stable isotope composition (d13C and d18O) of the laminae in three Quaternary, calcitic, tufa stromatolites of different ages (MIS6, MIS5 and MIS1) in the Añamaza valley are studied and compared with the modern tufa in the Añamaza river. The cyclic textural variations represent thick cyanobacterial growth in the light laminae and thin or absent cyanobacterial growth in the dark laminae. The textural cyclicity is parallel to d18O changes: Each light-dark couplet corresponds to one year in which the light lamina (lower d18O values) represents warmer water temperatures (Tw) than the dark lamina (higher d18O values). This is consistent with the fact that the large crystals composing the dark laminae correspond to precipitation in the absence of microbial films and likely represent the coldest conditions. The d18Ocalcite-derived Tw from MIS5 stromatolite is higher than the MIS6 and MIS1 samples, which agrees with the commonly admitted climatic conditions during MIS5 in NE Iberia. Moreover, d18Oderived Tw from MIS6 suggests a wider yearly Tw range than the two other samples. The higher and more disperse d13C values of the MIS1 stromatolite are consistent with the peculiarities of the vegetal cover and the decreased water availability in the Holocene. Se estudia la composición isotópica ( d13C y d18O) de las låminas de tres estromatolitos calcíticos de diferente edad (MIS6, MIS5 y MIS1), en el valle del río Añamaza, y se compara con tobas actuales de este río. La variación textural cíclica representa un crecimiento cianobacteriano potente en las låminas claras y uno débil o ausente en las oscuras. Esta ciclicidad es paralela a los cambios del d18O: Cada pareja clara-oscura corresponde a un año, donde la låmina clara (menor d18O) representa temperatura de agua (Tw) mås cålida que la låmina oscura (mayor d18O). Los cristales grandes que forman las låminas oscuras precipitarían en ausencia de biofilms y posiblemente representan condiciones mås frías. La Tw derivada de d18O calcita en la muestra MIS5 es mayor que la Tw en las muestras MIS6 y MIS1, en consonancia con las condiciones climåticas durante el MIS5 en Iberia. Ade- mås, la Tw derivada de d18O calcita en la muestra MIS6 sugiere un rango de Tw anual mås amplio que en las otras dos muestras. La mayor dispersión y mayores valores de d13C en el estromatolito MIS1 son compatibles con las peculiaridades de la cobertera vegetal y la menor disponibilidad hídrica en el Holoceno

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care of cancer patients in Spain

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Càncer; EspanyaCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Cåncer; EspañaCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Cancer; SpainBackground Studies evaluating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public healthcare systems are limited, particularly in cancer management. As no such studies have been carried out in Spain, our objective is to describe and quantify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients in Spanish hospitals during the first wave of the pandemic. Materials and methods This retrospective, multicenter, nationwide study collected information from hospital departments treating oncology patients. An electronic questionnaire comparing outcomes and management of oncohematological patients for the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods was used. Results Information from 78 departments (36 tertiary hospitals) was analyzed. Forty-four departments implemented adapted protocols during March 2020. Most of these (n = 38/44; 86.4%) carried out COVID-19 triage, while 26 of 44 (59.1%) carried out onsite polymerase chain reaction tests for clinically suspected cases. A shift from in-person to telephone visits was observed in 43 of 44 (97.7%) departments. Comparing the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods, the number of new patients decreased by 20.8% (from 160.2 to 126.4). Decreases were also seen in the mean number of total (2858.2 versus 1686.1) and cancer (465.5 versus 367.2) biopsies, as well as the mean number of bone marrow biopsies (30.5 versus 18.6). Concerning the number of patients visiting specific cancer care departments, a decrease from 2019 to 2020 was seen for mean number of chemotherapy treatments (712.7 versus 643.8) and radiation therapy (2169.9 versus 2139.9). Finally, a reduction from 2019 to 2020 of 12.9% (from 8.6 to 7.4) in the mean number of patients included in clinical trials was noted. Conclusions This study provides the first comprehensive data concerning the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care in Spain. The pandemic caused a 20.8% decrease in newly diagnosed patients, which may impact future outcomes. Measures must be taken to ensure cancer management receives priority in times of healthcare emergencies.This work was supported by funding from the AECC, a non-profit organization, whose medical department funded the study and the medical writing (no grant number)

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care of cancer patients in Spain

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    Background: Studies evaluating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public healthcare systems are limited, particularly in cancer management. As no such studies have been carried out in Spain, our objective is to describe and quantify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients in Spanish hospitals during the first wave of the pandemic. Materials and methods: This retrospective, multicenter, nationwide study collected information from hospital departments treating oncology patients. An electronic questionnaire comparing outcomes and management of oncohematological patients for the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods was used. Results: Information from 78 departments (36 tertiary hospitals) was analyzed. Forty-four departments implemented adapted protocols during March 2020. Most of these (n = 38/44; 86.4%) carried out COVID-19 triage, while 26 of 44 (59.1%) carried out onsite polymerase chain reaction tests for clinically suspected cases. A shift from in-person to telephone visits was observed in 43 of 44 (97.7%) departments. Comparing the March-June 2019 and March-June 2020 periods, the number of new patients decreased by 20.8% (from 160.2 to 126.4). Decreases were also seen in the mean number of total (2858.2 versus 1686.1) and cancer (465.5 versus 367.2) biopsies, as well as the mean number of bone marrow biopsies (30.5 versus 18.6). Concerning the number of patients visiting specific cancer care departments, a decrease from 2019 to 2020 was seen for mean number of chemotherapy treatments (712.7 versus 643.8) and radiation therapy (2169.9 versus 2139.9). Finally, a reduction from 2019 to 2020 of 12.9% (from 8.6 to 7.4) in the mean number of patients included in clinical trials was noted. Conclusions: This study provides the first comprehensive data concerning the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care in Spain. The pandemic caused a 20.8% decrease in newly diagnosed patients, which may impact future outcomes. Measures must be taken to ensure cancer management receives priority in times of healthcare emergencies

    The efficacy of suppressive antibiotic treatment in patients managed non-operatively for periprosthetic joint infection and a draining sinus

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    Objectives: Patients with prosthetic joint infections (PJIs) not suitable for curative surgery may benefit from suppressive antibiotic therapy (SAT). However, the usefulness of SAT in cases with a draining sinus has never been investigated. Methods: A multicentre, retrospective observational cohort study was performed in which patients with a PJI and a sinus tract were eligible for inclusion if managed conservatively and if sufficient follow-up data were available (i.e. at least 2 years). SAT was defined as a period of > 6 months of oral antibiotic therapy. Results: SAT was initiated in 63 of 72 (87.5 %) included patients. Implant retention during follow-up was the same in patients receiving SAT vs. no SAT (79.4 % vs. 88.9 %; pCombining double low line0.68). In total, 27 % of patients using SAT experienced side effects. In addition, the occurrence of prosthetic loosening in initially fixed implants, the need for surgical debridement, or the occurrence of bacteremia during follow-up could not be fully prevented with the use of SAT, which still occurred in 42 %, 6.3 %, and 3.2 % of cases, respectively. However, the sinus tract tended to close more often (42 % vs. 13 %; pCombining double low line0.14), and a higher resolution of pain was observed (35 % vs. 14 %; pCombining double low line0.22) in patients receiving SAT. Conclusions: SAT is not able to fully prevent complications in patients with a draining sinus. However, it may be beneficial in a subset of patients, particularly in those with pain or the hindrance of a draining sinus. A future prospective study, including a higher number of patients not receiving SAT, is needed

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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